38 research outputs found

    Polyphenol-rich and alcoholic beverages and metabolic status in adults living in Sicily, Southern Italy

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    Abstract: Polyphenol-rich beverage consumption is not univocally accepted as a risk modulator for cardio-metabolic risk factors, despite mechanistic and epidemiological evidence suggesting otherwise. The aim of this study was to assess whether an association between polyphenol-rich beverage consumption and metabolic status could be observed in a Mediterranean cohort with relatively low intake of tea, coffee, red and white wine, beer, and fresh citrus juice. Demographic and dietary characteristics of 2044 adults living in southern Italy were analyzed. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to calculate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of the association between polyphenol-rich and alcoholic beverage consumption and metabolic status adjusted for potential confounding factors. Specific polyphenol-rich beverages were associated, to a various extent, with metabolic outcomes. Individuals with a higher total polyphenol-rich beverages had higher polyphenols intake and were less likely to have hypertension, type-2 diabetes, and dyslipidemia (OR = 0.57, 95% CI: 0.44\u20130.73; OR = 0.41, 95% CI: 0.26\u20130.66; and OR = 0.41, 95% CI: 0.29\u20130.57, respectively). However, when adjusted for potential confounding factors, only the association with hypertension remained significant (OR = 0.69, 95% CI: 0.50\u20130.94). Current scientific evidence suggests that such beverages may play a role on cardio-metabolic risk factors, especially when consumed within the context of a dietary pattern characterized by an intake of a plurality of them. However, these associations might be mediated by an overall healthier lifestyle

    A retrospective follow up study on maternal age and infant mortality in two Sicilian districts

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Infant mortality rate (IMR) is a key public health indicator. Maternal age is a well-known determinant of pregnancy and delivery complications and of infant morbidity and mortality. In Italy the Infant Mortality Rate was 3.7/1000 during 2005, lower than the average IMR for the European Union (4.94/1000). Sicily is the Italian region with the highest IMR, 5/1000, and neonatal mortality rate (NMR), 3.8/1000, with substantial variation among its nine districts.</p> <p>The present study compared a high IMR/NMR district (Messina) with a low IMR/NMR district (Palermo) during the period 2004-2006 to evaluate potential determinants of the IMRs' differences between the two districts and specifically the impact of maternal age.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The Death Causes Registers identified all deaths during the first year of life recorded among infants born to residents of the two districts in 2004-2006. For every case, available hospital charts records were abstracted using a standardized form designed to capture information on potential determinants of infant death. For each district and for each year, IMRs and NMRs were computed. Chi-squared statistics tested the significance of differences between district-specific IMRs. A Poisson regression model was used to analyze the relationship between maternal age, district of residence and IMR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The 246 death registry-confirmed cases included 143 (58.1%) males and 103 (41.2%) females, with mean age at death of 33.3 days (SD: 64.5, median: 5.5). The average IMR for 2004-2006 was significantly higher for the Messina district than for the Palermo district (p = 0.0001). The IMR ratio was 1.6 (95%CI: 1.2 - 2.1). The IMRs declined from 2004 to 2006. A significant interaction (p = 0.04) between maternal age and district of residence was documented.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The association between advanced maternal age and infant deaths in the Messina district was due in part to the excess of newborns from advanced age mothers, but also to increased risk of death among such newborns. The significant interaction between district of residence and maternal age indicated that the IMR excess in the Messina district cannot be explained by disproportionately high live birth rates among older mothers and suggested the hypothesis that health care facilities in the Messina district could be less well prepared to provide assistance to the excess of high risk pregnancies and deliveries, as compared to Palermo district.</p

    Health impact of the exposure to fibres with fluoro-edenitic composition on the residents in Biancavilla (Sicily, Italy): mortality and hospitalization from current data

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    Introduction. The objective of this chapter is to study the health impact of the exposure to fibres with fluoro-edenitic composition on the residents in Biancavilla (Sicily, Italy), in terms of mortality and hospitalization. The diseases which international scientific literature indicates as associated with asbestos exposure were taken into consideration: mesothelioma of pleura, peritoneum, pericardium and tunica vaginalis testis, malignant neoplasm of larynx, malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung, malignant neoplasm of ovary, pneumoconiosis; moreover, in order to describe the health profile of the study population, large groups of diseases were taken into consideration.Material and methods. Current data (available in the Data Bases of the Unit of Statistics of ISS) regarding mortality and hospitalization were analyzed. Standardized Mortality Ratios, Standardized Hospitalization Ratios and Age-standardized Death Rates were calculated. The demographic background of the population residing in Biancavilla was also outlined.Conclusions. Our findings support the etiologic role of fibres with fluoro-edenitic composition in the occurrence of the above mentioned diseases, already observed in other studies

    Cancer incidence in Priolo, Sicily: a spatial approach for estimation of industrial air pollution impact

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    The territory around the industrial Sicilian area of Priolo, Italy, has been defined as a contaminated site (CS) of national priority for remediation because of diffuse environmental contamination caused by large industrial settlements. The present study investigates the spatial distribution of cancer into the CS territory (period 1999-2006). Different geographical methods used for the evaluation of the impact of industrial air pollutants were adopted. Using the database of Syracuse Province Cancer Registry, gender-specific standardised incidence ratios were calculated for 35 tumour sites for the CS overall and for each municipality included in the CS. A cluster analysis for 17 selected neoplasms was performed at micro-geographical level. The identification of the priority index contaminants (PICs) present in environmental matrices and a review of their carcinogenicity have been performed and applied in the interpretation of the findings. The area has a higher cancer incidence with respect to the provincial population, in particular excess is registered among both genders of lung, bladder and breast cancers as well as skin melanoma and pleural mesothelioma and there is an a priori evidence of association with the exposure to PICs. The study highlights the need to provide different approaches in CSs where several exposure pathways might be relevant for the population. The presence of potential sources of asbestos exposure deserves specific concern

    Incidence of pleural mesothelioma in a community exposed to fibres with fluoro-edenitic composition in Biancavilla (Sicily, Italy)

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    Introduction. Amphibolic fibres with fluoro-edenitic composition characterize Biancavilla soil, including the major quarry from which building materials have been extensively extracted. These fibres induce mesothelioma in experimental animals and their in vitro biological action is similar to that of crocidolite.Materials and methods. Malignant mesothelioma case series and incidence were examined to evaluate the disease burden on Biancavilla inhabitants. Results. The incidence of pleural mesothelioma in Biancavilla is steadily higher than in the Sicilian Region, risk estimates are more elevated in women than in men, the most affected age class is constituted by subjects aged less than 50.Discussion and conclusions. Environmental exposure to fibres with fluoro-edenitic composition appears to be causally related to the elevated mesothelioma occurrence in Biancavilla. In this frame, environmental clean-up is the main goal to be pursued in public health terms. A contribution of scientific research to public health decision making with respect to priority setting for environmental clean-up can derive from some further selected epidemiological investigations

    Inquinamento atmosferico e ricoveri ospedalieri urgenti in 25 citt? italiane: risultati del progetto EpiAir2 Air pollution and urgent hospital admissions in 25 Italian cities: results from the EpiAir2 project

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    OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the relationship between air pollution and hospital admissions in 25 Italian cities that took part in the EpiAir (Epidemiological surveillance of air pollution effects among Italian cities) project. DESIGN: study of time series with case-crossover methodology, with adjustment for meteorological and time-dependent variables. The association air pollution hospitalisation was analyzed in each of the 25 cities involved in the study; the overall estimates of effect were obtained subsequently by means of a meta-analysis. The pollutants considered were PM10, PM2.5 (in 13 cities only), NO2 and ozone (O3); this last pollutant restricted to the summer season (April-September). SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: the study has analyzed 2,246,448 urgent hospital admissions for non-accidental diseases in 25 Italian cities during the period 2006- 2010; 10 out of 25 cities took part also in the first phase of the project (2001-2005). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: urgent hospital admissions for cardiac, cerebrovascular and respiratory diseases, for all age groups, were considered. The respiratory hospital admissions were analysed also for the 0-14-year subgroup. Percentage increases risk of hospitalization associated with increments of 10 &#956;g/m3 and interquartile range (IQR) of the concentration of each pollutant were calculated. RESULTS: reported results were related to an increment of 10 &#956;g/m3 of air pollutant. The percent increase for PM10 for cardiac causes was 0.34% at lag 0 (95%CI 0.04-0.63), for respiratory causes 0.75%at lag 0-5 (95%CI 0.25-1.25). For PM2.5, the percent increase for respiratory causes was 1.23% at lag 0- 5 (95%CI 0.58-1.88). For NO2, the percent increase for cardiac causes was 0.57%at lag 0 (95%CI 0.13-1.02); 1.29% at lag 0-5 (95%CI 0.52-2.06) for respiratory causes. Ozone (O3) did not turned out to be positively associated neither with cardiac nor with respiratory causes as noted in the previous period (2001-2005). CONCLUSION: the results of the study confirm an association between PM10, PM2.5, and NO2 on hospital admissions among 25 Italian cities. No positive associations for ozone was noted in this period.OBIETTIVO: valutare la relazione tra inquinamento atmosferico e ricoveri ospedalieri nelle citt? italiane partecipanti alla seconda fase del progetto EpiAir (Sorveglianza epidemiologica dell\u27inquinamento atmosferico: valutazione dei rischi e degli impatti nelle citt? italiane). DISEGNO: studio di serie temporali con metodologia case-crossover, con aggiustamento per i fattori temporali e meteorologici rilevanti. L\u27associazione inquinamento atmosferico- ospedalizzazioni ? stata analizzata in ciascuna delle 25 citt? in studio, le stime complessive di effetto sono state ottenute successivamente mediante una metanalisi. Gli inquinanti considerati sono stati il particolato (PM10), il biossido di azoto (NO2) e l\u27ozono (O3), quest\u27ultimo limitatamente al semestre estivo (da aprile a settembre). In 13 citt? in cui i dati erano disponibili ? stata analizzata anche la frazione fine del particolato (PM2.5). SETTING E PARTECIPANTI: lo studio ha esaminato 2.246.448 ricoveri ospedalieri urgenti per cause naturali di pazienti residenti e ricoverati, nel periodo 2006-2010, in 25 citt? italiane, di cui 10 gi? partecipanti alla prima fase del progetto EpiAir (2001-2005). PRINCIPALIMISURE DI OUTCOME: sono stati considerati i ricoveri ospedalieri urgenti per malattie cardiache, cerebrovascolari e respiratorie per tutte le fasce di et?. I ricoveri per cause respiratorie sono stati analizzati separatamente anche per la fascia di et? 0-14 anni. L\u27esposizione ? stata valutata per incremento sia di 10 &#956;g/m3 sia pari all\u27intervallo interquartile (IQR) della concentrazione di ciascun inquinante. RISULTATI: considerando un incremento di 10 &#956;g/m3 per inquinante, per il PM10 ? stato osservato un incremento percentuale di rischio per patologie cardiache dello 0,34%a lag 0 (IC95% 0,04-0,63), e per patologie respiratorie dello 0,75% a lag 0-5 (IC95% 0,25-1,25). Per il PM2.5 l\u27incremento percentuale di rischio per patologie respiratorie ? risultato dell\u271,23%a lag 0-5 (IC95%0,58-1,88). Per l\u27NO2 la stima di effetto per patologie cardiache ? risultata dello 0,57% a lag 0 (IC95% 0,13-1,02), e per patologie respiratorie dell\u271,29% a lag 0-5 (IC95% 0,52-2,06). L\u27ozono non ? risultato positivamente associato n? alle patologie cardiache n? a quelle respiratorie (a differenza del periodo 2001-2005). CONCLUSIONE: i risultati dello studio confermano l\u27effetto a breve termine dell\u27inquinamento atmosferico da PM10, PM2.5 e NO2 sulla morbosit?, in particolare respiratoria, nelle citt? italiane. Non sono state rilevate associazioni positive per l\u27O3

    Impact of different exposure models and spatial resolution on the long-term effects of air pollution.

