19,999 research outputs found

    The Pierre Auger Observatory: Results on Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays

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    The focus of this article is on recent results on ultra-high energy cosmic rays obtained with the Pierre Auger Observatory. The world's largest instrument of this type and its performance are described. The observations presented here include the energy spectrum, the primary particle composition, limits on the fluxes of photons and neutrinos and a discussion of the anisotropic distribution of the arrival directions of the most energetic particles. Finally, plans for the construction of a Northern Auger Observatory in Colorado, USA, are discussed.Comment: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Advances in Cosmic Ray Science, Waseda University, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, March 2008; to be published in the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (JPSJ) supplemen

    Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of Chlorophyll

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    Detection of Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of Population-III Remnants with Advanced LIGO

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    The comoving mass density of massive black hole (MBH) remnants from pre-galactic star formation could have been similar in magnitude to the mass-density of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the present-day universe. We show that the fraction of MBHs that coalesce during the assembly of SMBHs can be extracted from the rate of ring-down gravitational waves that are detectable by Advanced LIGO. Based on the SMBH formation history inferred from the evolution of the quasar luminosity function, we show that an observed event rate of 1 per year will constrain the SMBH mass fraction that was contributed by MBHs coalescence down to a level of ~10^-6 for 20 solar mass MBH remnants (or ~10^-4 for 260 solar mass remnants).Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to ApJ Letter

    Lower Bounds in the Preprocessing and Query Phases of Routing Algorithms

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    In the last decade, there has been a substantial amount of research in finding routing algorithms designed specifically to run on real-world graphs. In 2010, Abraham et al. showed upper bounds on the query time in terms of a graph's highway dimension and diameter for the current fastest routing algorithms, including contraction hierarchies, transit node routing, and hub labeling. In this paper, we show corresponding lower bounds for the same three algorithms. We also show how to improve a result by Milosavljevic which lower bounds the number of shortcuts added in the preprocessing stage for contraction hierarchies. We relax the assumption of an optimal contraction order (which is NP-hard to compute), allowing the result to be applicable to real-world instances. Finally, we give a proof that optimal preprocessing for hub labeling is NP-hard. Hardness of optimal preprocessing is known for most routing algorithms, and was suspected to be true for hub labeling

    Observational evidence of spin-induced precession in active galactic nuclei

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    We show that it is possible to explain the physical origin of jet precession in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) through the misalignment between the rotation axes of the accretion disk and of the Kerr black hole. We apply this scenario to quasars, Seyfert galaxies and also to the Galactic Center black hole Sgr A*, for which signatures of either jet or disk precession have been found. The formalism adopted is parameterized by the ratio of the precession period to the black hole mass and can be used to put constraints to the physical properties of the accretion disk as well as to the black hole spin in those systems.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Cosmological Origin of the Stellar Velocity Dispersions in Massive Early-Type Galaxies

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    We show that the observed upper bound on the line-of-sight velocity dispersion of the stars in an early-type galaxy, sigma<400km/s, may have a simple dynamical origin within the LCDM cosmological model, under two main hypotheses. The first is that most of the stars now in the luminous parts of a giant elliptical formed at redshift z>6. Subsequently, the stars behaved dynamically just as an additional component of the dark matter. The second hypothesis is that the mass distribution characteristic of a newly formed dark matter halo forgets such details of the initial conditions as the stellar "collisionless matter" that was added to the dense parts of earlier generations of halos. We also assume that the stellar velocity dispersion does not evolve much at z<6, because a massive host halo grows mainly by the addition of material at large radii well away from the stellar core of the galaxy. These assumptions lead to a predicted number density of ellipticals as a function of stellar velocity dispersion that is in promising agreement with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data.Comment: ApJ, in press (2003); matches published versio

    New two-sided bound on the isotropic Lorentz-violating parameter of modified Maxwell theory

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    There is a unique Lorentz-violating modification of the Maxwell theory of photons, which maintains gauge invariance, CPT, and renormalizability. Restricting the modified-Maxwell theory to the isotropic sector and adding a standard spin-one-half Dirac particle p^\pm with minimal coupling to the nonstandard photon \widetilde{\gamma}, the resulting modified-quantum-electrodynamics model involves a single dimensionless "deformation parameter," \widetilde{\kappa}_{tr}. The exact tree-level decay rates for two processes have been calculated: vacuum Cherenkov radiation p^\pm \to p^\pm \widetilde{\gamma} for the case of positive \widetilde{\kappa}_{tr} and photon decay \widetilde{\gamma} \to p^+ p^- for the case of negative \widetilde{\kappa}_{tr}. From the inferred absence of these decays for a particular high-quality ultrahigh-energy-cosmic-ray event detected at the Pierre Auger Observatory and an excess of TeV gamma-ray events observed by the High Energy Stereoscopic System telescopes, a two-sided bound on \widetilde{\kappa}_{tr} is obtained, which improves by eight orders of magnitude upon the best direct laboratory bound. The implications of this result are briefly discussed.Comment: 18 pages, v5: published version in preprint styl

    Canonical transformations in three-dimensional phase space

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    Canonical transformation in a three-dimensional phase space endowed with Nambu bracket is discussed in a general framework. Definition of the canonical transformations is constructed as based on canonoid transformations. It is shown that generating functions, transformed Hamilton functions and the transformation itself for given generating functions can be determined by solving Pfaffian differential equations corresponding to that quantities. Types of the generating functions are introduced and all of them is listed. Infinitesimal canonical transformations are also discussed. Finally, we show that decomposition of canonical transformations is also possible in three-dimensional phase space as in the usual two-dimensional one.Comment: 19 pages, 1 table, no figures. Accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys.