2,753 research outputs found
Empowerment of “Street Children” Using CIPP Model to Develop Life Skills in Urban Areas of East Java Indonesia
This study aims to find an empowerment model of street children through effective and applicable life skills education. The empowerment was developed according to the will and potentials of the street children. CIPP (Content Input Process and Product) Model was used to develop the life skills of street children. The study was designed with a quasi-experimental using pre-test and post-test (before and after the training action). The goal is to develop life skills of street children in accordance with the will and potential skills they possessed. The research locations were in urban areas in East Java. The subjects were street children of junior high school and senior high school drop outs. The data collection was done by pre-test and post-test. Data analysis used tables of percentage and gain score. The results showed that street children should be given skills training according to their talents and their willingness. The types of skills to be trained were automotive, furniture, fashion, and culinary. The implementation training using CIPP system showed positive and significant results. This was indicated by the evaluation scores of the pre-test and post-test evaluation that continues to increase and the average results of gain score analysis which increased significantly. Research on the training of street children using CIPP approach has never been done by previous researchers. Training was conducted with 30% theory and 70% practice. The training schedule was tailored to the condition and character of the street children. Training was conducted in stages (the modular system) of as many as 16 sessions. Training evaluation pattern uses ongoing process system. Keywords: street children, empowerment, potential skills, and life skills trainin
Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) merupakan salah satu energi dengan persentase konsumsinya terbesar dan terus mengalami peningkatan tiap tahunnya. Selain itu, dengan diiringi peningkatan kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap transportasi, mengakibatkan kelangkaan bahan bakar minyak di Indonesia. Sehingga pemerintah berupaya mencari sumber bahan bakar alternatif nonfosil yang dapat diperbarui sebagai pengganti BBM. Salah satu sumber energi alternatif tersebut yaitu bioetanol. Tumbuhan yang dapat menghasilkan bioetanol adalah tumbuhan yang memiliki kandungan karbohidrat, misalnya suweg. Suweg merupakan tanaman penghasil umbi yang berkerabat dekat dengan bunga bangkai raksasa. Umbi suweg memiliki kandungan karbohidrat sebesar 18%. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen, dengan tiga tahapan proses. Proses pertama yaitu tahap persiapan, 250 gram umbi suweg dikukus kemudian ditumbuk dan dicampur dengan 500 ml air. Proses kedua yaitu fermentasi (peragian) dengan bantuan ragi Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ragi tape) dengan variasi 4 gram, 6 gram, 8 gram dan 10 gram dan lama fermentasi selama 1 hari, 2 hari, 3 hari dan 4 hari. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan kadar bioetanol yang paling optimal. Proses terakhir distilasi, yaitu pemisahan kadar etanol dan air dengan suhu 780C. Dari rancangan penelitian, peneliti mendapatkan perbandingan parameter yang optimal yaitu jumlah umbi suweg 250 gram, jumlah air 500 ml, jumlah ragi 6 gram dan lama fermentasi 4 hari dihasilkan kadar etanol 26%. Perbandingan parameter optimal tersebut menjadikan peneliti untuk memproduksi bioetanol dalam skala besar untuk bisa diuji karakteristiknya. Perbandingan 1000 gram umbi suweg : 2000 ml air : 24 gram ragi difermentasi selama 4 hari menghasilkan 160 ml bioetanol dengan kadar 94,86% dengan tahapan distilasi bertingkat. Dan dari uji karakteristik bioetanol dari umbi suweg ini didapatkan bahwa nilai kalori 5892 Kcal/kg, flash point 180C, pour point <-700C, viskositas 5 cPs, dan density 0,82032 gram/cm3.
