3,456 research outputs found

    An Intelligent Tutoring System for Cloud Computing

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    Intelligent tutoring system (ITS) is a computer system which aims to provide immediate and customized or reactions to learners, usually without the intervention of human teacher's instructions. Secretariats professional to have the common goal of learning a meaningful and effective manner through the use of a variety of computing technologies enabled. There are many examples of professional Secretariats used in both formal education and in professional settings that have proven their capabilities. There is a close relationship between private lessons intelligent, cognitive learning and design theories; and there are ongoing to improve the effectiveness of ITS research. And it aims to find a solution to the problem of over-reliance on students' teachers for quality education. The program aims to provide access to high-quality education to every student, and therefore the reform of the education system as a whole. In this paper, we will use Intelligent Tutoring System Builder (ITSB) to build an education system on cloud computing in terms of the concept of cloud computing and components and how to take advantage of cloud computing in the field

    The Effectiveness of using English songs to teach descriptive writing (an experimental research with the eight grades at SMPN 28 Mangkang Semarang in the academic year of 2012 / 2013)

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    The thesis discusses the effectiveness of using English song in SMPN 28 Mangkang Semarang to teach descriptive text writing. The writer wants to know how much effective of using English songs to teach descriptive text writing. This research is aimed at responding the following questions: how is the effectiveness of using English songs to teach descriptive writing? The main objective of this study is to describe how is the effectiveness of using English songs to teach descriptive writing This research is a quantitative type which specifies in an experimentalresearch between control class which is taught without English songs and experiment class whisch is taught with English songs. The population of this research is the eight grades students of SMPN 28 Mangkang Semarang. The writer used documentation and test to collect data. The data were analyzed statistically. In this research, it was found that there was significant different result between experiment class which is taught with English songs and control class which is taught without English songs. It was proved by the obtained score of t-test. The t-test showed that t-score 2.710 was higher than t-table 1.67.It meant that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. Since the t-score was higher that the t-table

    The perception of smallholders towards roles and challenges of RSPO implementation at Felda Tun Ghaffar Kemendor and Felda Tun Ghaffar Ayer Kangkung, Melaka / Abu Bakar Hasan

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    Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is the organization responsible in controlling, monitoring and evaluating economic, social and environmental impacts of the production and uptake of Crude Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO). However, from the side of oil palm smallholders, there are several barriers faced by them in implementing the principle and criteria set by RSPO efficiently. Thus, this survey is conducted based on two main objectives which are to examine the relationship of smallholders’ perception about roles of RSPO and challenges of its implementation. Next is to assess the most influential factor towards RSPO implementation through smallholders’ perception. This survey is conducted by distributing questionnaires to the oil palm smallholders around 87 persons which are randomly selected. Generally, there are two types of independent variables that are included in this survey which are the roles of RSPO agency itself besides the challenges in implementing the RSPO standard focusing towards the smallholders. Concept of 3P which are People, Profit and Planet are under the roles variable while cost besides training and guidance for smallholders are under challenges of RSPO implementation. The data collected after survey process is analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) in order to obtain result for descriptive analysis, demographic study, correlation and also regression. Through the analysis process, all the elements of roles and challenges have a positive linear correlation with RSPO implementation. As for regression analysis, the training and guidance shows highest coefficient reading with value of 0.492 for the challenges aspect. Besides, the analysis showed that around 30.9% of variation in RSPO implementation is explained by roles and challenges elements. Based on the result analysed in this study, it is clearly shown that the factor of training and guidance has becomes the most crucial factor among the independent variables. The other two factors which are concept 3P and cost do not greatly affect the RSPO implementation if compared to the factor of training and guidance. For the recommendation, there are much more things should be done for oil palm smallholders. For examples, more researches, supports and scaling up of viable models are required to guarantee that smallholders are not left behind. Besides, RSPO and government should provide and plan more financial assistance for smallholders compared to bigger plantation companies as the process of implementing the regulation of RSPO is costly for the smallholders. Furthermore, the related authorities should increasing collaboration with private plantation companies in providing training and guidance for the smallholders


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    Skripsi ini merupakan hasil penelitian lapangan yang dilaksanakan di desa Sungai Ulin banjarbaru kalimantan selatan dengan judul analisis Hukum Islam terhadap penentuan Tanah Tunggu Bahaulan di desa Sungai Ulin Banjarbaru Kalimantan Selatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan: Bagaimana proses penentuan Tanah Tunggu Bahaulan di desa Sungai Ulin Banjarbaru Kalimantan Selatan?. Penentuan Tanah Tunggu Bahaulan di desa Sungai Ulin kemudian akan dianalisis dengan hukum Islam untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya kesesuaian antara ketentuan waris dalam Islam dengan penentuan Tanah Tunggu Bahaulan di desa Sungai Ulin. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas, penulis melakukan penelitian langsung dan mengumpulkan data dengan metode wawancara. Wawancara dilakukan kepada tokoh masyarakat, adat dan agama di desa Sungai Ulin. Setelah data terkumpul, data tersebut dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif verifikatif dengan pola pikir deduktif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa dalam pelaksanaan penetuan Tanah Tunggu Bahaulan di desa Sungai Ulin masih sangat dipengaruhi oleh adat lama yang bersumber pada ajaran Islam. Pengaruh ini dapat dilihat dari pelaksanaan penentuan Tanah Tunggu Bahaulan yang dilaksanakan oleh para ahli waris. Penentuan Tanah Tunggu Bahaulan bisa mengurangi bagian ahli waris yang telah ditentukan oleh hukum Islam dalam ilmu waris Islam. Namun ahli waris ini tidak mempermasalahkan Tanah Tunggu Bahaulan, karena itu dianggap merupakan bagian dari bir al-walidain. Dan apabila tidak melaksanakan tunggu bahaulan akan dianggap anak durhaka. Berdasarkan kesimpulan di atas seyogyanya masyarakat desa Sungai Ulin lebih memperhatikan aturan mengenai kewarisan dalam Islam. Masyarakat bisa melaksanakan penentuan tunggu bahaulan sesuai dengan kesepakatan keluarga dan berdasarkan kerelaan dari semua ahli waris yang memiliki hak dalam harta waris tersebut. Hal ini sangat membutuhkan keterlibatan tokoh masyarakat, agama dan masyarakat dalam menjelaskan mengenai kewarisan menurut adat dan kewarisan dalam Islam

