17 research outputs found

    Training Using a Commercial Immersive Virtual Reality System on Hand-Eye Coordination and Reaction Time in Young Musicians: A Pilot Study

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    The implementation of virtual reality (VR) opens up a wide range of possibilities for the development of dexterity, speed and precision of movements. The aim of this study was to investigate whether immersive VR training affected the hand-eye coordination and reaction time in students of the state music school. This study implemented a single-group pre-post study design. This study enrolled 14 individuals, submitted to a 15 min training session of the immersive music game "Beat Saber", once a day for 5 consecutive days. The plate-tapping test (PTT) and the ruler-drop test (Ditrich's test) were used to assess the reaction time. Trial-making test (TMT) A and TMT B were used to assess coordination and visual attention. Analysis of the results showed a statistically significant improvement in hand-eye coordination and reaction time of music school students using the TMT-A (p < 0.002), TMT-B (p < 0.001), Ditrich's test for the non-dominant hand (0.025) and PTT (0.0001) after applying a week-long training period in immersive VR. The results obtained in the present study show that the VR system, along with the immersive music game, has the potential to improve hand-eye coordination and reaction time in young musicians, which may lead to the faster mastering of a musical instrument

    Ocena stężenia adypocytokin u dzieci z przewlekłą chorobą nerek

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    Introduction: Adipose tissue through the many secreted adipocytokines creates a highly active metabolic and endocrine organ. The evaluationof serum adipocytokine concentration in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) could serve as a marker of cardio-vascularcomplication progression and an index of outcome in adulthood and after kidney transplantation.Material and methods: The aim of the study was to evaluate simultaneously the serum concentrations of six different adipocytokines:adiponectin, apelin, chemerin, omentin, resistin, and vaspin, in 28 children with CKD stage 5 on haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.Results: The concentration of apelin, omentin, and resistin in children with CKD was significantly higher and the concentration ofvaspin, adiponectin, and chemerin was significantly lower than in the control group. After adjusting to body mass index (BMI), the sameresults were obtained. After adjusting to body surface area (BSA), the concentration of vaspin, adiponectin, and chemerin did not differbetween children with CKD and the control group. In analysis of the correlation between serum total adipocytokine levels in childrenwith CKD we found a negative relationship in pairs: omentin–apelin and omentin–vaspin, and positive in pairs: adiponectin–chemerinand adiponectin–resistin.Conclusions: Our results show that changes in serum adipocytokines concentration are associated with the kidney dysfunction in CKDin children. Longitudinal studies on larger groups of paediatric cohorts would be helpful in investigating whether adipocytokines playa harmful role in the development of CKD and would enable further understanding of the risk factors for CKD progression.(Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (2): 100–107)Wstęp: Tkanka tłuszczowa poprzez wydzielane liczne adipocytokiny tworzy narząd bardzo aktywny metabolicznie i hormonalnie. Ocena stężenia adipocytokin w surowicy krwi u dzieci z przewlekłą chorobą nerek (CKD) może służyć jako marker progresji powikłań sercowo-naczyniowych i wskaźnik rokowniczy w wieku dorosłym i po przeszczepie nerki.Materiał i metody: Celem pracy była ocena stężenia w surowicy krwi jednocześnie sześciu różnych adipocytokin: adiponektyny, apeliny, chemeryny, omentyny, rezystyny i waspiny u 28 dzieci z CKD w stadium 5. leczonych hemodializami i dializą otrzewnową.Wyniki: Stężenie apeliny, omentyny i rezystyny u dzieci z CKD było znacząco wyższe, stężenie waspiny adiponektyny, chemeryny było znacząco niższe niż w grupie kontrolnej. Po skorygowaniu do wartości BMI uzyskano takie same wyniki. Po skorygowaniu do wartości powierzchni ciała stężenia waspiny, adiponektyny i chemeryny nie różniły się u dzieci z CKD i w grupie kontrolnej. W analizie korelacji pomiędzy całkowitym stężeniem adipocytokin w surowicy krwi u dzieci z CKD stwierdzono ujemną zależność w parach: omentyna–apelina i omentyna–waspina i pozytywną w parach: adiponektyna–chemeryna, rezystyna–adiponektyna.Wnioski: Wyniki przedstawionego badania wskazują, że zmiany stężenia adipocytokin w surowicy krwi są związane z upośledzeniem czynności nerek w CKD u dzieci. Długoterminowe badania w większych grupach pediatrycznych byłyby pomocne w wyjaśnieniu, czy adipocytokiny odgrywają niekorzystną rolę w rozwoju CKD, oraz umożliwiłyby dalsze zrozumienie czynników ryzyka progresji CKD. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (2): 100–107

    Impact of graphene-based surfaces on the basic biological properties of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells : implications for ex vivo cell expansion aimed at tissue repair

