14 research outputs found

    A RIAM/lamellipodin-talin-integrin complex forms the tip of sticky fingers that guide cell migration.

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    The leading edge of migrating cells contains rapidly translocating activated integrins associated with growing actin filaments that form 'sticky fingers' to sense extracellular matrix and guide cell migration. Here we utilized indirect bimolecular fluorescence complementation to visualize a molecular complex containing a Mig-10/RIAM/lamellipodin (MRL) protein (Rap1-GTP-interacting adaptor molecule (RIAM) or lamellipodin), talin and activated integrins in living cells. This complex localizes at the tips of growing actin filaments in lamellipodial and filopodial protrusions, thus corresponding to the tips of the 'sticky fingers.' Formation of the complex requires talin to form a bridge between the MRL protein and the integrins. Moreover, disruption of the MRL protein-integrin-talin (MIT) complex markedly impairs cell protrusion. These data reveal the molecular basis of the formation of 'sticky fingers' at the leading edge of migrating cells and show that an MIT complex drives these protrusions

    Transcriptional control by adenovirus E1A conserved region 3 via p300/CBP

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    The human adenovirus type 5 (HAdV-5) E1A 13S oncoprotein is a potent regulator of gene expression and is used extensively as a model for transcriptional activation. It possesses two independent transcriptional activation domains located in the N-terminus/conserved region (CR) 1 and CR3. The protein acetyltransferase p300 was previously identified by its association with the N-terminus/CR1 portion of E1A and this association is required for oncogenic transformation by E1A. We report here that transcriptional activation by 13S E1A is inhibited by co-expression of sub-stoichiometric amounts of the smaller 12S E1A isoform, which lacks CR3. Transcriptional inhibition by E1A 12S maps to the N-terminus and correlates with the ability to bind p300/CBP, suggesting that E1A 12S is sequestering this limiting factor from 13S E1A. This is supported by the observation that the repressive effect of E1A 12S is reversed by expression of exogenous p300 or CBP, but not by a CBP mutant lacking actyltransferase activity. Furthermore, we show that transcriptional activation by 13S E1A is greatly reduced by siRNA knockdown of p300 and that CR3 binds p300 independently of the well-characterized N-terminal/CR1-binding site. Importantly, CR3 is also required to recruit p300 to the adenovirus E4 promoter during infection. These results identify a new functionally significant interaction between E1A CR3 and the p300/CBP acetyltransferases, expanding our understanding of the mechanism by which this potent transcriptional activator functions

    MARCH Proteins Mediate Responses to Antitumor Antibodies.

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    Comparison of E1A CR3-Dependent Transcriptional Activation across Six Different Human Adenovirus Subgroupsā–æ

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    The largest E1A isoform of human adenovirus (Ad) includes a C-4 zinc finger domain within conserved region 3 (CR3) that is largely responsible for activating transcription of the early viral genes. CR3 interacts with multiple cellular factors, but its mechanism of action is modeled primarily on the basis of the mechanism for the prototype E1A protein of human Ad type 5. We expanded this model to include a representative member from each of the six human Ad subgroups. All CR3 domains tested were capable of transactivation. However, there were dramatic differences in their levels of transcriptional activation. Despite these functional variations, the interactions of these representative CR3s with known cellular transcriptional regulators revealed only modest differences. Four common cellular targets of all representative CR3s were identified: the proteasome component human Sug1 (hSug1)/S8, the acetyltransferases p300/CREB binding protein (CBP), the mediator component mediator complex subunit 23 (MED23) protein, and TATA binding protein (TBP). The first three factors appear to be critical for CR3 function. RNA interference against human TBP showed no significant reduction in transactivation by any CR3 tested. These results indicate that the cellular factors previously shown to be important for transactivation by Ad5 CR3 are similarly bound by the E1A proteins of other types. This was confirmed experimentally using a transcriptional squelching assay, which demonstrated that the CR3 regions of each Ad type could compete with Ad5 CR3 for limiting factors. Interestingly, a mutant of Ad5 CR3 (V147L) was capable of squelching wild-type Ad5 CR3, despite its failure to bind TBP, MED23, p300/CBP-associated factor (pCAF), or p300/CBP, suggestive of the possibility that an additional as yet unidentified cellular factor is required for transactivation by E1A CR3

    Integrin Activation Controls Regulatory T Cellā€“Mediated Peripheral Tolerance

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    Maintenance of the regulatory T (Treg) cell pool is essential for peripheral tolerance and prevention of autoimmunity. Integrins, heterodimeric transmembrane proteins consisting of Ī± and Ī² subunits that mediate cell-to-cell and cell-to-extracellular matrix interactions, play an important role in facilitating Treg cell contact-mediated suppression. In this article, we show that integrin activation plays an essential, previously unappreciated role in maintaining murine Treg cell function. Treg cell-specific loss of talin, a Ī² integrin-binding protein, or expression of talin(L325R), a mutant that selectively abrogates integrin activation, resulted in lethal systemic autoimmunity. This dysfunction could be attributed, in part, to a global dysregulation of the Treg cell transcriptome. Activation of integrin Ī±4Ī²1 led to increased suppressive capacity of the Treg cell pool, suggesting that modulating integrin activation on Treg cells may be a useful therapeutic strategy for autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. Taken together, these results reveal a critical role for integrin-mediated signals in controlling peripheral tolerance by virtue of maintaining Treg cell function