10 research outputs found

    A Decoupled 3D Facial Shape Model by Adversarial Training

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    International audienceData-driven generative 3D face models are used to compactly encode facial shape data into meaningful parametric representations. A desirable property of these models is their ability to effectively decouple natural sources of variation, in particular identity and expression. While factorizedrepresentations have been proposed for that purpose, they are still limited in the variability they can capture and may present modeling artifacts when applied to tasks such as expression transfer. In this work, we explore a new direction with Generative Adversarial Networks and show thatthey contribute to better face modeling performances, especially in decoupling natural factors, while also achieving more diverse samples. To train the model we introduce a novel architecture that combines a 3D generator with a 2D discriminator that leverages conventional CNNs, where the two components are bridged by a geometry mapping layer. We further present a training scheme, based on auxiliary classifiers, to explicitly disentangle identity and expression attributes. Through quantitative and qualitative results on standard face datasets, we illustrate the benefits of our model and demonstrate that it outperforms competing state of the art methods in terms of decoupling and diversity

    I M Avatar: Implicit Morphable Head Avatars from Videos

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    Traditional morphable face models provide fine-grained control over expression but cannot easily capture geometric and appearance details. Neural volumetric representations approach photo-realism but are hard to animate and do not generalize well to unseen expressions. To tackle this problem, we propose IMavatar (Implicit Morphable avatar), a novel method for learning implicit head avatars from monocular videos. Inspired by the fine-grained control mechanisms afforded by conventional 3DMMs, we represent the expression- and pose-related deformations via learned blendshapes and skinning fields. These attributes are pose-independent and can be used to morph the canonical geometry and texture fields given novel expression and pose parameters. We employ ray tracing and iterative root-finding to locate the canonical surface intersection for each pixel. A key contribution is our novel analytical gradient formulation that enables end-to-end training of IMavatars from videos. We show quantitatively and qualitatively that our method improves geometry and covers a more complete expression space compared to state-of-the-art methods

    A 3D+t Laplace operator for temporal mesh sequences

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    International audienceThe Laplace operator plays a fundamental role in geometry processing. Several discrete versions have been proposed for 3D meshes and point clouds, among others. We define here a discrete Laplace operator for temporally coherent mesh sequences, which allows to process mesh animations in a simple yet efficient way. This operator is a discretization of the Laplace-Beltrami operator using Discrete Exterior Calculus on CW complexes embedded in a four-dimensional space. A parameter is introduced to tune the influence of the motion with respect to the geometry. This enables straightforward generalization of existing Laplacian static mesh processing works to mesh sequences. An application to spacetime editing is provided as example

    Spatiotemporal Modeling for Efficient Registration of Dynamic 3D Faces

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    International audienceWe consider the registration of temporal sequences of 3D face scans. Face registration plays a central role in face analysis applications, for instance recognition or transfer tasks, among others. We propose an automatic approach that can register large sets of dynamic face scans without the need for landmarks or highly specialized acquisition setups. This allows for extended versatility among registered face shapes and deformations by enabling to leverage multiple datasets, a fundamental property when e.g. building statistical face models. Our approach is built upon a regression-based static registration method, which is improved by spatiotemporal modeling to exploit redundancies over both space and time. We experimentally demonstrate that accurate registrations can be obtained for varying data robustly and efficiently by applying our method to three standard dynamic face datasets

    Multilinear Autoencoder for 3D Face Model Learning

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    International audienceGenerative models have proved to be useful tools to represent 3D human faces and their statistical variations. With the increase of 3D scan databases available for training, a growing challenge lies in the ability to learn generative face models that effectively encode shape variations with respect to desired attributes, such as identity and expression, given datasets that can be diverse. This paper addresses this challenge by proposing a framework that learns a generative 3D face model using an autoencoder architecture, allowing hence for weakly supervised training. The main contribution is to combine a convolutional neural network-based en-coder with a multilinear model-based decoder, taking therefore advantage of both the convolutional network robust-ness to corrupted and incomplete data, and of the multilin-ear model capacity to effectively model and decouple shape variations. Given a set of 3D face scans with annotation labels for the desired attributes, e.g. identities and expressions, our method learns an expressive multilinear model that decouples shape changes due to the different factors. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms recent approaches when learning multilinear face models from incomplete training data, particularly in terms of space decoupling, and that it is capable of learning from an order of magnitude more data than previous methods

