57,450 research outputs found

    Financial work incentives in Britain: comparisons over time and between family types

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    This paper reviews various techniques for quantifying financial incentives to work, shows how financial work incentives have changed across the population since 1979, and estimates how much of these changes are due to changes in the tax and benefit system

    Enhanced di-Higgs Production through Light Colored Scalars

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    We demonstrate enhanced di-Higgs production at the LHC in the presence of modifications of the effective couplings of Higgs to gluons from new, light, colored scalars. While our results apply to an arbitrary set of colored scalars, we illustrate the effects with a real color octet scalar -- a simple, experimentally viable model involving a light (~125-300 GeV) colored scalar. Given the recent LHC results, we consider two distinct scenarios: First, if the Higgs is indeed near 125 GeV, we show that the di-Higgs cross section could be up to nearly one thousand times the Standard Model rate for particular octet couplings and masses. This is potentially observable in \emph{single} Higgs production modes, such as pphhγγbbˉpp \to h h \to \gamma\gamma b\bar{b} as well as pphhτ+τbbˉpp \to h h \to \tau^+\tau^- b\bar{b} where a small fraction of the γγ\gamma\gamma or τ+τ\tau^+\tau^- events near the putative Higgs invariant mass peak contain also a bbˉb\bar{b} resonance consistent with the Higgs mass. Second, if the Higgs is not at 125 GeV (and what the LHC has observed is an impostor), we show that the same parameter region where singly-produced Higgs production can be suppressed below current LHC limits, for a heavier Higgs mass, also simultaneously predicts substantially enhanced di-Higgs production. We point out several characteristic signals of di-Higgs production with a heavier Higgs boson, such as pphhW+WW+Wpp \to hh \to W^+W^-W^+W^-, which could use same-sign dileptons or trileptons plus missing energy to uncover evidence.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Blind image separation based on exponentiated transmuted Weibull distribution

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    In recent years the processing of blind image separation has been investigated. As a result, a number of feature extraction algorithms for direct application of such image structures have been developed. For example, separation of mixed fingerprints found in any crime scene, in which a mixture of two or more fingerprints may be obtained, for identification, we have to separate them. In this paper, we have proposed a new technique for separating a multiple mixed images based on exponentiated transmuted Weibull distribution. To adaptively estimate the parameters of such score functions, an efficient method based on maximum likelihood and genetic algorithm will be used. We also calculate the accuracy of this proposed distribution and compare the algorithmic performance using the efficient approach with other previous generalized distributions. We find from the numerical results that the proposed distribution has flexibility and an efficient resultComment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),Vol. 14, No. 3, March 2016 (pp. 423-433

    Radial vibrations of BPS skyrmions

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    We study radial vibrations of spherically symmetric skyrmions in the BPS Skyrme model. Concretely, we numerically solve the linearised field equations for small fluctuations in a skyrmion background, both for linearly stable oscillations and for (unstable) resonances. This is complemented by numerical solutions of the full nonlinear system, which confirm all the results of the linear analysis. In all cases, the resulting fundamental excitation provides a rather accurate value for the Roper resonance, supporting the hypothesis that the BPS Skyrme model already gives a reasonable approximate description of this resonance. Further, for many potentials additional higher resonances appear, again in agreement with known experimental results.Comment: Latex, 41 pages, 22 pdf figures; v2: minor change

    Normal mere exposure effect with impaired recognition in Alzheimer’s disease.

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    We investigated the mere exposure effect and the explicit memory in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients and elderly control subjects, using unfamiliar faces. During the exposure phase, the subjects estimated the age of briefly flashed faces. The mere exposure effect was examined by presenting pairs of faces (old and new) and asking participants to select the face they liked. The participants were then presented with a forced-choice explicit recognition task. Controls subjects exhibited above-chance preference and recognition scores for old faces. The AD patients also showed the mere exposure effect but no explicit recognition. These results suggest that the processes involved in the mere exposure effect are preserved in AD patients despite their impaired explicit recognition. The results are discussed in terms of Seamon et al.’s proposal (1995) that processes involved in the mere exposure effect are equivalent to those subserving perceptual priming. These processes would depend on extrastriate areas which are relatively preserved in AD patients

    Model-robust regression and a Bayesian ``sandwich'' estimator

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    We present a new Bayesian approach to model-robust linear regression that leads to uncertainty estimates with the same robustness properties as the Huber--White sandwich estimator. The sandwich estimator is known to provide asymptotically correct frequentist inference, even when standard modeling assumptions such as linearity and homoscedasticity in the data-generating mechanism are violated. Our derivation provides a compelling Bayesian justification for using this simple and popular tool, and it also clarifies what is being estimated when the data-generating mechanism is not linear. We demonstrate the applicability of our approach using a simulation study and health care cost data from an evaluation of the Washington State Basic Health Plan.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS362 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Roper resonances and quasi-normal modes of Skyrmions

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    Radial vibrations of charge one hedgehog Skyrmions in the full Skyrme model are analysed. We investigate how the properties of the lowest resonance modes (quasi normal modes) - their frequencies and widths - depend on the form of the potential (value of the pion mass as well as the addition of further potentials) and on the inclusion of the sextic term. Then we consider the inverse problem, where certain values for the frequencies and widths are imposed, and the field theoretic Skyrme model potential giving rise to them is reconstructed. This latter method allows to reproduce the physical Roper resonances, as well as further physical properties of nucleons, with high precision.Comment: LaTex, 24 pages, 18 figure

    BPS Skyrme neutron stars in generalized gravity

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    We study the coupling of nuclear matter described by the BPS Skyrme model to generalized gravity. Concretely, we consider the Starobinsky model which provides the leading-order correction to the Einstein-Hilbert action. Static solutions describing neutron stars are found both for the full field theory and for the mean-field approximation. We always consider the full Starobinsky model in the nonperturbative approach, using appropriately generalized shooting methods for the numerical neutron star calculations. Many of our results are similar to previous investigations of neutron stars for the Starobinsky model using other models of nuclear matter, but there are some surprizing discrepancies. The "Newtonian mass" relevant for the surface redshift, e.g., results larger than the ADM mass in our model, in contrast to other investigations. This difference is related to the particularly high stiffness of nuclear matter described by the BPS Skyrme model and offers an interesting possibility to distinguish different models of nuclear matter within generalized gravity.Comment: LaTex, 28 pages, 13 figures; v2: minor change