17 research outputs found

    Penyertaan Awam dalam Pelaksanaan Program Local Agenda 21 di Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang (MBPP) dan Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai (MPSP)

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    In Political Science and Administration, public participation has been a topic of keen discussions around the world at the moment. However, there are no specific study on public participation especially in the Local Agenda 21 implemented by the Local Authorities (LAs) (Hardev, 2008, Mariana, 2008). For this purpose, the objective of this study is to investigate further public participation, particularly in the Penang which is focused on the two Local Authorities (LA), namely Penang City Council (MBPP) and Seberang Perai Municipal Council (MPSP). The study employs a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods are employed to collect data by using semi-structured interviews with informant consisting of Officers in MBPP and MPSP, Councillors in MBPP and MPSP, and Municipal Secretaries from both MBPP and MPSP. However, quantitative data were obtained through a survey in which questionnaires were distributed to 4 of the Residents Associations namely; Association of Residents Penang Free School, Association of Residents Jelutong, Association of Residents of Taman Sri Kijang and Association of Residents Taman Pauh Jaya in MBPP and MPSP. The findings show the existence of in the LA 21 programmes organised by the two LAs in Penang. Encouragement and involvement of officials in MBPP and MPSP contributed to the success of public participation in the LA 21 programmes. In addition, the Resident Associations participations also contributed to the success of the LA 21 programmes. Therefore, public participation in LA 21 programmes are vital to ensure that the services provided by local Authorities (LAs) are important in order involved to obtain feedbacks on the programmes implemented that meet the needs of local communities

    Conceptual Framework of Residential Satisfaction

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    Residential satisfaction is described as a sense of comfort, with what one needs or wants to achieve in a building. The paper aims to establish a residential satisfaction framework that will consist of essential determinants. Comprehensive analysis of the literature is undertaken to determine criteria which consist of characteristics of housing, neighbourhoods' characteristics, social demographic characteristics, behavioural characteristics. These characteristics become one concept of residential framework serve the purpose of measuring the level of residential satisfaction. With this framework, it will help the researcher specifically define and collect information to obtain specific data.   Keywords: Residential; Satisfaction; Housing. eISSN: 2398-4287© 2020. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v5i14.223

    Spektroskopi Impedans Getah Asli Terepoksida (SMR5 dan ENR25)

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    Kertas ini melaporkan pengukuran spektroskopi impedans getah asli terepoksida yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan spektrometer dielektrik pada suhu 303, 313, 333, 353 dan 373 K dalam julat frekuensi 10-2 ke 106 Hz. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahawa frekuensi santaian atau cirian bagi Z", komponen maya impedans, bertambah dengan penambahan suhu. Model rangkaian litar setara (Re) yang dicadangkan di dalam kajian ini adalah bersetuju dengan data uji kaji yang diperoleh untuk julat frekuensi 10-2 - 106 Hz

    Ultrasonic study and physical properties of borotellurite glasses

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    A series of glasses (TeO2)x (B2O3)1-x with x = 0.6, 0.63, 0.65, 0.70, 0.73, 0.75, 0.78 and 0.80 were synthesized by rapid quenching. Longitudinal and shear ultrasonic velocity were measured at room temperature and at 5 MHz frequency. Elastic properties, Poisson’s ratio and micro hardness have been calculated from the measured density and ultrasonic velocity at room temperature. Estimated parameters based on Makishima-Mackenzie theory and bond compression model were calculated in order to analyze the experimental elastic moduli. Comparison between the experimental elastic moduli data obtained in the study and the calculated theoretically by other models has been discussed

    Renewable energy harness to uplift the prosperity of Royal Belum Forest

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    Renewable energy resources exist over wide geographical areas and its technologies are also suited to rural and remote areas where energy is often crucial in human development. As of this preliminary study, a source of renewable energy is in focus to bring benefits to the stake holders of Royal Belum Forest; hydropower. In order to sustain the prosperity of Royal Belum Forest, micro-generation method will be introduced. Micro-generation is defined as a small-scale generation of electric power by individuals or small communities to meet their own needs, as alternatives or supplements to traditional centralized grid-connected power. As one of micro-generation methods, micro-hydro power has been chosen as its importance for its environmental conscious approach that aspire zero or low-carbon footprints. Micro-hydro power can make a large amount of energy out of a small water flow with minimal impact on the environment. Based on obtained preliminary data, an on-grid configuration micro-hydro power electric systems would be able to generate a reliable of electricity supply. Kampung Sungai Tiang has been chosen as it has the suitable rivers to facilitate this study. The presence of a high ground (514 meters above sea level) within Kampung Sungai Tiang vicinity creates a necessity for an observation tower. In addition to wildlife observation and forest fire prevention, this tower can be further exploited by the government or private companies for scientific and commercial activities. The construction and utilization of this tower would encourage the implementation of best practices in order to minimize impact on the environment

    Mathematical analysis of unsteady solute dispersion with chemical reaction through a stenosed artery

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    One major kind of arterial disease in blood flow that attracted many researchers is arterial stenosis. Arterial stenosis occurs when a lumen of artery is narrowed by the accumulation of fats, cholesterols and lipids plaques at the inner layer of the wall of an artery. To treat this arterial disease, the drug (solute) is injected into the blood vessels. Injection of the drug into the blood vessel cause the occurrence of chemical reaction between the drug and blood proteins and it affects the effectiveness of the solute transportation in blood flow. Hence, this study examines the unsteady dispersion of solute with the influence of chemical reaction and stenosis height through a very narrow artery with a cosine-curved stenosis. The blood is treating as Herschel-Bulkley (H-B) fluid. The momentum and constitutive equations are solved analytically to gain velocity of H-B blood flow. The convective-diffusion equation is solved by applying the generalized dispersion model to gain the dispersion function of solute. The influence of chemical reaction, power-law index, plug flow radius and stenosis height on the solute dispersion process is investigated. The results are validated with the previous solution without the effect of chemical reaction and stenosis. The results showed a good conformity between the two solutions. An increase in the chemical reaction coefficient, stenosis height, power-law index and plug flow radius reduces the dispersion function. It is observed that the solute dispersion in blood flow is affected by chemical reaction and stenosis height. H-B fluid is an appropriate fluid to investigate the blood velocity and transportation of the drug in blood flow to the targeted stenosed region through a very narrow artery for the treatment of arterial diseases. The results of the present study can potentially be used to predict the changes of blood flow behavior and dispersion process in blood flow

    Structural analysis of borotellurite glass

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    The average cross-link density, number of the network bonds per unit volume, average stretching force constant, atomic ring size and the ratio Kbc/Ke have been calculated and discussed according to bond compression model for borotellurite glass. The result showed that the connectivity and rigidity of the borotellurite glasses increases with TeO2 content due to the transformation of BO3 units to BO4 and TeO3 units to TeO4. Comparison between theoretical calculated and experimental elastic moduli and Poisson's ratio has been carried out. The results showed good agreement between experimental and theoretical calculated elastic moduli


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    ABSTRAK Pseudomonas aeruginosa merupakan salah satu bakteri multiresisten yang sering menginfeksi luka pada kulit, yaitu luka lecet, luka sayatan, ataupun luka bakar. Kelor (Moringa oleifera) merupakan tanaman khas Indonesia yang dikonsumsi sebagai sayur dan digunakan sebagai obat tradisional. Berbagai penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman ini banyak mengandung senyawa saponin, flavonoid, tanin, dan polifenol yang merupakan agen antimikroba alami pada tumbuhan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh gel ekstrak daun kelor terhadap lebar luka yang terinfeksi P. aeruginosa pada tikus. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain True Experimental: Pre Test – Post Test Only Group Design. Tikus dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok dan dibuat luka insisi pada punggung yang terinfeksi P. aeruginosa. Kemudian luka diberi perlakuan dengan gel ekstrak daun kelor dengan dosis 20 mg/dl, 40 mg/dl, dan 60 mg/dl. Analisis data menggunakan variabel numerik dengan satu faktor yaitu lebar luka berdasarkan faktor pemberian gel daun kelor. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji komparasi Kruskall - Wallis dan dilanjutkan dengan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil dari uji Kruskall – Wallis didapatkan nilai signifikansi

    Strategi membina dan mengekalkan hubungan antara kerajaan dengan rakyat melalui laman sesawang

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti bagaimana kementerian di Malaysia mempraktikkan strategi pengekalan hubungan dalam laman sesawang rasmi mereka dan sejauh mana ia digunakan untuk membina dan mengekalkan hubungan antara kerajaan dengan rakyat. Kajian ini turut berhasrat untuk mengenal pasti sama ada wujud perbezaan penggunaan strategi pengekalan hubungan menerusi laman sesawang antara kementerian yang berbeza fungsi dan peranannya. Enam strategi pengekalan hubungan yang dikemukakan oleh Hon dan Grunig (1999) digunapakai sebagai pembolehubah dalam kajian iaitu akses, positiviti, keterbukaan, jaringan, perkongsian tugasan dan jaminan. Bagi membolehkan kesemua strategi ini dikaji secara kuantitatif, pengkaji telah mengkategori 26 indikator di bawah enam strategi pengekalan hubungan. Data yang diperolehi daripada analisis kandungan ke atas 20 laman sesawang rasmi kementerian dianalisis secara deskriptif dan inferensi. Analisis deskriptif terhadap data kajian menunjukkan bahawa keenam-enam strategi digunakan oleh semua kementerian pada tahap yang berbeza-beza. Walau bagaimanapun,terdapat satu kementerian yang dikesan tidak mengaplikasikan tiga strategi iaitu strategi jaringan, perkongsian tugasan dan jaminan. Analisis terhadap penggunaan indikator oleh kementerian pula mendapati bahawa terdapat dua indikator yang kurang diberikan perhatian oleh semua kementerian iaitu indikator laporan tahunan dan indikator slogan. Semua kementerian dikesan tidak mempunyai indikator laporan tahunan, manakala 15 kementerian dikesan tidak mempunyai indikator slogan. Manakala analisis secara inferensi menggunakan Ujian Statistik Kruskal-Wallis menunjukkan nilai signifikan bagi kesemua strategi yang diuji melebihi 0.05 (α > 0.05). Justeru, tidak wujud perbezaan yang signifikan dari segi penggunaan strategi tertentu antara kementerian yang berbeza fungsi dan peranannya. Hasil kajian turut menunjukkan bahawa dua kementerian yang berada pada kedudukan tertinggi berjaya merealisasikan 24 daripada 26 indikator, manakala kementerian berada pada kedudukan terendah hanya mempunyai 14 daripada keseluruhan 26 indikator yang diuji