7 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of a CMOS Modulated Light Camera

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    Modulated Light Cameras represent a breed of cameras designed specifically to capture intensity modulated light. This is because using coherent detection it is possible to lift a signal of interest out of the background noise and thus increase the precision of measurements. This work presents a camera designed to detect the phase of amplitude modulated light. By implementing an in-pixel demodulation, wide-field detection of the phase of light is possible. The camera provides 32 by 32 pixels, each with a pitch of 115 μm with a fill factor of 16 %. This pixel used in the camera introduces a novel tuning mechanism that matches the camera to the frequency of operation and light conditions. This enables the camera to work at high modulation depths, and increases the detection frequency to 50 MHz. The camera also provides an improved linear response without compromising on dynamic range and pixel size. The noise response of the camera is also improved as compared with previous work performed. The camera has been demonstrated in wide-field range measurements of a scene (Imaging LIDAR). It has also been applied to wide-field heterodyne interforemetry and in ultra-stable interferometry

    Design and implementation of a CMOS Modulated Light Camera

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    Modulated Light Cameras represent a breed of cameras designed specifically to capture intensity modulated light. This is because using coherent detection it is possible to lift a signal of interest out of the background noise and thus increase the precision of measurements. This work presents a camera designed to detect the phase of amplitude modulated light. By implementing an in-pixel demodulation, wide-field detection of the phase of light is possible. The camera provides 32 by 32 pixels, each with a pitch of 115 μm with a fill factor of 16 %. This pixel used in the camera introduces a novel tuning mechanism that matches the camera to the frequency of operation and light conditions. This enables the camera to work at high modulation depths, and increases the detection frequency to 50 MHz. The camera also provides an improved linear response without compromising on dynamic range and pixel size. The noise response of the camera is also improved as compared with previous work performed. The camera has been demonstrated in wide-field range measurements of a scene (Imaging LIDAR). It has also been applied to wide-field heterodyne interforemetry and in ultra-stable interferometry

    Widefield heterodyne interferometry using a custom CMOS modulated light camera

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    In this paper a method of taking widefield heterodyne inter- ferograms using a prototype modulated light camera is described. This custom CMOS modulated light camera (MLC) uses analogue quadrature demodulation at each pixel to output the phase and amplitude of the modu- lated light as DC voltages. The heterodyne interference fringe patterns are generated using an acousto-optical frequency shifter (AOFS) in an arm of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Widefield images of fringe patterns acquired using the prototype MLC are presented. The phase can be measured to an accuracy of ±6.6◦. The added value of this method to acquire widefield images are discussed along with the advantages

    Ultrastable heterodyne interferometer system using a CMOS modulated light camera

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    A novel ultrastable widefield interferometer is presented. This uses a modulated light camera (MLC) to capture and stabilise the interferogram in the widefield heterodyne interferometer. This system eliminates the contribution of piston phase to the interferogram without the need for common path optics and results in a highly stable widefield interferometer. The MLC uses quadrature demodulation circuitry built into each pixel to demodulate the light signal and extract phase information using an electronic reference signal. In contrast to the work previously presented [Opt. Express 19, 24546 (2011)], the reference signal is derived from one of the pixels on board the MLC rather than an external source. This local reference signal tracks the instantaneous modulation frequency detected by the other pixels and eliminates the contribution of piston phase to the interferogram, substantially removing the contributions of unwanted vibrations and microphonics to the interferogram. Interferograms taken using the ultrastable system are presented with one of the interferometer mirrors moving at up to 85 mm s−1 over a variety of frequencies from 18 Hz to 20 kHz (giving a variation in optical path length of 220 μm, or 350 wavelengths at 62 Hz). This limit was the result of complex motion in the mirror mount rather than the stability limit of the system. The system is shown to be insensitive to pure piston phase variations equivalent to an object velocity of over 3 m s−1

    Widefield two laser interferometry

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    A novel system has been developed that can capture the wide- field interference pattern generated by interfering two independent and incoherent laser sources. The interferograms are captured using a custom CMOS modulated light camera (MLC) which is capable of demodulating light in the megahertz region. Two stabilised HeNe lasers were constructed in order to keep the optical frequency difference (beat frequency) between the beams within the operational range of the camera. This system is based on previously reported work of an ultrastable heterodyne interferometer [Opt. Express 20, 17722 (2012)]. The system used an electronic feedback system to mix down the heterodyne signal captured at each pixel on the camera to cancel out the effects of time varying piston phase changes observed across the array. In this paper, a similar technique is used to track and negate the effects of beat frequency variations across the two laser pattern. This technique makes it possible to capture the full field interferogram caused by interfering two independent lasers even though the beat frequency is effectively random. As a demonstration of the system’s widefield interferogram capture capability, an image of a phase shifting object is taken using a very simple two laser interferometer

    Imaging material texture of as-deposited selective laser melted parts using spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) is a production technology where material is accumulated to create a structure, often through added shaped layers. The major advantage of additive manufacturing is in creating unique and complex parts for use in areas where conventional manufacturing reaches its limitations. However, the current class of AM systems produce parts that contain structural defects (e.g., cracks and pores) which is not compatible with certification in high value industries. The probable complexity of an AM design increases the difficulty of using many non-destructive evaluation (NDE) techniques to inspect AM parts—however, a unique opportunity exists to interrogate a part during production using a rapid surface based technique. Spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy (SRAS) is a laser ultrasound inspection technique used to image material microstructure of metals and alloys. SRAS generates and detects ‘controlled’ surface acoustic waves (SAWs) using lasers, which makes it a non-contact and non-destructive technique. The technique is also sensitive to surface and subsurface voids. Work until now has been on imaging the texture information of selective laser melted (SLM) parts once prepared (i.e., polished with Ra < 0.1 um)—the challenge for performing laser ultrasonics in-process is measuring waves on the rough surfaces present on as-deposited parts. This paper presents the results of a prototype SRAS system, developed using the rough surface ultrasound detector known as speckle knife edge detector (SKED)—texture images using this setup of an as-deposited Ti64 SLM sample, with a surface roughness of Sa ~6um, were obtained

    Widefield ultrastable heterodyne interferometry using a custom CMOS modulated light camera

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    A method of detecting optical heterodyne interference fringes using a custom CMOS modulated light camera array has been developed. Widefield phase images are generated using quadrature demodulation and are kept stable using a feedback system. © 2011 OS