26 research outputs found

    The volume of generated waste, population density and road network density : anthropogenic pressure index

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    The study attempt to define an anthropogenic pressure index (IA) on the basis of the data, available for Upper Silesian Metropolitan Union districts. The volume of generated waste, population density and road network density, were taken into account to determine this parameter. Each of these factors was given the same level of importance in assessing the degree of its contribution to deterioration of the natural environment. The data were related to the mean of each factor for all districts. This index uses values of I A100% represents an area subjected to the greatest anthropogenic pressure (more than a mean of the negative factors degree). The importance of individual factors was set as 1, assuming that each factor had an equal impact on the environment. In the Upper Silesian Metropolitan Union districts, the estimated values of the anthropogenization index range from 3.1 to 14.9 (for Silesia region), and from 13.8 to 78.2 (for Poland). The graphic representation of data, was possible owing to GIS-supported analyses. Visual presentations are shown against the background of Silesian region and Poland maps

    Antropogeniczne zmiany odpływu rzecznego w zlewni Rudy

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    Human activity represents an essential element which modifies size and regime of river runoff and also water quality in Ruda catchment, which is right-bank Odra tributary (Fig. 2). The upper part of the catchment is strongly influenced by human impact associated with hard coal mining, industrial activity and urbanisation. The results of the research concerning last several decades show that anthropogenic factors have not influenced water relations with the same intensity both in time and space. A distinct relationship is observed between development of economic processes in the catchment and intensity of water relation transformations. Anthropogenic changes of the size of river runoff were stated in urbanised and industrialised upper part of Ruda catchment. In lower part of the catchment, which is only slightly transformed by human activity, no considerable changes of river catchment caused by anthropogenic factors were observed (Tab. 22, 23; Fig. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29). The valuation of anthropogenic changes of river runoff confirms growing, with the increase of anthropogenic constituent of the runoff, disturbances in its seasonal course and natural changeability (Tab. 24). The main function of Rybnik Reservoir, which is a delivery and reception of cold storage water from Rybnik power station, causes that not all typical for water retention reservoirs changes of runoff size and regime in the profile located below the reservoir are observed. Rybnik Reservoir does not regulate the minimal discharge and also its retention influence on spring thaw high water is not visible. Moreover, some disturbances in runoff course during summer occur which result in irreclaimable wastes (in cool cold storage circulation) and wastes associated with evaporation (Tab. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29; Fig. 30, 31). A synthetic picture of water condition transformation which took place in Ruda catchment as a result of anthropopresion is a diagram of water circulation by Soczyńska and Mikulski (1984) and Jankowski (1986) supplemented by the author (Fig. 35). Basing on the introduced supplements, the water balance equation has been transformed in time function. The water balance equitation in Ruda catchment has the following form: P(i) + PW(i) + WK(t) = Q,(0 + + EVAP(i) + PWK(i) + d(INT + RPP + RPN + RSA + + RWP + RA + RZA + RKR + RG)(i) where: P — precipitation, PW — water transfer, WK — mining water, Q„ — natural constituent of runoff, Q, — antropogenic constituent of runoff, EVAP — evaporation, PWK — transfers of mining water, INT — interception, RPP — retention of permeability surface, RPN — retention of non-permeability surface, RSA — retention of aeration zone, RWP — retention of groundwater, RA — apotamic retention, RZA — retention of anthropogenic water reservoirs, RKR — retention of river bed, RG — retention of economic activity. Basing on data included in this work, an attempt was made to evaluate the elements which influenced transformation of the natural water balance equation. The estimations are as follows: PW (water transfer) — 0,85 m3 x s_1 WK (mining water) — 0,13 m3 x s_1 Q, (anthropogenic constituent of runoff) — 0,51 m3 x s_1 PWK (transfers of mining water) — 0,10 m3 x s_1 RG (retention of economic activity) — 0,15 m3 x s_1 Comparing the values of anthropogenic constituent of runoff obtained from this research with data on size of mining water transfer, lower participation of evaluated anthropogenic constituent of the runoff is observed that it would occur from the balance of the size of water transfer and disposal. This results from irreclaimable wastes of water in industry and municipal use which are difficult to define. Another element which is underestimated by the researchers and which modifies water circulation are changes of evaporation. In Ruda catchment these changes result from growing built-up areas and time-spatial changeability of water reservoirs (Rybnik Reservoir, ponds in subsidence basins, groups of fishing ponds). Another element which is very difficult to balance is water escape by intensive coal mining activity. The results of the studies have revealed also that in the catchments of complicated system of water transfer and considerably transformed water conditions (what applies to the majority of catchment in the Upper Silesian region) methods based on hydrological and statistic analysis of long-lasting measurement series are much more reliable. Additional advantage of such methods is much larger access to applied observational materials and their greater reliability. The evidence of anthropogenic changes of river runoff in Ruda catchment is poor quality of surface water (Tab. 30; Fig. 32). Ruda, Potok Boguszowicki, Nacyna and Sumina lead classless water. The following contaminations cause poor water quality: biogenic substances (nitrates and phosphates) mineral substances represented by chlorides and sulphates which come from disposed to Nacyna mining water (Tab. 18, 19, 29; Fig. 20, 21, 22), heavy metals (lead) and bacteriological contaminations. The source of water pollution of Ruda and its tributaries are numerous disposals of industrial and domestic sewage, mainly from the area of Żory, Rybnik and Kuźnia Raciborska (Tab. 31; Map 1). The activities taken up to improve water quality in the catchment (arrangement of water-sewage system, construction of sewage treatment plants) resulted in reduction of the suspension and BZT5. On the other hand, an increasing amount of biogenic substances which are disposed to water is alarming. This is especially important for proper functioning of Rybnik Reservoir which have become a waste-water tank and has undergone slowly eutrophication. This situation occurred despite the fact that part of the most polluted water was disposed to Nacyna, below the reservoir. The results of the investigation on water quality in the catchment which were not included in state monitoring show that also Rudziczka, Klokocinka and streams which drain Ruda Kozielska area, contaminate Ruda (Tab. 32; Fig. 33). Also in other areas a considerable influence of uncontrolled waste water disposal on the quality of surface water is observed. Poor quality of water in Ruda catchment induces considerations concerning possibilities of its improvement (Fig. 36). The improvement of water quality in Ruda catchment would decrease pollutant load which is disposed to Rybnik Reservoir and which is delivered to Odra river. The protection and improvement of water quality in Ruda catchment is also necessary due to establishment of Rudy Wielkie Cistercian Composition Landscape Park in this area. Ruda is an hydrographic axis of this protected area and a natural ecological passage between the Wisła and Odra drainage basins where water, side by side with woods, represents an essential value. Restoration of water values of this area would result in increase of its tourist attraction and could be a model for other areas of the Upper Silesian Region which are not totally degraded

    Novel methods and solutions in hydrology and water management : National Conference (Sosnowiec and Szczyrk, Poland, 25th-27th May, 2015)

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    On 25th–27th May 2015 the Poland-wide conference on “Novel methods and solutions in hydrology and water management” was held in Sosnowiec and Szczyrk. It was organised under the honorary patronage of the Dean of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Prof. dr hab. Adam Idziak. The conference was organised to commemorate a distinguished geographer and hydrologist – Professor Andrzej T. Jankowski. The organisers of the Conference included the University of Silesia – Faculty of Earth Sciences, the Centre for Polar Studies, the Polish Geographical Society – Katowice Branch, the Hydrological Commission of the Polish Geographical Society and the Association of Polish Hydrologists..

    Contemporary consumer behaviour of consumption of water and waste production - an attempt to assess based on survey

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    Zmiany demograficzne, w tym wielkosc gospodarstw domowych, warunkuja w du zym stopniu zachowania konsumenckie na danym obszarze. Pomimo wielu badan ogólnoeuropejskich na ten temat, wcia ciekawe i warte uwagi sa badania takich zachowan na małych obszarach, gdzie ze wzgledu na mo liwosci finansowe lub specyfike miejsca, zachowania te moga bardzo sie ró nic od ogólnych trendów. W pracy poddano dyskusji twierdzenie o ró nej wielkosci zu ycia wody i produkcji odpadów w zale nosci od wielkosci gospodarstwa domowego i wieku mieszkańców zamieszkujacych centralna czesc województwa slaskiego. W tym celu przeanalizowano prognozy demograficzne na lata 2010-2030 na badanym obszarze. Z przeprowadzonych badan mo na wnioskowac o czesciowej zgodnosci wyników z innymi badaniami europejskimi, które wskazuja na wy sze zu ycie wody na osobe w gospodarstwach małych. Badania wykazały tak e, e najmniej wody zu ywaja najstarsi (>75 lat) i najmłodsi (<25 lat) mieszkancy województwa slaskiego. W zakresie wytwarzanych odpadów zdecydowanie najwiecej wytwarza ich gospodarstwo małe, jednoosobowe, bo o 51,2% wiecej ni gospodarstwo 2-osobowe i o 67,4% wiecej ni ż gospodarstwo 3-osobowe oraz o 57,4% wiecej ni gospodarstwo 4-osobowe

    Surface Water Quality Analysis Using CORINE Data: An Application to Assess Reservoirs in Poland

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    Reservoirs are formed through the artificial damming of a river valley. Reservoirs, among others, capture polluted load transported by the tributaries in the form of suspended and dissolved sediments and substances. Therefore, reservoirs are treated in the European Union (EU) as “artificial” or “heavily modified” surface water bodies. The reservoirs’ pollutant load depends to a large extent on the degree of anthropogenic impact in the respective river catchment area. The purpose of this paper is to assess the mutual relation between the catchment area and the reservoirs. In particular, we focus on the e ects of certain land use/land cover on reservoirs’ water quality. For this study, we selected twenty Polish reservoirs for an in-depth analysis using 2018 CORINE Land Cover data. This analysis allowed the identification of the main triggering factors in terms of water quality of the respective reservoirs. Moreover, our assessment clearly shows that water quality of the analysed dam reservoirs is directly a ected by the composition of land use/land cover, both of the entire total reservoir catchment areas and the directly into the reservoir draining sub-catchment areas

    Mathematical modelling as a tool for the assessment of impact of thermodynamics on the algal growth in dam reservoirs – case study of the Goczalkowice Reservoir

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    Depending on climate conditions, bathymetry, basin morphology, management practices and other factors, some reservoirs are more or less prone to stratification, which can strongly affect both chemical and biological status of water. In the Goczalkowice Reservoir (the biggest dam reservoir in the south of Poland), water quality parameters, such as chlorophyll a concentration, change very dynamically. In the presented study, the Estuary, Lake and Coastal Ocean Model (ELCOM) was applied to simulate water thermodynamics in a period of summer and autumn when the highest concentrations of chlorophyll a were observed, based on the continuous water monitoring in the ZiZOZap project (Łaszczyca et al., 2011). The purpose of the application of ELCOM was to simulate the thermal stratification in the reservoir and to prepare a basis for analyses of the relationship between water thermodynamics and quality. Simulations allowed the identification of several short water mixing events in summer and the final mixing event at the end of summer. The study also included the first application of model results to analyse the relation of changes in water temperature with observed concentration of chlorophyll a (ChlA). Analysis confirmed that each water mixing event was followed by a significant increase in ChlA concentration

    Wpływ urbanizacji na zmiany hydrogramu odpływu w zlewni Żylicy (Beskidy Zachodnie)

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    Mathematical models which transfer downfall to surface runoff are applied for a catchment whose area is smaller than 50 km2 and where high-water stages are caused by rainfall. The aim of the paper was to investigate changing hydrographs as a result of increasing urbanization. Calculations were performed using models which transfer effective rainfall into surface runoff. The modelling was carried out for three different periods which were characterized by different use: historical, current and predicted. Effective rainfall was transferred into surface runoff using Snyder’s model. Retention was calculated by SCS-CN model

    Factors influencing floods in the urbanized and industrialized areas of the Upper Silesia Industrial Region in the 19th and 20th centuries (the Kłodnica catchment case study)

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    The occurrence and pattern of floods in urban industrial areas depend on both the hydro-meteorological and physico-geographical properties of the catchment area and on the degree of anthropogenic transformation of land. The area selected for research is one of the largest urban mining-industrial districts in Europe, known as the Upper Silesian Industrial Region (USIR). Besides the ‘typical’ flood risk, which manifests itself in rivers overflowing their banks, this catchment is also threatened with floods that do not depend on meteorological factors but are caused by the formation of flood lands in areas transformed due to deep mining of hard coal. The pattern of floods in the catchment has also been influenced by changes in the forms of land use resulting from the growth of urbanized areas. Because of the increasing flood risk and the fact that it is impossible to build water storage reservoirs other possibilities of improving water retention capacity in the catchment have been indicated

    Inventory of reservoirs of key significance for water management in Poland – evaluation of changes in their capacity

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    Dam reservoirs constitute an important element of protection against floods and hydrological droughts, and they ensure the possibility of producing electricity. Loss of reservoirs’ storage capacity has a significant impact on the management of their water resources, including flood protection and counteracting the effects of drought and the possibility of producing electricity. The paper presents changes in the capacity of 47 reservoirs in Poland that have the status of key objects of protection against floods and hydrological drought. Based on the collected, unpublished data, the changes in capacity from the beginning of the reservoirs’ existence to 31 March 2021 were calculated, which allowed us to determine the total amount of lost capacity and the pace of the processes taking place. From the beginning of operation (average operation time 48 years), the capacity has decreased by about 5%, which means that almost 200 million m3 less water is stored. Detailed analyses of the lost capacity also allowed for an illustrative presentation of forecasts for further changes in the short and long term. The results obtained represent a unique contribution to future national strategies for the management of sediment and reservoirs’ flood reserve and reduction of drought. The presentation of this problem seems to be important also in the context of climate chang

    Estimating the impact of inflow on the chemistry of two different caldera type lakes located on the Bali Island (Indonesia)

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    This paper is a preliminary attempt to assess the composition of pollutants in two different caldera lakes situated in the Indonesian Archipelago: Batur and Bratan. Both lakes are characterized by largely different physico-chemical regimes; Batur Lake is located in an area that is currently volcanically active, unlike Bratan Lake. The latter is much smaller and shallower than Batur Lake. The concentration of pollutants in the Indonesian equatorial lakes is largely unknown, and the impact of both biological and geothermal processes on their distribution requires attention. This study shows that the concentrations of cations (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+), anions (SO42-, F-, Cl-, Br-) and trace elements (Li, B, Al, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Mo, Cd, Sn, Cs, Ba, Pb, U, Be, Ag, Sb, Tl, Bi) differ greatly between both lakes. Most chemical parameters determined in volcanically influenced Batur Lake were tens to hundreds times higher than in Bratan Lake, and in the case of trace metals, the ratios of the two lakes' concentrations reached several hundreds. This study also compared the composition and concentration levels of organic compounds in both lakes, such as fatty acids, halocarbons and esters. On the other hand, the content of organic chemicals in the lakes also results from biological activity by phytoplankton, zooplankton and bacteria