155 research outputs found

    Some aspects on the reproductive cycle of European conger eel, Conger conger (Linnaeus, 1758) (Osteichthyes, Anguilliformes, Congridae) captured from Western Algerian coasts: a histological description of spermatogenesis

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    The aim of this work was to study the annual reproductive cycle of European conger eel (Conger conger,Linnaeus, 1758) through analysis and description of spermatogenesis. A sample of 168 males was capturedbetween September 2008 and August 2009 from the Western coast of Algeria, from Béni Saf. Fish length andweight varied between 26.20-112 cm and 0.45-3.44 kg, respectively.Condition factors (K), gonadosomatic index (G.S.I.) and hepatosomatic index (H.S.I.) were calculatedmonthly. Factor K reached the minimum in August/September (0.10%) corresponding to reproductive periodand a maximum in January (0.18%). Although G.S.I. values revealed to be statistically not significant, therewere two peaks for G.S.I., the first in March, denoting the beginning of spermatogenesis, and the second inAugust/September, indicating the reproduction period. H.S.I. reached a peak in December (1.90%), then thevalue decreased to a minimum in April.Histological analysis of testis allowed us to distinguish 5 stages summarized as follows: Stage 1:Spermatogonia A; Stage 2: Spermatogonia B; Stage 3: Spermatocytes and spermatids; Stage 4: Spermatocytes,spermatids and spermatozoa (cytodifferentiation of spermatids into spermatozoa); Stage 5: Spermatozoa(spermiogenesis or cytodifferentiation of spermatids into spermatozoa)

    In memoriam: Ahmed Abi Ayad

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    Spatiotemporal bioaccumulation of lead, cadmium, zinc and copper metals in lettuce sea Ulva lactuca harvest in two Algerian West Coasts

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    This work brings an evaluation of the quality of littoral zone of Algerian in two neighbouring port coasts, namely, Honaine and Beni Saf, chosen as significant discharge sites. This was followed by a comparison of the state of these coasts with those of the Mediterranean coastal areas. The study was conducted in all seasons in the year 2011-2012 by measuring the hydrological physicochemical parameters (pH, temperature, turbidity and salinity) and using sea lettuce Ulva lactuca as significant 'biomarker of the quantity of metal contaminants (Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn)'. Harvesting of Ulva and the seawater samples were performed in each season in three stations, characterised by discharges of waste and industrial water and saline discharges from the recent installation of desalination in Honaine. The metal concentrations in seawater showed significant variations between stations and the harvest season, resulting in the appearance of pollution of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn. Also this result was manifested in Ulva in the station S1 (Beni Saf) and S2 (Honaine-beach) with the exception of copper. These results have exceeded tolerable international standards.Universidad de Tlemcen, ArgeliaUniversidad de Sevill

    Orán y Argel en la obra de Cervantes

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    Orán y Argel, son dos ciudades de Argelia que marcaron la vida y obra de Miguel de Cervantes. Por un lado, Orán, presidio español en el norte de África desde 1509 a 1792; y por otro, Argel, ciudad corsaria y lugar de detención de los cautivos cristianos hechos presos en el Mediterráneo. El cautiverio de Cervantes en Argel entre 1575 y 1580 le permitió conocer perfectamente la ciudad, al igual que la cultura arabomusulmana, para luego ponerla en escena a través de sus obras de cautiverio: Los baños de Argel, El trato de Argel e incluso La historia de cautivo incluida en el Quijote, sin olvidar el episodio de los falsos cautivos insertado en el Persiles. Orán para los cautivos simbolizaba la puerta de salida y la libertad antes de alcanzar España. Razón por la cual, Cervantes debió de interesarse por esta ciudad para poder fugarse desde Argel hacia Orán. Además, su visita en Orán en 1581 le permitió observar la situación de los soldados españoles que luchaban por la Corona española en territorio argelino, lo que va a reflejar más tarde a través de su comedia El Gallardo español. Toda esta influencia aparecerá a lo largo de la producción literaria de Cervantes, referencias que trataremos a través de este artículo.Oran and Algiers, the two Algerian cities, had a great influence over the life and the works of Miguel de Cervantes. In one side, Oran placed under the Spanish colonization from 1509 to 1792; in the other side, Algiers, a corsair city and a place of imprisonment for the Christian captives taken in the Mediterranean Sea. Captivated in Algiers from 1575 to 1580, Cervantes gained a great knowledge of the city and the Arab Muslim culture, and utilized that eventually in his literary works: Los baños de Argel, El trato de Argel even “The Captive’s Story” included in Don Quixote, and the episode of the false captives inserted in Persiles. Oran for the captives symbolized the exit door to freedom before reaching Spain that’s the reason why, Cervantes had to be interested in this city as his intentions were to escape from Algiers. Furthermore, his visit to Oran in 1581 allowed him to observe the situation of the Spanish soldiers who were fighting for the Spanish Crown in the Algerian territory, which he later reflected through his comedy El Gallardo español. Thus, all this influence will appear throughout the literary works and references of Cervantes that we will deal with throughout this article

    Exploring Regions of Interest: Visualizing Histological Image Classification for Breast Cancer using Deep Learning

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    Computer aided detection and diagnosis systems based on deep learning have shown promising performance in breast cancer detection. However, there are cases where the obtained results lack justification. In this study, our objective is to highlight the regions of interest used by a convolutional neural network (CNN) for classifying histological images as benign or malignant. We compare these regions with the regions identified by pathologists. To achieve this, we employed the VGG19 architecture and tested three visualization methods: Gradient, LRP Z, and LRP Epsilon. Additionally, we experimented with three pixel selection methods: Bins, K-means, and MeanShift. Based on the results obtained, the Gradient visualization method and the MeanShift selection method yielded satisfactory outcomes for visualizing the images

    Analyse des facteurs histo-pronostiques du cancer du rectum non métastatique dans une série ouest Algérienne de 58 cas au CHU-Tlemcen

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    RésuméIntroduction: l’objectif de notre travail est d’analyser les facteurs histo-pronostiques des cancers du rectum non métastatique opérés au service de chirurgie «A» de Tlemcen à ouest Algérien durant une période de six ans. Méthodes: étude rétrospective de 58 patients qui avait un adénocarcinome rectal. Le critère de jugement était la survie. Les paramètres étudiés, le sexe, l’âge, stade tumoral, et les récidives tumorales Résultats: l’âge moyen était de 58 ans. Avec 52% d’hommes contre 48% femmes avec sex-ratio (1,08). Le siège tumoral était: moyen rectum avec 41,37%, 34,48% au bas rectum et dans 24,13% au haut rectum. La classification TNM avec 17,65% au stade I, 18,61% au stade II, 53, 44% au stade III et 7,84% au stade IV. La survie médiane globale était de 40 mois ±2,937 mois. La survie en fonction du stade tumoral, le stade III et IV avait un faible taux de survie (19%) a 3 ans contre le stade I, II avait un taux de survie de (75%) (P=0,000) (IC 95%). Les patients avec récidives tumorales avaient un taux de survie faible à 3 ans par rapport à ceux n’ayant pas eu de récidive (30,85% Vs 64,30% P=0,043). Conclusion: dans cette série, l'étude uni varié des différents facteurs pronostiques conditionnant la survie n'a permis de retenir que trois facteurs influençant la survie, à savoir la taille tumorale, le stade, et les récidives tumorales. En analyse multi variée en utilisant le modèle Cox un seul facteur été retenu la récidive tumorale.English abstractIntroduction: the aim of our study was to analyze histoprognostic factors in patients with non-metastatic rectal cancer operated at the division of surgery "A" in Tlemcen, west Algeria, over a period of six years.Methods: retrospective study of 58 patients with rectal adenocarcinoma. Evaluation criterion was survival. Parameters studied were sex, age, tumor stage, tumor recurrence. Results: the average age was 58 years, 52% of men and 48% of women, with sex-ratio (1,08). Tumor seat was: middle rectum 41.37%, lower rectum 34.48% and upper rectum 24.13%. Concerning TNM clinical staging, patients were classified as stage I (17.65%), stage II (18.61%), stage III (53.44%) and stage IV (7.84%). Median overall survival was 40 months ±2,937 months. Survival based on tumor staging: stage III and IV had a lower 3 years survival rate (19%) versus stage I, II which had a survival rate of 75% (P = 0.000) (95% ). Patients with tumor recurrences had a lower 3 years survival rate compared to those who had no tumoral recurrences (30.85% vs 64.30% P = 0.043) . Conclusion: in this series, univariate analysis of prognostic factors affecting survival allowed to retain only three factors influencing survival: tumor size, stage and tumor recurrences. In multivariate analysis using Cox’s model only one factor was retained: tumor recurrence.Key words: Rectal adenocarcinoma, survival, recurrence

    Le goitre plongeant à Tlemcen dans l’ouest algérien: aspect clinique et thérapeutique de 1996-2014

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    La définition du goitre plongeant, la plus couramment employée, est tout goitre ne siégeant pas dans la région cervicale en position opératoire. Le but d'évaluer sa prise en charge, en insistant plus particulièrement sur les examens préopératoires, les difficultés chirurgicales et les complications postopératoire. Etude rétrospective étalée sur 16 ans; portant sur 50 cas colligés au service de chirurgie viscérale du CHU Tlemcen. L'intervention a consisté en une thyroïdectomie totale par voie cervicale dans 94% des cas. Ont été notées essentiellement, les hématomes, des paralysies récurentiels et les hypoparathyroïdie. L'âge moyen est de 54,76 ±11,992 ans Le caractère plongeant du goitre à été retrouvé chez 52% (n=26) parune échographie thyroïdienne. Le scanner cervico-thoracique était pratiqué chez 25 patients 50%. Il a permis de confirmer le caractère plongeant du goitre. Tous nos patients ont bénéficié eu un geste radicale (thyroïdectomie totale n=45, 90%), alors que 5 patients (10%) ayant déjà ont eu un geste sur la thyroïde, ont subi une totalisation. L'examen histologique à confirmé la bénignité dans 48 cas 96 %. Trois patients (6 %) avaientune paralysie récurentielle transitoire et un cas (2%) de paralysie récurentielle persistante. L'hypoparathyroïdie transitoire était notée chez (14%). Les goitres plongeants représentent une éventualité assez fréquente. Souvent révélés à l'occasion d'un examen clinique. L'examen tomodensitométrique qui permet l'exploration des espaces peu accessibles à l'imagerie conventionnelle. L'imagerie par résonance magnétique nucléaire paraît constituer une technique d'avenir.Keywords: Goitre plongeant, région cervicale, ouest algérien

    Fecundity of the blotched picarel, Spicara maena (Linnaeus, 1758) from Oran Bay (Western Mediterranean Sea)

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    The fecundity of the blotched picarel Spicara maena from the western Mediterranean (Oran Bay) was assessed by the volumetric method. Total length (TL) of studied females varied between 91 and 140 mm (mean ± SD: 111.9 ± 10.6 mm). Estimates of total potential annual fecundity varied from 16,750 to 28,125 oocytes per individual (mean ± SD: 21,404.7± 2,698.8). Relationships between total potential fecundity (F) and TL, total weight, gonad weight were established using the multiplicative regression model and a high significant correlation was found in all the cases