27 research outputs found

    Wie nützlich ist Sprachlerntandem? Formen, Potenziale und Grenzen der Tandemarbeit beim E-Tandemlernen in universitären Sprachkursen

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    This article focuses on a German-Polish e-tandem course between Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań and the Technical University of Darmstadt, which was conducted as a joint cooperation seminar in real time on both sides. As part of the tandem project, students of Applied Linguistics in Poznań and students of the Darmstadt Language Centre created and presented their own video podcasts in mixed German-Polish tandems. The author discusses possible forms of language learning tandems and the main achievements of language e-tandem DaPo-cooperation on the basis of a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the students’ questionnaires. After the initial conclusions, the author formulates new questions that may help to develop an innovative e-tandem model for university language course


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    Kooperatives Miteinander statt Nebeneinander. Zur Beziehung zwischen der interkulturellen Fremdsprachendidaktik und den Kulturwissenschafte

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    The goal of developing the learner's intercultural communicative competence can best be achieved by an intercultural approach of foreign language teaching encompassing both the acquisition of linguistic and cultural competence as well as combining cognitive, communicative and affective goals to learning languages. In the field of intercultural foreign language teaching research, however, the most recent findings in cultural studies can influence effective methods of developing intercultural communicative competence. The aim of the article is therefore to focus on the importance of different cultural disciplines, examing their connections with cognitive and affective goals of foreign language teaching. The conclusive part of the paper points at issues that can become the object of further glottodidactic research.The goal of developing the learner's intercultural communicative competence can best be achieved by an intercultural approach of foreign language teaching encompassing both the acquisition of linguistic and cultural competence as well as combining cognitive, communicative and affective goals to learning languages. In the field of intercultural foreign language teaching research, however, the most recent findings in cultural studies can influence effective methods of developing intercultural communicative competence. The aim of the article is therefore to focus on the importance of different cultural disciplines, examing their connections with cognitive and affective goals of foreign language teaching. The conclusive part of the paper points at issues that can become the object of further glottodidactic research


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    Mobile Foreign Language Learning with Podcasts

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    Mobiles Lernen im Bereich des Fremdsprachenlernens kann in unzähligen Lernsettings und anhand unterschiedlicher Anwendungsszenarien erfolgen. Im Fokus des vorliegenden Beitrags steht das mobile Fremdsprachenlernen mit Podcasts. In dem Beitrag wird zunächst auf theoretische Grundlagen des mobilen Fremdsprachenlernens und den aktuellen Forschungsstand zum Fremdsprachenlernen mit Podcasts eingegangen. Anschliessend wird die Konzeption einer explorativ angelegten Fragebogenstudie erläutert, die am Sprachenzentrum der TU Darmstadt durchgeführt wurde, um zu ermitteln, wie Podcasts von Studenten/-innen zum Fremdsprachenlernen genutzt werden und welche Wünsche es diesbezüglich gibt. Darauf aufbauend werden ausgewählte Befragungsergebnisse in Bezug auf die Nutzung von mobilen Endgeräten und von Podcasts zum Fremdsprachenlernen dargestellt und diskutiert. Zum Schluss werden Konsequenzen für mögliche Anwendungsszenarien innerhalb und ausserhalb des Fremdsprachenunterrichts gezogen.Mobile learning in the field of learning foreign languages may take place in different settings and in various application scenarios. The following article focuses on the mobile learning of foreign languages by means of podcasts. The paper describes firstly the theoretical foundations of mobile foreign language learning and reports the current state of research on using podcasts in learning foreign languages. Subsequently the design of the exploratory questionnaire survey, conducted among students at the Language Centre of TU Darmstadt, will be explained. The survey was carried out in order to find out, how podcasts are used by students to learn foreign languages and what kind of wishes they have in connection with this. Building on this, the selected survey results concerning the use of mobile devices and podcasts to learn foreign languages will be presented and discussed. On this basis, the consequences for possible application scenarios in and outside the foreign language classroom will be drawn here as well


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    DaF-Lehrerausbildung in Deutschland und Polen: Konzeption und Durchführung eines Kooperationsprojekts zur Erstellung und Erprobung von Hörverstehensmaterialien

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    Im Beitrag wird ein Kooperationsprojekt dargestellt, in dem Lehrveranstaltungen des Instituts für Schulpädagogik der Philipps-Universität Marburg und des Instituts für Angewandte Linguistik der Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität Poznań im Bereich der Förderung der Hörverstehenskompetenz verzahnt wurden: Marburger DaF-Studierende erstellten Hörverstehensmaterialien, die in sprach-praktischen Lehrveranstaltungen mit DaF-Studierenden in Poznań erprobt wurden. Nach einer Beschreibung der DaF-Lehrerausbildung an beiden Universitäten erläutern die Autorinnen Aufbau, Ablauf und Evaluation der Lehrveranstaltungen. Abschließend wird in einem Fazit aufgezeigt, welcher Nutzen sich durch die Kooperation für beide Studierendengruppen ergab.The article presents a project aimed at the development of listening comprehension skills and based on the cooperation between the Institute of School Pedagogy (Institut für Schulpädagogik) at the Philipps University in Marburg and the Institute of Ap plied Linguistics (Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej) at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Educated for the profession of German language teachers, students from Marburg designed didactic materials for listening which were verified by foreign language students in Poznań during their practical German classes. Having characterized the studies for foreign language teacher trainees in both universities, the authors discuss the rationale, the process and the evaluation of the courses. Finally, the conclusion shows the benefits of the cooperation for both groups of students involved in this bilateral project.Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje projekt opierający się na współpracy między Instytutem Lingwistyki Stosowanej w Poznaniu a Instytutem Pedagogiki Szkolnej w Marburgu w zakresie wspierania umiejętności odbioru obcojęzycznych tekstów audialnych i audiowizualnych: Kształceni do zawodu nauczyciela języka niemieckiego jako obcego studenci z Marburga opracowali materiały dydaktyczne do treningu słuchowego, które zostały wypróbowane w ramach zajęć praktycznych z j. niemieckiego ze studentami z Poznania. Po charakterystyce nauczycielskich studiów językowych w Marburgu i w Poznaniu autorki omawiają koncepcję, przebieg i ewaluację obu kursów. Artykuł kończy podsumowanie poświęcone zreferowaniu korzyści kooperacji dla dwóch uczestniczących w tym bilateralnym projekcie grup studenckich

    Approaches to the increasing linguistic diversity in Greek and Polish classrooms: Different contexts with similar problems

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    The paper discusses key educational issues related to the processes of decision-making and continuous teacher development at the level of the national (educational) authorities in Greece and Poland, regarding the urgency of the needs arising from the intensifying migration in the EU over the last two decades, and in view of the research conducted within the MaMLiSE project. The paper begins by reporting the official decisions and policies which laid the grounds for tackling the considerable linguistic variety that now characterises the school populations in each country, caused by the phenomenon of migration, and with refugee flows included. In addition, country-specific methods and resources used to produce educational materials for pupils from a migration background are presented. Finally, the available educational materials and their suitability to the specificity of each country’s current educational conditions are discussed. The concluding remarks are that a strong need is currently emerging for 1) nominating key-points in the pre- and in-service training of teachers with regard to multilingual classroom management, intercultural awareness and language sensitive subject teaching, 2) extrapolating common features necessary for the production of educational material (e.g. adaptability to new conditions, ease and flexibility of use in class, allowing translanguaging practices), and 3) negotiating shared educational principles (e.g. assessment framework, constructive use of language heritages at schools)

    Sprechhemmungen bei multikulturellen Austauschprojekten und ihre Wirkung auf interkulturelles Lernen an Hochschulen

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    Inhibitions in speaking (or fear of speaking) can affect communicative processes in cross-cultural groups of learners. They may result from numerous emotional, cognitive or psychophysiological factors. The article concentrates on the most common types of inhibitions observed in a group of students during a project based seminar which took place in Poznań in December 2016. The seminar was a joint venture organised by Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the University of Marburg. The student participants were working on developing cultural teaching materials, and after the seminar they took part in a qualitative survey intended to examine their reflections concerning the project. The article presents a discussion of selected findings