61 research outputs found

    Productivity of hauling by tajfun MOZ 500 GR cable yarder in Turkey

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    The extraction of timber is very important despite the process is difficult, expensive, time consuming, and has concerns with work safety. The extraction operations are used human, animal, and machine power. The purpose of this study is to investigate the productivity of the Tajfun MOZ 500 GR cable yarder during the extraction of timber from spruce stands in northeast Turkey. The research results imply that some working characteristics of the MOZ 500 GR cable yarder such as load volume, yarding distance, speed of the carriage, and time consumption per phase have an important impact on the productivity of the cable yarder. The results indicated that the productivity of MOZ 500 GR cable yarder was 8.39 m(3)/h for an average yarding distance of 90 m. Besides, the daily productivity of cable yarders was found at 67.12 m(3). The cable yarders seem ideal for use in the steep terrain. The use of cable yarders in wood production works is more ideal than other production techniques (human, animal, and tractor) in terms of productivity, speed, and work safety

    Kapaciteti posmične sile spojeva namještaja H-tipa izrađenoga od različitih toplinski tretiranih vrsta drva

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of wood species, heat treatment, adhesive type and joint technique on shear force capacity of H-type furniture joints. For this purpose, an experimental design that consisted of 3 wood species, 2 treatment processes (untreated, heat-treated), 2 adhesive types (polyurethane (PUR), polyvinyl acetate (PVAc)) and 2 joint techniques (dowel, mortise-tenon (MT)) and 5 replications for each group were prepared, and accordingly, a total of 120 specimens were tested under static shear loads. Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica), Iroko (Chlorophora excelsa), and common ash (Fraxinus excelsior), which are commonly used in furniture constructions, were used as wood species. In general, iroko showed the highest shear force capacity between the wood species. The specimens constructed of heat-treated wood species showed lower shear force capacity by approximately 15 % in comparison to the same untreated specimens. MT joints showed better performance than dowel joints higher by approximately 21 %. PVAc adhesive gave higher values than PU adhesive by around 5 %. According to the results of four-way interactions, highest shear force capacities of H-type joints were obtained from “Common ash-PVAc-MT” combination in groups of untreated specimens and from “Iroko-PU-MT” combination in groups of heat-treated specimens.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj vrste drva, njegove toplinske obrade, vrste ljepila i tehnike spajanja na kapacitet posmične sile spojeva namještaja H-tipa. Za tu je namjenu pripremljen eksperiment s ovim parametrima: tri vrste drva, dvije obrade (netretirani i toplinski tretiran namještaj), dvije vrste ljepila (poliuretan – PUR, polivinilacetat – PVAc) i dvije tehnike spajanja (moždanikom te čepom i rupom – MT). Za svaki sustav pripremljeno je pet uzoraka te je pri statičkom posmičnom opterećenju ispitano ukupno 120 uzoraka. Odabrane su vrste drva koje se često upotrebljavaju u konstrukcijama namještaja: sibirski bor (Pinus sibirica), iroko (Chlorophora excelsa) i jasen (Fraxinus excelsior). Prema rezultatima istraživanja, drvo iroka pokazalo je najveći kapacitet posmične sile od svih ostalih vrsta drva obuhvaćenih eksperimentom. Uzorci izrađeni od toplinski obrađenog drva imali su oko 15 % manje vrijednosti kapaciteta posmične sile od netretiranih uzoraka. MT spojevi pokazali su za oko 21 % veće vrijednosti od spojeva s moždanicima. Uz upotrebu PVAc ljepila vrijednosti su bile za oko 5 % veće od vrijednosti s PUR ljepilom. Prema rezultatima četverosmjernih interakcija, najveći kapaciteti posmične sile spojeva H-tipa dobiveni su za kombinaciju jasenovina – PVAc – MT u netretiranim uzorcima i za kombinaciju drvo iroka – PUR – MT u toplinski tretiranim uzorcima


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    Bu çalışmada, köşe destek elemanı ağaç türü ve boyutlarının sandalye mukavemetine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Sandalyeler, Doğu kayını (Fagus orientalis L.) ve Sarıçam’dan (Pinus sylvestris L.) üretilmiş olup, birleştirmelerde polivinilasetat tutkalı kullanılmıştır. Birleştirmeler, 60x60x25, 80x80x25 ve 100x100x25 mm ölçülerinde ve aynı 2 ağaç türünden, 6 farklı köşe destek elemanıyla desteklenmiş, ayrıca kontrol sandalyeleri hazırlanmıştır. Sandalyeler, ALA (American Library Association) standardındaki esaslara göre önden arkaya devirli yükleme deneyine alınmış ve değerler tasarım yükleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçta, köşe destek elemanlarının mukavemette etkili olduğu, birleştirmelerin köşe destek elemanlarıyla desteklenmesi gerektiği anlaşılmıştır. En yüksek değerler Doğu kayını ve 80x80x25 mm ölçülerindeki Doğu kayını köşe destek elemanlarıyla desteklenmiş sandalyelerde bulunmuştur

    Simple and Low-Cost Synthesis of Al-doped ZnO/CuO Composite Nanowires for Highly Efficient Hydration Level Sensing

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    In this paper, we report on our investigation of the impact of Al doping on the primary physical properties of SILAR fabricated CuO/ZnO composite nanowires. Our characterization on surface and structural analysis showed that we were able to lightly dope the nanocomposites effectively using the SILAR method, which is cost-effective and repeatable. Conductivity of the Al-doped films changed significantly which resulted in greater sensing response for hydration. We utilized artificial sweat solutions to characterize the sensing response of the films and we demonstrated that sensing response almost doubled with Al doping. Transient response of sweat application also showed that response times were less than 10 s for 2% Al-doping. We conclude that Al doping on CuO/ZnO nanocomposites is an excellent candidate to be utilized for hydration sensing through sweat

    A TPM Diffie-Hellman Oracle

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    This note describes a Diffie-Hellman oracle, constructed using standard Trusted Platform Module (TPM) signature APIs. The oracle allows one to compute the exponentiation of an arbitrary group element to a specified TPM-protected private key. By employing the oracle, the security provided by a group of order p is reduced by log k bits, provided k oracle queries are made and p ± 1 is divisible by k. The security reduction follows from a straightforward application of results from Brown and Gallant (IACR ePrint 2004/306) and Cheon (Eurocrypt 2006) on the strong Diffie-Hellman problem. On a more positive note, the oracle may allow a wider range of cryptographic protocols to make use of the TPM.