27 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyze the implementation of madrasah management at the Darud Dakwah Wal Irsyad (DDI) Pattojo Islamic Boarding School, Soppeng Regency. In the process of collecting data, the author uses the method of observation and interviews with madrasah principals, madrasah teachers, madrasah staff, village heads, religious leaders, community leaders and youth leaders. Management is a way that is done so that other people can work and are willing to do something well and maximally and can use the best time possible. Furthermore, if the word management is associated with the word madrasah, then madrasah management is a way that is done professionally to raise and improve the madrasah by controlling and supervising all activities carried out. Making all elements in the madrasah work properly and optimally. Related to the management and development of madrasah management, namely by means of planning (planning), organizing (organizing), leadership (leading) and supervision (controlling). The implementation of madrasah management at the Darud Dakwah Wal Irsyad Pattojo boarding school in Soppeng Regency has been implemented and implemented quite well. So that the Darud Dakwah Wal Irsyad Pattojo boarding school, Soppeng Regency, still exists today and is still in great demand by various people. As for the role of the Darud Dakwah Wal Irsyad Pattojo boarding school, Soppeng Regency, after being studied from various perspectives, namely as a unifying element of society, development in the field of religion and development in the field of education. The author sees that the management of the Darud Dakwah Wal Irsyad Pattojo boarding school in Soppeng Regency has opportunities and challenges. With the development of sophisticated technology, all information systems and technology can become major capital in the development of these madrasas. However, there is a lack of human resources capable of adapting to these developments, so it still requires special training related to this management


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    The curriculum as an educational design has a very strategic position in all aspects of educational activities. Considering the importance of curriculum development in education, the preparation must refer to a solid and strong foundation. The foundation of curriculum development is not only needed for the compilers of the curriculum (macro) or the written curriculum which is often referred to as the ideal curriculum, but must also be understood and used as a basis for consideration by the implementers of the (micro) curriculum, namely the education supervisors and the teachers and parties - other parties related to the tasks of managing education, as material to be used as instruments in conducting coaching towards the implementation of the curriculum at each type and level of education. With this important position, curriculum development cannot be done arbitrarily, but it must be based on various considerations, or a foundation so that it can be used as a foothold in organizing the educational process, so as to facilitate the achievement of educational and learning goals more efficiently and effectively

    Moral Education Values in the Qur'an Recitation at the Bolo District, Bima Regency Marriage Ceremony

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    ABSTRACTTitle                 : Moral Education Values in the Qur'an Recitation at the Bolo District, Bima Regency Marriage CeremonyThe objectives of this study were to 1) explain and analyze the role of moral education values in memorizing al-Qur'an recitations during wedding ceremonies in the Bolo community of Bima Regency. 2) to elaborate on the practice of memorizing Qur'an recitations during community wedding ceremonies. Bolo is located in the Bima Regency.This was a qualitative study that took a phenomenological approach through the use of interdisciplinary approaches such as pedagogical, psychological, and normative perspectives. These diverse approaches were capable of explaining the importance of moral education in memorizing the Qur'an recitations at the Bolo community's wedding ceremony, ranging from the importance of moral education, descriptions of memorizing recitations, etiquette in memorizing al-Qur'an recitations, fluency, to the relationship between memorizing and memorizing. recitation in conjunction with marriage.The study's findings indicated that while the reality of moral education values in memorizing al-Qur'an recitations was observed in the people of Bolo District, Bima Regency, particularly those related to memorizing al-Qur'an recitations, they needed to be improved and implemented optimally. As for the value of moral education in memorizing al-Qur'an recitations in the community of Bolo District, Bima Regency, it could be seen from the perspective of faith; exemplary could also be seen in the community's use of time; the community's empathy was quite good, even if some were found to be indifferent; however, sustainable development was required; however, when viewed from the perspective of responsibility, it was quite good, because it was quite v The description of memorizing the Qur'an recitations can be seen in two things that the community believes: To begin, memorizing served as a preventative measure against negative events, as it aided in the development and control of the community, requiring constant interaction and an understanding of the Qur'an's value. Second, as the source of Allah's mercy, as it contained an assembly of the Qur'an. Additionally, adab in recitations can be viewed from two perspectives: etiquette regarding reading and etiquette regarding dress in recitations. It was excellent in terms of fluency. The connection between memorizing recitations and marriage can be explained in three ways: first, it was believed to be a blessing; second, it was the hope of becoming a Qur'anic family; and third, it was the desire to become a Qur'anic family. Third, a social culture that had developed into a habit that necessitated activity.This research implied that various forms of Qur'an recitation activities that benefited moral education values and were carried out by the people of Bolo District, Bima Regency, should have been evaluated as efforts / constructive input in a memorizing activity. recitation of the Qur'an during the Bolo District's wedding ceremony. The evaluation included all stakeholders, including the government, parents, and society. Additionally, with various activities coupled with Qur'an recitations in the community of Bolo District, Bima Regency as indigenous wisdom and culture infused with religious values, the activities associated with weddings and other events should be developed and improved. in a variety of activities, both social and religious, which, of course, adds its value and unique style to moral values that are necessary throughout the ages. Keywords: Moral Education Value, Haflah Tilawah and Marriage.   


