54 research outputs found

    Point-by-point partial imaging for non destructive evaluation using radiation scattering technique

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    Imaging is very common in non-destructive evaluation of an object. Due to the nature of the method used, conventional imaging is usually performed for the whole object (complete imaging). In many cases, partial imaging is more preferable if the region-of-interest is known in advance. This paper presents the technique for point-by-point partial imaging using photon scattering. The result shows that the method is suitable for visual evaluation of the object by producing partial images representing the internal condition of the object. Key Words: Non-destructive evaluation - compton scatter - imaging system

    Image Enhancement of Ultrasonic Image for Vision Based Computer Aided Cardiac Diagnosis System

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    Makalah 4th Biomedical Engineering Forum Teknik Elektro UAD Yogyakarta, 10 April 201

    Compton Scatter Partial Line Imaging For Non-Intrusive Inspection Of Layered Objects

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    Imaging in general can be carried out in three fashions, point-by-point, line-by-line, and plane-by-plane. In inspecting layered object, however, line imaging along the thickness of the inspected object is more preferable. Furthermore, if the region-of-interest inside the object is known in advance, partial imaging is beneficial since it does not require scanning of the whole object. This paper combines the two techniques, hence called as partial line imaging, using Compton scattering. The method is useful for instance in detecting sheet explosives concealed inside passenger\u27s baggage as well as inspecting adhesively bonded metals or composites


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    Pada pabrik-pabrik  pengolahan cat ataupun soft drink terdapat serangkaian proses pencampuran cairan dan pengisian kemasan yang terjadi ketika proses produksi. Proses ini dapat memakan waktu dan tenaga manusia bila dijalankan secara manual. Guna mempermudah proses produksi, maka diperlukan suatu sistem pengendali yang dapat melakukan pencampuran cairan dan pengisian kemasan tersebut secara otomatis. Otomatisasi sistem yang dimaksud adalah sebuah sistem yang dapat melakukan proses pencampuran dua cairan dan mengisikannya ke dalam kemasan secara otomatis dengan membaca kondisi dari seluruh sensor yang ada. Sistem yang dibangun terdiri dari sebuah plant pencampur cairan yang memiliki tiga bejana (yaitu bejana air, bejana sirup, serta bejana pencampur yang masing-masing dilengkapi sebuah sensor cairan), sebuah mekanisme pengisian kemasan yang terdiri dari sebuah conveyor yang dilengkapi sensor pendeteksi kemasan dan sensor pendeteksi posisi kemasan, serta sebuah unit pengendali berbasis mikrokontroler Atmel AT89S52. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem dapat melakukan pencampuran dua cairan yaitu sirup dan air dengan perbandingan komposisi 2200ml air: 300ml sirup dan mengisikannya ke dalam 9 kemasan (gelas) dengan volume masing-masing kemasan 250 ml secara otomatis

    Lip Motion Pattern Recognition for Indonesian Syllable Pronunciation Utilizing Hidden Markov Model Method

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    A speech therapeutic tool had been developed to help Indonesian deaf kids learn how to pronounce words correctly. The applied technique utilized lip movement frames captured by a camera and inputted them in to a pattern recognition module which can differentiate between different vowel phonemes pronunciation in Indonesian language. In this paper, we used one dimensional Hidden Markov Model (HMM) method for pattern recognition module. The feature used for the training and test data were composed of six key-points of 20 sequential frames representing certain phonemes. Seventeen Indonesian phonemes were chosen from the words usually used by deaf kid special school teachers for speech therapy. The results showed that the recognition rates varied on different phonemes articulation, ie. 78% for bilabial/palatal phonemes and 63% for palatal only phonemes. The condition of the lips also had effect on the result, where female with red lips has 0.77 correlation coefficient, compare to 0.68 for pale lips and 0.38 for male with mustaches

    Lip Image Feature Extraction Utilizing Snake’s Control Points for Lip Reading Applications

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    Snake is an active contour model that catches and locks image edges, then localizes them accurately. The simplest Snake consists of a set of control points that are connected by straight lines to form a closed loop. This paper discusses the application of Snake to find the visual feature of lip shapes. In most previous papers, visual feature of lip shapes is represented by Snake’s contour. In this paper, the feature of lip shapes is represented by six control points on lip Snake’s contours. By simply utilizing six control points representing one lip Snake’s contour, it is expected to reduce the burden on pattern recognition stage. To demonstrate the performance of this method, some analysis has been conducted on the effect of lip conditions and illumination. The results shows that the overall lip feature extraction using the proposed method is better for lips that have more contrast to the surrounding skin, optimum room illumination that gives the best result is in the range of 330-340 lux

    Accelerometer-Based Recorder of Fingers Dynamic Movements for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation

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    Stroke is a disease that currently attracts more attention in Indonesia according to the statistics provided by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. This research was motivated by the shortage of physiotherapists which can not catch the increasing number of stroke patients. The therapy becomes less effective and less efficient since each therapist must handle too many patients during his/her work hours. This research has developed a device prototype that can help the therapy to measure and monitor patient exercise, especially at the final stage of rehabilitation when the patient gets therapy to move actively. The angle of the moving body parts  that can represent the ability of patient motion was measured using accelerometers. The developed prototype was in the form of a glove, equipped with an Arduino Nano and two accelerometer modules, that measures the motion of the thumb and index finger. The device was calibrated and tested to determine the characteristics of the sensors. This test showed that the gloves prototype had an accuracy of 95,8% and precision of 99,6%. The application of the prototype was carried out on four types of finger movements, namely thumb abduction-adduction, thumb flexion-extension, finger flexion-hyperextension, and finger abduction-adduction. The prototype was also tested for its ability to work in variations of direction and position of the hand

    Implementation of Unbiased Stereology Method for Organ Volume Estimation using Image Processing

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    Stereology had been widely used around the globe for estimating the value of the biological structure. It interlinks the connection between the dimensions using a sample that is 2D for a quantification in 3D structure. Volume estimation using stereology method is the most common and basic quantification that shows an example of how stereology works. Stereology method has a drawback when it comes to a lot of samples, so it is common for a researcher to use the computer to help to quantify and to do repetitive work, which is known as computer-assisted stereology quantification. The purpose of this research is to develop software that can assist researchers using stereology method for estimating the volume of a sample object from its 2D digital images with point counting method. The software was built based on the manual procedure of volume estimation using stereology method performed by experienced researchers. The volume estimation using the software were then compared with the results of the manual procedure by the experts on the same samples, i.e., the kidney and trigeminal ganglion of a rat. The experimental results showed that the relative difference of the volume estimations between manual and computer assisted calculations were 0.93% for rat kidney sample and 10.81%. TA1 trigeminal ganglion sample. Based on the results, the software estimation can be used for further analysis