178 research outputs found

    Genome sequence of strain HIMB30, a novel member of the marine Gammaproteobacteria

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    Strain HIMB30 was isolated from coastal Hawaii seawater by extinction culturing in seawater-based oligotrophic medium. It is a phylogenetically unique member of the class Gammaproteobacteria that is only distantly related to its closest cultured relatives. Here we present the genome sequence of strain HIMB30, including genes for proteorhodopsin-based phototrophy and the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle

    Transcriptome Fingerprinting Analysis: An Approach to Explore Gene Expression Patterns in Marine Microbial Communities

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    Microbial transcriptomics are providing new insights into the functional processes of microbial communities. However, analysis of each sample is still expensive and time consuming. A rapid and low cost method that would allow the identification of the most interesting samples for posterior in-depth metatranscriptomics analysis would be extremely useful. Here we present Transcriptome Fingerprinting Analysis (TFA) as an approach to fulfill this objective in microbial ecology studies. We have adapted the differential display technique for mRNA fingerprinting based on the PCR amplification of expressed transcripts to interrogate natural microbial eukaryotic communities. Unlike other techniques, TFA does not require prior knowledge of the mRNA sequences to be detected. We have used a set of arbitrary primers coupled with a fluorescence labeled primer targeting the poly(A) tail of the eukaryotic mRNA, with further detection of the resulting labeled cDNA products in an automated genetic analyzer. The output represented by electropherogram peak patterns allowed the comparison of a set of genes expressed at the time of sampling. TFA has been optimized by testing the sensitivity of the method for different initial RNA amounts, and the repeatability of the gene expression patterns with increasing time after sampling both with cultures and environmental samples. Results show that TFA is a promising approach to explore the dynamics of gene expression patterns in microbial communities

    Conservative Fragments in Bacterial 16S rRNA Genes and Primer Design for 16S Ribosomal DNA Amplicons in Metagenomic Studies

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    Bacterial 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) amplicons have been widely used in the classification of uncultured bacteria inhabiting environmental niches. Primers targeting conservative regions of the rDNAs are used to generate amplicons of variant regions that are informative in taxonomic assignment. One problem is that the percentage coverage and application scope of the primers used in previous studies are largely unknown. In this study, conservative fragments of available rDNA sequences were first mined and then used to search for candidate primers within the fragments by measuring the coverage rate defined as the percentage of bacterial sequences containing the target. Thirty predicted primers with a high coverage rate (>90%) were identified, which were basically located in the same conservative regions as known primers in previous reports, whereas 30% of the known primers were associated with a coverage rate of <90%. The application scope of the primers was also examined by calculating the percentages of failed detections in bacterial phyla. Primers A519–539, E969–983, E1063–1081, U515 and E517, are highly recommended because of their high coverage in almost all phyla. As expected, the three predominant phyla, Firmicutes, Gemmatimonadetes and Proteobacteria, are best covered by the predicted primers. The primers recommended in this report shall facilitate a comprehensive and reliable survey of bacterial diversity in metagenomic studies

    Investigation into the annotation of protocol sequencing steps in the sequence read archive

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    BACKGROUND: The workflow for the production of high-throughput sequencing data from nucleic acid samples is complex. There are a series of protocol steps to be followed in the preparation of samples for next-generation sequencing. The quantification of bias in a number of protocol steps, namely DNA fractionation, blunting, phosphorylation, adapter ligation and library enrichment, remains to be determined. RESULTS: We examined the experimental metadata of the public repository Sequence Read Archive (SRA) in order to ascertain the level of annotation of important sequencing steps in submissions to the database. Using SQL relational database queries (using the SRAdb SQLite database generated by the Bioconductor consortium) to search for keywords commonly occurring in key preparatory protocol steps partitioned over studies, we found that 7.10%, 5.84% and 7.57% of all records (fragmentation, ligation and enrichment, respectively), had at least one keyword corresponding to one of the three protocol steps. Only 4.06% of all records, partitioned over studies, had keywords for all three steps in the protocol (5.58% of all SRA records). CONCLUSIONS: The current level of annotation in the SRA inhibits systematic studies of bias due to these protocol steps. Downstream from this, meta-analyses and comparative studies based on these data will have a source of bias that cannot be quantified at present

    Estimating Genetic Variability in Non-Model Taxa: A General Procedure for Discriminating Sequence Errors from Actual Variation

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    Genetic variation is the driving force of evolution and as such is of central interest for biologists. However, inadequate discrimination of errors from true genetic variation could lead to incorrect estimates of gene copy number, population genetic parameters, phylogenetic relationships and the deposition of gene and protein sequences in databases that are not actually present in any organism. Misincorporation errors in multi-template PCR cloning methods, still commonly used for obtaining novel gene sequences in non-model species, are difficult to detect, as no previous information may be available about the number of expected copies of genes belonging to multi-gene families. However, studies employing these techniques rarely describe in any great detail how errors arising in the amplification process were detected and accounted for. Here, we estimated the rate of base misincorporation of a widely-used PCR-cloning method, using a single copy mitochondrial gene from a single individual to minimise variation in the template DNA, as 1.62×10−3 errors per site, or 9.26×10−5 per site per duplication. The distribution of errors among sequences closely matched that predicted by a binomial distribution function. The empirically estimated error rate was applied to data, obtained using the same methods, from the Phospholipase A2 toxin family from the pitviper Ovophis monticola. The distribution of differences detected closely matched the expected distribution of errors and we conclude that, when undertaking gene discovery or assessment of genetic diversity using this error-prone method, it will be informative to empirically determine the rate of base misincorporation

    Global diversity and biogeography of deep-sea pelagic prokaryotes

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    The deep-sea is the largest biome of the biosphere, and contains more than half of the whole ocean/'s microbes. Uncovering their general patterns of diversity and community structure at a global scale remains a great challenge, as only fragmentary information of deep-sea microbial diversity exists based on regional-scale studies. Here we report the first globally comprehensive survey of the prokaryotic communities inhabiting the bathypelagic ocean using high-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. This work identifies the dominant prokaryotes in the pelagic deep ocean and reveals that 50{\%} of the operational taxonomic units (OTUs) belong to previously unknown prokaryotic taxa, most of which are rare and appear in just a few samples. We show that whereas the local richness of communities is comparable to that observed in previous regional studies, the global pool of prokaryotic taxa detected is modest (\~{}3600 OTUs), as a high proportion of OTUs are shared among samples. The water masses appear to act as clear drivers of the geographical distribution of both particle-attached and free-living prokaryotes. In addition, we show that the deep-oceanic basins in which the bathypelagic realm is divided contain different particle-attached (but not free-living) microbial communities. The combination of the aging of the water masses and a lack of complete dispersal are identified as the main drivers for this biogeographical pattern. All together, we identify the potential of the deep ocean as a reservoir of still unknown biological diversity with a higher degree of spatial complexity than hitherto considered.En prensa8,951

    Distinctive Gut Microbiota of Honey Bees Assessed Using Deep Sampling from Individual Worker Bees

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    Surveys of 16S rDNA sequences from the honey bee, Apis mellifera, have revealed the presence of eight distinctive bacterial phylotypes in intestinal tracts of adult worker bees. Because previous studies have been limited to relatively few sequences from samples pooled from multiple hosts, the extent of variation in this microbiota among individuals within and between colonies and locations has been unclear. We surveyed the gut microbiota of 40 individual workers from two sites, Arizona and Maryland USA, sampling four colonies per site. Universal primers were used to amplify regions of 16S ribosomal RNA genes, and amplicons were sequenced using 454 pyrotag methods, enabling analysis of about 330,000 bacterial reads. Over 99% of these sequences belonged to clusters for which the first blastn hits in GenBank were members of the known bee phylotypes. Four phylotypes, one within Gammaproteobacteria (corresponding to “Candidatus Gilliamella apicola”) one within Betaproteobacteria (“Candidatus Snodgrassella alvi”), and two within Lactobacillus, were present in every bee, though their frequencies varied. The same typical bacterial phylotypes were present in all colonies and at both sites. Community profiles differed significantly among colonies and between sites, mostly due to the presence in some Arizona colonies of two species of Enterobacteriaceae not retrieved previously from bees. Analysis of Sanger sequences of rRNA of the Snodgrassella and Gilliamella phylotypes revealed that single bees contain numerous distinct strains of each phylotype. Strains showed some differentiation between localities, especially for the Snodgrassella phylotype

    Massively Parallel Haplotyping on Microscopic Beads for the High-Throughput Phase Analysis of Single Molecules

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    In spite of the many advances in haplotyping methods, it is still very difficult to characterize rare haplotypes in tissues and different environmental samples or to accurately assess the haplotype diversity in large mixtures. This would require a haplotyping method capable of analyzing the phase of single molecules with an unprecedented throughput. Here we describe such a haplotyping method capable of analyzing in parallel hundreds of thousands single molecules in one experiment. In this method, multiple PCR reactions amplify different polymorphic regions of a single DNA molecule on a magnetic bead compartmentalized in an emulsion drop. The allelic states of the amplified polymorphisms are identified with fluorescently labeled probes that are then decoded from images taken of the arrayed beads by a microscope. This method can evaluate the phase of up to 3 polymorphisms separated by up to 5 kilobases in hundreds of thousands single molecules. We tested the sensitivity of the method by measuring the number of mutant haplotypes synthesized by four different commercially available enzymes: Phusion, Platinum Taq, Titanium Taq, and Phire. The digital nature of the method makes it highly sensitive to detecting haplotype ratios of less than 1∶10,000. We also accurately quantified chimera formation during the exponential phase of PCR by different DNA polymerases

    Structuring of Bacterioplankton Diversity in a Large Tropical Bay

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    Structuring of bacterioplanktonic populations and factors that determine the structuring of specific niche partitions have been demonstrated only for a limited number of colder water environments. In order to better understand the physical chemical and biological parameters that may influence bacterioplankton diversity and abundance, we examined their productivity, abundance and diversity in the second largest Brazilian tropical bay (Guanabara Bay, GB), as well as seawater physical chemical and biological parameters of GB. The inner bay location with higher nutrient input favored higher microbial (including vibrio) growth. Metagenomic analysis revealed a predominance of Gammaproteobacteria in this location, while GB locations with lower nutrient concentration favored Alphaproteobacteria and Flavobacteria. According to the subsystems (SEED) functional analysis, GB has a distinctive metabolic signature, comprising a higher number of sequences in the metabolism of phosphorus and aromatic compounds and a lower number of sequences in the photosynthesis subsystem. The apparent phosphorus limitation appears to influence the GB metagenomic signature of the three locations. Phosphorus is also one of the main factors determining changes in the abundance of planktonic vibrios, suggesting that nutrient limitation can be observed at community (metagenomic) and population levels (total prokaryote and vibrio counts)

    Diversity of 23S rRNA Genes within Individual Prokaryotic Genomes

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    The concept of ribosomal constraints on rRNA genes is deduced primarily based on the comparison of consensus rRNA sequences between closely related species, but recent advances in whole-genome sequencing allow evaluation of this concept within organisms with multiple rRNA operons. was the only species in which intragenomic diversity >3% was observed among 4 paralogous 23S rRNA genes.These findings indicate tight ribosomal constraints on individual 23S rRNA genes within a genome. Although classification using primary 23S rRNA sequences could be erroneous, significant diversity among paralogous 23S rRNA genes was observed only once in the 184 species analyzed, indicating little overall impact on the mainstream of 23S rRNA gene-based prokaryotic taxonomy