189 research outputs found

    Požár jako ekologický faktor v lesích střední Evropy

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    Within the Northern Hemisphere, wildfires are considered to be an integral part of natural dynamics mainly in boreal forests and Mediterranean ecosystems, and most recently also in temperate forests of Northern America. By contrast, in temperate forests of Central Europe, the importance of wildfire for forest ecosystems has been traditionally marginalised despite documented frequent wildfire occurrence and existence of fire-prone forests. Apparently, the reason of this rooted attitude does not lie in the specific environmental conditions of Central Europe, but more likely in the traditional forest ecology approach, which generally does not consider the effect of disturbances on the shape of vegetation communities and strictly excludes human activity from natural processes since its beginnings. This attitude resulted in the lack of knowledge about local vegetation-wildfire relationship and patterns of wildfire occurrence in the landscape. The general aim of this thesis was to clarify the ecological role of wildfires for Central European forest ecosystems with a focus on Pinus sylvestris forests and using the Czech Republic as a model area for a broader region. Chapter 1 deals with the spatial analysis of the occurrence of forest fires in the Czech Republic. We found that the presence of wildfire in...V rámci lesů severní polokoule je požár považován za přirozenou součást dynamiky zejména v mediteránních ekosystémech a boreálních lesích a nově také v temperátních lesích Severní Ameriky. V případě temperátních oblastí střední Evropy byl však ekologický význam požárů pro lesní ekosystémy tradičně přehlížen i přes jejich relativně častý výskyt, zejména v některých oblastech a lesních typech. Příčinou tohoto přehlížení nejsou specifické přírodní podmínky střední Evropy, ale spíše tradiční přístup lesnické ekologie, který v úvahách o fungování lesních společenstev nebere v potaz vliv disturbancí a striktně vyčleňuje vliv člověka z přírodních procesů již od jeho prvopočátků. Tento přístup vedl k současnému nedostatku studií o vlivu požáru na vegetaci a zákonitostech výskytu požárů v krajině. Hlavním cílem této práce bylo objasnit ekologickou roli požárů pro středoevropské lesní ekosystémy se zaměřením na borové lesy, přičemž území České republiky bylo využito jako modelová oblast pro širší geografický region. Kapitola 1 se zabývá prostorovou analýzou výskytu lesních požárů v České republice. Zjistili jsme, že výskyt požárů v této kulturní krajině je řízen především faktory prostředí, zatímco frekvenci požárů ovlivňují zejména lidské faktory, které jsou nejčastějším zdrojem zážehu. Frekvence požárů...Department of BotanyKatedra botanikyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    The Urban Study of Locality SO Z3 in Dolní Lhota

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    Import 05/08/2014Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce je vypracování návrhu územní studie lokality SO Z3 v obci Dolní Lhota. Vypracovaná studie bude provedena ve dvou variantních řešeních. Návrhy jsou vypracovány pro individuální bydlení, včetně objektů občanské vybavenosti a úpravy okolí. Jedna varianta je dále zpracována v podrobnějším rozsahu, a to o dopravní řešení a řešení inženýrských sítí. Výsledkem bakalářské práce je rozbor problematiky současného stavu lokality a na základě těchto poznatků o území a potřebách obce je zpracována územní studie.The main topic of thesis is to develop a proposal of territorial study of locality SO Z3 in Dolní Lhota village. Study is performed in the two variants. The proposals are developed for individual housing, including the building amenities and the landscaping. One of variants is elaborated in more details, including transport solutions and solution of the engineering networks. Result of bachelor thesis is the analysis of current state of locality and based of these findings of the territory and needs of village, territoral study is processed.Prezenční222 - Katedra městského inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    Organising of handball tournament for pree-school and junior-school children category

