1,501 research outputs found

    Lemon Classification Using Deep Learning

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    Abstract : Background: Vegetable agriculture is very important to human continued existence and remains a key driver of many economies worldwide, especially in underdeveloped and developing economies. Objectives: There is an increasing demand for food and cash crops, due to the increasing in world population and the challenges enforced by climate modifications, there is an urgent need to increase plant production while reducing costs. Methods: In this paper, Lemon classification approach is presented with a dataset that contains approximately 2,000 images belong to 3 species at a few developing phases. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithms, a deep learning technique extensively applied to image recognition was used, for this task. The results: found that CNN-driven lemon classification applications when used in farming automation have the latent to enhance crop harvest and improve output and productivity when designed properly. The trained model achieved an accuracy of 99.48% on a held-out test set, demonstrating the feasibility of this approach

    A Model for Business-IT Alignment in Malaysian Public Universities

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    AbstractBusiness-IT alignment is defined as a stage where the mission, objective, and planning within business strategy is shared and supported by IT strategy. This definition is extended to cover the situation where business executive and IT executive comprehended and committed towards achieving the mission, objective, and plan for both business and IT. One important issue in business–IT alignment study is the absence of alignment. By identifying factors to achieve business-IT alignment, the problem on the absence of alignment could be addressed. Due to the complexity of business-IT alignment, there is possibility that successful alignment focuses on managing specific alignment dimension by investigating factors that encourage particular dimension. Past studies have shown the relationship between business-IT alignment and organisation performance. However, only few researchers tried to relate between the factors with organisational performance. Therefore, the aim of this research is to contribute to the formation of a theoretical model influencing alignment dimension that has impact on organisational performance. The model is important to provide empirical evidence that confirms the importance of categorizing factors into dimensions in achieving business-IT alignment and their influence on universities’ performance


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta semester khusus 2015 yang berlokasi di SMK Negeri 1 Cangkringan telah dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa pada tanggal 10 Agustus 2015 sampai 12 September 2015. Kelompok PPL di lokasi ini terdiri dari 11 mahasiswa dari program studi pendidikan bahasa inggris, pendidikan teknik Otomotif, pendidikan jasmani kesehatan & kreasi, dan bimbingan konseling. Selama kegiatan PPL, praktikan melakukan praktik mengajar mandiri dan terbimbing di satu kelas, yaitu kelas X TKR 2. Dari keseluruhan praktik mengajar praktikan melakukan praktik mengajar sebanyak 5 kali. Selama PPL, praktikan juga menyusun program- program agar pelaksanaan PPL berjalan dengan lancar. Secara umum, program- program yang telah direncanakan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Praktikan telah berusaha untuk menekan semua hambatan yang terjadi selama melaksanakan program kerja, sehingga program tersebut akhirnya berhasil dilaksanakan. Munculnya hambatan selama pelaksanaan kegiatan merupakan hal yang wajar. Praktikan berharap, semoga laporan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi semua pihak yang terkait

    The Geomorphology of Gravelly Bars in Wadi Ewhaideh –Jordan

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    The study deals with the geomorphology of gravelly bars in Wadi Ewhaideh through the analysis of its morphological, sedimentary, and morphometric characteristics. The study also aims at determining the extent to which the phenomenon of gravelly bars spreads alongside the Valley, and the impact of the different water characteristics of the stream in determining their morphometric characteristics. The study relied in its methodology on remote sensing techniques through the analysis of (1-25000) - scale - aerial photographs for the year 2011.  The remote sensing techniques were used to analyze the morphometric dimensions of gravelly bars and their geographical distribution areas, then matching the results of the analysis of aerial photographs with the field results. The study found that the evolution and growth process of gravelly bars are associated with two variables, namely: the amount of sediment carried by the river flows and deposited above the gravel accumulation which forms the body of the gravelly bar; while the second variable is represented by the capability of the body of the gravelly bar to resist the water shear forces caused by water currents when colliding with it. The study also showed that the loose banks of the river directly affected the sedimentary characteristics of the gravelly bars, as the deposits of the bars in those areas are characterized by coarseness and increased sizes rate, where their average size rate reached (29.5 mm). Keywords: Gravelly bars, Wadi Ewhaideh, remote sensing, fluvial processes, sedimentary characteristics