    Ensuring the effective implementation of the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system in shipping: a step towards making energy-efficiency happen

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    Titanium Dioxide Formation Via Anodization And Thermal Oxidation For Photoreduction Of Chromium (Vi)

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    This study investigated on the photocatalytic performance to reduce Cr(VI) to Cr(III) in aqueous solution of TiO2 nanotubes (NTs) and nanowires (NWs) synthesised by oxidation of titanium, anodically and thermally, respectively. TiO2 NTs were produced in fluoride containing electrolyte whereas TiO2 NWs were produced in potassium containing oxidation environment. During these fabrication processes, TiO2 was found to contain ions which were required for the growth of the nanostructures. In NWs, potassium ions were found to be the main impurity whereas in NTs, fluoride ions were detected to be incorporated within the oxide. EDX in SEM was used to study the amount of impurities in the oxide. It was found that anodic TNTs were consisted of 1.89 wt % of fluorine. Thermally oxidised NWs contained 7.54 wt% of potassium contamination. Therefore, as to compare if the impurities affect the Cr(VI) reduction process, TiO2 films were also created either by anodic or thermal oxidation in the absence of fluoride ions and potassium ions, respectively. The resulting films were compact without any noticeable nanostructures and from EDX the films were free from contamination. The crystal phases of the anodic or thermal oxidised TiO2 were also studied. It was found that anodic NTs were comprised of anatase as shown from XRD and Raman spectroscopy whereas compact TiO2 was consisted of a mixture of amorphous and rutile. Thermally oxidised TiO2 compact and NWs on the other hand were consisted of both rutile oxide. NTs, NWs and compact TiO2 were tested in a photocatalysis experiment to reduce Cr(VI) to Cr(III). It was found that ompact anodised TiO2 can reduce down to 48.36% after 20 minutes. Whereas annealed NTs can reduce 5.86% after 20 min. This indicated that the NTs have less ability to reduce Cr(VI) compared to compact anodic film. Similarly, thermally oxidised titanium with compact structure can reduce 28.04% compared to 14.48% NWs after 20 min. However, it was found that after 50 min , all four samples has reach almost 100% of reduction


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    Application of technology to the community program is intended to help solve the problem of clean water that exists in SMP Negeri 3 and SMP PPT in Kenten Laut, Talang Kelapa District, Banyuasin. Before this program was held, the condition of the water used by the school was quite apprehensive because it only utilized the water available in the swamps and rivers around the school. The available water has poor characteristics, especially containing turbidity and iron that have not yet met the standard. Considering such conditions, we apply the results of our research to be able to assist these two schools in providing clean water through the Application of Water Treatment Plants. This installation is quite simple and easy to operate, where the installation consists of several main process such as netralitation, coagulation, floculation, sedimentation, and stage of filtration. The quality of clean water product from the installation has fulfill the requirements as a source of clean water based on Permenkes RI No.492 / Menkes / Per / IV / 2010

    Social Networking Applications: A Comparative Analysis for a Collaborative Learning through Google Classroom and Zoom

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    Recently, social network applications were developed intensively due to the increasing compaction and user demands. These applications provide different services to their users like learning, awareness, chatting with friends, sharing global news, etc. Simply, this work introduces the advantages of these software applications, specifically in the field of education during the COVID 19 spread. Google Classroom and Zoom meetings had gained the attention of many educational institutes for using them as a learning platform for students and educators. This research used two methodologies SWOT analysis and the information system success model of DeLone and McLean\u27s updated to evaluate the effectiveness of these applications. SWOT analysis was performed for the Zoom meetings and google classroom, then evaluated their effectiveness. Likewise, DeLone and McLean\u27s model was deployed for evaluation, an empirical survey was used and distributed in our college. The results were collected, analyzed, and studied using various statistical parameters. Practically, each application has its pros and cons. However, google classroom showed more functionality for the learning process than the Zoom application

    Interpreting psychological warfare: understanding religious extremism from a discourse analysis approach / Ahmad Sauffiyan Abu Hasan

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    This thesis investigates the meaning of “psychology” in psychological warfare by explaining the factors that permit the existence of religious extremist behavior. Such attention are been given because the problem is relatively understudied in Malaysia and that has resulted in the inability to develop an ideal psychological warfare model to deal with the problem. Since 2001, Malaysia has been labeled as a breeding ground for religious extremist leaders. The recurring number of religious extremist cases magnifies our limited understanding on the psychological context of the problem and if left unattained, can prolong the situation. To propose a theoretical solution to the problem, three research objectives were formulated and they are: (1) how existential psychology can be used to explain religious extremism, (2) how behavioral psychology can be used to explain religious extremism and (3) how psychoanalytical psychology can be used to explain religious extremism. Conclusively, discourse analysis on 37 psychological constructs extracted from three psychological paradigms of Frankl, Pavlov & Skinner, and Freud have enabled this study to theorize a multi-factor stand to look at the problem, hence confirming the root cause of it