42 research outputs found

    Resonance structure in the {\gamma}{\gamma} and π0π0\pi^0\pi^0 systems in dC interactions

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    Along with π0\pi^0 and {\eta} mesons, a resonance structure in the invariant mass spectrum of two photons at M{\gamma}{\gamma} = 360 \pm 7 \pm 9 MeV is observed in the reaction d + C \rightarrow {\gamma} + {\gamma} + X at momentum 2.75 GeV/c per nucleon. Estimates of its width and production cross section are {\Gamma} = 64 \pm 18 MeV and σγγ\sigma_{\gamma\gamma} = 98 \pm 24 {\mu}b, respectively. The collected statistics amount to 2339 \pm 340 events of 1.5 \cdot 10^6 triggered interactions of a total number ~ 10^12 of dC-interactions. The results on observation of the resonance in the invariant mass spectra of two π0\pi^0 mesons are presented: the data obtained in the d + C \rightarrow {\gamma} + {\gamma} reaction is confirmed by the d + C \rightarrow π0\pi^0 + π0\pi^0 reaction: Mπ0π0M_{\pi^0\pi^0} = 359.2 \pm 1.9 MeV, {\Gamma} = 48.9 \pm 4.9 MeV; the ratio of Br(R\rightarrow{\gamma}{\gamma}) / Br(R\rightarrowπ0π0\pi^0\pi^0) = (1.8 {\div} 3.7)\cdot10^-3.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure


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    We report on measurements of neutral pion production in the inclusive reactions d + C → π0 + x and d + Cu → π0 + x at an incident momentum of 4.5 GeV/c per nucleon. The experiments were performed on the LHE 90-channel lead glass γ-spectrometer. The cross sections were measured over the kinematical region specified by the inequalities θπ ≤ 16° and Eπ ≥ 2 GeV (in the laboratory frame). The cumulative number and transverse momentum dependencies of the exponent n in the invariant cross section parameterization Ed3 σ / d3 p ~ Atn are investigated by comparing of the observed cross sections for π0 production on carbon and copper targets in the intervals 0.6 ≤ X ≤ 1.8 and 0.04 ≤ pT2 ≤ 0.40 (GeV/c)2. The double differential cross section for the reaction d + C → π0 + x is measured using statistics of about 4.5 · 104π0 mesons. On the basis of these data we verified the so-called cluster mechanism of π0 production. We have compared our data for the reaction d + C → π0 + x, extrapolated to θπ = 0°, with the data from another experiments on π− production: d + C → π−(0°) + x (P = 1.75 and 2.88 GeV/c per nucleon) [1]; p + d → π−(180°) + x and p + d → π+(180°) + x (P = 8.9 GeV/c per nucleon) [2]; d + p → π−(0°) + x (P = 8.9 GeV/c per nucleon) [3]. The invariant cross sections were approximated by an exponential function Ed3 σ / d3 p ~ exp(−X / X0). The slope parameter X0 at different kinetic energies of the projectiles in the range of 1.05÷8.0 GeV per nucleon is determined

    Observation of structures at 17\sim 17 and 38\sim 38 MeV/c2^{2} in the γγ\gamma\gamma invariant mass spectra in pC, dC, and dCu collisions at plab\textit{p}_{lab} of a few GeV/c per nucleon

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    The results of an analysis of the invariant mass spectra of photon pairs produced in dC, pC and dCu interactions at momenta of 2.75, 5.5 and 3.83 GeV/c per nucleon respectively, are presented. Signals in the form of enhanced structures at invariant masses of about 17 and 38 MeV/c2 are observed. The results of testing of the observed signals, including the results of the Monte Carlo simulation are presented. The test results support the conclusion that the observed signals are the consequence of detection of the particles with masses of about 17 and 38 MeV/c2 decaying into a pair of photons.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0806.279

    Experimental and theoretical evidences for an intermediate σ\sigma-dressed dibaryon in the NN interaction

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    Numerous theoretical and experimental arguments are presented in favor of the generation of intermediate σ\sigma-dressed dibaryon in NNNN interaction at intermediate and short distances. We argue that this intermediate dibaryon can be responsible for the strong intermediate-range attraction and the short-range repulsion in the NNNN interaction, and also for the short-range correlations in nuclei. The suggested mechanism for the σ\sigma-dressing of the dibaryon is identical to that which explains the Roper resonance structure, its dominant decay modes and its extraordinary low mass. A similar transformation mechanism from the glue to the scalar field was discovered in J/ΨJ/\Psi decays. The new experimental data on 2π\pi-production in the scalar-isoscalar channel produced in pnpn- and pdpd-collisions and in particular the very recent data on γγ\gamma\gamma correlations in ppC and ddC scattering in the GeV region seems to corroborate the existence of the σ\sigma-dressed dibaryon in two- and three nucleon interactions.Comment: 14 pages,4 figure

    Digamma diagnostics for the mixed-phase generation at NICA

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    A novel type of diagnostics for dense and/or hot nuclear matter produced in heavy-ion collisions at NICA and similar future colliders (FAIR, etc.) is suggested. The diagnostics is based on an assumption (confirmed in many experiments worldwide) about intensive generation of light scalar mesons (σ) the consequent decay of which produces γγ pairs with the mass and width dependent upon density and temperature of the fireball produced in the collision process. Thus, measurements of the absolute yield, mass and width of the γγ signal carry valuable information about the state of fireball generated during the high-energy nuclear collision


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    Atomic nuclei are considered in the paper aiming at the mechanism investigation of the neutral pion formation in nucleus-nuclear interactions. As a result methods for the measurement of energies of charged particles and gamma -quantums have been suggested. Differential cross sections of the pi degrees -meson formation at the 4,5 HeV on nucleon have been measured. The results have their value for the development of models for a nucleus and nuclear collisons and will be used for the new experiment formulation. The paper results may find their field of application in experimental nuclear physicsAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio