23 research outputs found

    Sulla sicurezza delle strutture in calcestruzzo armato esposte ad azione da esplosione

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    In questo lavoro viene discusso il problema della valutazione della sicurezza di strutture in calcestruzzo armato, esposte alle azioni eccezionali delle esplosioni. Negli ultimi anni, a seguito dei numerosi eventi terroristici, tale problema ha assunto un rilievo drammatico, mettendo in evidenza la necessità di valutare se le risorse di resistenza di una struttura esposta ad esplosione, risultino adeguate a far fronte a tali azioni eccezionali. Questa problematica tocca la sicurezza strutturale con riflessi significativi sui costi. e, quindi, non può essere disattesa nell’ottica della sostenibilità di opere e interventi volti al contenimento del rischio connesso alle esplosioni. Nello studio si evidenziano, a partire dal quadro tecnico-normativo nazionale e internazionale, gli aspetti di base connessi ad un progetto avanzato, in presenza di strutture esposte ad esplosioni. In particolare, con riferimento alla valutazione della sicurezza in relazione alla definizione delle azioni da esplosione, dei modelli di comportamento dei materiali e dei meccanismi resistenti in regime dinamico di strutture in calcestruzzo armato

    camillo boito s capannone for the accademia di brera in milan reuse of a railway depot

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    The work concerns the project for the transfer of some departments of the Brera Academy to the area of Scalo Farini located in the centre of Milan. The area is central to the transformations of Milan, and the relocation of the departments of the Academy solves the problem of its development as a school. The transfer occupies the large post office warehouse in the centre of the area, which is the subject of a conservation and evaluation process for the insertion of the new functions

    The airplane crash at the "Pirelli" tall building

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    This paper is meant to deliver an overview on the damages and the following repairs of the structures of the 26th and 27th floor due to the airplane accident occurred on April, the 18th 2002. An aircraft 112 TC Commander impacted the facade of the Pirelli skyscraper getting into the building, where its gasoline tanks exploded. The first part of the paper focuses on a simplified analysis with the aims of evaluating the blast impulse and the peak pressure caused by the explosion on the floors structures. Then, a description of the realignment of the deck and the repairing operations are briefly summarized

    a factory for the future inveruno new school

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    School is a rather complex issue that involves a range of different disciplines—the technical disciplines of architectural, system and structural design, along with the disciplines of training that define the educational project, as well as the disciplines of sociology and urban studies. Given such complexity, the relationship among public institutions such as City, Province and Regional administrations and the seats of scientific research such as University Departments where the above-mentioned specific expertise is developed, becomes fundamental for an innovative school project

    technical scientific support for the definition of the project for the reconstruction of school buildings involved in seismic events

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    This research regards the development of the project of the new school of San Severino Marche. The school is located in a region severely affected by the earthquake, and for this reason the design of the new building was based on a high degree of structural capacity, as well as strong innovations on typological and technological level, in accordance with specific educational needs. The research work is developed through a BIM approach that allowed the proper coordination of the disciplines involved

    La misura FUZZY della vulnerabilitĂ  di manufatti stradali e ferroviari in c.a.

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    The paper outlines a possible approach to the problem of predicting the vulnerability of bridge structure due to multiple deterioration factors. As such, the evaluation of an existing bridge is based on a highly subjective procedure. The purpose of this paper is to describe a fuzzy mathematical ap-proach that can be used to evaluation bridge condition. The procedure is based on visual bridge in-spection. Fuzzy Sets Theory (FST) are used to represent the engineer's judgement on the gravity of observed damage and their relation to bridge safety