1,907 research outputs found

    Predicting equilibrium states with Reynolds stress closures in channel flow and homogeneous shear flow

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    Turbulent channel flow and homogeneous shear flow have served as basic building block flows for the testing and calibration of Reynolds stress models. A direct theoretical connection is made between homogeneous shear flow in equilibrium and the log-layer of fully-developed turbulent channel flow. It is shown that if a second-order closure model is calibrated to yield good equilibrium values for homogeneous shear flow it will also yield good results for the log-layer of channel flow provided that the Rotta coefficient is not too far removed from one. Most of the commonly used second-order closure models introduce an ad hoc wall reflection term in order to mask deficient predictions for the log-layer of channel flow that arise either from an inaccurate calibration of homogeneous shear flow or from the use of a Rotta coefficient that is too large. Illustrative model calculations are presented to demonstrate this point which has important implications for turbulence modeling

    Application of a new K-tau model to near wall turbulent flows

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    A recently developed K-tau model for near wall turbulent flows is applied to two severe test cases. The turbulent flows considered include the incompressible flat plate boundary layer with the adverse pressure gradients and incompressible flow past a backward facing step. Calculations are performed for this two-equation model using an anisotropic as well as isotropic eddy-viscosity. The model predictions are shown to compare quite favorably with experimental data

    To Duckweeds (\u3cem\u3eLandoltia punctata\u3c/em\u3e), Nanoparticulate Copper Oxide is More Inhibitory than the Soluble Copper in the Bulk Solution

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    CuO nanoparticles (CuO-NP) were synthesized in a hydrogen diffusion flame. Particle size and morphology were characterized using scanning mobility particle sizing, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller analysis, dynamic light scattering, and transmission electron microscopy. The solubility of CuO-NP varied with both pH and presence of other ions. CuO-NP and comparable doses of soluble Cu were applied to duckweeds, Landoltia punctata. Growth was inhibited 50% by either 0.6 mg L−1 soluble copper or by 1.0 mg L−1 CuO-NP that released only 0.16 mg L−1 soluble Cu into growth medium. A significant decrease of chlorophyll was observed in plants stressed by 1.0 mg L−1 CuO-NP, but not in the comparable 0.2 mg L−1 soluble Cu treatment. The Cu content of fronds exposed to CuO-NP is four times higher than in fronds exposed to an equivalent dose of soluble copper, and this is enough to explain the inhibitory effects on growth and chlorophyll content

    NetProphet 3: A machine learning framework for transcription factor network mapping and multi-omics integration

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    MOTIVATION: Many methods have been proposed for mapping the targets of transcription factors (TFs) from gene expression data. It is known that combining outputs from multiple methods can improve performance. To date, outputs have been combined by using either simplistic formulae, such as geometric mean, or carefully hand-tuned formulae that may not generalize well to new inputs. Finally, the evaluation of accuracy has been challenging due to the lack of genome-scale, ground-truth networks. RESULTS: We developed NetProphet3, which combines scores from multiple analyses automatically, using a tree boosting algorithm trained on TF binding location data. We also developed three independent, genome-scale evaluation metrics. By these metrics, NetProphet3 is more accurate than other commonly used packages, including NetProphet 2.0, when gene expression data from direct TF perturbations are available. Furthermore, its integration mode can forge a consensus network from gene expression data and TF binding location data. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: All data and code are available at https://zenodo.org/record/7504131#.Y7Wu3i-B2x8. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    Optimal Control of Integrated Production – Forecasting System

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    The prion strain phenomenon: molecular basis and unprecedented features.

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    Prions are unconventional infectious agents responsible for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Compelling evidences indicate that prions are composed exclusively by a misfolded form of the prion protein (PrP(Sc)) that replicates in the absence of nucleic acids. One of the most challenging problems for the prion hypothesis is the existence of different strains of the infectious agent. Prion strains have been characterized in most of the species. Biochemical characteristics of PrP(Sc) used to identify each strain include glycosylation profile, electrophoretic mobility, protease resistance, and sedimentation. In vivo, prion strains can be differentiated by the clinical signs, incubation period after inoculation and the lesion profiles in the brain of affected animals. Sources of prion strain diversity are the inherent conformational flexibility of the prion protein, the presence of PrP polymorphisms and inter-species transmissibility. The existence of the strain phenomenon is not only a scientific challenge, but it also represents a serious risk for public health. The dynamic nature and inter-relations between strains and the potential for the generation of a large number of new prion strains is the perfect recipe for the emergence of extremely dangerous new infectious agents

    L’endocardite Ă  Bartonella en Tunisie: ParticularitĂ©s lĂ©sionnelles et Ă©volutives

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    L'endocardite Ă  Bartonalla est une infection ubiquitaire, son diagnostic est difficile vu qu'il s'agit souvent d'endocardite Ă  hĂ©moculture nĂ©gative. Lebut de cette Ă©tude est d'analyser les particularitĂ©s lĂ©sionnelles et  Ă©volutives de cette entitĂ© dans un pays du nord d'Afrique, la Tunisie et dedĂ©montrer la gravitĂ© de cette infection. Nous avons Ă©tudié  rĂ©trospectivement les dossiers mĂ©dicaux de 20 patients atteints  d'endocardite Ă  Bartonella, confirmĂ©e selon les critĂšres de Dukes modifiĂ©s. L'Ăąge moyen de nos patients Ă©tait 37 ans avec une prĂ©dominance  masculine (SR=3). Tous nos malades avaient un niveau socio-Ă©conomique bas. Le motif essentiel de consultation Ă©tait la dyspnĂ©e, 6 patients Ă©taient admis dans un tableau d'insuffisance cardiaque congestive. Une  prĂ©dilection des lĂ©sions au niveau de la valve aortique a Ă©tĂ© notĂ©e (14 cas). Quatorze patients avaient des vĂ©gĂ©tations endocarditiques avec une taille qui dĂ©passe 10 mm chez 8 malades. La majoritĂ© des patients (18 patients) prĂ©sentaient une rĂ©gurgitation valvulaire massive en rapport principalement avec des mutilations importantes (6 cas de ruptures de cordages mitraux, 2 cas de dĂ©chirures des sigmoĂŻdes aortiques, un cas de perforation valvulaire aortique, un cas de dĂ©sinsertion de prothĂšse  mitrale). Quinze malades (3/4) avaient nĂ©cessitĂ© une chirurgie Ă  la phase active de la maladie, l'indication majeure Ă©tait l'insuffisance cardiaque. Une complication neurologique Ă©tait notĂ©e chez 2 malades et une  complication rĂ©nale chez 3 malades. Treize patients Ă©taient guĂ©ris, 5 malades Ă©taient dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©s et 2 malades opĂ©rĂ©s ont prĂ©sentĂ© une  rĂ©infection Ă  staphylococcus aureus et Ă  candida albicans en  postopĂ©ratoire. L'endocardite Ă  Bartonella est une infection grave. Cette BactĂ©rie possĂšde un potentiel destructif important. Le recours Ă  la chirurgie est quasi constant. La morbi-mortalitĂ© est Ă©levĂ©e. La recherche de cette bactĂ©rie devrait ĂȘtre alors systĂ©matique chez nos malades suspects d'endocardite d'autant plus que la bartonellose est endĂ©mique sur nos terres

    The mechanistic and prognostic implications of heart rate variability analysis in patients with cirrhosis

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    Chronic liver damage leads to scarring of the liver tissue and ultimately a systemic illness known as cirrhosis. Patients with cirrhosis exhibit multi-organ dysfunction and high mortality. Reduced heart rate variability (HRV) is a hallmark of cirrhosis, reflecting a state of defective cardiovascular control and physiological network disruption. Several lines of evidence have revealed that decreased HRV holds prognostic information and can predict survival of patients independent of the severity of liver disease. Thus, the aim of this review is to shed light on the mechanistic and prognostic implications of HRV analysis in patients with cirrhosis. Notably, several studies have extensively highlighted the critical role systemic inflammation elicits in conferring the reduction in patients’ HRV. It appears that IL-6 is likely to play a central mechanistic role, whereby its levels also correlate with manifestations, such as autonomic neuropathy and hence the partial uncoupling of the cardiac pacemaker from autonomic control. Reduced HRV has also been reported to be highly correlated with the severity of hepatic encephalopathy, potentially through systemic inflammation affecting specific brain regions, involved in both cognitive function and autonomic regulation. In general, the prognostic ability of HRV analysis holds immense potential in improving survival rates for patients with cirrhosis, as it may indeed be added to current prognostic indicators, to ultimately increase the accuracy of selecting the recipient most in need of liver transplantation. However, a network physiology approach in the future is critical to delineate the exact mechanistic basis by which decreased HRV confers poor prognosis

    Magnetisation studies in Co-Tb / Pt multilayers

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    We have studied the magnetization in Co86Tb14/Pt multilayers under fields up to 1.8 T and as at room temperature. As the do-Tb layer thickness (tCoTb) decreases below 200 Å the saturation magnetization magnetization (M) increases, the rectangularity of the M-H loops and the coercivity (Hc ) decrease. The effective anisotropy Keff of the multilayers was determined by a torque magnetometer. The product Keff×tCoTb shows a linear dependence with tCoTb as normally found for the superlatices yielding the bulk and surface anisotropies of 106 erg/cm3 and –0.2 erg/cm2 , respectively. These results are explained in terms of an interfacial Co-Pt layer. Keff and Hc are related by the equation Hc = α Keffn/M with the fitting parameters α and n.We have studied the magnetization in Co86Tb14/Pt multilayers under fields up to 1.8 T and as at room temperature. As the do-Tb layer thickness (tCoTb) decreases below 200 Å the saturation magnetization magnetization (M) increases, the rectangularity of the M-H loops and the coercivity (Hc ) decrease. The effective anisotropy Keff of the multilayers was determined by a torque magnetometer. The product Keff×tCoTb shows a linear dependence with tCoTb as normally found for the superlatices yielding the bulk and surface anisotropies of 106 erg/cm3 and –0.2 erg/cm2 , respectively. These results are explained in terms of an interfacial Co-Pt layer. Keff and Hc are related by the equation Hc = α Keffn/M with the fitting parameters α and n


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    All the non-H atoms of the title compound, C10H11NO2, are almost coplanar [maximum deviation = 0.040 (3) Å]. The crystal structure is stabilized by C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds