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    The potential therapeutic applications of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) and biomaterials have attracted a great amount of interest in the field of biomedical engineering. MSCs are multipotent adult stem cells characterized as cells with specific features, e.g., high differentiation potential, low immunogenicity, immunomodulatory properties, and efficient in vitro expansion ability. Human umbilical cord Wharton&rsquo;s jelly-derived MSCs (hUC-MSCs) are a new, important cell type that may be used for therapeutic purposes, i.e., for autologous and allogeneic transplantations. To improve the therapeutic efficiency of hUC-MSCs, novel biomaterials have been considered for use as scaffolds dedicated to the propagation and differentiation of these cells. Nowadays, some of the most promising materials for tissue engineering include graphene and its derivatives such as graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO). Due to their physicochemical properties, they can be easily modified with biomolecules, which enable their interaction with different types of cells, including MSCs. In this study, we demonstrate the impact of graphene-based substrates (GO, rGO) on the biological properties of hUC-MSCs. The size of the GO flakes and the reduction level of GO have been considered as important factors determining the most favorable surface for hUC-MSCs growth. The obtained results revealed that GO and rGO are suitable scaffolds for hUC-MSCs. hUC-MSCs cultured on: (i) a thin layer of GO and (ii) an rGO surface with a low reduction level demonstrated a viability and proliferation rate comparable to those estimated under standard culture conditions. Interestingly, cell culture on a highly reduced GO substrate resulted in a decreased hUC-MSCs proliferation rate and induced cell apoptosis. Moreover, our analysis demonstrated that hUC-MSCs cultured on all the tested GO and rGO scaffolds showed no alterations of their typical mesenchymal phenotype, regardless of the reduction level and size of the GO flakes. Thus, GO scaffolds and rGO scaffolds with a low reduction level exhibit potential applicability as novel, safe, and biocompatible materials for utilization in regenerative medicine

    Examining of basic biological properties of human mesenchymal stem cells cultured in presence of reduced graphene oxide in vitro

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    Ludzkie mezenchymalne komórki macierzyste pochodzące z galarety Whartona (hUC-MSCs) charakteryzują się nieinwazyjną metodą izolacji, immunosupresyjnym działaniem wysokim potencjałem do różnicowania. To sprawia, że coraz częściej znajdują one zastosowanie w medycynie regeneracyjnej. Co więcej, z przeprowadzonych dotychczas badań wynika, że grafen i jego pochodne mają zdolność do regulowania proliferacji, żywotności i różnicowania komórek macierzystych.Celem pracy licencjackiej była ocena wpływu podłoża hodowlanego pokrytego zredukowanym tlenkiem grafenu (rGO) o zróżnicowanym stopniu zredukowania i grubości warstwy na morfologię, fenotyp, tempo proliferacji oraz żywotność ludzkich mezenchymalnych komórek macierzystych pochodzących z galarety Whartona (hUC-MSCs) w warunkach in vitro. Analizę morfologiczną komórek hUC-MSCs przeprowadzono poprzez ich obserwację w czasie 24, 48 i 72 h hodowli na podłożu opartym o rGO. Wpływ rGO na fenotyp hUC-MSCs sprawdzono przeprowadzając ocenę poziomu ekspresji antygenów powierzchniowych CD45, CD90 oraz CD105 po 72 h hodowli i wykorzystaniu cytometrii przepływowej. W celu oceny tempa wzrostu wykonano test proliferacji w komorze Burkera. Ocenę żywotności komórek hUC-MSCs hodowanych na podłożach opartych o rGO, wykonano przy użyciu komercyjnie dostępnego zestawu FITC Annexin V Apoptosis Detection Kit I (BD Pharmingen). Kontrolę stanowiły hUC-MSCs hodowane na standardowej płytce hodowlanej.Analiza morfologiczna wykazała znaczące obkurczenie komórek hodowanych przez 72h na grubej warstwie rGO o wysokim stopniu zredukowania, które może świadczyć o rozpoczęciu procesu apoptozy. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na znaczący wpływ rGO o wysokim stopniu redukcji na zahamowanie wzrostu komórek i zwiększenie ich śmiertelności na drodze apoptozy. We wszystkich badanych warunkach, komórki wykazywały wysoką ekspresję antygenów typowych dla komórek mezenchymalnych (CD90 i CD105), przy jednoczesnej bardzo niskiej ekspresji charakterystycznego dla komórek hematopoetycznych antygenu CD45.Wyniki uzyskane w pracy wskazują, że podłoża hodowlane oparte o rGO mają istotny wpływ na zachowanie komórek hUC-MSCs i ich podstawowe biologiczne właściwości.Human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSCs) are characterized by noninvasive isolation procedure, immunosuppressive activity and high differentiation potential. These properties make them optimal cell to application in regenarative medicine. The recent researches indicate that graphene and it’s derivatives possess the ability to regulate stem cells proliferation, viability and potential to differentiation.The aim of the study was to compare the influence of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) scaffolds in different level of reduction and thickness on morphology, phenotype, proliferation rate and viability of hUC-MSCs in in vitro study. Morphological analysis of hUC-MSCs were carried out after 24, 48 and 72 h cell culture on rGO scaffolds. The influence of rGO on phenotype of hUC-MSCs was examined by evaluation of the level of surface antigens CD45, CD90 and CD105 by flow cytometry. The proliferation rate was investigated by proliferation test in a Burker chamber. The assessment of cell viability of hUC-MSCs cultured on rGO substrates, was conducted using a commercially available kit Annexin V FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit I (BD Pharmingen). Standard plastic plate was used as a control.The results indicate that highly reduced and thick film of rGO may influence on morphology changes of hUC-MSCs what may suggest inducing of apoptosis process. We showed that highly reduced rGO scaffolds inhibit cells proliferation and stimulate apoptosis. In all examined conditions hUC-MSCs exhibit high expression level of mesenchymal antigens (CD90 and CD105), with simultaneously low level of hematopoietic marker (CD45). The obtained results demonstrated that rGO based scaffolds possess relevant impact on hUC-MSCs behavior and their basic biological properties

    The influence of reduced graphene oxide on biological and functional properties of human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells in vitro

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    Wykorzystanie mezenchymalnych komórek macierzystych (MSCs) jest jednym z obiecujących narzędzi stosowanym w terapii pozawałowej. Interesującą populację stanowią MSCs pozyskiwane z galarety Whartona sznura pępowinowego (hUC-MSCs), które odznaczają się m.in. szybkim tempem wzrostu, właściwościami immunomodulacyjnymi oraz wysokim potencjałem do różnicowania in vitro. Nowym podejściem wspomagającym proces regeneracji jest połączenie terapii komórkowej z inżynierią tkankową. Materiały grafenowe, w tym zredukowany tlenek grafenu (rGO), ze względu na swoje unikatowe właściwości np. wysoką wytrzymałość mechaniczną oraz biokompatybilność, mogą stanowić potencjalne nowe narzędzie w regeneracji tkanek. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena materiałów opartych o rGO, jako innowacyjnego podłoża hodowlanego, przeznaczonego do wzrostu i różnicowania komórek hUC-MSCs w kierunku kardiomiocytów oraz komórek śródbłonka. Biokompatybilność podłoży opartych o rGO o zróżnicowanym stopniu redukcji i poziomie pokrycia powierzchni, oceniono na podstawie analizy morfologicznej, testu proliferacji i testu apoptozy w komórkach hUC-MSCs hodowanych in vitro. W oparciu o uzyskane wyniki, wybrano optymalne podłoża hodowlane przygotowywane poprzez redukcję tlenku grafenu z wykorzystaniem: 1) polifenonu 60 (rGO P60, H2O) 2) kwasu L-askorbinowego (rGO KA, BR, EtOH). Ponadto, zbadano wpływ wyselekcjonowanych podłoży na fenotyp, cykl komórkowy, zdolności adhezyjne hUC-MSCs oraz ich potencjał do różnicowania w kierunku kardiomiocytów i komórek śródbłonka in vitro. Stopień specjalizacji komórek sprawdzono na poziomie mRNA, białka oraz w testach funkcjonalnych in vitro. Standardowa polistyrenowa płytka hodowlana stanowiła kontrolę we wszystkich eksperymentach. Wyniki przeprowadzonych doświadczeń wskazują, że podłoża rGO o wysokim stopniu redukcji mogą negatywnie wpływać na właściwości biologiczne hUC-MSCs. Co więcej, zaobserwowano, że powierzchnie rGO o niskim stopniu redukcji oddziałują na przebieg cyklu komórkowego oraz modulują zdolności adhezyjne hUC-MSCs przy jednoczesnym utrzymaniu prawidłowego fenotypu komórek. Dodatkowo, wykazano, że rGO P60, H2O może stymulować specjalizację komórek hUC-MSCs w kierunku kardiomiocytów i komórek śródbłonka in vitro, z kolei rGO KA, BR, EtOH nie wykazuje takiej aktywności. Podsumowując, otrzymane wyniki wskazują, że podłoża oparte o rGO mogą istotnie wpływać na właściwości biologiczne i funkcjonalne hUC-MSC.Application of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in cardiac tissue repair, is wide interest within the field of regenerative medicine. In particular, human Wharton’s jelly umbilical cord–derived mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSCs) characterized with e.g. high proliferation potential and immunomodulatory properties, represent promising cell population in cell therapy. A possible novel approach supporting the regeneration process is combination of cell therapy with tissue engineering. Recently, graphene-based materials, such as reduced graphene oxide (rGO) have been recognized as potential biomaterials for tissue regeneration due to their unique properties, e.g. mechanical strength and biocompatibility. Thus, the aim of the study was to determine the most suitable rGO-based films dedicated for growth and differentiation of hUC-MSCs into cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells in vitro.Biocompatibility assessment of rGO films characterised by distinct level of reduction and surface coverage was carried out by morphological analysis, proliferation and apoptosis assays on hUC-MSCs in vitro. Based on the obtained results, the most optimal films were selected, which were prepared by graphene oxide reduction with: 1) polyphenone 60 (rGO P60, H2O) 2) L-ascorbic acid (rGO KA, BR, EtOH) as reducing agents. In addition, the effect of the selected surfaces on hUC-MSC properties was examined by their influence on cell phenotype, cell cycle, adhesion capacity and differentiation potential of hUC-MSCs into cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells in vitro. Cellular differentiation was analysed at mRNA and protein levels as well as in functional assays. In all procedures, standard tissue culture plate was used as a control. The results indicated that highly-reduced rGO substrates are not suitable for hUC-MSCs culture due to decreased proliferation rate and induced cell apoptosis in vitro. Moreover, it was observed that rGO films with higher oxygen content can affect on the cell cycle and modulate adhesion capacity of hUC-MSCs. Furthermore, rGO films did not impact on hUC-MSCs phenotype. In addition, obtained data suggested that rGO P60, H2O can enhance differentiation of hUC-MSCs into cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells in vitro, whereas rGO KA, BR, EtOH did not show such activity. Thus, results indicate that rGO films possess relevant impact on biological and functional properties of hUC-MSCs

