20 research outputs found

    Portraits of the Assets and Liabilities of Low-Income Families

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    Reviews the assets, debts, and net worth of low-income families compared with middle-income families, as well as those of other at-risk families such as single-parent and minority families. Examines the link between asset holding, net worth, and income

    How Much Does the Federal Government Spend to Promote Economic Mobility and for Whom?

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    Tracks and projects federal expenditures and tax subsidies aimed at enhancing economic mobility, such as employer-related work subsidies, homeownership, savings and investment incentives, and education and training, and who benefits from them

    Improving Homeownership Among Poor and Moderate-Income Households

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    Looks at rates of homeownership, trends in federal low-income rental housing assistance, and types of homeownership programs for low-income households

    The Next Stage for Social Policy: Encouraging Work and Family Formation Among Low-Income Men

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    Examines proposals to create work incentives for less-educated young men by changing the Earned Income Tax Credit for the childless into an individual work credit and reducing the marriage penalty. Simulates each proposal's effects, with cost estimates

    Children's Savings Accounts: Why Design Matters

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    Estimates how specific features of CSAs -- supplemental grants, federal matches, private contributions, and nontaxability -- would affect the impact of CSAs on wealth distribution. Analyzes data by mother's race/ethnicity, income, and education

    The Balance Sheets of Low-Income Households: What We Know About Their Assets and Liabilities.

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    The Balance Sheets of Low-Income Households: What We Know About Their Assets and Liabilities

    Kids' Share 2008: How Children Fare in the Federal Budget

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    Provides an annual analysis of trends in federal spending and tax expenditures on children's programs -- such as food stamps, tax credits, and Head Start -- and assesses the impact of future budget planning on children