65 research outputs found

    Effect of Irradiation and Storage on the Physico-chemical Properties of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) Powder under Solar and Freeze-Dried Conditions in Ghana

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    A study was conducted to assess the effect of irradiation and storage on the physico-chemical properties of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) powder under solar dried and freeze-dried conditions in Ghana.  Forty kilogrammes (40 kg) of tomato fruits were obtained for the study. The fruits were solar and freeze dried and tomato powder obtained from them. These were exposed to gamma radiation from 1-3 kGy, with 0 kGy as control. The parameters investigated in the study for the two-month period include; moisture content, total soluble solids, total titratable acidity, pH and colour.  The pH of the samples ranged from 4.02 to 6.18, moisture content from 12.55% to 23.47%, total titratable acidity from 0.11% to 0.99%, total soluble solids from 4.80% to 5.06%, L*(colour) from 32.71 to 36.97, a* (colour) from 6.69 to 22.02 and b*(colour) from 14.38 to 22.91. Gamma radiation did not affect moisture content of the samples, total soluble solids, total titratable acidity and pH (p>0.05). Gamma irradiation affected the colour of the samples significantly (p<0.05). Key words: irradiation, storage, moisture content, pH, total soluble solids, solar dried, freeze dried, Akoma, month

    Crises epileptiques au cours de la toxoplasmose cerebrale chez les patients immunodeprimes au vih.

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    Objectif Décrire les caractéristiques des crises épileptiques au cours de la toxoplasmose cérébrale (TC) chez les patients immunodéprimés au VIH à l’Hôpital Général de Douala (HGD).Matériel méthodesIl s’agissait d’une étude descriptive rétrospective des cas de TC diagnostiquée entre janvier 2000 et décembre 2012. La prévalence, le type, la fréquence des crises épileptiques et les thérapeutiques antiépileptiques ont été étudiées. Les patients avec un antécédent de crises épileptiques étaient exclus. Le test de Khi-2 a été utilisé pour rechercher les facteurs associés à la survenue des crises épileptiques tandis que le test de Student a été utilisé pour comparer les moyennes. P < 0,05 était considéré comme statistiquement significatif.Résultats 146 patients étaient inclus avec 78 femmes pour un sex-ratio de 0,87 en faveur des femmes. L’âge moyen était de 39,38 ± 9,88 ans. Le taux de CD4 moyen était de 115,63 ± 142,70 éléments/ml. La prévalence des crises épileptiques était de 45,2% et 61% des épileptiques étaient répétées. Les crises épileptiques généralisées prédominaient avec 75,8%. Seuls la fièvre (p < 0,012), les céphalées (p < 0,004), le syndrome d’hypertension intracrânienne (p < 0,038), un taux de CD4 < 50/ mm3 (p < 0,02) et un taux d’hémoglobine < 10g/dl (p < 0,017) étaient statistiquement associés à la survenue des crises épileptiques. Un traitement antiépileptique était prescrit chez 43,2% des patients.Conclusion Les crises épileptiques sont fréquentes au cours de la toxoplasmose cérébrale. Elles peuvent se répéter et justifier d’un traitement antiépileptique.Mots clés : Toxoplasmose cérébrale, VIH, Crises épileptiques, Douala, Cameroun

    Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine for the Prevention or Treatment of Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Africa: Caution for Inappropriate Off-Label Use in Healthcare Settings

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    The novel severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 pandemic has spread to Africa, where nearly all countries have reported laboratory-confirmed cases of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Although there are ongoing clinical trials of repurposed and investigational antiviral and immune-based therapies, there are as yet no scientifically proven, clinically effective pharmacological treatments for COVID-19. Among the repurposed drugs, the commonly used antimalarials chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) have become the focus of global scientific, media, and political attention despite a lack of randomized clinical trials supporting their efficacy. Chloroquine has been used worldwide for about 75 years and is listed by the WHO as an essential medicine to treat malaria. Hydroxychloroquine is mainly used as a therapy for autoimmune diseases. However, the efficacy and safety of CQ/HCQ for the treatment of COVID-19 remains to be defined. Indiscriminate promotion and widespread use of CQ/HCQ have led to extensive shortages, self-treatment, and fatal overdoses. Shortages and increased market prices leave all countries vulnerable to substandard and falsified medical products, and safety issues are especially concerning for Africa because of its healthcare system limitations. Much needed in Africa is a cross-continental collaborative network for coordinated production, distribution, and post-marketing surveillance aligned to low-cost distribution of any approved COVID-19 drug; this would ideally be piggybacked on existing global aid efforts. Meanwhile, African countries should strongly consider implementing prescription monitoring schemes to ensure that any off-label CQ/HCQ use is appropriate and beneficial during this pandemic

    Chimiotherapie des angiosarcomes de Kaposi au service d'oncologie medicale de L'hopital General de Yaounde, Cameroun

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    Compte tenu de la séroprévalence de l'infection à VIH/SIDA au Cameroun (5,5%), le service d'oncologie médicale de l'Hôpital Général de Yaoundé, prend en charge par chimiothérapie les patients porteurs d'angiosarcome de Kaposi. Nous avons voulu évaluer la chimiothérapie de l'angiosarcome de Kaposi dans notre service. Une étude descriptive rétrospective a été menée sur une année. Les patients recrutés ont été ceux avec un diagnostic d'angiosarcome de Kaposi. Les données collectées étaient les suivantes : le sexe, l'âge, la localisation, les pathologies associées, la chimiothérapie administrée, les réponses et la tolérance. Les deux dernières données ont été évaluées selon les critères de l'OMS. Au cours de cette année, 57 patients ont été reçus pour un angiosarcome de Kaposi dont 31 (54,4%) hommes et 26 (47,6%) femmes. Les âges extrêmes ont été 14 et 76 ans avec une moyenne de 39,05 ans. La localisation principale était tégumentaire (65,6% des localisations), diffuse pour la plupart des cas. Des 43 patients testés, 38 (88,4%) avaient une sérologie VIH positive et 5 (11,6%) négatifs. Dans notre échantillon, 84,6% ont reçu une polychimiothérapie associant la doxorubucine, la bléomycine et la vincristine. Seuls 20 patients des 38 séropositifs soit 52,6% ont reçu des antiretroviraux. La réponse partielle a été objectivée chez 16 sur 19 (84,2%) de nos patients. La toxicité observée a été hématologique et 13 patients (22,8%) ont été transfusés pour anémie. Nous concluons que la chimiothérapie est bénéfique dans le traitement du sarcome de Kaposi. Des études comparatives ultérieures précisent si le traitement de ces patients améliore la qualité de vie et la survie. Clinics in Mother and Child Health Vol. 3(1) 2006: 469-47

    A dual role for A-type lamins in DNA double-strand break repair

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    A-type lamins are emerging as regulators of nuclear organization and function. Changes in their expression are associated with cancer and mutations are linked to degenerative diseases—laminopathies. Although a correlation exists between alterations in lamins and genomic instability, the molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. We previously found that loss of A-type lamins leads to degradation of 53BP1 protein and defective long-range non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) of dysfunctional telomeres. Here, we determined how loss of A-type lamins affects the repair of short-range DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) induced by ionizing radiation (IR). We find that lamins deficiency allows activation of the DNA damage response, but compromises the accumulation of 53BP1 at IR-induced foci (IRIF), hindering the fast phase of repair corresponding to classical-NHEJ. Importantly, reconstitution of 53BP1 is sufficient to rescue long-range and short-range NHEJ. Moreover, we demonstrate an unprecedented role for A-type lamins in the maintenance of homologous recombination (HR). Depletion of lamins compromises HR by a mechanism involving transcriptional downregulation of BRCA1 and RAD51 by the repressor complex formed by the Rb family member p130 and E2F4. In line with the DNA repair defects, lamins-deficient cells exhibit increased radiosensitivity. This study demonstrates that A-type lamins promote genomic stability by maintaining the levels of proteins with key roles in DNA DSBs repair by NHEJ and HR. Our results suggest that silencing of A-type lamins by DNA methylation in some cancers could contribute to the genomic instability that drives malignancy. In addition, lamins-deficient tumor cells could represent a good target for radiation therapy

    Stratification of the risk of developing severe or lethal Covid-19 using a new score from a large Italian population: A population-based cohort study

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    Objectives To develop a population-based risk stratification model (COVID-19 Vulnerability Score) for predicting severe/fatal clinical manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infection, using the multiple source information provided by the healthcare utilisation databases of the Italian National Health Service. Design Retrospective observational cohort study. Setting Population-based study using the healthcare utilisation database from five Italian regions. Participants Beneficiaries of the National Health Service, aged 18-79 years, who had the residentship in the five participating regions. Residents in a nursing home were not included. The model was built from the 7 655 502 residents of Lombardy region. Main outcome measure The score included gender, age and 29 conditions/diseases selected from a list of 61 conditions which independently predicted the primary outcome, that is, severe (intensive care unit admission) or fatal manifestation of COVID-19 experienced during the first epidemic wave (until June 2020). The score performance was validated by applying the model to several validation sets, that is, Lombardy population (second epidemic wave), and the other four Italian regions (entire 2020) for a total of about 15.4 million individuals and 7031 outcomes. Predictive performance was assessed by discrimination (areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve) and calibration (plot of observed vs predicted outcomes). Results We observed a clear positive trend towards increasing outcome incidence as the score increased. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the COVID-19 Vulnerability Score ranged from 0.85 to 0.88, which compared favourably with the areas of generic scores such as the Charlson Comorbidity Score (0.60). A remarkable performance of the score on the calibration of observed and predicted outcome probability was also observed. Conclusions A score based on data used for public health management accurately predicted the occurrence of severe/fatal manifestations of COVID-19. Use of this score may help health decision-makers to more accurately identify high-risk citizens who need early preventive or treatment interventions

    Traditional Medicine: Past, present and future research and development prospects and integration in the National Health System of Cameroon

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    Traditional medicine refers to health practices, approaches, knowledge and beliefs incorporating plant, animal and mineral based medicines, spiritual therapies, manual techniques and exercises, applied singularly or in combination to treat, diagnose and prevent illnesses or maintain well-being. In the last decade traditional medicine has become very popular in Cameroon, partly due to the long unsustainable economic situation in the country. The high cost of drugs and increase in drug resistance to common diseases like malaria, bacteria infections and other sexually transmitted diseases has caused the therapeutic approach to alternative traditional medicine as an option for concerted search for new chemical entities (NCE). The World Health Organisation (WHO) in collaboration with the Cameroon Government has put in place a strategic platform for the practice and development of TM in Cameroon. This platform aims at harmonizing the traditional medicine practice in the country, create a synergy between TM and modern medicine and to institutionalize a more harmonized integrated TM practices by the year 2012 in Cameroon. An overview of the practice of TM past, present and future perspectives that underpins the role in sustainable poverty alleviation has been discussed. This study gives an insight into the  strategic plan and road map set up by the Government of Cameroon for the organisational framework and research platform for the practice and development of TM, and the global partnership involving the management of TM in the country.Key words: Tradttional medicine, Cameroon

    Immunomics-guided discovery of serum and urine antibodies for diagnosing urogenital schistosomiasis:A biomarker identification study

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    Background: Sensitive diagnostics are needed for effective management and surveillance of schistosomiasis so that current transmission interruption goals set by WHO can be achieved. We aimed to screen the Schistosoma haematobium secretome to find antibody biomarkers of schistosome infection, validate their diagnostic performance in samples from endemic populations, and evaluate their utility as point of care immunochromatographic tests (POC-ICTs) to diagnose urogenital schistosomiasis in the field. Methods: We did a biomarker identification study, in which we constructed a proteome array containing 992 validated and predicted proteins from S haematobium and screened it with serum and urine antibodies from endemic populations in Gabon, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. Arrayed antigens that were IgG-reactive and a select group of antigens from the worm extracellular vesicle proteome, predicted to be diagnostically informative, were then evaluated by ELISA using the same samples used to probe arrays, and samples from individuals residing in a low-endemicity setting (ie, Pemba and Unguja islands, Zanzibar, Tanzania). The two most sensitive and specific antigens were incorporated into POC-ICTs to assess their ability to diagnose S haematobium infection from serum in a field-deployable format. Findings: From array probing, in individuals who were infected, 208 antigens were the targets of significantly elevated IgG responses in serum and 45 antigens were the targets of significantly elevated IgG responses in urine. Of the five proteins that were validated by ELISA, Sh-TSP-2 (area under the curve [AUC]serum=0·98 [95% CI 0·95-1·00]; AUCurine=0·96 [0·93-0·99]), and MS3_01370 (AUCserum=0·93 [0·89-0·97]; AUCurine=0·81 [0·72-0·89]) displayed the highest overall diagnostic performance in each biofluid and exceeded that of S haematobium-soluble egg antigen in urine (AUC=0·79 [0·69-0·90]). When incorporated into separate POC-ICTs, Sh-TSP-2 showed absolute specificity and a sensitivity of 75% and MS3_01370 showed absolute specificity and a sensitivity of 89%. Interpretation: We identified numerous biomarkers of urogenital schistosomiasis that could form the basis of novel antibody diagnostics for this disease. Two of these antigens, Sh-TSP-2 and MS3_01370, could be used as sensitive, specific, and field-deployable diagnostics to support schistosomiasis control and elimination initiatives, with particular focus on post-elimination surveillance. Funding: Australian Trade and Investment Commission and Merck Global Health Institute