    Health behaviours of pregnant women and gestational weight gains – a pilot study

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    Introduction: Abnormal weight gain during pregnancy may exert a negative effect on the development of the foetus, the course of pregnancy, and later the state of health of the mother and her baby. Due to the unfavourable health consequences of abnormal body weight gains in expectant mothers studies of the factors that determine the amount of these gains are important. Aim of the research : Evaluation of the relationship between health behaviours in pregnancy, nutritional status before pregnancy, selected socio-demographic factors, and gestational weight gain. Material and methods : The investigation included 274 women. Using a questionnaire, information was collected pertaining to the place of residence, age, body height and weight, cigarette smoking, and eating habits during pregnancy. The total weight gain during pregnancy was calculated as the difference between perinatal weight and pre-pregnancy body weight. Gestational weight gains were classified as low, recommended, or high. Results: Increased risk of high weight gain was associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages (odds ratio (OR) = 2.82), especially beer (OR = 2.72), high consumption of products supplying proteins of animal origin (OR = 2.87), and overweight before pregnancy (OR = 3.37), as well as the delivery being the mother’s first, compared to the third and subsequent childbirth (OR = 4.17). Conclusions: This study indicates that there is a need for health education among females at reproductive age in order to reduce excess weight before conception, and promotion of adequate health behaviours in pregnancy, which would allow the maintenance of normal weight gain during this period

    The Use of a Solid Bismuth Microelectrode for Vanadium Quantification by Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetry in Environmental Water Samples

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    This paper presents for the first time the use of an environmentally friendly solid bismuth microelectrode for the voltammetric quantification of V(V) in natural water samples. These studies were designed to replace the film bismuth electrode that had been introduced to eliminate the conventional sensors based on highly toxic mercury. In the proposed procedure, V(V) is preconcentrated at the solid bismuth microelectrode surface via the formation of electroactive complexes with cupferron from a solution of 0.1-mol L&minus;1 acetate buffer, pH = 4.6 at a potential of &minus;0.4 V. The linearity of the calibration graph is in the V(V) concentration range from 8 &times; 10&minus;10 to 1 &times; 10&minus;7 mol L&minus;1 with a preconcentration time of 1 min. The limit of detection (calculated as 3 &sigma;) is 2.5 &times; 10&minus;10 mol L&minus;1 for a preconcentration time of 1 min. It was also demonstrated that significant improvement in analytical parameters was achieved as a result of the activation of the solid electrode surface at a potential of &minus;2.5 V for 2 s. The developed procedure is highly selective for the presence of foreign ions and organic compounds in tested samples. The accuracy of the recommended procedure was checked using SPS-WW1 waste water-certified reference materials of a complex composition, in which the concentration of V(V) determined by the proposed method was 95.1 &plusmn; 1.6 ng mL&minus;1. Moreover, in keeping with the outlined procedure, river, tap and rain water samples were analyzed without any pretreatment, and recovery values from 96% to 106% were obtained