11 research outputs found

    Pioneering Quality Assessment in European Cancer Centers: A Data Analysis of the Organization for European Cancer Institutes Accreditation and Designation Program

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    Purpose: In order to improve the quality of care in Cancer Centers (CC) and designate Comprehensive Cancer Centers (CCCs), the Organization for European Cancer Institutes (OECI) launched an Accreditation and Designation (A&D) program. The program facilitates the collection of defined data and the assessment of cancer center quality. This study analyzes the results of the first 10 European centers that entered the program. \ud \ud Methods: The assessment included 927 items divided across qualitative and quantitative questionnaires. Data collected during self-assessment and peer-review from the 10 first participating centers were combined in a database for comparative analysis using simple statistics. Quantitative and qualitative results were validated by auditors during the peer review visits. \ud \ud Results: Volumes of various functions and activities dedicated to care, research, and education varied widely among centers. There were no significant differences in resources for radiology, radiotherapy, pathologic diagnostic, and surgery. Differences were observed in the use of clinical pathways but not for the practices of holding multidisciplinary team meetings and conforming to guidelines. Regarding human resources, main differences were in the composition and number of supportive care and research staff. All 10 centers applied as CCCs; five obtained the label, and five were designated as CCs. \ud \ud Discussion: The OECI A&D program allows comparisons between centers with regard to management, research, care, education, and designation as CCs or CCCs. Through the peer review system, recommendations for improvements are given. Assessing the added value of the program, as well as research and patient treatment outcomes, is the next ste

    Additional file 1: of Quality assessments for cancer centers in the European Union

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    Questionnaire Quality assessments Cancer Centers. This file contains the survey that was send to the cancer centers to obtain the data. (DOC 40 kb

    Additional file 3: Table 3. of Quality assessments for cancer centers in the European Union

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    Overview of assessments including details per country. This table contains all assessments included in this study, divided per country and category (patient, research, combination). (DOC 124 kb

    Additional file 2: Table 2. of Quality assessments for cancer centers in the European Union

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    Scope and nature of assessments. This table contains information regarding the Scope (patient, research, combination) and Nature (mandatory or voluntary) of the assessments per country. (DOC 49 kb

    Stimulating translational research: several European life science institutions put their heads together

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    Translational research leaves no-one indifferent and everyone expects a particular benefit. We as EU-LIFE (www.eu-life.eu), an alliance of 13 research institutes in European life sciences, would like to share our experience in an attempt to identify measures to promote translational research without undermining basic exploratory research and academic freedom