470 research outputs found

    Design of Prototype Dynamic Ac Power Machine with Equivalent Circuit Modeling (Torque Speed Curve of Induction Motor 1,1, Kw)

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    Squirrel cage induction motors are widely used in electric motor drives due to their satisfactory mechanical characteristics (torque, current, overloading) and small dimensions, as well as their low price. When starting an induction motor, a large current is required for magnetizing its core, which results in a low power factor, rotor power losses and a temperature rise in the windings. None of these parameters should reach values beyond certain limits until the motor reaches nominal speed. The speed of an induction motor 1,1kW is affected very little by fluctuations of voltage. The greater the supply voltage of the motor, the induction motor's speed will increase. The torque values (Tstart, TSmax and Tmax) are affected by the value of the motor supply voltage: (Vp-nl : 132.8, Tstart1 : 7.4, T S-max1 : 0.4, Tmax1 : 9.9) V, (Vp-nl : 127.0, Tstart2 : 4.8, T S-max1 : 0.3, Tmax1 : 8.4) V and (Vp-nl : 121.3, Tstart3 : 3.3, T S-max3 : 0.2, Tmax3 : 7.1) V. Stator current (IL-nl ; 2.5, 2.2, 1.9 ) Amp rises gradually on account of the increase in magnetising current (Im : 2.5, 2.2, 1.9) Amp. The magnetising current required to produce the stator flux. The component of the stator current which provides the ampere-turns balancing the rotor ampere-turns will steadily diminish as the rotor current (IL-nl) decrease with the increase in rotor speed (nr).&nbsp

    EFEKTIFITAS IKLAN POLITIK DI TELEVISI (Studi Deskriptif Kuantitatif Efektifitas Iklan Politik Aburizal Bakrie Versi Motivasi Anak Indonesia PadaPemilihPemula di Surabaya)

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    The background of this problem had the aim to find out how effective the political party advertisement of Aburizal Bakrie of Indonesian Children Motivation Version on the beginner electors in Surabaya.In this research the researcher used the Direct Rating Determination Method or the Direct Rating Method. The sample picking used in this research was multistage cluster sampling. This research population was divided into some clusters based on dwelling areas.Samples in this research were picked as many as 100 beginner electors of 17-21 years old ages and resided in Surabaya. Respondents in this research were scattered in five areas in Surabaya.From the results of data processing gained via the questionnaires distributed, then it could be concluded that the Effectivity of Political Advertisment in Television is Ineffective. Respondent felt that the advertisement has not been able to affecting them to elect the party

    Tracking human movement in office environment using video processing

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    In this paper, we proposed an approach of multi-person movement tracking in office environment without any identity conflicts. Simple image processing with frame differentiation method is applied to identify multiple human motion. An Expert System is applied to predict next camera occurrence of the tracking human. The main objective of this work is to detect and track multi-human motion using single camera in more than a room in an office

    Tinjauan hukum pidana Islam terhadap hukuman tambahan bagi pelaku tindak pidana korupsi: telaah atas pasal 18 ayat (1) huruf b Undang-undang nomor 31 tahun 1999 juncto Undang-undang nomor 20 tahun 2001 tentang tindak pidana korupsi

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    Adalah hasil penelitian pustaka untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang, 1) Bagaimana penerapan hukuman tambahan bagi pelaku tindak pidana korupsi berupa pembayaran ganti rugi dalam Pasal 18 ayat (1) huruf b UU 20/2001 Tentang Tindak Pidana Korupsi. 2) Bagaimana Tinjauan hukum pidana Islam terhadap hukuman tambahan bagi pelaku tindak pidana korupsi berupa pembayaran ganti rugi dalam Pasal 18 ayat (1) huruf b UU 20/2001 Tentang Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kepustakaan (library research), yaitu penelitian yang diarahkan untuk menelaah dan membahas bahan-bahan pustaka baik berupa buku, makalah, putusan dan kitab yang sesuai dengan pokok masalah yang dikaji. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik yaitu menuturkan, menggambarkan dan mengklarifikasi secara objektif data yang dikaji. Sedangkan metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deduktif. Deduktif merupakan langkah analisis data dengan cara menerangkan data yang bersifat umum untuk membentuk suatu pandangan yang bersifat khusus, sehingga dapat ditarik menjadi kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menjabarkan tentang Ketentuan pidana denda dalam kejahatan korupsi di tingkat extraordinary crime ditinjau hukum pidana Islam yaitu bentuk pemberian hukuman bagi orang yang berdosa dengan cara membayar harta sebagai sanksi atas dosanya. Sementara itu, penerapan pidana denda dengan menggunakan prinsip proporsional bahwa sanksi yang dikenakan harus sesuai dengan beratnya pelanggaran yang telah dilakukan. Hukum pidana Islam menggunakan prinsip restorative justice dengan berpangkal tolak pada upaya pencegahan, rekonsiliasi dan pemaafan dalam rangka perdamaian. Kemudian hukuman denda dalam pidana Islam tidak menetapkan batas terendah atau tertinggi, hal itu sepenuhnya diserahkan kepada hakim. Sejalan dengan kesimpulan di atas, Indonesia merupakan negara yang besar dan sebagian besar penduduknya beragama Islam, akan tetapi hukum pidana yang masih diberlakukan adalah hukum pidana yang merupakan peninggalan Kolonial Belanda. Untuk itu, perlu adanya sebuah pembaharuan serta pembinaan hukum Nasional, sehingga diharapkan adanya transformasi hukum pidana Islam atau setidak-tidaknya memberi nafas terhadap pemberlakuan hukum Nasional

    Analisa Kerapatan Trabecular Bone Berbasis Graph Berbobot Pada Citra Panorama Gigi Untuk Identifikasi Osteoporosis

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    Osteoporosis is bone disease indocated by low bone mass density and micro architectures disorder which lead to bone fragility or fractures. Graph may be useful to describe density of trabeculae bone due to morphological change on mandibular bone in dental panoramic radiographs. The density of trabecular bone can be discribed by generating graph. Trabecular image firstly was transformed to binary image. A white pixel on the binary image presented as part of trabeculae, which assumed as an isolated node on the graph. Graph generation by Erdos and Royi method was used to build connections between an isolated node and others. This paper introduced the use of weight on each node based on probabilities average of its neigbourhoods. Graph's properties which used to measure the density were degree and cluster coefficient. Both of properties are used to build feature space. Feature space indicated distribution of node on dense or sparse area. Early indication of osteoporosis could be assumed that ratio of nodes on dense area were greater than that on sparse area. We achieved accuration of 54%, sensitivity of 60%, and spesificity of 49%

    Synchrotron Polarization at High Galactic Latitude

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    We present preliminary results from mapping the high-latitude Galactic polarization with the Effelsberg Telescope at λ\lambda21 cm. Structures on the resulting maps are mostly on the scale of several degrees. The results show detection of polarization over most of the field, at the level of tens of percent of the synchrotron emission. The evidence of more structure in Stokes Q and U rather than in Q2+U2\sqrt{Q^2+U^2} suggests the existence of Faraday rotation.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of "The Cosmic Microwave Background and its Polarization", New Astronomy Reviews, (eds. S. Hanany and K.A. Olive

    Studi Tingkat Kesegaran Jasmani Siswa Kelas V SMPN 5 Kopah Kecamatan Kuantan Tengah

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    , Background of the problems in this study was the variation of physical activity undertaken by students of SMPN 5 kopah, many types of activities will be related to physical fitness. However, lack of accurate data on students of SMPN 5 kopah makes researchers intersted to conduct this research. This research is descriptive, objective of this study was to determine the physical fitness of class V students at SMPN 5 Kopah District of Kuantan Tengah. Data obtained from the test results TKJI with a sample of 26 male students (purposive sampling). Based on the analysis of physical fitness of class V students at SMPN5 Kopah District of Kuantan Tengah, it is obtained: 1) To Level Physical Freshness fitness of class V students at SMPN5 Kopah District of Kuantan Tengah to both categories once and either no or 0%, 2) To Level Physical freshness fitness of class V students at SMPN5 Kopah District of Kuantan Tengah with category showed 11.5% with the number of students as much as 3, 3) to Level Physical freshness fitness of class V students at SMPN5 Kopah District of Kuantan Tengah with less category showed 69.2% with the number of students as many as 18 people, and 4) to Level Physical Freshness fitness of class V students at SMPN5 Kopah District of Kuantan Tengah with less category once showed 19.2% with the number of students as many as five people. From the above data it can be concluded that the physical fitness level of class V students at SMPN5 Kopah District of Kuantan Tengah classified in categories less, it is known from the value of the average value of 11:08 with less category as they are the sum of the values 10-13.

    Dinamika Perberasan di Sulawesi Tenggara

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    The research aimed to know dynamics of rice related to rice system in South East Sulawesiwas done in September to Oktober 2004 in Kendari regency (Uepai, Amonggedo,Pondidaha and Abuki district). This research used survey methode involved 40 responden.The data used secundary data having the caracter of time series and primary data. Theresulth showed that wet paddy production was very fluctuantive. Their productivity wasrelated stable at 3,5 – 3,8 t/ha. Dry land paddy was wide enough used by farmer especialyin area that had poor paddy field, but wide area and its production had overtime trendwhile production increased. That productivity was still lower than national productivity of2,52 t/ha. Although main production more increase in the latest of 10 years, but thegovernment represented by Bulog still brought rice from out side South East Sulawesiespecially from South Sulawesi. Rice farming system was showed R/C > 1 value. Than,exchange value of benefict on cost, the use of cost was still dominated by labour. Thebenefict used for labour was 29 %. Rice farming system contributed around 75 % of totalhousehould income, besides that, farmer also obtained income from the other farmingsystem, livestock and off-farm

    Analisis Strategi Number Sense Siswa Smk Negeri Penerbangan Aceh

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    Belajar matematika, ketika hanya terfokus pada perhitungan angka, akan datar, kehilangan keindahan dan kebermaknaan, terutama angka dan operasinya. Seseorang yang belajar matematika diperlukan adanya kepekaan terhadap angka dan operasinya. Para ahli menyebut jenis sensitivitas sebagai sensitivitas angka. Para ahli mengatakan, jika seseorang memiliki nalar yang baik, matematika akan menjadi indah dan menyenangkan, sehingga konsep itu menjadi lebih baik. Sensitivitas akan angka membantu seseorang untuk melihat logika dari hasil perhitungan, sehingga semangat matematika akan ditemukan, dan matematika akan bermakna bagi siswa. Ada beberapa orang berpendapat bahwa matematika itu membosankan. Kondisi ini memiliki efek negatif pada pemahaman matematika seseorang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana strategi siswa di SMKN Penerbangan Aceh dalam memecahkan masalah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik purposive subjek. Subjek tersebut diambil dari siswa yang memiliki kemampuan matematika yang baik berdasarkan skor di semester ketiga. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data yang diharapkan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil diskusi dan analisis data dari tiga belas pertanyaan sensitivitas angka menyimpulkan bahwa: enam siswa tidak memiliki sensitivitas yang baik dari strategi operasi angka

    Penetapan Kadar Flavonoid Total Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Buah Alpukat (Persea Americana Mill.) Dengan Metode Spektrofotometri Uv-vis

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    Avocado plant (Persea americana Mill.), belongs to Lauraceae family which have medicinal properties. Avocado peel contains flavonoid compounds that can be used to protect and reduce the skin damage against UV rays. This study aimed to determine the total flavonoids content of the ethanol extract of the avocado peel using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The ethanol extract of avocado peel was obtained by maceration with ethanol. The qualitative analysis used FeCl3 by forming green complex. The determination of total flavonoids content is conducted based on AlCl3 method with total flavonoids expressed in QE (Quercetin equivalent) at the maximum wavelength of 435 nm. The result showed that the average content of flavonoid total is 4.0122 mgQE/g extract
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