516 research outputs found

    Different methods of fertilization with NPK and Fe, Mn and Zn in apple orchard

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    Јабука, и друге биљне врсте захтевају различите елементе за раст и развој. Неки од есенцијалних елемената су потребни у великим количинама, док су други потребни у малим количинама, за вегетативни и репродуктивни раст биљака. Велики број фактора, укључујући параметре плодности земљишта, количину примењених ђубрива и начин примене ђубрива, утичу на исхрану јабуке и других врста воћа.  Циљ истраживања је поређење различитих начина примене, врста и доза ђубрива са макро и микроелементима код две сорте јабуке: Златни делишес (Golden Delicious) и Ред јонапринц (Red Jonaprince), ради проналажења најефикаснијег система примене ђубрива. У првој години истраживања испитан је утицај наводњавања и фертигације системом ,,кап по кап“ на плодност земљишта у зони кореновог система у производним засадима јабуке сорте Златни делишес. Истраживања су обављена на три локалитета у АП Војводини. Узорци земљишта узети су из слојева земљишта 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 и 30-50 cm. У циљу сагледавања утицаја наводњавања системом ,,кап по кап“ на хемијска својства земљишта, узорковано је земљиште испод црева-емитера за наводњавање и земљиште из међуредног простора на удаљености од 1,5 м од црева за наводњавање.  На основу добијених резултата из производних засада, постављени су двогодишњи огледи у засаду јабуке сорте Златни делишес (Golden Delicious) и Ред јонапринц (Red Jonaprince) старости две године, односно три године (садња 2012), на Огледном пољу Департмана за воћарство, виноградарство, хортикултуру и пејзажну архитектуру на Римским Шанчевима.  У засаду сорте Ред јонапринц поређена је класична примена NPK ђубрива и примена путем фертигације са аспекта утицаја на хемијска својства земљишта, принос и квалитет плода јабуке. На потпарцелама испитан је утицај растућих доза N, P и K ђубрива на иста својства. Основна парцела огледа (потпарцела) састојала се од 10 стабала јабуке која су ђубрена на исти начин.  У засаду сорте Златни делишес испитан је утицај примене N ђубрива и начина примене и облика микроелемената гвожђа (Fe), мангана (Mn) и цинка (Zn) на принос, садржај (дистрибуцију) микроелемената у зони кореновог система јабуке и садржај микроелемената у листу и плоду јабуке. Оглед је постављен као двофакторијални по split-plot систему где је на главним парцелама испитан утицај примене азота, а на потпарцелама начин и облик примене микроелемената (Fe, Mn и Zn) у облику сулфата и хелата и истраживана је њихова фолијарна примена и примена путем фертигације (систем ,,кап по кап“).  Резултати указују да, поред бројних предности, фертигација системом ,,кап по кап“ може довести до смањења плодности земљишта и негативном утицају је у већој мери изложено земљиште лакшег механичког састава, али истовремено је и погодније за примену ђубрива путем фертигације услед боље дистрибуције по профилу земљишта, у односу на земљишта тежег механичког састава (иловача и глиновита иловача). Примена NPK ђубрива је значајно утицала на повећање укупног приноса јабуке. На третманима са већим дозама ђубрива (NPK2 и NPK3) остварен је значајно виши принос у односу на контролу, без обзира на начин примене, док су разлике између класичне примене и фертигације биле значајне само у другој години. У обе године истраживања примена NPK ђубрива, посебно већих доза, негативно је утицала на садржај Ca и однос K/Ca у плоду јабуке у односу на контролу.  Ова истраживања су делимично потврдила претходне ставове, али и указала на нове проблеме. Наиме, уколико се примена ђубрива врши путем фертигације, у изузетно кишним годинама (каква је била прва година), може се десити да због веће мобилности већи део хранива заврши изван зоне кореновог система. У том случају, већи проблем представља примена N и P који се примењују почетком вегетације.  На основу резултата примене микроелемената, може се закључити да приликом фолијарне примене предност треба дати ђубривима која садрже микроелементе у облику неорганских соли (сулфата) у односу на хелате. С друге стране, уколико се ђубрива примењују путем фертигације, предност имају ђубрива која садрже микроелементе у облику хелата, у односу на ђубрива која садрже микроелементе у облику сулфата. Резултати су показали да на ефикасност примене ђубрива са микроелементима велики утицај имају агроеколошки услови током вегетације, при чему је њихов утицај већи уколико се ђубрива примењују путем фертигације, без обзира на облик у коме се микроелементи налазе.Jabuka, i druge biljne vrste zahtevaju različite elemente za rast i razvoj. Neki od esencijalnih elemenata su potrebni u velikim količinama, dok su drugi potrebni u malim količinama, za vegetativni i reproduktivni rast biljaka. Veliki broj faktora, uključujući parametre plodnosti zemljišta, količinu primenjenih đubriva i način primene đubriva, utiču na ishranu jabuke i drugih vrsta voća.  Cilj istraživanja je poređenje različitih načina primene, vrsta i doza đubriva sa makro i mikroelementima kod dve sorte jabuke: Zlatni delišes (Golden Delicious) i Red jonaprinc (Red Jonaprince), radi pronalaženja najefikasnijeg sistema primene đubriva. U prvoj godini istraživanja ispitan je uticaj navodnjavanja i fertigacije sistemom ,,kap po kap“ na plodnost zemljišta u zoni korenovog sistema u proizvodnim zasadima jabuke sorte Zlatni delišes. Istraživanja su obavljena na tri lokaliteta u AP Vojvodini. Uzorci zemljišta uzeti su iz slojeva zemljišta 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 i 30-50 cm. U cilju sagledavanja uticaja navodnjavanja sistemom ,,kap po kap“ na hemijska svojstva zemljišta, uzorkovano je zemljište ispod creva-emitera za navodnjavanje i zemljište iz međurednog prostora na udaljenosti od 1,5 m od creva za navodnjavanje.  Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata iz proizvodnih zasada, postavljeni su dvogodišnji ogledi u zasadu jabuke sorte Zlatni delišes (Golden Delicious) i Red jonaprinc (Red Jonaprince) starosti dve godine, odnosno tri godine (sadnja 2012), na Oglednom polju Departmana za voćarstvo, vinogradarstvo, hortikulturu i pejzažnu arhitekturu na Rimskim Šančevima.  U zasadu sorte Red jonaprinc poređena je klasična primena NPK đubriva i primena putem fertigacije sa aspekta uticaja na hemijska svojstva zemljišta, prinos i kvalitet ploda jabuke. Na potparcelama ispitan je uticaj rastućih doza N, P i K đubriva na ista svojstva. Osnovna parcela ogleda (potparcela) sastojala se od 10 stabala jabuke koja su đubrena na isti način.  U zasadu sorte Zlatni delišes ispitan je uticaj primene N đubriva i načina primene i oblika mikroelemenata gvožđa (Fe), mangana (Mn) i cinka (Zn) na prinos, sadržaj (distribuciju) mikroelemenata u zoni korenovog sistema jabuke i sadržaj mikroelemenata u listu i plodu jabuke. Ogled je postavljen kao dvofaktorijalni po split-plot sistemu gde je na glavnim parcelama ispitan uticaj primene azota, a na potparcelama način i oblik primene mikroelemenata (Fe, Mn i Zn) u obliku sulfata i helata i istraživana je njihova folijarna primena i primena putem fertigacije (sistem ,,kap po kap“).  Rezultati ukazuju da, pored brojnih prednosti, fertigacija sistemom ,,kap po kap“ može dovesti do smanjenja plodnosti zemljišta i negativnom uticaju je u većoj meri izloženo zemljište lakšeg mehaničkog sastava, ali istovremeno je i pogodnije za primenu đubriva putem fertigacije usled bolje distribucije po profilu zemljišta, u odnosu na zemljišta težeg mehaničkog sastava (ilovača i glinovita ilovača). Primena NPK đubriva je značajno uticala na povećanje ukupnog prinosa jabuke. Na tretmanima sa većim dozama đubriva (NPK2 i NPK3) ostvaren je značajno viši prinos u odnosu na kontrolu, bez obzira na način primene, dok su razlike između klasične primene i fertigacije bile značajne samo u drugoj godini. U obe godine istraživanja primena NPK đubriva, posebno većih doza, negativno je uticala na sadržaj Ca i odnos K/Ca u plodu jabuke u odnosu na kontrolu.  Ova istraživanja su delimično potvrdila prethodne stavove, ali i ukazala na nove probleme. Naime, ukoliko se primena đubriva vrši putem fertigacije, u izuzetno kišnim godinama (kakva je bila prva godina), može se desiti da zbog veće mobilnosti veći deo hraniva završi izvan zone korenovog sistema. U tom slučaju, veći problem predstavlja primena N i P koji se primenjuju početkom vegetacije.  Na osnovu rezultata primene mikroelemenata, može se zaključiti da prilikom folijarne primene prednost treba dati đubrivima koja sadrže mikroelemente u obliku neorganskih soli (sulfata) u odnosu na helate. S druge strane, ukoliko se đubriva primenjuju putem fertigacije, prednost imaju đubriva koja sadrže mikroelemente u obliku helata, u odnosu na đubriva koja sadrže mikroelemente u obliku sulfata. Rezultati su pokazali da na efikasnost primene đubriva sa mikroelementima veliki uticaj imaju agroekološki uslovi tokom vegetacije, pri čemu je njihov uticaj veći ukoliko se đubriva primenjuju putem fertigacije, bez obzira na oblik u kome se mikroelementi nalaze.Apple and other plants require different elements for their growth and development. Some of these essential elements are needed in large quantities while others are needed in small quantities, for the vegetative and reproductive growth of crop plants. There are many factors including soil fertility parameters, the amount of fertilizers and fertilizers applications, affecting the nutrition of apples and other fruits. The research aims were to compare different methods of application, types and doses of fertilizers with macro and microelements in two cultivars of apple (Golden Delicious and Red Jonaprince), in order to find the most efficient fertilizer application system. In the first year of the investigation, the effect of irrigation and fertilization on soil fertility was investigated in the root zone of apple trees (Golden Delicious). The research was carried out at three location in the AP Vojvodina. Soil samples were taken from soil layers 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-50 cm. In order to examine the impact of irrigation by the drop system on the soil chemical properties, the soil samples were taken under the hose-emitter, also from the interstitial space at a distance of 1.5 m from the irrigation hose. On the basis of the obtained results from the first year, two-year field experiments were carried in two and three years old Red Jonaprince and Golden Delicius apple orchard (planted in 2012), at the experimental field of the Department of fruit growing, viticulture, horticulture and landscape architecture in Rimski Šančevi. In the apple orchard (Red Jonaprince), classical application of NPK fertilizers and application through fertigation have been compared from the aspect of the impact on the chemical properties of the soil, the yield and quality of the fruit of apples. The influence of different doses of N, P and K fertilizers on the same properties was examined in subplots. The subplot of the experiment consisted of 10 apple trees that were fertilized in an identical way. In Golden Delicius apple orchard, the influence of the application of nitrogen fertilizer and the method of application and the form of micro-elements iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn), on yield, concentration (distribution) of microelements in the soil surrounding the root system and the content of microelements in the leaf and apple fruit were examined. The experiment was set up as a twofactorial split-plot system where the influence of nitrogen was studied on the main plots, and on subplots the methods of the application of microelements (Fe, Mn and Zn). The microelements in the form of sulphate and the chelate were applied as a foliar fertilizers and through fertigation system (drip irrigation). The results indicate that in addition to number of advantages of fertigation with the drip system, the soil fertility can be reduced and that negative impact is more exposed to the soil of a lighter mechanical composition, but at the same time it is more suitable for the fertilizers application through drip system due to better distribution along the depth of soil relative to the soils with heavier mechanical composition (clay and clay loam). The application of NPK fertilizers had a significant impact on the increase in overall yield of apple fruits. The results shows that fertilization with higher doses of fertilizers (NPK2 and NPK3) led to significantly higher yield in relation to control, regardless the method of application, while the differences between classical application and fertigation were significant only in the second year. In both years of the research the application of NPK fertilizers, especially higher doses, had a significant negative effect on the Ca content and on the K/Ca ratio in apple fruits relative to control.  Our research has partially confirmed previous views but also pointed to a new problem. Namely, if the fertilizers application is done through irrigation system (fertigation), in exceptionally rainy years (as it was the first year), it can happen that due to greater mobility, most of the nutrients end up outside the root system zone. In this sense, the greater problem is the application of nitrogen and phosphorus applied at the beginning of vegetation.  Based on the results of the application of fertilizer microelements, it is concluded that when foliar application of microelements is applied, fertilizers containing microelements in the sulphates form (inorganic salts) in relation to chelates have advantage. On the other hand, if fertilizers are applied through fertigation, preference should be given to fertilizers containing microelements in the chelated form, in relation to sulphates form. It was also showed that the effectiveness of the fertilizers application with microelements has a influenced by agroecological conditions during vegetation, where their effect is much greater if fertilizers are applied through fertigation, regardless of the micro-elements form

    The effect of treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene on the fruit quality of Idared Apple Cultivar and their storage in the natural atmosphere

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    يعتبر التفاح من بين أنواع الفاكهة التي يمكن تخزين ثمارها في حالة طازجة لفترة أطول من ثمار معظم أنواع الفاكهة الأخرى. في بعض الأصناف ، باستخدام طرق الحفظ الحديثة ، تصل الفترة إلى 12 شهرًا. تتأثر مدة التخزين بعدد كبير من العوامل مثل الصنف ، جودة الفاكهة ، منطقة الإنتاج ، طريقة التخزين ، إلخ. يجب أن تكون الفاكهة المعدة للتخزين الطويل في مرحلة النضج المبكر. لذلك ، من الضروري مراقبة حالة الثمار وتنفيذ عملية واحدة أو أكثر لتحديد وقت الحصاد. الهدف من هذا البحث هو فحص تأثير مثبط الإيثيلين 1-MCP على جودة وقدرة تخزين ثمار التفاح صنف Idared. أظهرت النتائج أن تاثير استخدام 1- MCP علي صلابة ثمار التفاح صنف  Idared أعلى بكثير في حالة معاملة بـ 1-MCP ، بغض النظر عن التركيز المطبق بينما لم يؤثر على محتوى المادة الجافة الذائبة في الفاكهة, المحتوى الحمضي الكلي  في الثمار كان عالي خلال فترة التخزين في NA . كما اظهرت النتائج مدى تاثيره علي الامراض الفسيولوجية علي الفاكهة.Apple is among the fruit species whose fruits in the fresh state can be stored longer than fruits of most other fruit species. In some cultivars, using modern methods of preservation, the period is up to 12 months. Storage duration is affected by a large number of factors such as cultivar, fruit quality, region of production, method of storage, etc. Fruits intended for long storage should be at the stage of early maturity. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the status of the fruits and implement one or more operations to determine the harvest moment. The aim of this paper is to examine the effect of ethylene inhibitor 1-MCP after harvest on the quality and the storage ability of fruits of apple cultivar Idared, in normal atmospheric conditions. Based on these studies we could provide guidelines for proper application on the cultivar Idared in order to preserve the quality of the fruit during storage. The results showed that the fruit firmness is significantly higher in the case of 1-MCP treatment, regardless of the concentration applied. 1-MCP does not affect the content of soluble dry matter in fruits and the total acid content in the fruits is higher during and after storage in NA conditions. The results also showed the 1-MCP effect on the physiological diseases of the fruit

    Using some Natural Minerals to Remove Cadmium from Polluted Water

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    تعد مشكلة ندرة المياه من اهم المشاكل التىتواجه الانسان فى مختلف المجالات المعيشية والاقتصادية مثل مجال الصناعة والزراعة و السياحة مما يدفع الانسان لاستخدام المياه منخفضة الجوده كمياه الصرف الصناعى. ويعتبر استخدام بعض المركبات الكيميائية فى التخلص من العناصر الثقيلة مثل الكادميوم هو نهج ضار بالبيئة. و من المعروف جيدًا أن عنصر الكادميوم يسبب مشاكل كبيرة عند وجوده في الماء ومن ثم يغزو التربة والنباتات والسلسلة الغذائية للإنسان. وبالتالى فان استخدام المواد الطبيعية بدلاً من المواد الكيميائية لإزالة الكادميوم من المياه الملوثة نهجصديقًا للبيئة. لذلك تم التركيز في هذا البحث على استخدام بعض المعادن الطبيعية مثلالمونتموريلونيتوالبنتونيتوالزيوليتلامتصاص عنصر الكادميوم من المياه الملوثة. و قد استخدمت تركيزات مختلفة من الكادميوم في المحاليل 10 و 30 و 50 جزء في المليون و تم معالجتها بثلاث نسب مختلفة لكل معدن (1 و 3 و 5٪ وزن الى حجم). وقد أثبتت النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها أن زيادة نسبة الاضافات إلى 5٪ تزيد من امتزاز الكادميوم من المحلول خاصة عند تركيز 50 جزء في المليون من الكادميوم. حصل الزيوليت على أعلى نسبة امتزاز (47.90 جزء في المليون) ، يليه مونتموريلونيت (44.99 جزء في المليون) وأقل نسبة كانت للبينتونيت (38.97 جزء في المليون). لذلك ، يمكن التوصية بأن إضافة الزيوليت هي المادة الأكثر ملاءمة لإزالة عنصر Cd من المياه الملوثة.Water scarcity is one of the most important problems facing humanity in various fields such as economics, industry, agriculture, and tourism. This may push people to use low-quality water like industrial-wastewater. The application of some chemical compounds to get rid of heavy metals such as cadmium is an environmentally harmful approach. It is well-known that heavy metals as cadmium may induce harmful problems when present in water and invade to soil, plants and food chain of a human being. In this case, man will be forced to use the low quality water in irrigation. Application of natural materials instead of chemicals to remove cadmium from polluted water is an environmental friendly approach. Attention was drawn in this research work to use some natural minerals as zeolite, bentonite and montmorillonite to adsorb cadmium element from polluted water. Various concentrations of cadmium in solutions 10, 30 and 50 ppm were treated with three different ratios of each mineral; 1, 3 and 5% (W/V). The obtained results proved that increasing the ratio of amendments to 5% increased Cd adsorption from solution particularly at 50ppm Cd. Zeolite obtained the highest ratio of adsorption (47.90 ppm), followed by montmorillonite (44.99 ppm) and the lowest was bentonite (38.97 ppm). Therefore, it can be recommended that addition of zeolite is the most favorable material to remove Cd element from polluted water

    Chronic mild stress and deficits in the rodent brain: A preliminary examination of neuroinflammation-induced cognitive and behavioral changes in rats

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    This pilot study investigated the effects of chronic mild stress on a variety of cognitive and behavioral tasks in Sprague-Dawley rats. Our study consisted of two cohorts, one housed individually and one housed in dyad pairs, stressed over six weeks. We then examined the rat’s weight, sucrose preference, forced swim behaviors, and performance on maze-based cognitive tasks. Tests were conducted to examine whether chronic stress was sufficient to induce inflammation in the brain that would result in significant deficits. Results will be compared with analysis of the brains post-mortem to examine potential neurobiological correlates in regions of the rodent brain

    Algae for biofuel:will the evolution of weeds limit the enterprise?

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    Algae hold promise as a source of biofuel. Yet the manner in which algae are most efficiently propagated and harvested is different from that used in traditional agriculture. In theory, algae can be grown in continuous culture and harvested frequently to maintain high yields with a short turnaround time. However, the maintenance of the population in a state of continuous growth will likely impose selection for fast growth, possibly opposing the maintenance of lipid stores desiriable for fuel. Any harvesting that removes a subset of the population and leaves the survivors to establish the next generation may quickly select traits that escape harvesting. An understanding of these problems should help identify methods for retarding the evolution and enhancing biofuel production


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    Objective: Ruta graveolens L. (R. graveolens) and Murraya paniculata L. (M. paniculata) are medicinal plants belonging to Rutaceae family have many uses in traditional medicine. The aim of the present study was to investigate sterols bioactivity of the two Rutaceae plant leaves.Methods: Sterols of the two Rutaceae plant leaves were identified using GC/MS. The antioxidant activities of the sterols of these herbs were evaluated by three different methods; free radical scavenging using 2,2′-Azino-bis (3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS), 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and total antioxidant activity. The anticancer activity of the sterols was determined by MTT assay against colorectal cancer HCT116, breast cancer MCF7, liver cancer HepG2 and lung cancer A549 cell lines. Anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated using albumin denaturation assay and antiviral activities against H5N1 virus were carried out using plaque reduction assay.Results: GC/MS assay showed β-Sitosterol (36%) as the most abundant sterols of R. graveolens followed by stigmasterol (18%), while stigmasterol (25.2%) was the most abundant one of M. paniculata steroids. The anti-inflammatory potential of R. graveolens steroids was significantly higher than that of diclofenac sodium (standard drug). M. paniculata sterols have higher antiviral activity (IC50= 0.15 of µg/ml) than R. graveolens sterols (IC50= 7.8 of µg/ml). The sterols of R. graveolens showed anticancer activity against MCF7 and A549 cells with inhibition 84.3 and 81%, at 100 µg/ml respectively. While M. paniculata sterols showed 77.3% inhibition against A549 cells.Conclusion: The current study suggests that the sterols of M. paniculata have more anti-viral activity than R. graveolens sterols which showed more anticancer and anti-inflammatory activities


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    Objective: Hypertension is a chronic medical condition. Diet can improve blood pressure control and decrease the risk of health complication.Methods: In this study, four plants: Roselle, Marjoram, Chamomile, and Doum were extracted by water. Equal portions of them were mixed. Lethaldose 50% of the mixture was assayed; the dose which did not cause any mortality was 266.94 mg/100 g body weight. Animals were classified into fivegroups: Negative control group, positive control group where hypertension was induced by L-name, two groups treated with two doses of the mixture,and a group treated with prazosin as a standard treatment. Treatment of hypertensive rats continued for 4 successive weeks.Results: Treatment with the mixture showed a significant reduction in blood pressure of hypertensive rats, as well as serum cholesterol, low-densitylipoprotein-cholesterol, and urea levels when compared to positive control group.Conclusion: The results obtained suggest that the aqueous extract is efficient as an antihypertensive and hypolipidemic agent.Keywords: Rats, Aqueous extract, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, L-name


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    Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) are a group of toxic chemicals, play an important role in the etiology of human cancer which formed at high temperature during cooking meat and fish. Antioxidants have proved to inhibit the formation of HCAs due to different mechanisms scavenging free radical, inhibits oxidative enzymes like cyochrome P450 and chelates metal ions like Fe+2 as well as protecting lipids against oxidation. Clove has potent antioxidants and antimicrobial activities standing out among the other species. Therefore current study done to show efficiency of 0.5% clove at preventing the formation of two most common HCAs: 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (MeIQx) and 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) through seasoning of beef steaks before grilling and estimate antioxidant status of animals fed on the experimental diets. HCAs levels in food and blood samples were analyzed by HPLC.  The results showed that content of MeIQx and PhIP in grilled beef meat steak were 23.0 ±2.87 and 15.0±2.14 ng/g, respectively. While the content of MeIQx and PhIP in seasoning grilled steak were degraded to 1.9 ± 0.31 and 1.6 ± 0.23 ng/g, respectively. On the other hand the results showed that the percentages of reduction of MeIQx and PhIP were 91.7 and 89.3% in seasoning grilled steak, respectively comparing with un- seasoning grilled steak. The levels of tested HCAs also showed significant differences among rat groups fed on the experimental diets. The highest MeIQx and PhIP concentrate in serum rats group fed on untreated grilled meat diet (positive control) were11.1±1.85  and 8.77±8.77 ng/ml, respectively, while seasoning with 0.5% clove before grilling led to decrease in MeIQx and PhIP concentrate to 0.82±0.16 and 0.51±0.09  ng/ml respectively with decreasing percent reached  92.6 % and   94.2%  respectively. In addition, the results revealed that fed rats on un-seasoning grilled steak (positive control) caused high significant increased in lipid peroxide (malonaldhyde, MDA) accompanied by significant decreased in the levels of reduced glutathione content (GSH)  and activities of antioxidant defense enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GHPx) and catalase (CAT),  compared with basal diet group (negative control). However, clove treatment group lowered the level of lipid peroxidation and enhanced the antioxidant status of animals. Seasoning beef meat steaks before grilling with potent antioxidant clove species inhibit HCAs formation and their potential hazards to human health. This might be due to the powerful antioxidant activity of clove as strong hydrogen donating, metal chelating and scavenging of free radicals, hydrogen peroxide and superoxide. Keywords: Heterocyclic amines (HCAs), 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (MeIQx) , 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP), clove, grilled beef meat, antioxidant plants, lipid peroxide, antioxidant defense enzymes

    Citrus Peels as a Source of Bioactive Compounds with Industrial and Therapeutic Applications

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    Agriculture wastes are considered a good starting point to discover for new drugs all over the world. In this context, Agriculture wastes contain millions of compounds to be screened to find bioactive compounds responsible for the activity to be used in drugs. Citrus agriculture is one of the most important commercial and industrial agricultural activities in the world. The peel waste of Citrus species is a rich source of bioactive compounds such as essential oils, flavones, polyphenols, and pigment. Citrus peel has been widely used in the medicine industry. The waste peel of citrus consider a rich source of pharmacologically active metabolites with antioxidant activities