7,349 research outputs found

    Event-Triggered Estimation of Linear Systems: An Iterative Algorithm and Optimality Properties

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    This report investigates the optimal design of event-triggered estimation for first-order linear stochastic systems. The problem is posed as a two-player team problem with a partially nested information pattern. The two players are given by an estimator and an event-trigger. The event-trigger has full state information and decides, whether the estimator shall obtain the current state information by transmitting it through a resource constrained channel. The objective is to find an optimal trade-off between the mean squared estimation error and the expected transmission rate. The proposed iterative algorithm alternates between optimizing one player while fixing the other player. It is shown that the solution of the algorithm converges to a linear predictor and a symmetric threshold policy, if the densities of the initial state and the noise variables are even and radially decreasing functions. The effectiveness of the approach is illustrated on a numerical example. In case of a multimodal distribution of the noise variables a significant performance improvement can be achieved compared to a separate design that assumes a linear prediction and a symmetric threshold policy

    Combating discrimination through Big Data – future of equality?

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    The paper aims firstly to assess the future of anti-discrimination measures and policies, above all through the lens of ethnic data utilization. The question posed is not only whether massive collection and usage of such data is viable in relation to its result, but also whether such ethnic data collection is an obligation incumbent upon state authorities, in international and European human rights protection systems in particular. On the other hand, this article aims to compare existence of such obligation with the existing standards on right to privacy and implications for this right stemming from such use of Big Data. The negative impact resulting from such obligation in this regard could weigh heavily on protection of personal data, currently one of the main concerns throughout Europe and the EU

    Overview and Future of Czech Wordnet

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    Czech Wordnet represents one of the national wordnets created during the EuroWordNet and Balkanet projects. However, the data contains various issues that affects the use of Czech Wordnet in NLP applications. Due to lack of resources, it was not possible to update Czech Wordnet thoroughly since the publication of the first version. In 2017, we have started a project to evaluate and update Czech Wordnet, followed by the connection to Collaborative Interlingual Index. This paper provides overview of various updates and extensions of the Czech Wordnet data, and presents the roadmap to publish revised version of Czech Wordnet under open license.Český Wordnet je jeden z národních wordnetů, vytvořených během projektů EuroWordnet a Balkanet. Údaje ve wordnetu bohužel obsahují různé chyby, které ovlivňují použití českého wordnetu v NLP aplikacích. Vzhledem k nedostatečným zdrojům nebylo možno od vydání první verze český wordnet výrazně aktualizovat. V roce 2017 jsme začali pracovat na vyhodnocení a aktualizac českého wordnetu, následované napojením na Collaborative Interlingual Index. Tento článek shrnuje existující verze a rozšíření českého wordnetu a představuje plán na vydání aktualizované verze s otevřenou licencí

    A Different Way Home: Resettlement Patterns in Northern Uganda

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    After decades of civil conflict leading to massive internal displacement of people, Northern Uganda is peaceful again and hundreds of thousands of displaced people have returned to the area. Using data from maps and satellite imagery, we examine the placement of homes before, during and after the conflict. Examining two study sites, one that experienced a great deal of violence over an extended period of time and one where the experience of violence was more limited, we observe the clustering of home placement in the post-conflict period. As resettlement occurs, there is also evidence of increased location of homes in close proximity to roads at the site with high levels of violence. This research informs what we presently know about the choices of returnees and has implications for service provision and the reclamation of property rights after conflict

    Short-Term Response of Shrubs, Graminoids, and Forbs to Mechanical Treatment in a Sagebrush Ecosystem in Colorado

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    Declines in Gunnison sage grouse populations are thought to be related to habitat loss, fragmentation, and human induced habitat changes. In an attempt to improve the quality of early brood rearing habitat the Bureau of Land Management, Gunnison Field Office in Gunnison Colorado implemented a series of mechanical treatments designed to reduce sagebrush canopy cover and increase cover of graminoids and forbs. Brush mowing and Dixie harrow were utilized in 2005 to treat 30 percent of six 14 ac sites. In 2006 and 2007 shrub canopy cover, graminoid cover, forb cover, heights, and species richness were assessed to determine the vegetative response to each treatment. Sagebrush canopy cover was reduced to approximately 15 percent by both treatments. Mowing appeared to have no effect on forb or non-sagebrush shrub canopy cover, however, graminoid cover increased slightly post-treatment. Sites treated with the Dixie harrow had increased non-sagebrush shrub canopy cover, graminoid cover, and forb cover in post treatment years as compared to pretreatment. Heights for graminoids and forbs did not differ pre and post treatment ( p \u3e 0.05) nor did species richness (p \u3e 0.05) for either treatment

    Polisemiótica e iconografía egipcíaca en un monumento funerario azuleño

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    Fil: Adam, Sandra Gabriela. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Carrasquero, Silvia Irene. Instituto de Recursos Minerales (INREMI). Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Eilers, Gabriel. Museo Etnográfico y Archivo Histórico Enrique Squirru. Azul; Argentin

    Acerca de la molienda del trigo ... entre piedras, rayas y rayones : Un caso en estudio

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    Fil: Caggiano, María Amanda. Instituto Municipal de Investigaciones Antropológicas de Chivilcoy. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Dubarbier, Virginia. Laboratorio de Análisis Cerámico (LAC). Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Adam, Sandra Gabriela. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin