5,444 research outputs found

    Assessing the reliability of adaptive power system protection schemes

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    Adaptive power system protection can be used to improve the performance of existing protection schemes under certain network conditions. However, their deployment in the field is impeded by their perceived inferior reliability compared to existing protection arrangements. Moreover, their validation can be problematic due to the perceived high likelihood of the occurrence of failure modes or incorrect setting selection with variable network conditions. Reliability (including risk assessment) is one of the decisive measures that can be used in the process of verifying adaptive protection scheme performance. This paper proposes a generic methodology for assessing the reliability of adaptive protection. The method involves the identification of initiating events and scenarios that lead to protection failures and quantification of the probability of the occurrence of each failure. A numerical example of the methodology for an adaptive distance protection scheme is provided

    Performance Enhancement Using NOMA-MIMO for 5G Networks

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    The integration of MIMO and NOMA technologies addresses key challenges in 5G and beyond, such as connectivity, latency, and dependability. However, resolving these issues, especially in MIMO-enabled 5G networks, required additional research. This involved optimizing parameters like bit error rate, downlink spectrum efficiency, average capacity rate, and uplink transmission outage probability. The model employed Quadrature Phase Shift Keying modulation on selected frequency channels, accommodating diverse user characteristics. Evaluation showed that MIMO-NOMA significantly improved bit error rate and transmitting power for the best user in download transmission. For uplink transmission, there was an increase in the average capacity rate and a decrease in outage probability for the best user. Closed-form formulas for various parameters in both downlink and uplink NOMA, with and without MIMO, were derived. Overall, adopting MIMO-NOMA led to a remarkable performance improvement for all users, even in challenging conditions like interference or fading channels

    Aplikasi Pelelangan Ikan Online (E-Lelang) Berbasis Mobile

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    Pemasaran hasil tangkapan nelayan ikan di Indonesia biasanya dilakukan dengan cara melelang ikan di tempat pelelangan ikan yang berada di pelabuhan. Lelang adalah proses penjualan terbuka antara penjual dan penawar, yang menawarkan harga tertinggi pada setiap barang atau jasa. Pemasaran dengan lelang terbuka seperti ini dapat mengalami kecurangan, contohnya manipulasi harga dari pihak pelelangan ke nelayan. Pemasaran seperti itu dapat berpengaruh pada kualitas ikan yang menurun, sehingga harga jual menjadi rendah. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut maka dalam artikel ini dikembangkan sebuah aplikasi E-lelang hasil tangkapan nelayan ikan berbasis mobile, yang dapat membantu pemasaran ikan di daerah kecil. E-lelang merupakan proses lelang, yang dilakukan secara online atau tidak harus berada di tempat lelang berlangsung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan Agile Software Development. Pengembangan aplikasi ini menggunakan framework React Native, Firebase sebagai back-end, dan beberapa tools yang mendukung pengembangan aplikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah berupa aplikasi mobile yang dapat dipasang pada perangkat Smartphone. Aplikasi ini dapat membantu pemasaran ikan secara efisien, dan penawar dapat melakukan bid pada setiap lelang yang ingin diikuti

    Islamic Modernism and Tafsir in Nineteenth Century Egypt: A Critical Analysis of Muhammad Abduh’s Exegesis

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the concept of Islamic modernism in nineteenth-century Egypt as expressed in Tafsir al-Manar, placing particular emphasis on Muhammad ‘Abduh (1849-1905). The major focus of the paper is human reason (‘aql) as perceived by ‘Abduh and reflected in Tafsir al-Manar.  Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Quranic exegesis gained new momentum with the emergence of Islamic modernism. In Egypt, ‘Abduh used tafsir as a major vehicle to disseminate his revolutionary thoughts. The central concept of his reform was that Islam could not face the challenges of modernity and the West unless Muslims learnt modern and other rational sciences. ‘Abduh abandoned the traditional formula of tafsir in favour of the rationalist approach, which he believed was essential in order to demonstrate the viability of Islam to the modern period.  Traditional exegetes, he argued, had wasted too much effort on delving into the ‘technicalities’ of grammar, theological disputes and other extraneous material. Tafsir, he maintained, had to be presented in a style adaptable to the demands of the society. Moreover, for the present situation of Muslims to be improved and for Islamic modernism to be sustained, the Quran had to be rationally interpreted.  This paper examines the concept of Islamic modernism in nineteenth century Egypt, as expressed in Tafsir al-Manar, making particular reference to Muhammad ‘Abduh (1849-1905).   It evaluates his contributions to modern tafsir and analyse his rational approach in the interpretation of the Quran. &nbsp

    Synthesis and Surfactant Properties of Alpha-Sulfonated Polyhydric Alcohol Ester (ASPA)

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    A new anionic surfactant, alpha-sulfonated polyhydric alcohol ester (ASPA) was prepared by transesterification of palm-based alphasulfonated methyl ester (SME) or by esterification of palm-based aJphasulfonated fatty acid (SFA) with glycerol in non-solvent media. The product was isolated as sodium salt by crystallization using methanol as solvent. The purity of the product was confirmed by TLC, yielding a single spot while the melting point was found to be sharp at 3SoC. The structure of the ASPA was identified by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and confirmed by 1 H and 13C n uclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). FTIR analysis of ASPA from SME indicated the presence of broad OH group at wavenumber 3402 cm-1, while the presence of OH group in ASPA from SFA was detected at 3397 cm-1. The presences of CH20H and CHOH groups of ASPA molecule via SME were indicated by peak 8 at 3.6 and 3.7 ppm respectively in 1 H-NMR spectrum. The two OH groups also appeared at 4.25 and 4.27 ppm corresponding to primary and secondary alcohols respectively. The 1 H-NMR of ASPA via SFA showed the overlapping of CH20H/CHOH at 3.6 ppm and the two OH groups also overlapped at 4.11 ppm. The 13C-NMR of ASPA via SME showed the presence of carbon primary alcohol at 70 ppm and carbon secondary alcohol at 72 ppm, while the carbon primary alcohol and carbon secondary of ASPA via SFA were overlapped at 72 ppm. The effects of reaction temperatures, reaction times and catalyst on the synthesis were also evaluated. The maximum yield of ASPA via SME was 48%, at the reaction temperature of 70°C and the reaction time of 50 minutes, while the optimum yield of ASPA via SFA was 95%, at reaction temperature of 40°C and the reaction time of 60 minutes. These new products gave low surface tension (26 dyne/cm). Other properties, such as foaming power/stability, wetting ability and anti-rust power were evaluated. The washing active substance (YVAS) as a function of aging time was also studied

    Analisis Pola Pengajaran Guru SMP di Kabupaten Pulau Morotai Terhadap Siswa Lamban Belajar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola pngajaran yang diterapkan guru SMP di Kabupaten Pulau Morotai terhadap siswa lamban belajar. Sekolah yang dipilih untuk mewakili penelitian ini adalah MTS N 1. Pulau Morotai, SMP N 14 Morotai, MTS Muhammadiyah 1 Pulau Morotai, dan SMP N 2 Pulau Morotai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari 2019 sampai bulan November 2019. Peneliti menetapkan subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa lamban belajar yang tersebar di 4 sekolah serta wali kelas, guru mata pelajaran dan guru BK di 4 sekolah. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling hal ini berdasarkan subjek penelitian yaitu siswa lamban belajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan qualitative. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah descriptive analisis. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan observasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan siswa lamban belajar yang menempuh pendidikan di sekolah umum belum sepenuhnya terpenuhi dan belum mendapatkan perhatian serius dari pelaku pendidikan. Belum adanya adaptasi kurikulum yang menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan siswa lamban belajar sehingga kebutuhan siswa lamban belajar tidak terakomodasi dengan baik. penggunaan kurikulum di sekolah umum untuk siswa lamban belajar membutuhkan beberapa penyesuaian beberapa aspek program pembelajaran. Aspek program pembelajaran mencakup cara penyajian, cara respon siswa, keterlibatannya dalam belajar serta penambahan strategi, metode maupun teknik pembelajaran

    Asma Barlas’ Criticism of Hadith as a Tool of Tafsir: Critical Analysis of Feminist’s Predominant Narrative

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    This paper evaluates the hermeneutical methodology of Asma Barlas, in critiquing Muslims’ intellectual traditions with a special reference to the Prophetic tradition, the Sunnah, and its relevance in understanding Islam. In Islamic orthodoxy, the Sunnah occupies the second position as a source of Islamic law. More importantly, it serves as practical explanation of the Qur’ān. Consequently, the Sunnah has become indispensable in understanding the Qur’ān. Conversely, Barlas uses her hermeneutical methodology to challenge the authenticity of the Sunnah and its role in understanding the Qur’ān.1 Her central argument is that using the Sunnah to interpret the Qur’ān is problematic as it undercuts the doctrine of revelation’s self-sufficiency and the interpretive flexibility inherent in it, putting a methodological closure on how the Qur’ān could ‘‘legitimately’’ be read 2 Her criticism of hadith as a tool of tafsīr is specifically remarkable.  This paper, therefore, critically analyzes Barlas’ hermeneutical methodology in relation to her criticism of hadith as an important ingredient of tafsīr. It argues that hadith is an indispensable tool in making sound Qur’anic interpretation and in proper understanding of the Qur’ān as a source of guidance to humanity. It then analyses Barlas’ arguments making references to her intellectual inadequacy. The paper concludes that Barlas’ argument on the position of the Sunnah in Islam is simplistic; while not denying that a significant amount of hadith were forged and integrated into tafsīr, it must be stressed that this forgery was not allowed to go unchallenge

    Response of sugarcane (Saccharum spp) ratoons to N rate applied in a single or a split dose under Guneid Sugar Scheme conditions

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         أجريت التجارب الحالية فى المواسم 2007/09 فى مزرعة  مركز بحوث قصب السكر الواقعة ضمن نطاق مشروع سكر الجنيد فى سهل السودان الطينى الأوسط. هدفت هذه الدراسة لبحث استجابة خلف محصول قصب السكر لجرعة عالية  من النيتروجين (يوريا) مع جرعة مخفضة عنها مع مقارنة تقسيم كل جرعة بنسبة 1:2 مع إضافتها كاملة و ذلك لتكون مماثلة لممارسة المزارعين فى ذلك المشروع. الجرعتان الكاملتان لسماد اليوريا هما 150 و225 كجم للفدان (69 و104 كجم نيتروجين للفدان ≡ 164 و246 كجم نيتروجين للهكتار). كما أضيف الجزء الأول من كل جرعة مقسمة و الإضافة الكاملة بعد 20 يوما من الرية الأولى  للخلفة و أضيف الباقى من الجرعة المقسمة عندما كان عمر القصب ثلاثة شهور. وضع هذا الترتيب العاملى فى تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة. أوضحت النتائج وجود زيادة قليلة غير معنوية فى إنتاجية القصب فى الخلفة الأولى فى موسمى 2007/08 و 2008/09 للجرعة 225 كجم يوريا للفدان على الجرعة 150 كجم للفدان. كما نتج عن ذلك زيادة معنوية فى عدد السيقان القابلة للطحن للجرعة الأعلى بالنسبة للخلفة الاولى فى موسم 2007/08. وتلاشت هذه الفروقات بالنسبة للخلفة الثانية (موسم 2008/09). وعلى عكس إنتاجية القصب ومكوناتها, انخفضت معنويا مكونات جودة السكر مثل نسبة المواد الصلبة الذائبة ((brix  والسكريات(pol)  و نسبة الإستخلاص (ERS) بزيادة جرعة اليوريا من 150 كجم للفدان إلى 225 كجم للفدان مما أعطى محصول سكر أقل نسبيا بالنسبة للجرعة الأعلى. لم تؤثر معاملة تقسيم جرعة اليوريا على أى من إنتاجية القصب و مكوناتها أو مكونات جودة القصب وكذلك بالنسبة لإنتاجية السكر. و عليه تعتبر الجرعة 150 كجم يوريا للفدان (164 كجم نيتروجين للهكتار), هى الجرعة الأنسب لإنتاجية القصب و السكر للخلفة الأولى والثانية تحت ظروف مشروع سكر الجنيد, مضافة كجرعة واحدة بدون تقسيم, على جانبى خط نباتات القصب متبوعة مباشرة بعملية العزيق والتى تعمل على تغطية السماد.     &nbsp

    The basic structure of ethical norms

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    THIS BOOK Taking in account the ethical implications of modern science and technology on nature and human, this book highlights the importance of ethics and moral values in human life. Knowledge and values are the two indispensible aspects of meaningful life. Aided by these two means, mankind has been able to achieve constant developments throughout the history. Along the course of history, Divine guidance has been revealed for moral perfection and total reconstruction of the worldview; thus, the modern value-free progression in science and technologies invites the attention for moral research. This book is designed to provide the essential knowledge on ethics and moral values. It is a theoretical study on the basic structure of ethical norms from both Islamic tradition and modern research perspectives. The central aim of the book is to expose readers to the general framework of ethical theories and moral norms. It especially highlights the relationship between facts and values; the major classifications of ethical norms in Qur`anic perspective; meaning of descriptive and normative ethics; the major classifications of ethical theories and virtue based ethical systems

    Fiqh al-waqaf baina itarah al-qanuni wa-daurihi al-iqtisadi al-manshud =فقه "الوقف" بين إطاره القانوني ودوره الإقتصادي المنشود

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    The “Waqaf” is religio-economic term used in Islamic jurisprudence for donations made by individuals based on religious motives to serve the public. It usually made not in cash money but as concrete things, such as building schools or hospitals for use of public. The distinguishing feature of this private contribution in the community development is sustainability. Waqaf must be utilized in sustainable manner so that it can serve public as long as possible. Good management of Waqaf is essential for sustainability and long lasting services. Waqaf has played a crucial role to develop the society in the history of Islamic civilization through providing financial support to government and rendering direct services to the public. Many education centers, such as libraries and schools were established based on Waqaf. Therefore, this Islamic system can play a significant role in development of the contemporary Muslim communities. The major objective of this paper is to explain and highlight role of Waqaf in development of modern Muslim societies, especially in the realm of education and community cervices. يتوقف النمو الإقتصادي وإزدهاره في الدولة المعاصرة على عنصرين: أولهما دور القطاع الخاص أو الشعبي وثانيهما هو التخطيط الرسمي التي تقوم به الدولة. فالقطاع الشعبي، ممثلاً في رجال الأعمال وشركات التصنيع والمؤسسات المالية والحركة التجارية في المجتمع بصورة عامة، يلعب دوراً محورياً في النمو الإقتصادي وتطوره. ومن ناحية أخرى تعلب الدولة ممثلة في جهازها التنفيدي والتشريعي دوراً جوهرياً في تحريك عجلة الحياة الإقتصادية من خلال رسم السياسات السديدة وبناء الخطط الإقتصادية الطموحة، ثم وضع التشريعات والقوانين التي تكفل حمايتها وتطوريها. فنظام الوقف في الإسلام يمثل العنصر الثالث الطوعي المكمل للعنصرين السابقين. فمن المعلوم حقاً كان للوقف دوراً كبيراً في صناعة الحضارة الإسلامية ونهضة الأمة، حيث كانت أموال الأوقاف هي الأساس في إزدها العديد من المؤسسات، ولا سيما المؤسسات الإجتماعية والتربوية، ولكن أيضاً النظام الإقتصادي في تلك العصور كان متواضعاً خالياً من تعقيدات النظام الإقتصادي المعاصر. ومن هنا يبرز سؤال محوري وهو: كيف يمكن للوقف أن يلعب دوره الإقتصادي والتنموي المنشود في إطار أحكام الفقه التقليدي في الوقت المعاصر؟ حاول هذا البحث الإجابة عن هذا السؤال وتحديد العلاقة بين الإطار الفقهي والقانوني للوقف وبين دوره الإقتصادي المنشود في ظل التحديات النظام الإقتصادي المعاصر