17 research outputs found

    The role of academic mobility of students in learning foreign language in Ukraine

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    The interrelation between self-control, self-esteem and professional self-realization of the teacher

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    The problem of forming the intellectual mobility of a specialist

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    Key issues of teaching ESP in Ukraine

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    Features of professional training of culturology students in modern Ukrainian higher education institutions by means of foreign languages

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    Realization of academic mobility by students in the conditions of a pandemic

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    Основні перешкоди у навчанні іноземної мови фахового спрямування в українських закладах вищої освіти

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    The article is devoted to teaching students foreign language, in particular, foreign language for specific purposes (ESP), in Ukrainian higher education institutions. The scientific article reveals the main obstacles in teaching students foreign language for specific purposes in Ukrainian higher education institutions and defines the directions of further scientific research. Thus, the main problems here are as follows: 1) limited hours of study for the discipline; 2) the use of outdated methods and training tools, but not multimedia; 3) outdated educational material and material of limited communicative orientation; 4) not competitive in the labor market teachers, not interested in self-development. The search for qualitatively new effective technologies of teaching students foreign language for specific purposes and enhancing the teachers' motivation for their own development are highlighted in the field of prospective scientific research.Статтю присвячено навчанню студентів іноземної мови, зокрема іноземної мови фахового спрямування, в українських закладах вищої освіти. Наукова стаття розкриває основні перешкоди у навчанні студентів іноземної мови фахового спрямування в українських закладах вищої освіти та визначає напрями подальших наукових досліджень. Так, головними з проблем є наступні: 1) обмежена кількість навчальних годин для вивчення дисципліни; 2) використання застарілих методів і засобів навчання та невикористання мультимедійного забезпечення; 3) опрацювання застарілого навчального матеріалу та матеріалу обмеженої комунікативної спрямованості; 4) неконкурентні на ринку праці викладачі, незацікавлені у саморозвитку. Напрямом перспективних наукових розвідок виділено пошук якісно нових ефективних технологій навчання студентів іноземної мови фахового спрямування та підвищення мотивації викладачів до власного розвитку

    The Formation of Intellectual Mobility of Engineering Students through Integration of Foreign Language Education and Professional Training

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    In the world of rapid changes, the concept of mobility is becoming an essential development factor for professionals, and understanding of this concept is not limited to physical mobility, i.e. studying and working abroad. Among various dimensions of mobility (academic, social, professional, cultural, etc.) we distinguish intellectual mobility as a characteristic of a professional and consider the problem of formation of intellectual mobility of engineering students through the integration of foreign language education and professional training. On the basis of theoretical research and practical experience, we have determined the pedagogical conditions for the formation of this characteristic in a technical university: 1) use of interactive teaching methods as well as ICT to change the function of a teacher when he/she becomes the moderator of students’ intellectual activities; 2) development of students’ motivation for intellectual activity by considering their psychological characteristics; 3) integration of foreign language education and professional training, active use of distance learning courses and intellectual games. The effectiveness of these pedagogical conditions while teaching ESP at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute has been checked through carrying out the pedagogical experiment and set of questionnaires and tests to define the level of intellectual mobility. As a result, we have developed scientific and practical recommendations at administrative, methodological and practical levels for teaching staff. The development of teaching complexes to ensure the process of formation of intellectual mobility of specialists in the educational environment of a modern technical university has been proposed to be a prospective direction for scientific research

    Poly- and multiculturalism underpinning personality formation of future foreign language teachers

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    Today, globalization has brought together people of different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, thus, forming a poly- and / or multicultural societies, respectively. Forming a poly-/multicultural personality and developing intercultural skills of future foreign language (FL) teachers is extremely important in educational environment. The aim of the study was to identify mechanisms that help form a poly-/multicultural personality of future FL teachers. The research adopted such methods as descriptive, comparative, historical, typological, and statistical for data processing of International Migrant Stock (2020) and National Center for Education Statistics (2000, 2017), with the latter to determine the migration situation in the world, which resulted in modern formation of poly-/multicultural societies. A comparative analysis found that poly-/multiculturalism differ. Given the generally manifested polycultural trend in Ukraine, structuring method allowed designing a model of polycultural competence for future FL teachers; experimental study allowed discussing the implementation stage of the forming poly-/multicultural competence model for FL teachers. In this vein, the mentioned competence model is proposed for use in order to develop relevant inter-/crosscultural skills and poly-/multicultural personality of FL teacher. The study results confirm the effectiveness of the developed model, which leads to increased poly-/multicultural competencies in communication and performance of future FL teachers

    Глобалізація та євроінтеграція: вплив на іншомовну підготовку в сучасній системі вищої освіти України

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    The article analyzes the problem of foreign language training in the context of globalization and European integration, namely their profound impact on foreign language training in the modern system of higher education of Ukraine. It has been found that: 1) the main trends in the process of teaching Ukrainian students a foreign language in higher education are communicative, interdisciplinary social and professional orientation, 2) sufficient attention has not been paid to foreign language training of adults, which particularly requires radical reforms and essential changes. The directions for further prospective scientific research have also been determined