151 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of Barrett’s Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma

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    Barrett’s esophagus (BE) is a common condition, and is the precursor to esophageal adenocarcinoma, a disease with increasing burden in the western world, especially in Caucasian males. The incidence of BE increased dramatically during the late-20th century and incidence estimates continue to increase, with a prominent male:female ratio. The prevalence is between 0.5 – 2.0 percent. A number of anthropomorphic and behavioral risk factors exist for BE including obesity and tobacco smoking, but GERD is the strongest risk factor, and the risk is more pronounced with long-standing GERD. Esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) is the most common form of esophageal cancer in the U.S. Risk factors include GERD, tobacco smoking, and obesity, while NSAIDs and statins may be protective. A major factor predicting progression from non-dysplastic BE to EAC is the presence of dysplastic changes seen on esophageal histology, although a number of issues limit the utility of dysplasia as a marker for disease. Length of the involved BE segment is another risk for progression to high-grade dysplasia and cancer. Biomarkers have shown promise, but none are approved for clinical use

    Large Language Models for Granularized Barrett's Esophagus Diagnosis Classification

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    Diagnostic codes for Barrett's esophagus (BE), a precursor to esophageal cancer, lack granularity and precision for many research or clinical use cases. Laborious manual chart review is required to extract key diagnostic phenotypes from BE pathology reports. We developed a generalizable transformer-based method to automate data extraction. Using pathology reports from Columbia University Irving Medical Center with gastroenterologist-annotated targets, we performed binary dysplasia classification as well as granularized multi-class BE-related diagnosis classification. We utilized two clinically pre-trained large language models, with best model performance comparable to a highly tailored rule-based system developed using the same data. Binary dysplasia extraction achieves 0.964 F1-score, while the multi-class model achieves 0.911 F1-score. Our method is generalizable and faster to implement as compared to a tailored rule-based approach

    Prebiotic proanthocyanidins inhibit bile reflux–induced esophageal adenocarcinoma through reshaping the gut microbiome and esophageal metabolome

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    The gut and local esophageal microbiome progressively shift from healthy commensal bacteria to inflammation-linked pathogenic bacteria in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, Barrett’s esophagus, and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). However, mechanisms by which microbial communities and metabolites contribute to reflux-driven EAC remain incompletely understood and challenging to target. Herein, we utilized a rat reflux-induced EAC model to investigate targeting the gut microbiome–esophageal metabolome axis with cranberry proanthocyanidins (C-PAC) to inhibit EAC progression. Sprague-Dawley rats, with or without reflux induction, received water or C-PAC ad libitum (700 μg/rat/day) for 25 or 40 weeks. C-PAC exerted prebiotic activity abrogating reflux-induced dysbiosis and mitigating bile acid metabolism and transport, culminating in significant inhibition of EAC through TLR/NF-κB/TP53 signaling cascades. At the species level, C-PAC mitigated reflux-induced pathogenic bacteria (Streptococcus parasanguinis, Escherichia coli, and Proteus mirabilis). C-PAC specifically reversed reflux-induced bacterial, inflammatory, and immune-implicated proteins and genes, including Ccl4, Cd14, Crp, Cxcl1, Il6, Il1b, Lbp, Lcn2, Myd88, Nfkb1, Tlr2, and Tlr4, aligning with changes in human EAC progression, as confirmed through public databases. C-PAC is a safe, promising dietary constituent that may be utilized alone or potentially as an adjuvant to current therapies to prevent EAC progression through ameliorating reflux-induced dysbiosis, inflammation, and cellular damage

    Еволюція історичних уявлень про Україну в середньовічній Франції до середини ХVІІ ст.

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    У статті розглянуто стан ознайомлення французької громадськості ХІ-ХVІІ ст. з Україною, проаналізовано причини цікавості французів до цієї країни на тлі історичних взаємин України та Франції. Автор простежує еволюцію французьких історичних досліджень про Україну у Франції.The author considers the state of acquaintance of the French society of the XVII century with Ukraine, analyses the reasons of the interest the French took in this country on the phone of the historical relations between Ukraine and France and traces the evolution of the French historical studies in Ukraine

    Bile acid and inflammation activate gastric cardia stem cells in a mouse model of barrett-like metaplasia

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    Esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) arises from Barrett esophagus (BE), intestinal-like columnar metaplasia linked to reflux esophagitis. In a transgenic mouse model of BE, esophageal overexpression of interleukin-1β phenocopies human pathology with evolution of esophagitis, Barrett-like metaplasia and EAC. Histopathology and gene signatures closely resembled human BE, with upregulation of TFF2, Bmp4, Cdx2, Notch1, and IL-6. The development of BE and EAC was accelerated by exposure to bile acids and/or nitrosamines, and inhibited by IL-6 deficiency. Lgr5+ gastric cardia stem cells present in BE were able to lineage trace the early BE lesion. Our data suggest that BE and EAC arise from gastric progenitors due to a tumor-promoting IL-1β-IL-6 signaling cascade and Dll1-dependent Notch signaling. © 2012 Elsevier Inc

    Linkage and related analyses of Barrett's esophagus and its associated adenocarcinomas

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    BACKGROUND: Familial aggregation and segregation analysis studies have provided evidence of a genetic basis for esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) and its premalignant precursor, Barrett's esophagus (BE). We aim to demonstrate the utility of linkage analysis to identify the genomic regions that might contain the genetic variants that predispose individuals to this complex trait (BE and EAC). METHODS: We genotyped 144 individuals in 42 multiplex pedigrees chosen from 1000 singly ascertained BE/EAC pedigrees, and performed both model‐based and model‐free linkage analyses, using S.A.G.E. and other software. Segregation models were fitted, from the data on both the 42 pedigrees and the 1000 pedigrees, to determine parameters for performing model‐based linkage analysis. Model‐based and model‐free linkage analyses were conducted in two sets of pedigrees: the 42 pedigrees and a subset of 18 pedigrees with female affected members that are expected to be more genetically homogeneous. Genome‐wide associations were also tested in these families. RESULTS: Linkage analyses on the 42 pedigrees identified several regions consistently suggestive of linkage by different linkage analysis methods on chromosomes 2q31, 12q23, and 4p14. A linkage on 15q26 is the only consistent linkage region identified in the 18 female‐affected pedigrees, in which the linkage signal is higher than in the 42 pedigrees. Other tentative linkage signals are also reported. CONCLUSION: Our linkage study of BE/EAC pedigrees identified linkage regions on chromosomes 2, 4, 12, and 15, with some reported associations located within our linkage peaks. Our linkage results can help prioritize association tests to delineate the genetic determinants underlying susceptibility to BE and EAC

    Predicting Barrett's Esophagus in Families: An Esophagus Translational Research Network (BETRNet) Model Fitting Clinical Data to a Familial Paradigm

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    Barrett’s esophagus (BE) is often asymptomatic and only a small portion of BE patients are currently diagnosed and under surveillance. Therefore, it is important to develop risk prediction models to identify high-risk individuals with BE. Familial aggregation of BE and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC), and the increased risk of EAC for individuals with a family history, raise the necessity of including genetic factors in the prediction model. Methods to determine risk prediction models using both risk covariates and ascertained family data are not well-developed