11 research outputs found

    Chemical composition of Achatina fulica

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    Proximate composition and mineral content were determined in snail without and with shell and shell atone from Achatina fulica. This snail has high protein (above 40 %), low fat (less than 3 %) and is a relatively good source of macrominerals, including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Achatina fulica is an excellent source of iron but is poor in copper, zinc and manganese. The snail is very rich in calcium but very poor in phosphorus, potassium and magnesium

    Utilisation de poudres et d\'extraits totaux issus de plantes locales des genres Ocimum sp. et Mentha sp. comme biopesticides dans la lutte contre Callosobruchus maculatus FAB

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    Quatre espĂšces vĂ©gĂ©tales de la famille des Labiaceae (Ocimum canum L., O. gratissimum L., Mentha spicata L. et M. piperita L.) ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©es pour leur effet insecticide sur Callosobruchus maculatus FAB. Les poudres et les extraits totaux de ces plantes ont rĂ©duit de façon significative l\'infestation, la durĂ©e de vie, la fĂ©conditĂ© et l\'Ă©mergence de l\'insecte dans les stocks. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus avec les extraits totaux ont Ă©tĂ© plus significatifs que ceux des poudres. Ainsi, l\'extrait total de M. piperita s\'est avĂ©rĂ© plus efficace que ceux de O. canum, O. gratissimum, et M. spicata. L\'application de 40 μl d\'extrait pour 10 g de niĂ©bĂ© (une dose de 4 μl/g), sur 30 couples de C. maculatus, a rĂ©duit la fĂ©conditĂ©, le taux d\'infestation et le taux d\'Ă©mergence de l\'insecte respectivement de 99,67 % ; 98 % ; et 91,98 %. Quant Ă  la durĂ©e de vie, elle est passĂ©e dans les mĂȘmes conditions de 5,8 ± 1,5 Ă  1,2 ± 0,4 j ; soit une rĂ©duction de 79,34 %. Par ailleurs, le taux d\'Ă©mergence enregistrĂ© aprĂšs le traitement des oeufs par ces diffĂ©rents extraits a Ă©tĂ© quasiment nul. Contrairement aux oeufs, les larves et les nymphes n\'ont pas Ă©tĂ© sensibles Ă  ces traitements. Keywords: Biopesticides, Callosobruchus maculatus, traitement, Mentha, Ocimum, CĂŽte d\'Ivoire.Agronomie Africaine Vol. 18 (3) 2006: pp. 221-23

    Some functional properties of the flour and starch from grains of two cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) cultivars grown in Cîte d’Ivoire

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    This work was undertaken to evaluate proximate composition and functionality of the grains of two cowpea cultivars. The seeds of the white cultivar had dimensions and weights higher than those of the brown cultivar (9.05 and 7.50 mm - 0.22 and 0.15 g respectively). Major components were carbohydrate and protein, 48.35 % and 28 % for the brown cultivar and 47.99 and 26.25% for the white cultivar, respectively. Lipids were present at lower levels in the two cultivars (2.44 to 2.52 %). Brown cultivar showed high cellulose content, about twice (6 g/100g) that of white cultivar (3.6 g/100g). Phosphorus (429.63 to 430.01 mg/100g), magnesium (119.22 to 131.28%), and calcium (48.67 to 54.72 mg/100g) were the major minerals in the seeds of both cultivars. Both cultivars recorded similar water holding capacity although the white cultivar was more resistant to soaking or less hydroscopic. At 95°C, the starch and the flour solubility for the BrC was 42.23 and 41.74% that of the WC was 40.99 and 50.37% respectively. The two cultivars of cowpea studied appeared to have identical chemical composition with the exception of their content in cellulose, ashes and magnesium.Keywords: Cowpea, proximate composition, water holding, solubility, starch, flou