    A Decoupled 3D Facial Shape Model by Adversarial Training

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    International audienceData-driven generative 3D face models are used to compactly encode facial shape data into meaningful parametric representations. A desirable property of these models is their ability to effectively decouple natural sources of variation, in particular identity and expression. While factorizedrepresentations have been proposed for that purpose, they are still limited in the variability they can capture and may present modeling artifacts when applied to tasks such as expression transfer. In this work, we explore a new direction with Generative Adversarial Networks and show thatthey contribute to better face modeling performances, especially in decoupling natural factors, while also achieving more diverse samples. To train the model we introduce a novel architecture that combines a 3D generator with a 2D discriminator that leverages conventional CNNs, where the two components are bridged by a geometry mapping layer. We further present a training scheme, based on auxiliary classifiers, to explicitly disentangle identity and expression attributes. Through quantitative and qualitative results on standard face datasets, we illustrate the benefits of our model and demonstrate that it outperforms competing state of the art methods in terms of decoupling and diversity

    FLARE: Fast Learning of Animatable and Relightable Mesh Avatars

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    Our goal is to efficiently learn personalized animatable 3D head avatars from videos that are geometrically accurate, realistic, relightable, and compatible with current rendering systems. While 3D meshes enable efficient processing and are highly portable, they lack realism in terms of shape and appearance. Neural representations, on the other hand, are realistic but lack compatibility and are slow to train and render. Our key insight is that it is possible to efficiently learn high-fidelity 3D mesh representations via differentiable rendering by exploiting highly-optimized methods from traditional computer graphics and approximating some of the components with neural networks. To that end, we introduce FLARE, a technique that enables the creation of animatable and relightable mesh avatars from a single monocular video. First, we learn a canonical geometry using a mesh representation, enabling efficient differentiable rasterization and straightforward animation via learned blendshapes and linear blend skinning weights. Second, we follow physically-based rendering and factor observed colors into intrinsic albedo, roughness, and a neural representation of the illumination, allowing the learned avatars to be relit in novel scenes. Since our input videos are captured on a single device with a narrow field of view, modeling the surrounding environment light is non-Trivial. Based on the split-sum approximation for modeling specular reflections, we address this by approximating the prefiltered environment map with a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) modulated by the surface roughness, eliminating the need to explicitly model the light. We demonstrate that our mesh-based avatar formulation, combined with learned deformation, material, and lighting MLPs, produces avatars with high-quality geometry and appearance, while also being efficient to train and render compared to existing approaches.ISSN:0730-0301ISSN:1557-736

    I M Avatar: Implicit Morphable Head Avatars from Videos

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    Traditional 3D morphable face models (3DMMs) provide fine-grained control over expression but cannot easily capture geometric and appearance details. Neural volumetric representations approach photorealism but are hard to animate and do not generalize well to unseen expressions. To tackle this problem, we propose IMavatar (Implicit Morphable avatar), a novel method for learning implicit head avatars from monocular videos. Inspired by the fine-grained control mechanisms afforded by conventional 3DMMs, we represent the expression- and pose-related deformations via learned blendshapes and skinning fields. These attributes are pose-independent and can be used to morph the canonical geometry and texture fields given novel expression and pose parameters. We employ ray marching and iterative root-finding to locate the canonical surface intersection for each pixel. A key contribution is our novel analytical gradient formulation that enables end-to-end training of IMavatars from videos. We show quantitatively and qualitatively that our method improves geometry and covers a more complete expression space compared to state-of-the-art methods. Code and data can be found at https://ait.ethz.ch/projects/2022/IMavatar/