110 research outputs found

    On the Judicialisation of International Law

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    The judicialisation of international law is a relatively recent phenomenon that gained momentum in the 1990s and 2000s. Coupled with the trend towards widespread compulsory jurisdiction, it has been crucial in strengthening the commitment of states to adhere to their international obligations. Another important effect of judicialisation on international law is that at least certain international norms have acquired an “objective” nature, detached from the will of states. This is because the interpretation and application of these norms is no longer dependent solely upon the subjective discretion of states, but is subject to consideration and examination by independent judicial bodies. The process of judicialisation, while contributing to the international rule of law, has undoubtedly changed the face of international law a great deal as a result of some other factors. The multiplication of international courts has led to the expansion of the judicial institutional layer, making international law less horizontal. Also, as a result of the growing case-law of these courts, the system of international law is becoming more complex and developed, and thus also more mature. The natural aspect of the judicial function is the development of international law. Despite the problems and risks involved, the proliferation of international courts and tribunals can be perceived as one of the important components of the dynamic transformation of international law during the recent decades

    Umieralność wewnątrzszpitalna w okresie 5-letnim wśród chorych neurologicznych — retrospektywne, jednoośrodkowe badanie

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    Introduction. Neurological disorders have been considered for many years dangerous and are associated with higher risk of in-hospital death. Brain vascular disorders are widely considered as the most severe and related to the highest mortality rate.Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the mortality rate in subjects hospitalized in the Neurology ward within 5 years, in particular the etiology, direct cause and predictability of deaths.Material and Methods. This study is retrospective. The documentation analysis concerned the last 5 years, i.e. from 2015 to 2019. From among the entire database of 8247 patients hospitalized in the Neurology Clinic of the University Hospital No. 1 in Bydgoszcz, 429 deaths were reported and analyzed.Results. The mortality rate was 5.2% among all subjects, 6.6% among all vascular patients and 1.16% among non-vascular subjects. The highest mortality was reported among hemorrhagic stroke (28.4%) and it was significantly higher compared to ischemic stroke (OR = 6.25, 95% CI 4.9–7.8, p < 0.0001). Patients with stroke had significantly higher mortality compared to other neurological disorders (OR = 11.08 95% CI 7.7–15.9, p < 0.0001). The main direct reason of death (80%) was primary cerebral as a result of baseline disease. 7% of deaths were considered as sudden, unexpected and 10.7% were related to complications developed during hospitalization.Conclusions. Stroke, especially hemorrhagic subtype, still remains the cause of the highest in-hospital mortality rate in the Neurology Ward. It is worth to notice that special attention should be paid to patients with coexisting infectious diseases, that contribute to higher mortality risk. (JNNN 2020;9(1):20–26)Wstęp. Choroby neurologiczne są od wielu lat uważane za niebezpieczne i wiążące się z dużym ryzykiem zgonu wewnątrzszpitalnego. Za największe zagrożenie uważa są obecnie choroby naczyniowe mózgu, które są obarczone największą śmiertelnością.Cel. Celem badania była ocena wskaźnika umieralności wśród chorych hospitalizowanych na oddziale neurologicznym w przeciągu 5 lat, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem etiologii, bezpośredniej przyczyny i przewidywalności zgonów.Materiał i metody. Badanie to ma charakter retrospektywny. Analiza dokumentacji dotyczyła 5 ostatnich lat tj. od 2015 do 2019 r. Spośród całej bazy danych 8247 pacjentów hospitalizowanych w Klinice Neurologii Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego nr 1 w Bydgoszczy, odnotowano 429 zgonów, które zostały poddane analizie.Wyniki. Wskaźnik umieralności wyniósł 5,2% wśród wszystkich chorych, 6,6% wśród chorych naczyniowych i 1,16% wśród chorych nienaczyniowych. Największą śmiertelność zanotowano u pacjentów z udarem krwotocznym mózgu (28,4%) i była ona istotnie wyższa w porównaniu z udarem niedokrwiennym (OR = 6,25, 95% CI 4,9–7,8, p < 0,0001). Chorzy z udarem mózgu mają istotnie wyższą śmiertelność w porównaniu z innymi jednostkami neurologicznymi (OR = 11,08 95% CI 7,7–15,9, p < 0,0001). Najczęstszą bezpośrednią przyczyną zgonu (80%) była przyczyna pierwotnie mózgowa w przebiegu choroby podstawowej. 7% zgonów zakwalifikowano jako nagłe, niespodziewane a 10,7% zgonów było konsekwencją powikłań wewnątrzszpitalnych.Wnioski. Udar mózgu, zwłaszcza krwotoczny, ciągle pozostaje przyczyną zgonu wewnątrzszpitalnego o największym wskaźniku śmiertelności. Należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę na chorych z towarzyszącymi infekcjami, które istotnie przyczyniają się do większej śmiertelności. (PNN 2020;9(1):20–26

    Competitiveness of sports market enterprises: determinants, classification, challenges

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    Motivation: Over recent years, dynamic development of new sectors and industries has been observed. As research conducted in 2004 shows in the entire European Union, sport generated 407 billion EUR of value added, which is 3.7% of GDP of the entire EU. At the same time, it generated 15 million jobs, which is 5.4% across the EU. According to the Report of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism presented in 2010 named Rachunek Satelitarny Sportu dla Polski, in the 2006 in Poland, the total value of demand for sports goods and services was PLN 20.7 billion. This is equivalent to the share of GDP in total Polish GDP in 2006 at 1.96%. Increasing the number of entities on the sports goods and services market mainly on the supply side resulted in increased competition and the need to devote their attention to elements related to competitiveness.Aim: This paper aims to present the main determinants, analyze and attempts to classify sports market entities in team-played disciplines. The study included subjects competing in the field of volleyball.Results: As a result of the study, conclusions regarding the manner of their rivalry and the instruments of competition used for this purpose were presented. A group of factors shaping a competitive position was listed. One of the major conclusions was statement that clubs competitive position can only be measured in terms of sport results. This is due to the fact that there are different priorities in shaping the budget. Part of the sport entities may focus on maximizing the budget while some maximize profit. The paper is the starting point for further research on competitiveness on the sports market to be gradually extended by further disciplines

    Ocena wybranych parametrów stanu zapalnego u chorych z udarem krwotocznym

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    Introduction. In the acute phase of stroke, the development of inflammation within the stroke focus can be observed.Therefore, in response to the inflammatory process in the brain, an inflammatory reaction occurs in the peripheral blood.Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the parameters of inflammation in peripheral blood in a group of patientswith haemorrhagic stroke.Material and Methods. The study included 64 patients with haemorrhagic stroke hospitalized at the Stroke Centreof the Department of Neurology, University Hospital no. 1 in Bydgoszcz. The type and location of the stroke wereverified by a head CT scan performed on the first day of hospitalization. On the first day of stroke, together withroutine laboratory tests, the level of CRP1, WBC1, PCT, OB and fibrinogen1 was determined. CRP2, WBC2 andfibrinogen2 levels were repeated on the 14th day of stroke. Patients with infection were excluded from the study.Non-parametric statistical methods were used in the analysis: the Mann–Whitney test, the Kruskal–Wallis test andthe Spearman correlation coefficient.Results. Subcortical localization of the haemorrhagic focus was found in the majority of patients. Both baselineand control CRP and WBC values were outside the laboratory range. There were no statistically significant differencesbetween the baseline and control CRP and WBC values, while the control fibrinogen level was significantly higherthan baseline (p<0.041). Patients who died and/or those with impaired consciousness had statistically significantlyhigher values of inflammatory parameters (except OB, PCT and FIBR1) compared to patients who survived andwere conscious.Conclusions. In our study, we observed a significant increase in fibrinogen levels 14 days after the onset of the stroke.In addition, the control level of fibrinogen correlated with the size of the haemorrhagic focus and the clinical conditionof the patients. Further research is needed in this area. (JNNN 2023;12(1):3–8)Wstęp. W ostrej fazie udaru mózgu zaobserwować można rozwój stanu zapalnego w obrębie ogniska udarowego. W związku z powyższym w odpowiedzi na proces zapalny w mózgu, dochodzi do reakcji zapalnej we krwi obwodowej. Cel. Celem pracy była ocena parametrów stanu zapalnego we krwi obwodowej w grupie chorych z udarem krwotocznym. Materiał i metody. Do badania włączono 64 chorych z udarem krwotocznym hospitalizowanych w Centrum Udaru Mózgu Kliniki Neurologii Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego nr 1 w Bydgoszczy. Typ i lokalizację udaru weryfikowano badaniem KT głowy wykonywanym w pierwszej dobie hospitalizacji. W pierwszej dobie udaru wraz z rutynowymi badaniami laboratoryjnymi oznaczano poziom CRP1, WBC1, PCT, OB oraz fibrynogenu1. Badanie poziomu CRP2, WBC2 i fibrynogenu2 powtarzano w 14 dobie udaru. Z badania wyłączono pacjentów z infekcją. W analizie zastosowano nieparametryczne metody statystyczne: test Manna–Whitneya, test Kruskala–Wallisa oraz współczynnik korelacji Spearmana. Wyniki. U większości chorych stwierdzono podkorową lokalizację ogniska krwotocznego. Zarówno wyjściowe, jak i kontrolne wartości CRP i WBC przekraczały zakres normy laboratoryjnej. Nie stwierdzono istotnych statystycznie różnic pomiędzy wyjściowymi i kontrolnymi wartościami CRP i WBC, natomiast kontrolny poziom fibrynogenu był istotnie wyższy od wartości wyjściowych (p<0,041). Pacjenci, którzy zmarli oraz osoby z zaburzeniami przytomności mieli istotnie statystycznie wyższe wartości parametrów stanu zapalnego (z wyjątkiem OB, PCT i FIBR1) w porównaniu z chorymi, którzy przeżyli i byli przytomnymi. Wnioski. W naszym badaniu obserwowaliśmy istotny wzrost poziomu fibrynogenu po 14 dniach od początku udaru. Dodatkowo kontrolny poziom fibrynogenu korelował z wielkością ogniska krwotocznego i stanem klinicznym chorych. Niezbędne jest dalsze prowadzenie badań w tym obszarze. (PNN 2023;12(1):3–8

    The link between business relations and success of an organization : a research study

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    PURPOSE: Research in the field of business models is a challenge from the point of view of management science. Despite the increasing number of publications on this subject, attempts are still made to scrutinize the mechanisms of creating value by enterprises. An attempt was made to define an element of the business model which is the relationship with the measurable success of a sports club.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Twenty-four volleyball clubs from the two highest levels of competition in Poland were studied.There was used a survey questionnaire research. The collected results were analyzed using the basic statistical tools presented in the article. In effect there was possibility to estimate Coefficient of Sports Club Relations.FINDINGS: Main effect of the research was an indication of the correlation of the relationship element with the broadly defined success of the sports club, which as part of the conducted research, was defined as the market occupied position. Also, elements of relations have been identified that particularly imply the organization’s success.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The article is a reference point for further research on the creation of values by sports organizations and is a contribution to the science of business models in general and, consequently, to the specific of the sports industry. The Coefficient of Sports Club Relations, developed as part of the research, provides an opportunity to explore collaboration with other organizations and determine the entity's market position and potential.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The presented tool introduces an innovative way of thinking about newlybuilt relationships. It brings new insights into relationship management. The discussed issue has been taken up for the first time on the team sport market in Poland and constitutes one of the scarce scientific items on a global scale.peer-reviewe

    Tromboliza i trombektomia mechaniczna jako wiodące sposoby leczenia ostrego udaru niedokrwiennego mózgu

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    Brain vascular diseases, especially strokes, are still a very serious public health and medicine problem. The world is still facing an epidemic of stroke. With the impact load increasing all over the world, there is a continuing need to understand the characteristics of this disease and its impact in different countries. Despite significant improvements in primary prevention and treatment efficacy over the past decades, stroke is still a debilitating disease. Early treatment is the key to successful recovery of patients with ischemic stroke.The aim of the study is to show the most effective methods of treating patients in the acute phase of ischemic stroke. (JNNN 2019;8(4):177–181)Choroby naczyniowe mózgu, a zwłaszcza udary, to nadal bardzo poważny problem zdrowia publicznego i medycyny. Świat nadal stoi w obliczu epidemii udaru mózgu. Przy rosnącym na całym świecie obciążeniu udarowym istnieje ciągła potrzeba zrozumienia cech tej choroby i jej wpływu w różnych krajach. Pomimo znacznej poprawy w zakresie pierwotnej profilaktyki i skuteczności leczenia w ciągu ostatnich dziesięcioleci udar jest nadal wyniszczającą chorobą. Wczesne leczenie jest kluczem do pomyślnego powrotu do zdrowia pacjentów z udarem niedokrwiennym.Celem pracy jest ukazanie najskuteczniejszych metod leczenia pacjentów w ostrej fazie udaru mózgu niedokrwiennego. (PNN 2019;8(4):177–181

    The Protection of Entrepreneurs and the European Convention on Human Rights

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    In comparison to the European Convention on Human Rights, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, which provides in its Article 16 for the freedom to conduct a business, is a much more modern instrument. In this article I argue that the Convention nevertheless appears to be no less important a document offering protection of entrepreneurs’ rights. This is the case even though it does not provide any particular rights devoted to the running of a business by entrepreneurs. This is possible, first of all, due to the right of individual application which may be lodged directly with the European Court of Human Rights in its capacity as an international court. No comparable measure for an individual complaint is available under the UN Charter. Secondly, the extensive case law of the Strasbourg Court has made it possible for entrepreneurs to rely on a number of Convention rights, despite the fact that these rights, at least at first glance, are not connected with the running of a business. This refers not only to the right to a fair trial on the protection of property, which offer entrepreneurs the protection of a number of their interests, but also to rights which at first glance have nothing to do with the running of the business, such as the right to respect for private and family life protected under Article 8 of the Convention. As a result, the right of individual complaint to the ECtHR should be perceived as an important measure of the protection and enforcements of entrepreneurs’ rights at the international level, in case of any failure to secure the protection of those rights at the national [email protected] of Gdańsk, PolandBajorek-Ziaja H., Skarga do Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka oraz skarga do Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej, Warsaw 2010.Bodnar A., Ploszka A., Wpływ Europejskiej Konwencji Praw Człowieka na funkcjonowanie biznesu, Warsaw 2016.Decision of the Court of 1 July 2010 on the case of Korolev v. Russia, application no. 2555/05.Decision of the ECtHR of 13 January 2005 on the case of Emesa Sugar N.V. v. the Netherlands, application no. 62023/00.Decision of the ECtHR of 23 September 2003 on the case of Radio France and Others v. France, application no. 53984/00.Deshko L., Application of Legal Entities to the European Court of Human Rights: A Significant Disadvantage as the Condition of Admissibility, ‘Croatian International Relations Review’ 2018, vol. 24, no. 83.European Court of Human Rights, Guide on Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Right to a Fair Trial (Civil Limb), Council of Europe 2022, p. 14, https://www.echr.coe.int/documents/guide_art_6_eng.pdfEuropean Court of Human Rights, Practical Guide on Admissibility Criteria, https://www.echr.coe.int/documents/admissibility_guide_eng.pdf.European Law Institute, Business and Human Rights: Access to Justice and Effective Remedies, Report of the European Law Institute 2022, https://www.europeanlawinstitute.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/p_eli/Publications/ELI_Report_on_Business_and_Human_Rights.pdf.Garlicki L., Wartości lokalne a orzecznictwo ponadnarodowe – ‘kulturowy margines oceny’ w orzecznictwie strasburskim? ‘Europejski Przegląd Sądowy’ 2008, no. 4.Garlicki L. (ed.), Konwencja o Ochronie Praw Człowieka i Podstawowych Wolności, vol. I: Komentarz do artykułów 1–19, Warsaw 2011.Gronowska B., Pozycja jednostki w systemie procedury kontrolnej Europejskiej Konwencji Praw Człowieka z 1950 r., (in:) Balcerzak M., Czeczko-Durlak A. (eds.), Księga Jubileuszowa Prof. dra hab. Tadeusza Jasudowicza, Toruń 2004.Harris D., O’Boyle M., Bates E., Buckley C., Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford 2018.Judgment of the ECtHR of 26 June 1992 on the case of Drozd and Janousek v. France and Spain, application no. 12747/87Judgment of the ECtHR of 24 October 1995 on the case of Agrotexim and Others v. Greece, application no. 14807/89.Judgment of the ECtHR of 24 February 2009 on the case of Dacia S.R.L. v. Moldova, application no. 3052/04.Judgment of the ECtHR of 15 November 2011 on the case of Hovhannisyan and Shiroyan v. Armenia, application no. 5065/06.Judgment of the ECtHR of 23 January 2014 on the case of East/West Alliance Limited v. Ukraine, application no. 19336/04.Judgment of the ECtHR of 28 May 2019 on the case of Liblik and Others v. Estonia, application no. 173/15.Judgment of the ECtHR (Grand Chamber) of 13 November 2007 on the case of D.H. and Others v. the Czech Republic, application no. 57325/00.Judgment of the ECtHR (Grand Chamber) of 7 June 2012 on the case of Centro Europa 7 S.R.L. and Di Stefano v. Italy, application no. 38433/09.Judgment of the ECtHR (Grand Chamber) of 19 December 2017 on the case of Lopes de Sousa Fernandes v. Portugal, application no. 56080/13.Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 7 July 2020 on the case of Albert and Others v. Hungary, application no. 5294/14.Judgment of the ECtHR of 6 July 1971 on the case of Ringeisen v. Austria, application no. 2614/65.Judgment of the ECtHR of 28 June 1978 on the case of König v. Germany, application no. 6232/73.Judgment of ECtHR of 6 September 1978 on the case of Klass and Others v. Germany, application no. 5029/71.Judgment of the ECtHR of 22 October 1981 on the case of Dudgeon v. the United Kingdom, application no. 7525/76.Judgment of the ECtHR of 23 September 1982 on the case of Sporrong and Lönnroth v. Sweden, application no. 7152/75.Judgment of the ECtHR of 7 July 1989 on the case of Tre Traktörer Aktiebolag v. Sweden, application no. 10873/84.Judgment of the ECtHR of 20 November 1989 on the case of Markt Intern Verlag Gmbh and Klaus Bermann v. Germany, application no. 10572/83.Judgment of the ECtHR of 21 January 1999 on the case of García Ruiz v. Spain, application no. 30544/96.Judgment of the ECtHR of 12 July 2001 on the case of Ferrazzini v. Italy, application no. 44759/98.Judgment of the ECtHR of 16 April 2002 on the case of S.A. Dangeville v. France, application no. 36677/97.Judgment of the ECtHR of 28 July 2005 on the case of Rosenzweig and Bonded Warehouses Ltd. v. Poland, application no. 51728/99.Judgment of the ECtHR of 9 March 2006 on the case of Eko-Elda Avee v. Greece, application no. 10162/02.Judgment of the ECtHR of 5 April 2012 on the case of Chambaz v. Switzerland, application no. 11663/04.Judgment of the ECtHR of 23 February 2017 on the case of de Tommaso v. Italy, application no. 43395/09.Judgment of the ECtHR of 18 August 2017 on the case of Jóhannesson and Others v. Iceland, application no. 22007/11.Judgment of the ECtHR of 23 May 2019 on the case of Sine Tsaggarakis A.E.E. v. Greece, application no. 17257/13.Judgment of the ECtHR of 10 September 2019 on the case of Pryanishnikov v. Russia, application no. 5047/05.Judgment of the ECtHR of 9 March 2021 on the case of Bilgen v. Turkey, application no. 1571/07.Judgment of the ECtHR of 22 July 2021 on the case of Reczkowicz v. Poland, application no. 43447/19.Judgment of the ECtHR of 16 April 2022 on the case of Société Colas Est and Others v. France, application no. 37971/97.Judgment of the ECtHR (Grand Chamber) of 16 December 1992 on the case of Niemietz v. Germany, application no. 13710/88.Judgment of the ECtHR (Grand Chamber) of 29 April 2008 on the case of Burden v. the United Kingdom, application no. 13378/05.Judgment of the ECtHR (Grand Chamber) of 17 July 2014 on the case of Centre for Legal Resources on Behalf of Valentin Câmpeanu v. Romania, application no. 47848/08.Judgment of the ECtHR (Grand Chamber) of 15 March 2022 on the case of Grzęda v. Poland, application no. 43572.Notes for Filling in the Application Form, https://www.echr.coe.int/Documents/Application_Notes_ENG.pdf.O’Brien C.M., Business and Human Rights: A Handbook for Legal Practitioners, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 2018.Randall M.H., Commercial Speech under the European Convention on Human Rights: Subordinate or Equal? ‘Human Rights Law Review’ 2006, vol. 6, no. 1.Resolution of the Supreme Court of 30.11.2010, III CZP 16/10.United Nations Office of the High Commissioner, Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework, New York/Geneva 2011, https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/publications/guidingprinciplesbusinesshr_en.pdf.284113