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    katedra: KTV

    Power LED Driver

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    Import 29/09/2010První část diplomové práce je zaměřena na popis fyzikálních, konstrukčních a užitkových vlastnosti LED diod. V následující kapitole teoretické části je hlouběji rozvedena problematika řízení proudu LED diod s ukázkou principielních řešení. Nejdříve jsou zde definovány typy proudových zdrojů používaných k napájení LED, následuje uvedení způsobů řízení proudu při větším počtu LED a nakonec je zde rozvedena problematika analogového a digitálního PWM stmívání. Druhá část diplomové práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací driveru pro výkonový LED modul. Jednotlivé části návrhu a realizace jsou popsány v logickém sledu. Také jsou zde zaznamenány a popsány průběhy získané při kontrolním měření. V závěru práce je shrnutí výsledků teoretické i měřící části a také naznačení pokračování práce.The first part of this thesis is focused on physical, constructional and commercial properties of LED diodes. In the next chapter of theoretic part there is further elaborated the problems of LED current control with an example principled solution. First, there are defined types of current sources used to power LED, after that followed introduction current control methods for applications with more LED and in the end of this part there is elaborated the analog and digital PWM dimming. The second part of thesis discusses a concept and realization of power LED driver. Individual parts of concept and realization are described in a logical sequence. There are also recorded and described waveform obtained during control measurements. In conclusion of the thesis is summary of results of the theoretical and measurement part and also suggest of continuation the work.Prezenční448 - Katedra elektronikyvýborn

    Regional Entrepreneurship Culture and the Business Lifecycle: Patterns from the Moravian-Silesian Region

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    The main goal of the paper is to focus on relationship between business cycle under regional entrepreneurial culture. Many of the trends found were less than positive, although there were some new positive trends that could be identified as a source of sustainability in the area of the connection between the sector of small and medium sized enterprises and the local entrepreneurship environment as well as a source of entrepreneurial culture. Moreover, the frequency of co-operational activities with local government was investigated. Questionnaire-based research was undertaken within 194 organizations of various legal forms operating in the area of the Moravian-Silesian Region. The main factors, which had an influence on their current business stage (49.5% in the growth stage, 9.8% in stagnation, 31.96% in decline and the other 0.52% in crisis), were the locality in the region, the quality of the labour force, cooperation with local public bodies and the business relationships between suppliers. Finally, we have defined the current stage of the entrepreneurial culture as the “Sandbox”

    Remote controlled gate controller using a GSM network and Arduino platform

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    Most remote controllers for entrance gates operate on free frequencies 433 or 868 MHz. However, this technology limits the user comfort, as it is usually not common that bi-directional communication is established. A higher comfort of controlling the entrance gates can be achieved by employing the GSM network for transmission of commands and messages between the gate controller and the user. In this case, only a conventional GSM cellular phone is needed to control the gate. A description of such a controller based on the GSM module and Arduino controller is provided in this paper.Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic within The National Sustainability Programme Project [LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014)]; European Regional Development Fund under the project CEBIA-Tech [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0089

    Integrated Alarm System with the access system for Kindergartens

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    The aim of this article is to design the Integrated Alarm System for the Kindergartens which can handle Alarm, Access and Attendance application by a common system. A similar system is not available on the market yet and there are an opportunity and interest for integrated systems. This article is focused on the kindergartens as a soft target where also Access and Attendance system is needed. Due to this demand, the new concept of the Integrated Alarm System was designed. The main-board consists of three independent microcontrollers where each microcontroller is responsible for one application. The Attendance and Alarm part are prepared for the components which are using the bus connection by the RS-232 or RS-485. The system also has an Ethernet and GPRS interface for outside communication and connection. Each part of the system and the schematic part come with a detailed explanation of the components.Internal Grant Agency of Tomas Bata University [IGA/FAI/2020/003

    Comparison of antioxidant activity, content of polyphenols and flavonoids in liturgical and common wines

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    This article deals with the comparison of biologically active substances (antioxidant capacity, content of polyphenols and flavonoids) in samples of common and liturgical wines. For determination were chosen these varieties Pinot Noir, Red Traminer and Chardonnay. The total content of polyphenols and flavonoids were found by visible diode array spectrophotometer. For determination of total antioxidant capacity was used the DPPH test. Results of this paper did not prove a general difference between liturgical and common wines, although between individual samples a statistically significant difference was found. Furthermore, the results show considerably higher values of biologically active substances in red wines Pinot Noir against white wine Red Traminer and Chardonnay - the total antioxidant capacity was considerably in excess of values up to 30 times, the total content of polyphenols up to 50 times and the total content of flavonoids up to 50 times. From the content of biologically active substances point of view, the red wine is recommended for human health. © 2019 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences