122 research outputs found

    Development Of A Vision System For Ship Hull Inspection

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    Penyelidikan ini memperkenalkan strategi pengawalan untuk memperbaiki prestasi pemeriksaan visual badan kapal dengan menggunakan kenderaan dalam air. This work introduces a strategy to improve the performance of visual ship hull inspection using a Remotely-Operated Vehicle (ROV) as its underwater vehicle platform

    Development Of A Vision System For Ship Hull Inspection [K4165. Z94 2007 f rb].

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    Penyelidikan ini memperkenalkan strategi pengawalan untuk memperbaiki prestasi pemeriksaan visual badan kapal dengan menggunakan kenderaan dalam air. Kaedah yang dicadangkan bertujuan untuk membangunkan sebuah sistem yang secara visualnya sentiasa kekal selari pada permukaan badan kapal. This work introduces a strategy to improve the performance of visual ship hull inspection using a Remotely-Operated Vehicle (ROV) as its underwater vehicle platform. The proposed method is aimed at developing a system that will maintain the camera viewing angle parallel to the ship hull surface


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    Insatalasi listrik merupakan salah satu bagian terpenting dalam sebuah bangunan. Pada dasarnya bangunan Masjid juga tidak terlepas dari kebutuhan energi listrik sama halnyaseperti padabangunan gedung lainnya. Dalam perencanaan instalasi penerangan pada Masjid Al-Falah Desa Senggoro Kecamatan Bengkalis, ini dirancang sesuai dengan fungsi setiap ruangan pada gedung dan aman dari bahaya listrik sesuai dengan standar PUIL 2011, sehingga orang-orang menjadi nyaman dan aman berada didalam bangunan masjid tersebut. Dalam menganalisa, dilakukan langkah-langkah antara lain: menghitung effisiensi, jumlah lampu dan KHA yang sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Indonesia, menghitung total daya penerangan lantai secara keseluruhan, menentukan penghantar yang digunakan dan merancang panel MDP & SDP pada gedung Masjid tersebut

    Fruit-Fly Based Searching Algorithm For Cooperative Swarming Robotic System

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    Swarm intelligence can be described as a complex behaviour generated from a large number of individual agents, where each agent follows very simple rules. It is actually inspired by understanding the decentralized mechanisms in the organization of natural swarms such as the birds, the ants, the bees, the glowworms, and the fireflies. Observation of these biological behaviour has given birth to swarm robotics whereby robots have the capability to work with one another in a group to achieve the same kind of parallelism, robustness and collective capabilities. A collective behaviour movement strategy such as a “source search” and “aggregation” are commonly exhibited by the animals while finding their source of food. However, the situation for the robots is to find the source of odour, light, and sound. Meanwhile, there has been mounting interest, particularly for finding the deepest location in lakes and dams for bathymetric survey systems. Using the existing lawnmower methods incur substantial costs in terms of time, accuracy and reliability. Therefore, the usage of a swarming robotic system is proposed. In this thesis, a simple framework and methodology in developing a bio-inspired algorithm for cooperative swarming robotic application has been developed. The fruit flies or Drosophila Melanogaster movement strategy offers some advantages such as strategic 'search-aggregation' cycle, distribution of moving patterns with Levy Random, information sharing in real-time, and reduction of controller parameters during movements. A number of benchmark function processes were conducted to assess the performance of proposed FOA (Fly Optimisation Algorithm)

    Alam Dijadikan Guru: Menggembeling Usaha Kelestarian, Menserasikan Prinsip Ketauhidan

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    Pembangunan pesat tanpa kawalan dalam bidang sains , teknologi dan industri yang hanya mementingkan sudut ekonomi dan kekayaan duniawi semata-mata telah banyak menimbulkan pelbagai kesan sampingan. Ini dapat dilihat apabila berlakunya pelbagai fenomena alam semula jadi seperti perubahan cuaca dunia yang tidak menentu, peningkatan paras suhu secara global, bencana alam yang kerap , pencemaran sumber alam semula jadi dan berbagai lagi. Akibat dari kesan sampingan ini juga bukan hanya terkesan ke atas manusia malah turut menempias kepada seluruh makhluk iaitu alam flora dan fauna. Sedangkan semua pihak yang dinyatakan ini saling perlu memerlukan. Kertas kerja ini ditulis dengan harapan supaya dapat disingkap dan dicari satu relung jawapan sebagai titik tolak dan pendekatan baru bagi para saintis Muslim khususnya serta para saintis amnya dalam menangani permasalahan ini. Di antaranya adalah dengan lebih mengkaitkan setiap penciptaan atas nama kemajuan dan pembangunan di selaras dengan teladan yang telah ditunjukkan oleh Tuhan Maha Pencipta. Juga sejauh mana setiap satu kejadian alam itu boleh dijadikan petunjuk dan ilham bagi setiap inovasi demi keselesaan manusia dengan mengambil kira juga kesan sampingan kepada makhluk ciptaan Tuhan yang lain. Sebagai satu usaha ke arah merealisasikan objektif ini, satu projek penyelidikan yang dikenali sebagai Drosobot juga disebut dalam kertas kerja in

    Visual Servoing With Application To ROV For Ship Hull Inspection.

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    A novel method for surface tracking for ship hull inspection is presented. The proposed method is based on the USM-ROV visual surface tracking

    Development of eCall for Malaysia's automotive industries

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    —Road accidents are one of the most common causes of death among Malaysian citizens. The common problem when accident happened is drivers often have inaccurate awareness of their location, especially on interurban roads or abroad. There are also victims who are injured or trapped and they may not be able to call emergency Call Centre. The scenario may be worsen if there are no witnesses or passersby near the victims to assist them. In order to decrease the rate of fatal accident in Malaysia, eCall system is proposed. The main objective of this research is to develop eCall system that can transmits a call to the public service answering point along with certain vehicle related information using microcomputer, GSM and GPS technologies. The eCall system is able to work automatically or manually depends on the victim’s need. As such, collision detection and voice communication algorithm has been designed. For the collision detection, algorithm has been developed based on the data acquired from gyroscope and accelerometer. The location of incident has been identified using GSM cell phone and GPS location capability. The device has a corresponding infrastructure of Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) for the voice communication to inform the emergency emergency response unit about the accident, the level of seriousness and the location of the incident. The eCall prototype has successfully designed and developed. Experimental results shown that the prototype is able to detect collision, identify the GPS coordinates of the accident and able to transmit sound wave from speaker to microphone, to be forwarded to the emergency Call Centre

    Study of cucumber mosaic virus gene expression in Capsicum annuum

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    Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) is a plant pathogenic virus in the genus Cucumovirus, family Bromoviridae. It has the potential and reputation of having the widest host range of any known plant virus including monocotyledons and dicotyledons, herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees. CMV is one of the major diseases in Capsicum annum (chilli). Chilli plant samples exhibiting virus-like disease symptoms were collected from Taman Pertanian Indera Mahkota (location 1) and Greenhouse 12 of Horticulture Research Centre, Serdang (location 2). Viral disease was detected based on symptoms like mosaic-mottling, yellow ringspots and cholorotic that appeared on the leaves. The isolation of total RNA was done by using Vivantis GF-1 total RNA extraction kit. RT-PCR technique was used to detect the presence of virus disease symptoms gene in chillies. Identification of causal agents was based on cDNA amplified product size, using virus-specific oligonucleotides. Actin was used as the internal PCR control. The product size of the DNA fragment was 315 bp. From RT-PCR, the expression of CMV can be detected in chilli plants that exhibited the virus-like disease symptoms. This research revealed that some of the chilli plants at the Taman Pertanian Indera Mahkota and Greenhouse 12 of Horticulture Research Centre have been affected by this viral disease

    Incremental learning of deep neural network for robust vehicle classification

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    Existing single-lane free flow (SLFF) tolling systems either heavily rely on contact-based treadle sensor to detect the number of vehicle wheels or manual operator to classify vehicles. While the former is susceptible to high maintenance cost due to wear and tear, the latter is prone to human error. This paper proposes a vision-based solution to SLFF vehicle classification by adapting a state-of-the-art object detection model as a backbone of the proposed framework and an incremental training scheme to train our VehicleDetNet in a continual manner to cater the challenging problem of continuous growing dataset in real-world environment. It involved four experiment set-ups where the first stage involved CUTe datasets. VehicleDetNet is utilized for the framework of vehicle detection, and it presents an anchorless network which enable the elimination of the bounding boxes of candidates’ anchors. The classification of vehicles is performed by detecting the vehicle's location and inferring the vehicle's class. We augment the model with a wheel detector and enumerator to add more robustness, showing improved performance. The proposed method was evaluated on live dataset collected from the Gombak toll plaza at Kuala Lumpur-Karak Expressway. The results show that within two months of observation, the mean accuracy increases from 87.3 % to 99.07 %, which shows the efficacy of our proposed method

    Control Of Mini Autonomous Surface Vessel.

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    This paper presents an initial development stage of mini Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs). The ASVs named Drosobot is being developed for hydrographic survey on lakes