89 research outputs found

    Jargon in sport discourse: formation and functioning

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    The paper discusses the major ways of sport jargon formation and the peculiarities of its functioning. Jargonisms come into the Russian word-stock through both borrowings from other languages (mostly English) and discourses. Among the productive means of word-stock enrichment are metaphorization, author’s word-building, blending and other

    Trade and Economic Relations between the EAEU Countries during the COVID-2019 Pandemic

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    The relevance of the selected topic of the article is due to the fact that the coronavirus pandemic and the imposed restrictive measures associated with it, which have swept the entire planet, affects all national economies and, accordingly, the integration groups that include these states. The EAEU is no exception. The Eurasian Economic Union was created with the aim of strengthening the national economies and the potential of the member states in the global economy, in which four freedoms operate: the movement of goods, services, finance and labor. Its appearance occurred during the period of global economic instability and geopolitical changes in Eurasia, which affected the situation within the EAEU.The purpose of this article is to study trade and economic relations between the EAEU countries during the COVID-2019 pandemic. Achievement of the goal set in the work was performed based on the application of general scientific methods within the framework of comparative, logical and statistical analysis.The results of the research performed in the article are based on the analysis of statistical information on foreign trade within the integration group, as well as on data on the prevailing trends in foreign economic relations between countries in non-trade spheres.It was concluded that in the context of the COVID-2019 pandemic, the growth rates slowed down, and the intensity of the countries’ foreign economic relations decreased significantly, which aggravates the negative trends in the decrease in the integration ties strength and the increase in contradictions between countries even before the start of the pandemic. The prospects for the recovery and further development of the EAEU member states’ economies are largely associated with the influence of external factors. The macroeconomic forecast for the states of the region critically depends on the nature of the COVID-19 pandemic course. An important factor is that each of the states in the region is in a unique epidemiological situation, which also makes it difficult to assess both the quarantine measures duration and the economic consequences depth of the imposed restrictions.Nevertheless, it is obvious that the EAEU countries intend to continue working towards a joint response to the threat of coronavirus infection. It should be borne in mind that the nature of such interaction will have certain limits associated with the current level of integration

    Means of expression of incentive modality in Tatar and English languages

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    The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the need to improve the functional approach to understanding the nature of the content incentive modality. The aim of the study is to identify the means of expression incentive modality in the Tatar and Russian languages, their similarities and differences. The leading approach to the study of the problems is selected descriptive-comparative method with its components - observation, comparison and generalization. The findings suggest that, in both languages there are corresponding counterparts, causing typological commonality; the most frequent way of expressing incentive modality in the English language are modal verbs and modal words, in Tatar - modal words as part of a complex predicate, the use of which depends on the context. Article Submissions may be useful in lecture courses on linguistics, in special courses on the problems of modality, as well as in the practice of teaching the Tatar and English languages.Keywords: language, translation, bilingual, incentive modality, means of expression, typological intention


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    The article considers and systematize different approaches to assessment of investment attractiveness of companies, including high-tech ones, by criteria of the number of used indicators and assessment approach. The paper proposes and tests the authors’ methodology for evaluating the investment attractiveness of high-tech companies, including the assessment of company current situation and development potential, the integral indicator of investment attractiveness and its recommended value. The study forms portfolios of stocks of high-tech companies traded on the Moscow Stock Exchange, using Markowitz and Fisher models to identify the correlation between the level of investment attractiveness of a company and the type of stock portfolio. The paper  reveals the correlation between the level of investment attractiveness and shares in the portfolio, as well as the type of portfolio (minimum risk, maximum return, optimal)

    Dialectics and Implications of Natural Neurotropic Autoantibodies in Neurological Disease and Rehabilitation

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    The role of natural idiotypic (Id-Abs) and anti-idiotypic (AId-Abs) autoantibodies against neuro-antigens observed in different neurological disorders is not fully understood. In particular, limited experimental evidence has been provided concerning the qualitative and quantitative serological response after acute injuries of the central nervous system or during chronic mental diseases. In this study, we analyzed the specific Id-Abs and AId-Abs serological reactivities against 4 neuro-antigens in a large population of patients with ischemic stroke, schizophrenia, as well as healthy individuals. Patients with ischemic stroke were tested at different time points following the acute stroke episode and a correlation was attempted between autoantibodies response and different patterns of functional recovery. Results showed variable and detectable Id-Abs and AId-Abs in different proportions of all three populations of subjects. Among patients with different functional recovery after ischemic stroke, a difference in time-related trends of Id-Abs and AId-Abs was encountered. Our observations suggest that changes in the production of natural neurotropic Abs may engender a positive homeostatic, beside a possible pathogenic effect, in specific neurological disorders

    Trace elements and minerals in fumarolic sulfur: the case of Ebeko Volcano, Kuriles

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    Native sulfur deposits on fumarolic fields at Ebeko volcano (Northern Kuriles, Russia) are enriched in chalcophile elements (As-Sb-Se-Te-Hg-Cu) and contain rare heavy metal sulfides (Ag2S, HgS, and CuS), native metal alloys (Au2Pd), and some other low-solubility minerals (CaWO4, BaSO4). Sulfur incrustations are impregnated with numerous particles of fresh and altered andesite groundmass and phenocrysts (pyroxene, magnetite) as well as secondary minerals, such as opal, alunite, and abundant octahedral pyrite crystals. The comparison of elemental abundances in sulfur and unaltered rocks (andesite) demonstrated that rock-forming elements (Ca, K, Fe, Mn, and Ti) and other lithophile and chalcophile elements are mainly transported by fumarolic gas as aerosol particles, whereas semimetals (As, Sb, Se, and Te), halogens (Br and I), and Hg are likely transported as volatile species, even at temperatures slightly above 100°C. The presence of rare sulfides (Ag2S, CuS, and HgS) together with abundant FeS2 in low-temperature fumarolic environments can be explained by the hydrochloric leaching of rock particles followed by the precipitation of low-solubility sulfides induced by the reaction of acid solutions with H2S at ambient temperatures. The elemental composition of native sulfur can be used to qualitatively estimate elemental abundances in low-temperature fumarolic gases


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    Results on the influence of Ge ion implantation into pyrogenic SiO2 on radiation charge accumulation are presented. Ge embedding in the silicon dioxide/ silicon system has been analyzed theoretically. We show that Ge ion embedding in the stoichiometric silicon dioxide at the silicon dioxide/ silicon interface or forming Ge nanoclusters in the SiO2 bulk provide an energetic advantage.Представлены результаты исследования влияния имплантации германия в пирогенный оксид на процессы накопления заряда при воздействии ионизирующего излучения. Проведен теоретический анализ процессов встраивания германия в систему «диоксид кремния на кремнии». Показано, что германию энергетически выгодно встраиваться в насыщенный кремнием нестехиометрический оксид (на границе «кремний — диоксид кремния») и формировать нанокластеры в объеме SiO2


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    Методами пробных закалок и измерения термоэлектрического эффекта (эффекта Зеебека) определена температура полиморфного превращения сплава VST3553, дополнительно легированного цирконием и оловом.The polymorphic transformation temperature of VST3553 alloy droped with zirconium and tin was determined by means of the quenching method and the thermoelectric effect measurement (Seebeck effect).Работа выполнена при поддержке проекта № 2329, выполняемого в рамках базовой части госзадания 2014/236 Минобрнауки РФ