718 research outputs found

    Beyond the Classroom: Exploring the Relationship Between Extracurriculars, Social Capital, and Academic Achievement

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    This research examines the relationship between extracurriculars, social capital and academic achievement. Sports, music, theaters, clubs, and volunteer work are a few examples of extracurricular activities that take place outside of the traditional academic curriculum and the classroom. Academic achievement is measured in terms of performance in school, whereas social capital refers to the resources and support that individuals can access through their social networks. The considerable amount of literature on the subject has explored the relationship between extracurricular activities, social capital, and academic achievement in many studies. This study reviews and synthesizes the results of previous investigations in order to shed light on the mechanisms and modifiers of this association. The findings suggest that participation in extracurricular activities may have positive effects on social capital and academic achievement, but this relationship is complex and varied and may be modified by a variety of personal and contextual factors. The research concludes with recommendations on how to support higher student outcomes through extracurricular activities for parents, lawmakers, and educators. Keywords: Extracurricular activities, social capital, academic achievement, student development DOI: 10.7176/JEP/14-15-10 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Yeni doğan buzağıların kolostrumu emerek ve suni yollarla değişik oranlarda verilmesinin pasif immunite üzerindeki etkilerinin karşılaştırılması

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    Calves need to be healthy for herd progression in sustainable cattle management. Adequately feeding the calves with good quality colostrum is reportedly one of the most important factors affecting their health, growth, immune system, and vitality. Here, we randomly selected new-born calves, purchased from Afyon Ballıpınar Simental Company, regardless of their sex and divided them equally into separate groups. They were categorized ensuring that the parity of cows in the groups was balanced. We included 27 calves (15 females and 12 males) in this study. The animals were categorized as follows: Group 1: calves that consumed the colostrum directly from the udder; Group 2: Calves that consumed the colostrum (approximately 5% of their birth weight) with a feeding bottle; and Group 3: Calves that consumed the colostrum (nearly 8% of their birth weight) through the feeding bottle. It is important to immediately administer the colostrum to the calves after their birth while maintaining hygiene. The feeding method or amount can be selected after considering the infrastructure and facilities of the company. Controlling the immunoglobin levels with a refractometer may lead to inconclusive results. Considering this, the most accurate method to identify the immunoglobulins is ELISA. Therefore, our results revealed that the calf-deaths associated with colostrum failure could be minimized by producing refractometers suitable for practical use or ready-made diagnostic kits that provide results that are as reliable as ELISA.Sürdürülebilir nitelikteki sığır işletmelerinde sürü devamlılığı bakımından buzağıların sağlıklı olması çok önemlidir. Buzağıların çok iyi nitelikte kolostrumla yeterli miktarda beslenebilmesi; buzağının sağlığı, gelişimi, immun sistemi ve yaşama gücü üzerindeki en önemli faktör olarak gösterilmektedir. Sunulan bu çalışmada hayvan materyalini yeni doğmuş simental ırkı buzağılar oluşturmaktadır. Hayvanlar, Afyon Ballıpınar Simental İşletmesinin damızlık hayvanlarından doğan buzağılardan cinsiyet ayrımı yapılmaksızın rastgele seçildi ve gruplara dengeli olarak dağıtıldı. Gruplardaki annelerin laktasyon sayısının dengeli olmasına dikkat edildi. Çalışmada 15 dişi 12 erkek olmak üzere toplam 27 buzağı kullanıldı. Grup 1: Annesini direkt olarak memesinden emen buzağılar, Grup 2: Doğum ağırlığının %5'i kadar kolostrumu biberon ile emen buzağılar, Grup 3: Doğum ağırlığının %8'i kadar kolostrumu biberon ile emen buzağılar olmak üzere 3 gruba ayrıldı. Doğum sonrası en hijyenik ve çabuk şekilde buzağının kolostrum alması sağlanmalıdır. Buradaki yöntem ya da miktar işletmenin alt yapısı ve olanaklarına göre seçilebilir. Refraktometre ile lg seviyesinin kontrolü yanıltıcı sonuçlar verebilir. Bu nedenle en doğru yol ELISA ile immunglobulin tayinidir. Bu nedenle, araştırmamızdan elde edilen sonuçlar ışığında, gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte daha hassas ölçüm yapabilen, pratik kullanıma uygun refraktometrelerin ya da ELISA kadar güvenilir sonuçlar veren hazır tanı kitlerinin üretilmesi ile kolostrum yetmezliğine bağlı buzağı kayıplarının en aza indirilebileceği sonucuna varıldı

    Muhammed Ali es-Sâbûnî'nin "Kabesun min Nûri'l-Kur'âni'l-Kerîm" tefsirinde ehli kitab'a eleştiriler

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    Muhammed Ali es-Sâbûnî dini ilimlerde temayüz etmiş, son dönemin nadir âlimlerindendir. Muhammed Ali es-Sâbûnî yaşamı boyunca te'lif ettiği çalışmalarıyla çağımızın âlimleri arasında saygın bir konum kazanmıştır. Sâbûnî'nin Kabesun min Nûri'l-Kur'âni'l-Kerîm adlı eseri müellifin daha çok dirayet yönünü gösteren bir eserdir. Kur'an-ı Kerim'i anlamaya ve yorumlamaya çalışan müfessirlerin onu gönderiliş amacına uygun biçimde, ilahi bir kitap olduğu bilinciyle incelemeye çalışmaları gerekmektedir. İşte Muhammed Ali es-Sâbûnî'nin Kur'ân-ı Kerîm'i yorumlarken benimsediği istikamet de budur. Ayetlerin incelikleri üzerinde durması ve ilahi hitabın edebi yönüne ve eşsizliğine sürekli dikkat çekmesi bunun işaretidir. Sâbûnî'nin bu eserinde Ehl-i Kitap olan Yahudiler ve Hristiyanların aynı olmadıkları anlaşılmaktadır. Yahudilerin Hristiyanlara nazaran müminlere karşı daha şiddetli oldukları belirtilmiştir. Ehl-i Kitab'ın hem daha önceki peygamberlere karşı sergiledikleri olumsuz davranışları ortaya serilmiş hem de Hz. Muhammed'e karşı geliştirdikleri komplo ve planlar tenkit edilerek onların bu inanç ve tutumları reddedilmiş, kendileri ortak bir söze, yani tevhide davet edilmiştir. Bu çalışmamızda Ehl-i kitaptan Yahudiler ve Hristiyanların kendi peygamberlerine karşı sergiledikleri tavırlar hem inanç hem de fiil yönleri ile ele alınmış, Kur'an-ı Kerim'in ilgili ayetleri esas alınarak Muhammed Ali es-Sâbûnî'nin bu mesele hakkındaki eleştirilerine yer verilmiştir

    Novel Approach for Synthesis of Magnesium Borohydride, Mg(BH4)2

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    AbstractMg(BH4)2 is a complex hydride with one of the highest hydrogen contents (∼ 15%) known yet. Several synthesis routes have been reported for it, all based on the metathesis reaction of MgCl2 with NaBH4 performed in a ball-mill or in suitable solvents.In the present study a new approach for synthesis of Mg(BH4)2 will be presented in which the more reactive MgBr2 is used instead of MgCl2. For this purpose a mixture of MgBr2 and NaBH4 (molar ratio: 1: 2 and 1:2.15) was ball-milled for 6, 12 and 18h, respectively. Mg(BH4)2 was extracted from the reaction product (Mg(BH4)2 + NaBr) by Soxhlet with diethylether over a day. The remaining residue after solvent evaporation was dried in vacuum at 150°C for 24h and 5h at 190°C. The intermediate and final products of the reactions were analyzed using XRD, DTA/TG, Mass and Vibrational Spectroscopy. The XRD diagrams of the mixture after ball milling showed only the characteristic reflections of NaBr and the patterns obtained after solvent extraction was in all cases consistent with β- Mg(BH4)2. The additional weak MgBr2 reflections, decreased by increasing the ball milling time from 6 to 18h. The DTA/TG coupled with MS revealed ∼11% mass loss when the product was heated up to 600°C. The result of MS detected that the exhaust gas is exclusively H2.Compared to MgCl2, the use of MgBr2 has two advantages: the reaction time is considerably shorter and the excess of MgBr2 can act as additive lowering the onset temperature for hydrogen release from 290°C - for pure Mg(BH4)2 - to ∼ 220°C

    Clinical evaluation of an antero-medial approach for plate fixation of the proximal humeral shaft

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    Objective Surgical approach of fractures of the proximal humeral shaft should protect the muscular insertions and the vascularisation of fragments, improving bone union and functional recovery. The aim of this study is to review cases operated with an original anteromedial approach, in cases of specific fractures of the proximal humeral shaft. Materials and methods Prior to clinical application, a cadaveric study was accomplished. Based on the results, six clinical cases had surgery using an approach medial to the biceps and brachialis. The osteosynthesis was performed with locked plates and 4.5 screws. The approach was indicated in fractures presenting with a large lateral wedge including the deltoid muscle insertion. Stable osteosynthesis achieved with this approach allowed early postoperative mobilization of the arm in all cases. Results The case-series consisted of three women and three men with a mean age of 52.1 years (range 38–68). The minimal follow-up was 1 year. Bone union was observed at an average time of 11.2 weeks. There were no intra- or postoperative complications. Discussion Open reduction and internal fixation with compression plating is a standardized and successful procedure in the treatment of humeral fractures. Internal fixation with lateral plating is difficult in the proximal third of the humeral shaft, where the positioning of the implant may hurt the long biceps tendon and the deltoid insertion. This approach was successful and safe in the presented cases. Conclusion The antero-medial approach with metaphyseal locking plate protects the muscular insertions and the vascularisation of the wedge fragment, leading to good results in all the cases in this series

    Dosimetric phantom consistency of TMR-10 protocol in homogeneous and inhomogeneous regions in gamma knife radiosurgery planning

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    Introduction: The algorithms used in the GammaPlan treatment planning system are “Tissue Maximum Ratio (TMR) classical,”“TMR 10,” and “convolution” algorithms, respectively. In this study, the consistency of dosimetric measurements with the TMR 10 protocol used in SRC (stereotactic radiosurgery) planning in lesions located in homogeneous and inhomogeneous regions in different intracranial location scenarios was investigated. Methods: In this study, the accuracy of administration of multiple metastasis treatment on the Gamma Knife Perfexion device was investigated. Computed tomography was performed with 1 mm cross-section intervals of CIRS brand Atom randofantoma. Critical organs and three different brain metastases located in homogeneous and heterogeneous regions, which are not on the same plane with each other, were drawn on the phantom. Planned target volume (PTV) volumes were created without margining the drawn gross tumor volumes, and three separate plans were made for three different PTV volumes. All plans were calculated using the TMR 10 algorithm. Critical organ doses were kept below the brain-SRC criteria for all calculated plans. Gafchromic EBT-3 film was placed on the sections with the target volume drawn on the phantoms and irradiated (1600 cGy, 50% isodose area). Measurements were made three times. The measured film results and the doses calculated from the planning were compared with gamma index analysis for different tolerance values. Results: In our study, for three different lesions planned and irradiated with different gradient index values, a difference of 2.11–9.58% was observed between the values calculated with the TMR-10 protocol and the values obtained in the dosimet- ric measurement. A decrease in consistency was observed, especially in inhomogeneous region placements. Discussion and Conclusion: There may be inconsistency between the TMR-10 protocol and actual dosimetric measurements, especially around inhomogeneous intracranial structures. We hope that this inconsistency will decrease in the future with the developing dose calculation protocols

    Photo art creativity in the education light drawing

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    DOI: 10.1051/shsconf/20162601083Since the early ages, people live together with art, and create various branches of art. Painting, as one of the most important branches of art, occurs on the walls of the caves of prehistoric ages. By the nineteenth century, photography shows itself and come as a branch of art until today. Photographers have created new methods and techniques throughout history. Among these, we can say that “painting with light” is one of the techniques by which the artist can create original works of art and reflects his/her creativity freely. This study aims to cite the importance of creativity in art education by the applications of “painting with light”. First the history of art is touched briefly, and then the invention of photography is mentioned and the relationships of photography and painting is studied. In the final section by informing about the technique of “painting with light”, it is discoursed how to get a work of art with this technique

    Evaluating of forest harvesting and road plans on process of decision in forestry

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    Ormancılıkta üretim ve yol planlamaları (transport planları), iyi düzenlenmiş ormancılık uygulamalarının ve ormanların işletmeye açılabilmesinin bir anahtar elemanıdır. Bu planlar ormanda uygulanacak operasyonların ne zaman?, nasıl?, niçin?, nerede?, kim tarafından? yapılması gerektiği sorularına cevap arar. Ormancılık uygulama planları; stratejik (uzun vadeli kararları kapsar), taktiksel (orta ve kısa vadeli kararları kapsar) ve operasyonel (kısa vadeli güncel uygulama kararlarını kapsar) planlama olmak üzere üç açamalıdır. Ormancılıkta üretim ve yol planlamaları, bu karar verme süreçlerinin her bir basamağında teknolojik değişimlere göre değerlendirilerek, ağırlıklı amaç fonksiyonunu karşılayacak şekilde karara bağlanmalıdır.The plans of the forest harvesting and road are main subject of well arranged forest practices. This plans can answer the questions; When?, How?, Why?, Where are to be made the forest operations. Forest practices are three phase as a strategic, tactical and operational plans. Forest harvesting and road plans should be decided to carry out main purpose by evaluate according to technical changing on every steps of decisions process


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    Operasyonel planlama; belirli bir alandaki ormancılık operasyonlarını sürdürmek için işgücü, para ve zaman girdilerini kullanarak gerekli olan orman kaynaklarına erişimi, kullanılmasını, yenilenmesini ve korunmasını olanaklı kılan metotlar, programlar ve sorumluluklar bütününü kapsayan bir üretim planlaması yaklaşımı olup hiyerarşik planlama yönteminin, son aşamasıdır. Odun hammaddesi üretimine ilişkin kısa vadeli, detay uygulama planını ortaya koyabilen, ortalama üretim maliyetlerini ve meşcere zararlarını azaltabilen, orta ve uzun vadedeki amaçlara uygun, zaman ve konumsal duyarlılığı olan planlara ve bu nedenle de operasyonel planlamaya ihtiyaç vardır. Bu çalışmada; operasyonel planlamanın yöntembilimi tanıtılmış, planlamanın temel adımları sıralanmış, benzer bir planlama yönteminin Türkiye ormancılığında uygulanabilmesi için yönetici, planlayıcı, araştırıcı ve uygulayıcılara yol gösterilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Operasyonel planlama, odun üretimi, matematiksel modelleme, Analitik Hiyerarşi Sürec

    Bilateral leukocoria in infant with afibrinogenemia

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    M Necati Demir1, Mehmet Akif Acar1, Yusuf Ziya Aral2, Nurten Ünlü11Ankara Education and Research Hospital, Department of Ophthalmology, Ankara, Turkey; 2Aydin Menderes University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Hematology, Aydin, TurkeyPurpose: To report a bilateral leukocoria case in a patient suffering from afibrinogenemia.Methods: An observational case where congenital afibrinogenemia was presented with bilateral retinal and vitreous hemorrhages that proceeded to vitreoretinal surgery was presented. In addition, complete ophthalmic and radiological examinations and vitreoretinal surgery were performed.Results: Right eye had a complete recovery while the left eye showed serious proliferative vitreoretinopathy and shortened retina. Three years after the surgery clinical examination showed that the right eye was aphacic with an attached retina and clear ocular media while the left eye was phtysic.Conclusion: We recommend broad clotting profile for infants suffering from vitreous or retinal hemorrhages with no obvious physical abuse. Our present case furthermore implies that afibrinogenemia can lie beneath the pathogenesis of bilateral leukocoria and should alert physician for the presence of an afibrinogenemia among several types of bleeding predispositions.Keywords: afibrinogenemia, retinal hemorrhage, vitreous hemorrhage, vitrectom