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    Abstract Long-term exposure to air pollution has been related to mortality in several epidemiological studies. The investigations have assessed exposure using various methods achieving different accuracy in predicting air pollutants concentrations. The comparison of the health effects estimates are therefore challenging. This paper aims to compare the effect estimates of the long-term effects of air pollutants (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm, PM10, and nitrogen dioxide, NO2) on cause-specific mortality in the Rome Longitudinal Study, using exposure estimates obtained with different models and spatial resolutions. Annual averages of NO2 and PM10 were estimated for the year 2015 in a large portion of the Rome urban area (12 × 12 km2) applying three modelling techniques available at increasing spatial resolution: 1) a chemical transport model (CTM) at 1km resolution; 2) a land-use random forest (LURF) approach at 200m resolution; 3) a micro-scale Lagrangian particle dispersion model (PMSS) taking into account the effect of buildings structure at 4 m resolution with results post processed at different buffer sizes (12, 24, 52, 100 and 200 m). All the exposures were assigned at the residential addresses of 482,259 citizens of Rome 30+ years of age who were enrolled on 2001 and followed-up till 2015. The association between annual exposures and natural-cause, cardiovascular (CVD) and respiratory (RESP) mortality were estimated using Cox proportional hazards models adjusted for individual and area-level confounders. We found different distributions of both NO2 and PM10 concentrations, across models and spatial resolutions. Natural cause and CVD mortality outcomes were all positively associated with NO2 and PM10 regardless of the model and spatial resolution when using a relative scale of the exposure such as the interquartile range (IQR): adjusted Hazard Ratios (HR), and 95% confidence intervals (CI), of natural cause mortality, per IQR increments in the two pollutants, ranged between 1.012 (1.004, 1.021) and 1.018 (1.007, 1.028) for the different NO2 estimates, and between 1.010 (1.000, 1.020) and 1.020 (1.008, 1.031) for PM10, with a tendency of larger effect for lower resolution exposures. The latter was even stronger when a fixed value of 10 μg/m3 is used to calculate HRs. Long-term effects of air pollution on mortality in Rome were consistent across different models for exposure assessment, and different spatial resolutions

    Time-Trends in Air Pollution Impact on Health in Italy, 1990–2019: An Analysis From the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Objectives: We explored temporal variations in disease burden of ambient particulate matter 2.5 μm or less in diameter (PM2.5) and ozone in Italy using estimates from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019.Methods: We compared temporal changes and percent variations (95% Uncertainty Intervals [95% UI]) in rates of disability adjusted life years (DALYs), years of life lost, years lived with disability and mortality from 1990 to 2019, and variations in pollutant-attributable burden with those in the overall burden of each PM2.5- and ozone-related disease.Results: In 2019, 467,000 DALYs (95% UI: 371,000, 570,000) were attributable to PM2.5 and 39,600 (95% UI: 18,300, 61,500) to ozone. The crude DALY rate attributable to PM2.5 decreased by 47.9% (95% UI: 10.3, 65.4) from 1990 to 2019. For ozone, it declined by 37.0% (95% UI: 28.9, 44.5) during 1990–2010, but it increased by 44.8% (95% UI: 35.5, 56.3) during 2010–2019. Age-standardized rates declined more than crude ones.Conclusion: In Italy, the burden of ambient PM2.5 (but not of ozone) significantly decreased, even in concurrence with population ageing. Results suggest a positive impact of air quality regulations, fostering further regulatory efforts