71 research outputs found


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    This study is aimed at knowing the effect of the relationship between the job satisfaction with family satisfaction and the working Commitement and its effect on the performace and the lecturer's career. The objective of this study is analyzing the effect of relationship between job satisfaction with family satisfaction and the working commitment. Besides, this study also analyzes the effect of job satisfaction on the performance and the effect of the working commitment on the performance. Further, it also analyzes the effect of performance on the lecturer's Career. The samples of this study are permanent lecturers who have family at state Universities in east Java. In addition, they also have to get Lector, Head lector and Professor. The respondents are taken from 200 out of 2,812 population based on the maximum likelihood. Form the stated number, those who fulfill the analysis requirements are only 173 people. In order to test each of the effect, analysis technique SEM (Amos 5,0) is used. The results of the study indicates that each variable has relationship and efect. Based on standardized cooeficient, there is positive and significant relationship between family satisfaction and job satisfacion. Besides, there is also positive and significant relationship between job satisfaction and the working commitment. Besides, this study also shows that based on the standardized coefficient, there is positive and significant effect of working satisfaction on performance, working Commitment on the performance, and performance on the lecturer's Career. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh timbal-balik antara kepuasan kerja dengan kepuasan keluarga dan komitmen kerja serta dampaknya terhadap prestasi kerja dan karier Dosen. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh timbal balik antara kepuasan kerja dengan kepuasan keluarga dan komitmen kerja. Di samping itu penelitian ini juga menganalisis pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap prestasi kerja dan pengaruh komitmen kerja terhadap prestasi kerja, serta menganalisis pengaruh prestasi kerja terhadap karier dosen. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah Dosen tetap pada Universitas Negeri di Jawa Timur yang sudah berkeluarga dan menduduki jabatan Lektor, Lektor Kepala dan Guru Besar dari 2.812 orang populasi diambil sebanyak 200 responden sesuai ketentuan maximum likelihood. Dari jumlah itu yang memenuhi syarat analisis adalah 173 orang. Untuk menguji masing-masing pengaruh digunakan teknik analisis SEM (Amos 5,0). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masing-masing variabel berhubungan dan berpengaruh, berdasarkan koefisien terstandardisasi menunjukkan pengaruh timbal-balik secara positif dan signifikan antara kepuasan keluarga dan kepuasan kerja. Pengaruh timbal-balik antara kepuasan kerja dan komitmen kerja juga positif dan signifikan. Di samping itu, hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan koefisien terstandardisasi untuk pengaruh antara kepuasan kerja terhadap prestasi kerja, komitmen kerja terhadap prestasi kerja dan prestasi kerja terhadap karier Dosen, semuanya mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan. Kata kunci: kepuasan keluarga, kepuasan kerja, komitmen kerja, prestasi kerja dan karier dosen

    Personality Effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB): Trust in Manager and Organizational Commitment Mediator of Organizational Justice in Makassar City Hospitals (Indonesia)

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    This study aims to explore the effect of personality, organizational justice, trust in managers and commitment toward OCB. It is testing and explaining the effect of organizational justice toward OCB mediated by organizational commitment and trust in managers to nurses in Makassar City Hospitals. The instrument is questionnaire survey. The sample is decided by proportional stratified random sampling. Respondents are 134 nurses. The data analysis used is structural equation modeling (SEM). Results of this study indicate that personality, trust in managers and organizational commitment affect significantly the OCB, but organizational justice does not affect OCB. In addition, organizational justice affects significantly the trust in managers and organizational commitment. Finally, the findings can prove that organizational commitment and the trust in managers can act as a complete mediation of the relationship between organizational justices and OCB. The practical implication of this study is to provide knowledge and information for nurses and hospital management to increase OCB by applying the concept of personality, organizational justice, organizational commitment and trust in managers. Keywords: Personality, Organizational Justice, Commitment, Trust in manager, OCB, Nurse


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    This study has three objectives: to reveal how to create effective copycats design; to determine the most favorable situation for copycats; to cognize the winner of panoplied copycats versus market leader. Study 1 with participation of 98 farmers revealed that copycats managed to steal quality image of market leader through imitation of typography and colour. Study 2 with involvement of 216 farmers suggested that copycat to situate farmer peers as referrals, apply moderately-lower pricing and persuade consumers without sales promotions. Market leader won against copycats in the battle for defending loyal consumers. DOI : https://doi.org/10.26905/jbm.v6i1.303

    The effect of corporate governance and premium growth on the performance of insurance companies in Indonesia

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis about the effect of corporate governance and premium growth in the performance of insurance companies in Indonesia. The growth rate of insurance premiums has decreased throughout 2016, followed by a decline in performance mainly influenced by poor corporate governance. Design/Methodology/Approach: By comparing different studies we try to come to a conclusion regarding the effect of corporate governance and premium growth in the performance of insurance companies. Some previous research stated that corporate governance does not positively affect the performance of these companies. Others, have found that growth in premiums, capital growth, returns, claims ratios, and types of capital affected the growth of life insurance company assets, while the ratio of acquisition costs, administrative cost ratios, and capital did not significantly affect the growth of life insurance company assets in Indonesia. Findings: There is a positiveThe findings in this study are the research framework which states that The Effect of Corporate Governance and Premium Growth on the Performance of Insurance Companies in Indonesia with company growth as mediation. Practical Implications: Findings of this study can be used by insurance companies as a study material to improve their performance. Originality/Value: The research hypotheses tested as they have been generated from the research framework.peer-reviewe

    The Role of Bureaucratic Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Performance (Study on the Local Government Task Force/ SKPD’s Financial Administration Officials in Jayapura City Government)

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    The purposes of this study are to: 1) examine and analyze the effect of leadership and organizational culture toward organizational commitment; 2) examine and analyze the effect of leadership and organizational culture toward organizational performance; 3) examine and analyze the effect of the organizational commitment toward organizational performance. The type of this study is survey research to test the research hypotheses. The study is conducted in the Jayapura City Government at 32 offices. The study takes all of the population as the respondents. Total population is 96 officers consisting of the heads of SKPD, treasurers, and financial administration official. The analysis tool used in this study is Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). The results demonstrate that high bureaucratic leadership causes a lower organizational commitment; and, the increasing bureaucratic leadership does not significantly affect organizational performance. Greater organizational culture can improve organizational commitment; yet, greater organizational culture does not significantly affect organizational performance. Organizational commitment is a mediation variable that strengthens the relationship between bureaucratic leadership and organizational culture toward the organizational performance. Keywords: Bureaucratic Leadership, Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Performance

    The Role of Work Commitment and Work Motivation in Mediate the Influence of Transformational Leadership on the Performance (Study on PT. Terminal Peti Kemas Surabaya)

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    This research aims to empirically examine and analyze: influence transformational leadership toward employee performance; influence work commitment and work motivation toward employee performance; work commitment and work motivation as mediating the influnce transformastional leadership toward employee performance. The results of this study are expected to contribute to science, especially human resources, especially the relationship between transformational leadership on work commitment, work motivation and performance. This study is a survey of the employees of PT. Terminal Peti Kemas Suarabaya. The research method used is explanatory research. The study population was all employees of PT. Surabaya Container Terminal which has been working for 2 years and as many as 512 employees. Determination of the samples was done by using the formula Slovin and further unknown samples are 131 employees. analysis used in the study is the GSCA (Generalized structured component analysis). The results of this study establish that leadership trasnformasional insignificantly on employee performance. Work commitment and work motivation have a significantly on employee performance. Further work commitment and work motivation as mediating the influence of transformational leadership on employee performance. Although the work commitment and work motivation has a role to produce performance, but still need to be improved in order to build better organizational conditions for performance of employees and further improve the performance of the organization. Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Work Commitment, Work Motivation and Employee Performance

    The Developing Framework On The Relationship Between Market Orientation And Entrepreneurial Orientation To The Firm Performance Through Strategic Flexibility: A Literature Perspective

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    This paper develops a conceptual framework for an intended study which will examine the relationship between market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation on the firm performance. Previous study has shown that market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation is directly related to organizational performance. However, another studies indicate that the significance of the relationship between variables must be mediated by other variables. Some authors argue that environmental dynamics play a important role in the achievement of the firm performance. Therefore, this article try to fills a gap that exists on the relationship between market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation on the firm performance. In developing framework, we integrate strategic flexibility as a variables which mediates that relationship. This paper provide recommendations for entrepreneurs of how their market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation related with firm performance through strategic flexibility. The limitations and implications are discussed. Keywords: Market Orientation, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Strategic Flexibility, Firm Performanc

    Hedonic and Utilitarian Motives of Coffee Shop Customer in Makassar, Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the hedonic and utilitarian motives behind consumer decisions to drink coffee in a coffee shop in the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. To know these motives, this study used a qualitative approach, which aims to explore the true meaning of the reason for the consumption of coffee in a coffee shop. Research informants as many as 16 people, which is obtained by using purposive sampling. The results showed that: (1) the motives that belong to the hedonic motives that influence the customer's decision in choosing the coffee shop is, (a). adventure motif, (b). habitual buying motive, (c). emotional and familial relationships motive, (d). gratification motive, (e). socialization motive, and (2). Motifs that belong to the utilitarian motives are: (a). Location motive, (b). egalitarian motive, (c). Telecommuting motive, (d). motif taste and price of the product, and (e). mediation motive. Keywords: Hedonic and Utilitarian Motives, Coffee sho

    Change Leadership Ability to Improve Employees’ Readiness to Change

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    Purpose: The objective of this theoretical review is to reveal the interaction of constructs that may predict employees’ readiness to change. This aims to examine the change leadership ability in improving the employee readiness to change.   Design/methodology/approach: This is a theoretical examination to explore the factors that affect employee readiness to change based on phenomena at oil & gas sector in state-own enterprise Indonesia.   Findings: Change leadership may have significant impact to strengthen employees’ readiness to change with the existence of individual psychological attribute, supported by trust in leaders.   Research limitations/implications: This research examines theoretically the change leadership ability to affect the employees’ readiness to change. Therefore, researchers should use this research as a basis to make empirical research to prove its truth and obtain other valuable findings.    Practical implications: This research is useful to enhance change readiness concept in its relations to change leadership. The review can be used as basis to make an empirical research.   Social Implications: The findings shows that change leadership may have significant impact to strengthen employees’ readiness. It will support management as well as the employees to manage change readiness during organization transformation.   Originality/value: This research explores theoretically antecedent factors that affect employee readiness to change based on phenomena at oil & gas sector in state-own enterprise Indonesia

    Karakteristik Pembentuk Motivasi Kerja dan Hubungannya dengan Kepuasan Kerja Pegawai pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung-Bali

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    Basically, the company not only requires capable, competent and skillful employees but the most important thing is that they are willing to work hard and to achieve optimal performance. Employees' capability, competence and skills would not make any improvement for the company if they are not willing to work hard to apply their capability, competence and skills and if the company gives the opportunity and appreciation for their capability, competence and skills, it would give them satisfaction and the workers will be motivated to work if they receive higher satisfaction from their job. Job satisfaction is very important since most problems occurring in organization, such as strike, demonstration, high level of absenteeism, are generally caused by job dissatisfaction. Therefore the job satisfaction of the employees in the organization should receive attention so as to preserve the healthy working condition and improve job motivation and productivity. This research was aimed at finding the characteristics that build job motivation and its relationship with the govermental employees' job satisfaction at the Badung Regency. The population in this research is the official from the second, third and fourth echelons in the government office of the Badung Regency, by taking a sample of 100 respondents. Data were collected by distributing questionnaire. The analytic tool used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), using the confirmatory technique, which aims at proving the theories in a model. The result of this research shows that individual and organizational characteristics have a positive impact both on the job motivation and job satisfaction while job characteristics have a negative impact on the job motivation and job satisfaction. The results also show that there is no relationship between job motivation and job satisfaction
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