391 research outputs found

    The effect of subgrain mobility on recrystallization kinetics: phase-field simulation study

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    Conductivity, weak ferromagnetism and charge instability in αMnS\alpha-MnS single crystal

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    The temperature dependence of resistivity, magnetization and electron-spin resonance of the αMnS\alpha- MnS single crystal were measured in temperature range of 5K<T<550K5 K < T < 550 K. Magnetization hysteresis in applied magnetic field up to 0.7 T at T=5K,77K,300KT=5 K, 77 K, 300 K, irreversible temperature behavior of magnetization and resistivity were found . The obtained data were explained in terms of degenerate tight binding model using random phase approximation. The contribution of holes in t2gt_{2g} and ege_g bands of manganese ions to the conductivity, optical absorbtion spectra and charge instability in αMnS\alpha -MnS were studied. Charge susceptibility maxima resulted from the competition of the on-site Coulomb interaction between the holes in different orbitals and small hybridization of sub-bands were calculated at T=160K,250K,475KT=160 K, 250 K, 475 K.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figure

    The chiral Anomalous Hall effect in re-entrant AuFe alloys

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    The Hall effect has been studied in a series of AuFe samples in the re-entrant concentration range, as well as in part of the spin glass range. An anomalous Hall contribution linked to the tilting of the local spins can be identified, confirming theoretical predictions of a novel topological Hall term induced when chirality is present. This effect can be understood in terms of Aharonov-Bohm-like intrinsic current loops arising from successive scatterings by canted local spins. The experimental measurements indicate that the chiral signal persists, meaning scattering within the nanoscopic loops remains coherent, up to temperatures of the order of 150 K.Comment: 7 pages, 11 eps figures Published version. Minor change

    A barrier-free urban space as an indicator of exercising the right to the city by individuals with disabilities

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    This article looks at urban space through the lens of reimagining the status of individuals with disabilities as people with health issues. Today,they are viewed as a social group who claims their right to the city and to barrier-free urban space,and who is characterized by social interaction. The paper argues for an urgent need of creating universal inclusive spaces and specific areas on the city map which would address special needs of individuals with different forms of disability. The results of a survey of individuals with disabilities,residing in the City of Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk Region,as well as expert interviews with representatives of local and regional authorities,indicate that the public bodies are aware of the needs of individuals with disabilities and making attempts to address the requests of this group. The respondents identified the following key problem areas: difficulties of moving around the city,a lack of barrier-free access into buildings,and a lack of sanitary facilities in the visited organizations. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The reported study was funded by RFBR and Sverdlovsk Region, project number 20-411-660012

    The role of polymorphism of hereditary thrombophilia candidate genes in the development of arterial hypertension in women with preeclampsia

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    Preeclampsia is a severe pregnancy complication that has long been one of the leading causes of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity worldwide. Despite the achievements of modern medicine, the etiology of this pathology is not known. Multiple risk factors for the development of PE have been identified: arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, a hereditary history of preeclampsia, thrombophilia, etc., but recently, special attention has been paid to genetic determinants, namely, the contribution of individual polymorphic loci of various gene

    Ocean Colour remote sensing in the Southern Laptev Sea: evaluation and applications

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    Enhanced permafrost warming and increased arctic river discharges have heightened concern about the input of terrigeneous matter into Arctic coastal waters. We used optical operational satellite data from the Ocean Colour sensor MERIS onboard the ENVISAT satellite mission for synoptic monitoring of the pathways of terrigeneous matter in the southern Laptev Sea. MERIS satellite data from 2006 on to 2011 were processed using the Case2Regional Processor, C2R, installed in the open-source software ESA BEAM-VISAT. Since optical remote sensing using Ocean Colour satellite data has seen little application in Siberian Arctic coastal and shelf waters, we assess the applicability of the calculated MERIS parameters with surface water sampling data from the Russian-German ship expeditions LENA2010 and TRANSDRIFT-XVII taking place in August and September 2010 in the southern Laptev Sea. The surface waters of the southern Laptev Sea are characterized by low transparencies, due to turbid river water input, terrestrial input by coastal erosion, resuspension events and, therefore, high background concentrations of Suspended Particulate Matter, SPM, and coloured Dissolved Organic Matter, cDOM. The mapped calculated optical water parameters, such as the first attenuation depth, Z90, the attenuation coefficient, k, and Suspended Particulate Matter, SPM, visualize resuspension events that occur in shallow coastal and shelf waters indicating vertical mixing events. The mapped optical water parameters also visualize that the hydrography of the Laptev Sea is dominated by frontal meanders with amplitudes up to 30 km and eddies and filaments with diameters up to 100 km that prevail throughout the ice-free season. The meander crests, filaments and eddy-like structures that become visible through the mapped MERIS C2R parameters indicate enhanced vertical and horizontal transport energy for the transport of terrigenous and living biological matter in the surface waters during the ice-free season