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    A curriculum is as a guideline for teachers in implementing the learning programs in order to achieve the educational goal where the teacher teaches. The teachers as a professional worker are required to design, implement, and evaluate the results of their own works as well as possible. Teacher is one who knows the exact circumstances of the implementation of the applicable curriculum. In addition, teachers are responsible for creating the desired learning outcomes. Thus, teachers are always required to improve their capabilities in accordance with the development of curriculum, development of science and technology, and the development of society. Therefore, the mastery of the curriculum for teachers is an absolute thing and obligation


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    Abstract: Education provides the advancement of human thought so that their standard of living increases. In its development from age to age education transformed into a system. An educational system systematically arranged in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2003 on the law of the national education system article 11 paragraph 1, which explains that education is implemented through three lines of formal, informal and informal education. These three educational paths are mutually related to each other and need to make the social changes that occur in the future. The existence of education as a factor of social change, the role of educators or teachers have a strategic role in realizing students to be ready in the face of expected social change. As expressed by Amanda Coffey (2001) that educators / teachers from day to day work for schools, as the key to implementation (implementation) of education policy. As the main social actor in education, educators have a responsibility in complementing the pedagogic practice as well as the transmission of knowledge and skills. They are also responsible for the management of the classroom. Educators occupy the leading position in policy and social chang


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    Abstract: The Relationship between Teacher’s Competence, School Culture and Teacher’s Performance This article aims to prove the relationship between teacher’s competence, school culture, and teacher’s performance at State Senior High School 10 in Maros, South Sulawesi. This research is quantitative or research by using quantitative approach.  The population in this study was 24 teachers and 351 students. The sample was determined by using disproportionate random sampling so that a sample of 77 people was obtained, consisting of 24 teachers taken in total and 53 students taken as many as 15% of the population. The data techniques used were questionnaire and documentation. Data analysis is performed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics through correlation tests. The results of this study prove that there is a positive relationship between teacher’s competence, school culture, and teacher’s performance at State Senior High School 10 in Maros. Thus, teacher’s performance can be improved through the application of good competencies and the creation of a conducive school culture at schools. Abstrak: Hubungan antara Kompetensi Guru dan Budaya SekolahArtikel ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kompetensi guru dan budaya sekolah dengan kinerja guru pada SMA Negeri 10 Maros, Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah guru yang berjumlah 24 orang dan peserta didik yang berjumlah 351 orang. Sampel ditentukan dengan menggunakan disproportionate random sampling sehingga diperoleh sampel sebanyak 77 orang, terdiri dari 24 orang guru yang diambil secara keseluruhan dan 53 orang peserta didik yang diambil sebanyak 15% dari populasi. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi, kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial melalui uji korelasi. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara kompetensi guru dan budaya sekolah dengan kinerja guru di SMA Negeri 10 Maros. Dengan demikian, kinerja guru dapat ditingkatkan melalui penerapan kompetensi yang baik dan terciptanya budaya sekolah yang kondusif di sekolah

    Kebutuhan Masyarakat dan Kemajuan Iptek dalam Pendidikan Islam

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    Pendidikan mengemban tugas penting dalam mewujudkan kebutuhan dan keinginan masyarakat. Dalam hal ini pendidikan sebagai sarana berlangsungnya berbagai aktifitas yang menentukan arti keberadaan masyarakat yang bersangkutan melalui penyiapan generasi muda untuk memegang peran strategis dalam masyarakat. Eksistensi suatu lembaga pendidikan Islam di tengah-tengah masyarakat tidak lain merupakan perwujudan dari kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap pendidikan. Hal itu merupakan suatu hal yang mesti ada. Demikian pentingnya keberadaan lembaga pendidikan itu, sehingga secara ekstrim dapat dikatakan bahwa maju mundurnya suatu masyarakat atau bangsa sangat ditentukan oleh maju mundurnya pendidikan yang dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat atau bangsa itu. Artikel ini mencoba untuk mengelaborasi lebih jauh tentang penataan sistem lembaga pendidikan agar mampu mengkomodir kebutuhan masyarakat dan sejalan dengan nafas kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dewasa ini

    Proses Perkembangan Islam pada Masa Awal di Nusantara: Teori Masuknya dan Pusat Pendidikan Islam Masa Awal di Asia Tenggara: The Islam Development Process in the Early Period of the Archipelago: Theory of Entry and the Center for Early Islamic Education in Southeast Asia

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    This study aims to: (1) find out the theory of the arrival of Islam in the archipelago, (2) to find out the development of Islam in the archipelago, and (3) early centers of Islamic education in Southeast Asia. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection through literature review methods. The results of the study show that for the first time the arrival of Islam in the archipelago was based on several theories, including the Gujarati theory, Mecca theory, Persian theory, Chinese theory, and Egyptian theory. The development of Islam in the archipelago was influenced by trading activities, marriage processes, da'wah activities, and through education. Islamic education centers in the archipelago are carried out in Muslim places of worship (mosques). As for the Islamic kingdoms in the archipelago, namely the kingdom of Perlak, the kingdom of Samudra Pasai, and the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam

    Al-Qur'an; Pertentangan antara Teks dan Konteks (Suatu Perdebatan yang Berkepanjangan)

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    Sudah menjadi opini umum bahwa Al-qur'an itu adalah sumber ajaran Islam. Al-Qur'an sebagai rujukan utama umat Islam dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan mereka dan terbukanya untuk interpretasi baru merupakan motivasi tersendiri lahirnya usaha-usaha menafsirkan dan menggali kandungan makna. Sejarah telah membuktikan bahwa upaya-upaya untuk menafsirkan Al-Qur'an telah berlangsung sejak generasi-generasi Islam angkatan pertama hingga hari ini dan akan terus berlangsung hingga akhir zaman. Lebih dari itu, dalam kepustakaan Barat, kajian terhadap Al-Qur'an menjadi menu utama para islamolog. Artikel ini mencoba mengelaborasi lebih jauh tentang perdebatan yang panjang mengenai pergumulan teks dan konteks dari Al-Qur'an

    Eksistensi Guru dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum

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    A curriculum is as a guideline for teachers in implementing the learning programs in order to achieve the educational goal where the teacher teaches. The teachers as a professional worker are required to design, implement, and evaluate the results of their own works as well as possible. Teacher is one who knows the exact circumstances of the implementation of the applicable curriculum. In addition, teachers are responsible for creating the desired learning outcomes. Thus, teachers are always required to improve their capabilities in accordance with the development of curriculum, development of science and technology, and the development of society. Therefore, the mastery of the curriculum for teachers is an absolute thing and obligation