55 research outputs found

    La mancomunidad de política hidrológica española : sectores y trayectorias políticas en Internet

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    En este trabajo nos acercamos a la transformación que la política de aguas española ha sufrido en las últimas décadas. La erosión de una cohesionada comunidad de política hidráulica ha dado paso a una red extendida y plural en la que se debate la política hidrológica contemporánea. En esta última, un nuevo discurso sobre la sostenibilidad (la «Nueva Cultura del Agua») articula a nuevos actores estatales y no estatales en torno a una novedosa «política de asuntos». A partir de la aplicación de estrategias de investigación extraídas de los análisis de controversias públicas en Internet, documentamos este fenómeno. Concretamente, rastreamos la red de la «Nueva Cultura del Agua» en la web, analizamos su estructura y reflexionamos sobre el sentido político de su historia. A partir del estudio realizado, proponemos la emergencia de una mancomunidad de política hidrológica en Internet.This paper deals with the transformation that water policy in Spain has undergone in recent decades. The erosion of a strongly united hydraulic policy community has given way to a widespread and plural network in which modern hydrological policy is under discussion. In this network, a new discourse about sustainability (the «New Water Culture») brings new State and non-governmental actors together in an innovative form of «issue politics». We document this phenomenon by using research strategies drawn from analyses of public issues on the Internet. More precisely, we trace the «New Water Culture» network on the Web, analyse its structure and consider the political meaning of its history. On the basis of the study carried out, we claim that a hydrological policy commonwealth has emerged on the Internet

    Social construction and relationalism : a conversation with Kenneth Gergen

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    Kenneth Gergen is one of the most widely known contributors to social constructionist thought in the world today. Since the publication of his paper "Social Psychology as History" he has become a central player in what is known as the Social Psychology Crisis. In his academic career, and from what he has called 'Relational Theory', Gergen has revisited a significant number of psychological constructs and has proposed various dialogical and collaborative practices in therapy, organizational development, education, community development, social work and peace-building, among other things. This paper is a conversation with Gergen in which together we explore the particular way in which he understands the social constructionist movement. It is also a conversation about relational theory and related practice

    "En casa mientras puedas" : construcción discursiva del apego al hogar en personas mayores

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    El vínculo que las personas establecen con los lugares que habitan es una preocupación central en psicología. En este estudio nos acercamos a dicho fenómeno a través de un análisis discursivo del apego al hogar atribuido a las personas mayores usuarias de teleasistencia. El objetivo es ofrecer una aproximación a la forma como se produce discursivamente el apego de lugar en interacciones dadas. Los datos provienen de un conjunto de grupos de discusión llevados a cabo en Cataluña (España). Del análisis se derivan tres temas, entre los que sobresale el apego al hogar entendido como el deseo de permanecer en casa en la vejez. Se profundiza en el significado de este tema, resaltando las estrategias discursivas con las que dos grupos de actores lo producen. Se llama la atención sobre las funciones discursivas de dichas estrategias.The bond established between older people and their homes is a central concern in psychology. This study approaches to the phenomenon through discourse analysis on how place attachment is attributed to telecare users in Spain. The aim is to offer an approach to how place attachment is produced through talk during given interactions. The data come from a series of focus groups conducted in Catalonia (Spain). Three topics are derived from the analysis. The definition of home attachment as the desire to remain at home in old age is predominant. The analysis focuses in such a topic. The meanings associated to it is deepened, highlighting the discursive strategies with which two groups of actors produce it. Attention is drawn to both the interpretive repertoires integrating such strategies and their discursive functions

    Katz,J. E. y Rice,R. E. "Consecuencias sociales del uso de Internet"

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    Robots for the care of elderly people. Taxonomy of a promise

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    Population ageing is testing traditional care practices and institutions for older people in Europe. The development of technological «solutions» has been gaining ground in this field. This work focuses on the advances of geron-robotics. Robots that appear in the digital media and are designed to provide some service to older people have been tracked and classified. They were classified according to whether they were medical, service, social, recreational, educational, rehabilitative or therapeutic potential robots. An analysis was also made of the content of the different sources found. The devices identified have recent developments. Very few of them are present in Spain. In the sample found, a great variety of robotic devices is appreciated, as well as a tendency to produce the expectation of new and better machines to come that will provide independence, well-being and company to its users.El envejecimiento poblacional está poniendo a prueba las tradicionales prácticas e instituciones de cuidado de las personas mayores en Europa. El desarrollo de «soluciones» tecnológicas ha venido ganando su espacio en este ámbito. El presente trabajo centra su atención en los avances de la geronrobótica. Se han rastreado y clasificado los robots que aparecen en los medios de comunicación digital y que están pensados para brindar algún servicio a las personas mayores. Los mismos se clasificaron de acuerdo a si eran robots médicos, de servicio, sociales, recreativos, educativos, rehabilitadores o con potencial terapéutico. Se hizo un análisis del contenido de las fuentes encontradas a fin de rastrear las promesas que la geronrobótica hace a sus potenciales beneficiarios. En la muestra encontrada, se aprecia una gran variedad de dispositivos robóticos, así como una tendencia a producir la expectativa de nuevas y mejores máquinas por venir que proveerán independencia, bienestar y compañía a sus usuarios

    Dibujando las Tensiones del Nuevo Orden Mundial: Interpretaciones y Metáforas para el Sistema de Salud Colombiano

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    This article exemplifies a kind of tension that has been caused by the emergent world order; specifically, the one that has been established between the economic and social rationalities. In order to do so, it portrays the description that the 'Asociacion Nacional Pro-Referendo Ley 100' (ANPR) made of the Colombia's Health System in an article called: 'Documento Parcial Preparatorio.' From this article we can highlight some metaphors that exemplify the before mentioned tension, the actors involve in it and the proposed political action. In addition to that, there is a use of the cyborg image (Haraway, 1991), the idea of the symbiotic contract (Serres, 1990), and the concept of the organizational government (Schvarstein, 2003) to translate the ANPR's discourse and seek new ways of thinking. This article should not be taken as a reflection of the Health System's reality. Instead, it should be taken as a possible reading to be given a second thought in order to produce a broader vision of the situation and a new point of view

    Robots for the care of elderly people. Taxonomy of a promise

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    Population ageing is testing traditional care practices and institutions for older people in Europe. The development of technological «solutions» has been gaining ground in this field. This work focuses on the advances of geron-robotics. Robots that appear in the digital media and are designed to provide some service to older people have been tracked and classified. They were classified according to whether they were medical, service, social, recreational, educational, rehabilitative or therapeutic potential robots. An analysis was also made of the content of the different sources found. The devices identified have recent developments. Very few of them are present in Spain. In the sample found, a great variety of robotic devices is appreciated, as well as a tendency to produce the expectation of new and better machines to come that will provide independence, well-being and company to its users

    ACADEMIA RED Reflexionando sobre la educación del siglo XXI desde la comunidad hacker

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    Resumen  Los hackers han sido actores duramente atacados y estigmatizados por su forma de relacionarse con la tecnología. Al estudiarla a fondo, experimentando con ella, encuentran errores en los sistemas informáticos y favorecen el desarrollo del software y del hardware. Sin embargo, con frecuencia se les considera simplemente como piratas que buscan obtener beneficios secundarios de sus prodigios técnicos. Sin entrar en las discusiones que se han generado alrededor de estas cuestiones, pero sin desconocerlas, en este artículo resaltamos el componente creativo del hacking y, especialmente, su dimensión social. En esta dirección partimos con una breve exposición de los motivos que llevan a los hackers a la acción, para posteriormente describir el modelo que ellos emplean para organizar sus comunidades entorno a la generación colectiva y abierta de conocimiento (la llamada Academia Red). A partir del abordaje de este modelo se proponen algunas reflexiones en torno a la educación del siglo XXI, momento histórico en el cual la tecnología y la sociedad se encuentran íntimamente.Palabras Clave: Hackers, Academia Red, Educación del Siglo XXISUMMARY: The hackers have been actors attacked and stigmatized by their way of relating to the technology. Studying the computers systems and experimenting with them, they find bugs and speed up the development of the software and hardware. However, frequently they are considered simply as pirates who look for secondary profits for their technical prodigies. Without entering the discussions that have been generated around these questions, but without not knowing them, in this article we highlight the creative component of the hacking and, especially, its social dimension. We begin with a brief exposure of the motivations of the hackers. Later we describe the model that they use to organize their communities about the collective and opened generation of knowledge (the Net Academy). Finally, we suggest some reflections about the education of the 21st century: a historical moment in which the technology and the society are intimately.Key Words: Hackers, Net Academy, Education of the 21st Century 

    La identidad colectiva en la interacción : análisis de un encuentro comunicativo entre activistas tecnológicos

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    En este artículo se realiza el análisis conversacional de una charla entre activistas tecnológicos llevada a cabo en la ciudad de Barcelona (España). A partir de una transcripción detallada y un examen secuencial de las interacciones, se identifica una categoría identitaria relevante y sus correspondientes atributos asociados. Adicionalmente, se muestra cómo las intervenciones de los interlocutores ayudan a configurar dos formas de entender el hacktivismo en Europa. De esta manera, se espera ofrecer una mirada interaccional de la identidad colectiva, así como mostrar el potencial del análisis conversacional para el estudio de los movimientos socialesIn this article we carry out a conversational analysis of a talk among technological activists that took place in Barcelona city (Spain). Basing on a detailed transcription and a sequential revision of the interactions, a relevant identity category and its corresponding associated features are identified. Additionally, it is shown how the participants' interventions help to form two ways of understanding hacktivism in Europe. In this way we hope to offer an interactional perspective on the collective identity and to show the potential of conversational analysis for social movements studie