17 research outputs found

    Opening angle of human saphenous vein

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    In this study, the residual strain was evaluated for human saphenous vein. Rings of the vein from four donors (two male and two female; age 62±5 years) were radially cut to obtain the opening angle (α) of the tissue. It was found that the average opening angle (α) 45°±18° (mean±SD). Then, the intraluminal distribution of circumferential stress was computed for one donor in order to verify the uniform stress hypothesis (opening angle is homogenizing the stress distribution across the wall thickness). The results suggests that α obtained from experiments is close to the value of opening angle which homogenizes the stress distribution across the wall thickness determined from simulations

    Constitutive modelling of human perivascular adipose tissue

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    The mechanical properties of adipose tissue are studied rarely despite the fact that surrounding tissue plays an important role in arterial physiology and mechanobiology. This study deals with the determination of material parameters of human perivascular adipose tissue surrounding the abdominal aorta. The selected representative experimental curve from uniaxial tensile test was used to be fitted by Ogden, Gent, and Fung hyperelastic models assuming isotropic and incompressible material of perivascular tissue. The estimated material parameters are μ = 0.001 MPa and α = 28, μ = 0.026 MPa and Jm =0.067, μ = 0.018 MPa and b = 31.834, respectively. It was concluded that all applied mathematical models predicted nonlinear stress-strain relation ship satisfactorily with coefficient of determination 0.995, 0.981, 0.994, respectively

    Remote controlled gate controller using a GSM network and Arduino platform

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    Most remote controllers for entrance gates operate on free frequencies 433 or 868 MHz. However, this technology limits the user comfort, as it is usually not common that bi-directional communication is established. A higher comfort of controlling the entrance gates can be achieved by employing the GSM network for transmission of commands and messages between the gate controller and the user. In this case, only a conventional GSM cellular phone is needed to control the gate. A description of such a controller based on the GSM module and Arduino controller is provided in this paper

    Constitutive modelling of human perivascular adipose tissue

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    The mechanical properties of adipose tissue are studied rarely despite the fact that surrounding tissue plays an important role in arterial physiology and mechanobiology. This study deals with the determination of material parameters of human perivascular adipose tissue surrounding the abdominal aorta. The selected representative experimental curve from uniaxial tensile test was used to be fitted by Ogden, Gent, and Fung hyperelastic models assuming isotropic and incompressible material of perivascular tissue. The estimated material parameters are μ = 0.001 MPa and α = 28, μ = 0.026 MPa and Jm =0.067, μ = 0.018 MPa and b = 31.834, respectively. It was concluded that all applied mathematical models predicted nonlinear stress-strain relation ship satisfactorily with coefficient of determination 0.995, 0.981, 0.994, respectively

    Automated Construction of Reasonable Environment for Java Components

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    In software component verification, one of the challenges is model checking of isolated components. The environment of an isolated component is unknown, and therefore a part of an input to a model checker is missing. This problem can be addressed via automated generation of an artificial environment â?? component and its environment form a complete program that can be verified using common model checkers. Focusing on concurrency errors in Java components, we propose to automatically generate a reasonable artificial environment that makes efficient detection of concurrency errors with Java PathFinder possible. Such an environment executes in parallel those component's methods that interact via concurrency constructs of Java and thus likely contain concurrency errors. We employ static code analysis to identify sets of methods to be executed in parallel and a metric to order the sets according to the degree of interaction. Benefits of the technique are illustrated on results of experiments performed on real-life Java components