    Surface Geomorphological Processes that Determine the Morphology of the Slopes of the Western Valleys in Wadi Al-Qa' – Jordan

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the surface geomorphological processes that contribute to the formation and evolution of the morphology of the western slopes of Wadi Al-Qa'. These processes are: the forces of water erosion; and the mass wasting and rock fall on slopes surfaces. This study also aims at analyzing the rocky structure of the slopes and other environmental conditions that have an impact on determining the morphological shape of the slopes. The methodology of the study relied on conducting many field measurements; the most important of which were measuring the volume of sediment deposited at the bottom of the slopes, and measuring the morphometric characteristics of the western slopes. The study results showed that the dynamics of the evolution and development of the western slopes morphology is associated with the basin changes imposed by the geo-morphodynamic processes that are prevailing in the upper basin of the Valley. The most important of which are water shearing force which the western slopes are subjected to during rainy periods, as well as being subjected to tectonic movements resulting in collapse of lateral slopes of valley. The study also shows the role of the gradient in development of slopes morphology as rock fall and mass wasting processes are more active in the slopes that have a gradient of more than 10° as they constitute 74.4% of the total rock fall and mass wasting. Keywords: Wadi AL--Qa', Slopes morphology, Geomorphological processes, Water erosion

    Relationship between background characteristics and residential satisfaction of young households in unplanned neighbourhoods in Kano, Nigeria

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    This study examined the relationship between background characteristics and residential satisfaction of young households in unplanned neighbourhoods in Kano, Nigeria. Data was collected from 364 respondents using self-administered questionnaire from three unplanned neighbourhoods. Pearson's correlation analysis revealed age, household income, household size, total number of bedrooms and total number of rooms had positive significant relationship with residential satisfaction of young households in unplanned neighbourhood in the study area. However, there was no significant relationship between length of residence and residential satisfaction of the young households. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that residential satisfaction differed between tenure status and house type of the respondent, while residential satisfaction did not differ between levels of education. Independent t-test revealed that there was no significant difference between employment status and residential satisfaction of the respondents. These relationships indicate that those who are older, higher income and bigger household size, with more room are more satisfied. It is recommended that policy makers and planning authorities should give more emphasis on the improvement of housing situations of young households and their income to enhance their residential satisfaction

    Comparison of satisfaction with residential components between previous and current unplanned neighbourhoods among young households in Kano, Nigeria

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    Studies on residential satisfaction in unplanned neighbourhoods have focused on social interactions and overall satisfaction with housing and neighbourhood as well as the decision to move. Few studies have focused on the comparison of satisfaction with residential components between previous and current unplanned neighbourhoods. This study compares satisfaction with residential components between previous and current unplanned neighbourhoods among young households in Kano Metropolitan, Nigeria with a view to provide a database to the policy makers on the housing situations in unplanned neighbourhoods. Data for this study was obtained from 364 randomly selected heads of young households in unplanned neighbourhoods in Kano city using self-administered questionnaire survey. Yeh’s Index of satisfaction (YIS) was used in the data analyses to compare the level of satisfaction with residential components (housing and neighbourhood) between the previous and current neighbourhoods among the respondents. The findings showed that there were differences in satisfaction with the components the previous and current unplanned neighbourhoods. The findings further revealed that the respondents were very highly satisfied with current housing features and housing conditions, while moderately satisfied with neighbourhood amenities and accessibility in the current neighbourhoods. However, the respondents were dissatisfied with all the residential components in the previous neighbourhoods. Thus, the respondents were most satisfied with housing and neighbourhood components in the current than in the previous neighbourhoods. It is recommended that policy makers and urban and housing planners should pay more attention to the aspects of residential components that the young households were not highly satisfied with in future policy for improving residential situation of households living in unplanned areas in major cities

    Comparison of Satisfaction with Residential Components between Previous and Current Unplanned Neighbourhoods among Young Households in Kano, Nigeria

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    Studies on residential satisfaction in unplanned neighbourhoods have focused on social interactions and overall satisfaction with housing and neighbourhood as well as the decision to move.  Few studies have focused on the comparison of satisfaction with residential components between previous and current unplanned neighbourhoods. This study compares satisfaction with residential components between previous and current unplanned neighbourhoods among young households in Kano Metropolitan, Nigeria with a view to provide a database to the policy makers on the housing situations in unplanned neighbourhoods. Data for this study was obtained from 364 randomly selected heads of young households in unplanned neighbourhoods in Kano city using self-administered questionnaire survey. Yeh’s Index of satisfaction (YIS) was used in the data analyses to compare the level of satisfaction with residential components (housing and neighbourhood) between the previous and current neighbourhoods among the respondents. The findings showed that there were differences in satisfaction with the components the previous and current unplanned neighbourhoods. The findings further revealed that the respondents were very highly satisfied with current housing features and housing conditions, while moderately satisfied with neighbourhood amenities and accessibility in the current neighbourhoods. However, the respondents were dissatisfied with all the residential components in the previous neighbourhoods. Thus, the respondents were most satisfied with housing and neighbourhood components in the current than in the previous neighbourhoods. It is recommended that policy makers and urban and housing planners should pay more attention to the aspects of residential components that the young households were not highly satisfied with in future policy for improving residential situation of households living in unplanned areas in major cities.   Keywords: Residential satisfaction, residential components, unplanned neighbourhoods, young households, housin

    Omani camel calves in a traditional management system

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    Le dromadaire Omani est une race particulière de la région du Golfe persique. C'est un animal à usages multiples et, depuis récemment, très demandé pour ses qualités de coureur. La population cameline à Oman était de 98 500 têtes en 1994 avec un taux de croissance annuel de 3,7 p. 100. Cette enquête a été réalisée entre 1992 et 1997. La reproduction a lieu en hiver (de novembre à mars). Vingt femelles adultes sur 364 ont été mises à la reproduction chaque année. En moyenne, 12 chamelons sont nés chaque année (taux de mise bas de 60 p. 100). Le taux moyen de conception a été de 4,5 p. 100, indiquant un sérieux problème dans le système d'élevage traditionnel. La plupart des chamelons (71,6 p. 100) sont nés de chamelles du groupe d'âge 11-20 ans. Les plus jeunes animaux en âge de se reproduire étaient utilisés pour la selle ou la course. Le rapport des chamelons femelles/mâles était de 1,14. Pour 53 gestations répertoriées, la durée moyenne de gestation a été de 384 jours (12,6 mois). Le taux de mortalité annuel a été de 2,66 p. 100. Tous les cas ont été répertoriés au cours du premier mois post-partum. Les causes de mortalité du chamelon comprenaient la pneumonie, les diarrhées et la sous-nutrition. Le système traditionnel d'élevage n'était pas adapté à une préparation adéquate de la mère pour l'allaitement post-partum. Trois chamelles ont mis bas deux fois avec des intervalles entre les mises bas de 3,3, 2,87 et 2,6 ans. Sept mâles reproducteurs étaient gardés séparément des femelles. Au cours des cinq années d'observation, 273 saillies ont été effectuées, conduisant à 60 naissances. Deux des mâles ont sailli 59 fois chacun, et chacun d'eux a participé à 11 conceptions. La gestion de la reproduction n'a pas permis une évaluation de la fertilité mâle ou femelle. (Résumé d'auteur