Kata kunci: bioetanol, umbi suweg, fermentasi, distilas
Masalah politik hukum Sistem Pendidikan di Pamekasan merupakan produk dari kepentingan politik penguasa, karena itu mereka menggunakannya sebagai alat kekuasaan. Pendidikan sebagai subsistem negara memiliki fungsi sebagai pemasok orang berpendidikan, dapat berhasil dalam pembangunan. Di Pamekasan ini, realitas masalah dalam pendidikan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari upaya untuk mendapatkan otoritas. Oleh karena itu, sektor pendidikan adalah media untuk keberhasilan kebijakan untuk mencapai tujuan dan aspirasi utama kepemimpinannya.Kata Kunci: politik hukum, pendidikan, Pamekasan
Abstract: The application of STAD Type Cooperative Model by Using Visual Media in improving social studies learning IV Grade Students of SD Negeri 1 Tunggalroso. The purposes of the research was: (1) describing the application of STAD type cooperative model by using visual media in improving learning social studies, (2) describing challenges and solutions. This study is comprised of three cycles PTK with each cycle consisting of two meetings each meeting there is planning, action, observation, and reflection. The results of this study are: the application of the STAD cooperative model with appropriate measures can improving social studies learning and discovered challenges and solutions. Keywords: STAD type cooperative, learning process, learning outcomes
Integrasi Islam dan Sains: Analisis Problematika dan Level Integrasi
Lagging behind in the fields of science and technology is a problem that has emerged since the end of the Middle Ages (18th century AD), so that since then Muslims have been infected with "catching-up syndrome" which has caused negative responses and resistance from many groups. This is mainly due to theological concerns, cultural effects and ecological crises. At least the prominent resistance in the form of movements can be divided into three (1) restorationist movements, (2) Bucailis movements and (3) fundamentalist movements. The response to these efforts is counterproductive with efforts to catch up and at the same time with the spirit of Islam that upholds science. Therefore, a more basic study is needed on a proportional and harmonious integration integration framework. This can be done by incorporating Islamic values that are principled without turning off the dynamic elements of science and technology, but can instead spur and direct them to the desired goal, the welfare of life. The integration of these values touches three levels (1) the level of scientific mental development, which consists of: (a) encouragement to study nature, (2) positive appreciation and awarding of scientific activities and (c) presentation of scientific character. (2) The level of world view, namely establishing an Islamic world view of the universe such as (a) recognition of the existence of God as the creator and preserver of nature, (b) belief in non-physical reality and not just physical-empirical reality, (c) acknowledgment of the existence of the purpose of the universe and (d) recognition of the existence of a moral order for the universe. (3) Orientation level, which includes: (a) epistemic orientation, namely empirical truth that can lead to strengthening faith and closeness to God and (b) practical orientation in the form of technological application by affirming that the purpose of applying science is humanity and universal prosperity that related to the role of humans as Khalifa
Strategi Implementasi Visi dan Misi dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan
The aim of the research is to analyze and describe the process of formulating the vision and mission, determining programs, setting budgets, determining procedures and the impact on quality at the At-Taqwa Integrated Islamic Junior High School, Surabaya. The research was conducted qualitatively using a case study approach. Data collection techniques: documentary interviews and observation. Data processing techniques: reduction, data presentation and conclusion. Data validity techniques with credibility and confirmability. The results of the research show: (1) the process of formulating the vision and mission: the school has 5 visions, namely the vision of solid faith, good morals, optimal achievement, global insight, and caring for the environment, with details of 3 of the Foundation's visions and 2 of the school's development visions (2) strategy implementation: (a) program determination: prepared by the Al-Qur'an, Islamic, Principal, Infrastructure, Student Affairs, English, Public Relations, Curriculum and national examination divisions. (b) budget determination: sourced from central, regional and foundation assistance, (c) procedure determination: carried out within one year according to the schedule prepared by each division. (3) impact: success of the work program, student achievement and teacher achievement. Conclusion: the vision and mission have been implemented very well as evidenced by the existence of relevant work programs from nine divisions which were developed from the school's missio
Paradigma Profetik Dalam Pelayanan Publik Di Indonesia
Publik selalu menuntut agar birokrat memberikan pelayanan publik yang berkualitas tinggi. Namun, harapan tersebut tidak terpenuhi karena pelayanan publik empiris yang telah berlangsung hingga saat ini masih ditandai dengan hal-hal seperti ketidakpastian yang rumit, lambat, mahal, dan melelahkan. Orang-orang terus dipandang sebagai pihak yang "melayani" tetapi tidak "melayani" dalam keadaan seperti itu. Ketika sampai pada masalah dengan layanan publik Indonesia, masalah utama saat ini adalah bagaimana meningkatkan kualitas layanan itu sendiri.
Penelitian ini adalah field research (penelitian lapangan), yang artinya mengumpulkan data dari fakta-fakta yang terjadi di lapangan atau lokasi penelitian untuk menunjukkan konsistensi teori tersebut. Memanfaatkan metodologi penelitian kualitatif dalam prosesnya.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Indonesia masih memiliki beberapa permasalahan, seperti: 1) kurang tanggap, 2) kurang informatif, 3) kurang aksesibel, 4) kurang koordinasi, 5) birokrasi, 6) tidak mau mendengarkan keluhan, saran, dan aspirasi dari masyarakat. masyarakat, dan 7) tidak efektif. Sehingga masih sangat membutuhkan peningkatan kualitas layanan publik itu sendiri
Measuring regional manufacturing production: An analysis for the Spanish regions
In a big amount of economies (NUTS-I) the evolution of manufacturing production is analysed using Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross Added Value (GAV) data from National Accounts. In Spain, the problem of using these data is that they are not available as soon as it would be desirable. In consequence, it is not possible to analyse the short term evolution of the industrial output through them. To solve these problems the Institute of Statistics of Spain (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica -INE-) constructs a monthly Industrial Production Index (IPI) from data belonging to a survey addressed to firms. At a regional level (NUTS-II), the difficulties to monitor the evolution of manufacturing production are even bigger due to the nearly absence of official data. During the last years, different public and private institutions have started to construct indices for some Spanish regions, but they do not use an homogeneus methodology and the indices are not directly comparable. In this paper, we summarize and extent the main results of previous studies about the possibility of using different indirect methods to analyse the short term evolution of regional industrial production. In concrete, two statistic and an econometric method are considered. First, we study the possibility of extending the methodology proposed by the Regional Institute of Statistics of Catalonia (Institut d'Estadistica de Catalunya -IEC-) to other Spanish Regions. Second, we analyse the relationships between electric energy consumption for industrial purposes and industrial production. Third, following Israilevich and Kuttner (1993), we apply a state-space model to obtain estimates of the industrial production indices using the Kalman Filter and the method of maximum likelihood. Next, to validate the indices obtained through these three methods we compare them with regional indices obtained by direct methods for the regions where they exist. Finally, we expose the main conclusions remarking the implications for public policy in relation with elaboration of regional statistics.
Understanding Behaviour Environmental Education Water Resources Model of Outdoor Study on Community of "Osing" at Banyuwangi District East Java Indonesia*
Behavior-based preservation of the environment surrounding local knowledge is very good for environmental education for the community. As well as society of "Osing" in District of Banyuwangi maintain the water resources on the basis of local traditions. Purpose of this study was to understand the community actions "Osing" in Banyuwangi in managing environmental water resources based on local wisdom. "Osing" is a native of Banyuwangi Regency, East Java. They are a sub-tribe of Java. This study used a qualitative approach with a knife constructionistic approach analysis. Subjects of study include the "Osing" and community leaders. Analysis of data using an interactive model. The results showed as follows: First, the location of the research is the village that has the most water sources in Banyuwangi, a number of 27 pieces. Second, the behavior of the environmental education of "Osing" shown in various acts of local wisdom, namely: the tradition of ritual "rebo wakesan", "slametan", “sesajen” or "offerings", “tolak balak” or "starting reinforcements", making "jeding" or water reservoir, and the tradition of “gugur gunung” or "autumn mountain" is clean-up measures in the area of water resources. In their understanding, "cutting down trees means disastrous". Every tree and water sources must be something keeping. The keeping or guard is the "ghost" or "spirits". If someone cut trees will be plagued by "ghost" and got a disaster. Keywords: environmental education, society "Osing", and water resource
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