19 research outputs found

    Bektaş Efendi tomb

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    Bu çalışmada, Nevşehir ili, Hacıbektaş ilçesinde yer alan ve 17. yüzyılın başında hayatını kaybeden, Hacı Bektaş Veli’nin soyundan gelen Bektaş Efendi’nin medfûn olduğu türbe tanıtılmaktadır. Daha önce Hacı Bektaş Veli Külliyesi ve etrafındaki yapılarla ilgili çeşitli yayınlar yapılmıştır. Söz konusu yayınlarda Bektaş Efendi Türbesi hakkında da kısa bilgilere yer verilmekle birlikte yapı tek başına ele alınarak incelenmemiştir. Bu nedenle bu çalışma ile, literatüre bir katkı sağlamak ve yapının Türk türbe mimarisi içerisindeki yerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda konu ile ilgili kaynak ve arşiv taraması yapıldıktan sonra yapı, mimari ve süsleme özellikleri dikkate alınarak incelenmiştir. Türbe ilk olarak Bektaş Efendi’nin vefatından hemen sonra 1603 yılında sekizgen planlı ve konik külahlı bir kümbet şeklinde inşa edilmiş, daha sonra 5 Ekim 1906 tarihinde onarılarak önüne dikdörtgen planlı beşik çatılı bir ön bölüm eklenmiştir. Yapının içerisi ise bu onarımdan bir yıl sonra 19 Eylül 1907 tarihinde Batılılaşma dönemi etkileri taşıyan Barok karakterli kalem işleri ile bezenmiştir. Hem aynı yıl hem de bundan iki yıl sonra, 1909 yılında bu kalem işi süslemelere çeşitli hat eserleri de eklenmiştir. Yapı son olarak 1975 yılında Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü ve Hacıbektaş Anıtlar Derneği tarafından onarılmıştır. Kesme taş malzeme ile inşa olunan türbe, sonradan eklenen dikdörtgen planlı beşik çatılı ön bölüm ve kare kaide üzerinde sekizgen planlı konik külahlı kümbet olmak üzere doğu-batı aksı boyunca uzanan iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Bu hali ile yapının inşasında aynı ilçedeki 1519 tarihli Balım Sultan Türbesi’nin örnek alındığını düşünmekteyiz. Yapısal nitelikleri itibariyle Osmanlı özelliği göstermeyen yapının daha çok Selçuklu ve diğer beylikler döneminin, özellikle de Dulkadirli Beyliği’nin etkilerini devam ettirdiği görülmektedir. Bugün Hacı Bektaş Müzesi Müdürlüğü’ne bağlı olan türbe, bölgesinde yer alan kendinden önceki türbelerin yapısal özelliklerini devam ettirmesi ve sahip olduğu mimari ve süsleme özellikleri ile Türk türbe mimarisi içerisinde önemli bir yere sahiptir.In this study, the Tomb in the district of Hacıbektaş in Nevşehir province and where Bektaş Efendi, who died at the beginning of the 17th century and was a descendant of Hacı Bektaş, was buried, was introduced. Previously, several publications related the Hacı Bektaş Veli Complex and the surrounding buildings were made. In these publications, although brief information is given about the Bektaş Efendi Tomb, the structure was not examined separately. Therefore, with this study, it was aimed to contribute to the literature and to reveal the importance of the structure in Turkish tomb architecture. For this purpose, the structure was examined by taking into account its architectural and adornment features after scanning the sources and archives related to the subject. The Tomb was first built in the form of an octagonal-planned with a conical cone dome in 1603, just after Bektaş Efendi's death, then it was repaired on October 5, 1906, and one rectangular-planned gable-roofed front section was added to the front. One year after this repair, on 19 September 1907, the inside of the building was adorned with Baroque-characteristic hand-drawings having Westernization era effects. Both in the same year and two years later, in 1909, several calligraphy works were added to these hand-drawn adornments. The building finally was repaired by the General Directorate for Foundations and the Hacıbektaş Monuments Association in 1975. The Tomb built with cut stone material consists of two parts extending along the east-west axis, as the rectangular-planned front section with a gable-roof and the dome with an octagonal-planned conical cone on a square base. Considering this situation, we think that the Balım Sultan Tomb of 1519 in the same district was taken as an example in the construction of the structure. It is seen that the structure, which does not show Ottoman characteristics in terms of its structural feature, mostly continued the effects of the Seljuk and other principalities period, especially the Dulkadirli Principality. The Tomb, which is affiliated to the Hacı Bektaş Museum Directorate today, has an important place in the Turkish tomb architecture with the maintenance of the structural features of the tombs in its region and its architectural and adornment features

    The frequency of gestational diyabetes mellitus in a maternity hospital antepartum clinic

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) frequency and age related frequency with GDM screening tests in patients whom referred to our hospital’s antepartum clinic for routine follow-up.Materials and methods: Totally, 2617 pregnant women who did not have any risk factors for GDM and attended to our antepartum clinic for routine follow-up between August 2009 and March 2011 enrolled in this study. A 50-g glucose challenge test (GCT) applied at 24-28 weeks’ gestation. The patients who had a value of blood glucose ≥ 140 mg/dl undergone 100-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Patients who had a value of ≥200 mg/dl blood glucose in GCT or one value of ≥200 mg/dl in OGTT or had two values exceeded normal ranges in OGTT were accepted as GDM. Age related GDM frequency was also determined.Results: Of the 2617 pregnant women 110 patients diagnosed as GDM (4.2%). For the age related frequency, there was a tendency towards GDM after the age of 33. The age 44 was the most risky with a 33% ratio of GDM occurrence rate.Conclusion: In this study the GDM frequency in our hospital’s routine follow-up clinic was found as compatible with the 1% to 6% frequency reported in the literature. The higher frequency of GDM was found in advanced age pregnancies

    Efficacy of Sucralfate in the Early Postoperative Improvement of Pediatric Thermal Welding Adenotonsillectomy Morbidity

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    Objective:Many surgical techniques and solutions have tried to improve the morbidity of pediatric adenotonsillectomy. Pain is mainly treated with analgesics, steroids and anaesthetics. However, various topical solutions such as sucralfate have been used for pain relief.Methods:We investigated the efficacy of sucralfate together with the TW technique on post-tonsillectomy morbidity in children. Our hypothesis was that the advantages of the TW technique might be improved by the protective coating effect of sucralfate on post-tonsillectomy morbidity. Patients were examined and scored clinically by their parents on the day of the operation and at the end of the day for the next 7 days. Throat pain was estimated by parents using the Faces Pain Scale-Revised from 0 to 10 with 0 representing the absence of pain and 10 maximal pain on postoperative days 1 to 7 while swallowing, speaking and resting.Results:The daily pain scores over the entire 7-day postoperative period were consistently lower in the sucralfate group than in the placebo group. The reduction of throat pain was significantly lower in the sucralfate group compared to the placebo group from the 1st to the 3rd postoperative day.Conclusion:Our study demonstrates that sucralfate is safe and improves post-tonsillectomy analgesia in combination with the TW technique in children

    The Effect of Nasal Packing on Oxidative Stress in Septoplasty Operation

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    Objective:To evaluate the effects of nasal septal surgery and type of nasal packing used on local and systemic oxidative stress.Methods:Fifteen patients who were scheduled for septoplasty under local anaesthesia with isolated septal deviation were included in the study. Venous blood samples were collected preoperatively, postoperatively upon anterior nasal packaging, immediately after nasal packaging was removed and 2 hours following removal of nasal packaging. At the start of the incision and just after removal of the nasal packaging 2x2-mm sized nasal mucosal samples were taken. Malonylaldehyde (MDA) was measured as a parameter of local oxidative stress, and glutathione (GSH) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) as parameters of the local antioxidant system. Systemic MDA, catalase and nitric oxide were measured.Results:GSH and SOD levels decreased postoperatively in the septal mucosa just after nasal package removal, whereas MDA increased significantly (p<0.001). Systemic MDA levels decreased in comparison to preoperative levelsbetween the phases, however NO and catalase levels increased (p<0.05, p<0.01).Conclusion:Local oxidative stress occurs after septoplasy operation but no biochemical effect is observed systemically. Local oxidative stress is influenced by surgical intervention, surgical technique and packing material. New comparative studies are required between study groups with no nasal packaging

    Histological Evaluation of the Nasal Swell Body in Allergic Patients

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    Objective:To evaluate the histopathology of the nasal swell body (NSB) mucosa in allergic patients in comparison with non-allergic patients.Methods:Our study evaluated 25 allergic and 25 non -allergic patients who underwent septoplasty and bilateral inferior turbinate reduction. The NSB was evaluated via tomographic images and histopathologically. The thickness of the NSB and the glandular structures, arterial structures, capillary and venous sinusoids was measured in both groups. The data were then summarized as the relative proportion of each tissue type, given in percentage form.Results:The histopathological examination of the nasal mucosa revealed glandular and vascular structures in the NSB, inferior turbinate and septal mucosa. Although the NSB mucosa was thicker in allergic patients than in non-allergic patients, the incidence of glandular cells was increased primarily at the NSB in both allergic and non -allergic patients. There were no significant differences between the allergic and non-allergic groups (p>0.05). Venous sinusoids were more common in the inferior turbinate than in the NSB. There was no difference in the predominance of venous sinusoids between allergic and non-allergic patients.Conclusion:The NSB is thicker in allergic patients than in non-allergic patients. However, the NSB is rich in glandular cells in both allergic and non-allergic patients. Therefore, any changes in this region may lead to changes in humidification, dysfunction and nasal obstruction

    Finlandiya ve Türkiye ortaöğretim dil ve edebiyat programlarının karşılaştırmalı analizi

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    ÖZETFinlandiya’nın ve Türkiye’nin tarihsel süreçte benzerlikleri de farklılıkları da mevcuttur. Fransız, Alman, İngiliz edebiyatının etkisi hem Finlandiya için hem de Türkiye için benzer zamanlarda gerçekleşmiştir. Özellikle Tanzimat’tan sonra yapılan çeviri faaliyetlerinin bu etkileşimde etkisi çok büyüktür. Finlandiyalı Heikki Paasonen, Räsänen, Gustaf John Ramstedt, Castren gibi dilbilimcilerin Türk diline ve edebiyatına doğrudan ya da dolaylı katkıları son derece önemlidir. Araştırma kapsamında aşağıdaki sorulara cevap aranmıştır: 1.PISA araştırma sonuçlarına göre ilk sıralarda yer alan Finlandiya’nın dil ve edebiyat öğretimi ile sıralamanın sonlarında olan Türkiye’nin dil ve edebiyat öğretimi arasındaki fark nasıl açıklanabilir?2.Finlandiya’nın ve Türkiye’nin dil ve edebiyat öğretiminin tarihi seyri nasıldır?3.Türkiye’de eğitimde kanon anlayışı çok yerleşmemiştir. Finlandiya’da ise dil ve edebiyat öğretiminde kanonlar öne çıkmıştır. Eğitimde kanonun yeri ve önemi nedir?4.PISA sonuçlarına göre Finlandiya ile Türkiye arasında okuma becerisi konusunda neden çok fark bulunmaktadır?5.Finlandiya’da ve Türkiye’de ders kitaplarının içeriği nasıldır, farklılıklar nelerdir?6.Finlandiya’nın ve Türkiye’nin sınıf içi uygulamalarındaki farklılıklar nelerdir, neden kaynaklanmaktadır?ABSTRACTFinland and Turkey have both similarities and differences in terms of historical procedure. French German and English Literature affected Turkey and Finland almost at the same time (simultaneously). This impact can be recognized especially on the translation studies that were made after the Era of Tanzimat. The direct and indirect contributions of Finnish linquist Heiki Paasonen, Rasanen, Gustaf John Ramstedt, Castern are great on Turkish Language and Literature. In the scope of the study, questions below are tried to be answered:1.How is the difference between Turkey, of which PISA results concerning language and literature education is ranked lowest and Finland, of which PISA results concerning language and literatüre education is ranked one of the highest can be explained?2.What is the historical development of Turkish and Finland Language and literature education?3.In Turkey, understanding of canon in Education is not common. However, the opposite is true for Finland. What is the place and significance of Canon in Education?4.According to the PISA results, Why is the difference between rate of reading skills huge?5.What is the content of the course books in Turkey and Finland? What is the difference between these course books?6.What are the differences between methodologies of classrooms in Finland and Turkey ? What is the reason for this difference

    1922’de Amerika’da kızıl bir ses: Isadora Duncan’in anavatanına olan son turnesi

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    Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 111-116).Thesis (M.S.): Bilkent University, The Department of History, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 2014.This thesis focuses on Isadora Duncan, one of the most influential and controversial figures of dancing in the early 20th century both in the United States and in Europe. Although she is known as one of the pioneers of the modern dance, this thesis concentrates on her scandalous and unsuccessful visit to the United States in 1922 and why it turned out to be a disaster. By using her autobiography My Life and the books written by the ones closest to her, as well as the newspaper articles, my thesis will try to demonstrate that in an atmosphere that stressed conformity and conservatism following the First Red Scare of 1919-20, her Soviet affiliations and her thoughts on nudity were the reasons behind her unsuccessful tour and her decision not to come back to the United States again.by Begüm İrem Acıoğlu.M.S

    Opposing effects of a toll-like receptor 9 antagonist on spinal cord neuronal viability through direct versus astrocyte-mediated actions

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    12th European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease -- JUL 15-18, 2015 -- Bilbao, SPAINWOS: 000356386700395

    Dilate kardiyomiyopatili köpeklerde serum ve asites sıvısı proteomlarının araştırılması

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    The aim of the study was to investigate serum global proteomes in dogs with overt dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and to evaluate protein expression in serum with that in ascitic fluid. Eight healthy dogs (control group) and 8 dogs with DCM were included in the study. DCM was diagnosed based on echocardiographic evidence including increased left ventricular dimension at diastole and systole, increased E point to septal separation, and decreased fractional shortening. Serum and ascitic fluid samples were analyzed for proteomes using a label-free LC-MS/ MS method. Proteome analyses revealed significantly different expressions of eight proteins in all samples. Expressions in serum of apolipoprotein (Apo) A1, Ig heavy chain V, superoxide dismutase and plasminogen were higher (P<0.001), while expressions of clusterin, hemoglobin subunit beta, Apo-CII, and beta 2 glycoprotein I (beta 2GPI) were lower (P<0.001) in dogs with DCM than in control dogs. In addition, Apo-A1, clusterin, hemoglobin subunit beta, Ig heavy chain V, plasminogen and beta 2GPI were down-regulated whereas Apo-CII and superoxide dismutase were up-regulated in ascitic fluid compared with serum in dogs with DCM. Data obtained in the present study suggest that serum and/or ascitic fluid proteomes may explain some of the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the progression of DCM.Çalışmamızın amacı ileri düzeyde dilate kardiyomiyopati (DCM) tanısı konulan köpeklerde serum global proteomların araştırılması ve aynı hastaların asites sıvısı proteomları ile ilişkilerinin değerlendirilmesidir. Sekiz sağlıklı (kontrol grubu) ve 8 DCM’li köpek çalışmaya dahil edildi. DCM tanımlaması ekokardiografik olarak sistol ve diyastolde artmış sol ventriküler çap, artmış E point to septal separasyon değeri ve azalmış fraksiyonel kasılma verileri temelinde yapıldı. Serum ve asites sıvı örnekleri label-free LC-MS/MS metoduna göre analiz edilmiştir. Proteom analizi ile tüm örneklerde toplam sekiz adet proteom ekspresyonu belirlendi. DCM’li köpeklerde kontrol grubuna göre serum apolipoprotein (Apo) A1, Ig heavy chain V, superoksit dizmutaz ve plazminojen ekspresyonlarında artış (P<0.001), klasterin, hemoglobin subunit ß, Apo-CII, ve β2 glikoprotein I (ß2GPI) ekspresyonlarında ise azalma (p<0.001) belirlendi. Buna ek olarak; asites sıvısı serum örnekleri ile karşılaştırıldığında Apo-A1, klasterin, hemoglobin subunit ß, Ig heavy chain V, plazminojen ve ß2GPI azalırken, Apo-CII ve superoksit dizmutaz artış gösterdi. Çalışmada elde edilen bu verilerin; serum ve/veya asites sıvısı proteomlarının DCM gelişiminde rolü alan bazı patofizyolojik mekanizmaların açıklanmasına katkı verebileceği kanısındayız