    Zombies or still alive. Who took advantage of COVID-19 state aid?

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    Theoretical background: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has caused violent reactions from the governments of almost all countries in the world. The attempt to contain a pandemic by restricting the mobility of society has had a huge impact on people and some businesses. As a result of COVID-19 restrictions, it became necessary to introduce special state aid programs for those businesses that were most affected by these restrictions. This was also the case in Poland. We based our analysis on welfare economics (Harberger, 1971), in which government support for enterprises is legitimized when their situation would have been worse without these interventions.Purpose of the article: The aim of this article is to assess the impact of public aid granted to large companies in Poland on their financial condition. The research problem is to answer the question whether the companies that received the aid needed it. In assessing the appropriateness of aid, liquidity, debt level and profitability indices were used, which directly resulted from the objectives of COVID-19 aid granted in Poland. The added value of the study is combining the analysis of data from financial statements with information on state aid published by the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK).Research methods: The research sample consisted of 1,201 large Polish enterprises from the non-financial sector. The study used non-parametric statistical tests and quartile analysis.Main findings: The results show that the aid went to entities that were already in a worse financial situation before the pandemic. At the same time, it was demonstrated that the aid did not distort the market mechanism, i.e. it neither excessively improved the situation of supported entities nor significantly worsened the situation of entities that did not benefit from the aid.Theoretical background: The Sars-COV-2 pandemic has caused violent reactions from the governments of almost all countries in the world. The attempt to contain a pandemic by restricting the mobility of society has had a huge impact on people and some businesses. As a result of COVID-19 restrictions, it became necessary to introduce special state aid programs for those businesses that were most affected by these restrictions. This was also the case in Poland. We based our analysis on welfare economics (Harberger, 1971), in which government support for enterprises is legitimized when their situation would have been worse without these interventions.Purpose of the article: The aim of this article is to assess the impact of public aid granted to large companies in Poland on their financial condition. The research problem is to answer the question whether the companies that received the aid needed it. In assessing the appropriateness of aid, liquidity, debt level and profitability indices were used, which directly resulted from the objectives of COVID-19 aid granted in Poland. The added value of the study is combining the analysis of data from financial statements with information on state aid published by the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK).Research methods: The research sample consisted of 1201 large Polish enterprises from the non-financial sector. The study used non-parametric statistical tests and quartile analysis.Main findings: The results show that the aid went to entities that were already in a worse financial situation before the pandemic. At the same time, it we demonstrate that the aid did not distort the market mechanism i.e., it neither excessively improved the situation of supported entities nor significantly worsened the situation of entities that did not benefit from the aid

    Remarks on Language and International Law

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    The main assumption behind this study is that the relationship between language and international law is particularly interesting due to the complexity and special nature of this relationship when compared to national law. The author focuses on some selected issues connected with the fact that from the legal point of view the multiplicity of languages in international law is an important factor affecting its interpretation. Due to this, apart from the issue of the dominant position of the English language in international law, the major focus of the study is on the specific problems associated with the interpretation of international treaties. The study suggests that there are certain intrinsic tensions and contradictions involved in the relationship between language and international law. The dominant position of English language in international law is at odds with the principle of sovereign equality laid down in the UN Charter, which entails equal opportunities for all nations to participate in the global legal discourse. Moreover, the interpretation of plurilingual treaties involves significant problems when it comes to the interpretation of authentic texts made in various languages, which need to be reconciled. In turn, the tensions between the meaning of terms used in international legal norms and their corresponding meaning in national legislation are addressed through the use of the autonomous method of interpretation. Moreover, considering the growing importance of the legitimacy of international law, the role of the language of international law in this context is also considered. The problems related to the problems of language in the context of international law outlined in this study confirm the need for further continuous and in-depth research in this field

    Aktywność duszpasterska i inwestycyjna księży salezjanów w parafii Kryniczno w latach 1951–1993

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    Parafia w Krynicznie została przekazana salezjanom ze Środy Śląskiej 1 lutego 1951 roku i pozostawała w ich posiadaniu do 15 lutego 1993 roku, kiedy to administracja parafii przeszła w ręce duchowieństwa diecezjalnego. Parafianie uczestniczyli w codziennych mszach i nabożeństwach. Powstawały chóry parafialne, wspólnoty ministrantów i koła różańcowe. Organizowano pielgrzymki młodzieży do Częstochowy oraz wyjazdy na Światowe Dni Młodzieży. Podczas pobytu w parafii Kryniczno salezjanie prowadzili remonty obiektów sakralnych, handlowych i innego inwentarza. Przeprowadzili renowację plebanii i kościoła; odrestaurowano figury świętych i inne wyposażenie oraz zakupiono niezbędne wyposażenie. Działalność duszpasterska salezjanów w Krynicznie zakończyła się w 1993 roku