    Atomic and Molecular Gas Components in Spiral Galaxies of the Virgo Cluster

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    Based on two models, we investigate the molecular-to-atomic gas ratio in Virgo cluster galaxies in comparison with field galaxies. We show that the enhanced metallicity for cluster members and the ram pressure stripping of atomic gas from the disk periphery cannot fully explain the observed gas component ratios. The additional environmental factors affecting the interstellar medium and leading to an increase in the molecular gas fraction should be taken into account for cluster galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure


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    The aim of the study was to investigate the nutritive status and identify risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients on hemodialysis. Material and methods. 144 patients on program hemodialysis were examined. All patients underwent general clinical and laboratory examination, lipid profile was examined, body mass index was calculated, waist and hip circumference was measured, ratio of waist circumference to the circumference of hip was determined, abdominal integral multi-frequency bioimpedansometry and multispiral computed tomography were performed. Results. Gender features of distribution of abdominal adipose tissue and dyslipidemia in patients on program hemodialysis were revealed. Women have a predominant accumulation of visceral adipose tissue, while men are characterized by a proportional distribution of subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue in the abdominal area. Women compared to men have higher rates of atherogenic lipoprotein fractions, which level is closely related to the volume of visceral adipose tissue. Among the comorbidities in the examined patients, diseases of the cardiovascular system predominate. The regression analysis revealed that the most significant risk factor for the development of coronary artery disease is an increase in lowdensity lipoproteins, for chronic heart failure – an increase in waist circumference. Conclusions. The data obtained indicate the need to monitor the nutritional status of patients on hemodialysis to identify and correct risk factors for cardiovascular disease

    Лізоцимвмісний препарат для сльозозамінної терапії: фармакотерапевтична ефективність

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    Introduction. The prospective method of dry eye syndrome (DES) is the tear-substitutive therapy with the help of eye drops, among which there are absent such with enzyme lysozyme (EC, possessing bacteriolytic,immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, analgetic activity and have the protective function of lacrimal liquid. Because we had developed the preparation with lysozyme, timely for application in such direction and itsophthalmosafety was shown, the investigation of it’s pharmacotherapeutic effectiveness was advisable.The aim of the study – investigation of the pharmaco-therapeutic effectiveness of eye drops “artificial tear” with lysozyme as a potential drug for the dry eye syndrome treatment.Research Methods. The study of the anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties of the produced eye drops with lysozyme was conducted on 6 sexually mature healthy rabbits of the Chinchilla strain with modelled traumatickeratitis.Results and Discussion. Basing on the previously obtained experimental data, the stable, highly active, sterile eye drops “artificial tear” with lysozyme were made for their pharmaco-therapeutic effectiveness investigation on the Chinchilla rabbits with modelled traumatic keratitis. It was shown, that instillations of eye drops "artificial tear" with lysozyme in the treatment of traumatic keratitis have an anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect, helping the more quick liquidation of the inflammation and acceleration of the epithelization process compared with control.Conclusions. For conduction of preclinical research, the highly-active, stable, sterile eye drops “artificial tear” with lysozyme were made. The instillations of the obtained eye drops at treatment of traumatic keratitis renders anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect, helping the more quick liquidation of inflammation and the acceleration of the epithelization process.Вступление. Перспективным методом лечения синдрома сухого глаза является слезозаменительная терапия с помощью глазных капель, среди которых отсутствуют таковые с энзимом лизоцимом (КФ, имеющим бактериолитическое, иммуностимулирующее, противовоспалительное, регенерирующее, обезболивающее действие и выполняющим защитную функцию слезной жидкости. Поскольку мы разработали препарат с лизоцимом, актуальный для использования в данном направлении, показали его офтальмобезвредность, целесообразно изучить его  фармакотерапевтическую эффективность.Цель исследования – изучить фармакотерапевтическую эффективность глазных капель “искусственная слеза” с лизоцимом как потенциального препарата для лечения синдрома сухого глаза.Методы исследования. Противовоспалительные и регенераторные свойства изготовленных глазных капель с лизоцимом изучали на 6 половозрелых здоровых кроликах породы Шиншилла с моделированнымтравматическим кератитом.Результаты и обсуждение. На основе ранее полученных экспериментальных данных были изготовлены стабильные, высокоактивные, стерильные глазные капли “искусственная слеза” с лизоцимом для исследования их фармакотерапевтической эффективности на кроликах породы Шиншилла с моделированным травматическим кератитом. Показано, что инстилляции глазных капель “искусственная слеза” с лизоцимом при лечении травматического кератита оказывают противовоспалительное и регенера торное действие, способствуя более быстрой ликвидации воспаления и ускорению процесса эпителизации по сравнению с контролем.Выводы. Для проведения доклинических исследований изготовлены стабильные, высокоактивные, стерильные глазные капли “искусственная слеза” с лизоцимом. Инстилляции полученных глазных капель при лечении травматического кератита оказывают противовоспалительное и регенераторное действие, способствуя более быстрой ликвидации воспаления и ускорению процесса эпителизации.Вступ. Перспективним методом лікування синдрому сухого ока є сльозозамінна терапія за допомогою очних крапель, серед яких відсутні такі з ензимом лізоцимом (КФ, що має бактеріолітичну, імуностимулювальну, протизапальну, регенерувальну, знеболювальну дію і виконує захисну функцію слізної рідини. Оскільки ми розробили препарат з лізоцимом, актуальний для використання в даному напрямку, показали його офтальмобезпечність, доцільно вивчити його фармакотерапевтичну ефективність.Мета дослідження – вивчити фармакотерапевтичну ефективність очних крапель “штучна сльоза” з лізоцимом як потенційного препарату для лікування синдрому сухого ока. Методи дослідження. Протизапальні та регенераторні властивості виготовлених очних крапель з лізоцимом вивчали на 6 статевозрілих здорових кролях породи Шиншила з модельованим травматичнимкератитом. Результати й обговорення. На основі раніше отриманих експериментальних даних було виготовлено стабільні, високоактивні, стерильні очні краплі “штучна сльоза” з лізоцимом для дослідження їх фармакотерапевтичної ефективності на кролях породи Шиншила з модельованим травматичним кератитом. Показано, що інстиляції очних крапель “штучна сльоза” з лізоцимом при лікуванні травматичного кератиту чинять протизапальну і регенераторну дію, сприяючи більш швидкій ліквідації запалення таприскоренню процесу епітелізації порівняно з контролем.Висновки. Для проведення доклінічних досліджень виготовлено стабільні, високоактивні, стерильні очні краплі “штучна сльоза” з лізоцимом. Інстиляції отриманих очних крапель при лікуванні травматичного кератиту чинять протизапальну і регенераторну дію, сприяючи більш швидкій ліквідації запалення та прискоренню процесу епітелізації

    Controlling atomic vapor density in paraffin-coated cells using light-induced atomic desorption

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    Atomic-vapor density change due to light induced atomic desorption (LIAD) is studied in paraffin-coated rubidium, cesium, sodium and potassium cells. In the present experiment, low-intensity probe light is used to obtain an absorption spectrum and measure the vapor density, while light from an argon-ion laser, array of light emitting diodes, or discharge lamp is used for desorption. Potassium is found to exhibit significantly weaker LIAD from paraffin compared to Rb and Cs, and we were unable to observe LIAD with sodium. A simple LIAD model is applied to describe the observed vapor-density dynamics, and the role of the cell's stem is explored through the use of cells with lockable stems. Stabilization of Cs vapor density above its equilibrium value over 25 minutes is demonstrated. The results of this work could be used to assess the use of LIAD for vapor-density control in magnetometers, clocks, and gyroscopes utilizing coated cells.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure