205 research outputs found

    Feasibility of a Community-Based Sickle Cell Trait Testing and Counseling Program

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    Background: Sickle cell trait (SCT) screening is required at birth in the United States; however, adults rarely know their SCT status prior to having children. Purpose: Assess feasibility of a community-based SCT education and testing intervention. Methods: Participants were recruited from eight community sites to complete an educational program and offered a hemoglobin analysis. A genetic counselor met individually with participants to discuss lab results. Results: Between July 14, 2010 and May 31, 2012, 637 participants completed the educational program. Five hundred seventy (89.5%) provided a blood sample, and 61 (10.9%) had SCT or other hemoglobinopathies. The genetic counselor met with 321 (56.3%) participants. Conclusions: Community-based SCT testing shows initial feasibility and may increase the number of individuals who know their trait status

    Caring for the Caregiver: A Feasibility Study of an Online Program that Addresses Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Secondary Trauma

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    Background: Informal caregivers are susceptible to compassion fatigue in vicarious response to another’s suffering. The purpose of the study was to determine the feasibility of an online program that addresses compassion fatigue, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress in informal caregivers. Method: The study used a pre-post repeated measures feasibility design. Eighty-six participants were initially recruited. The intervention consisted of a 70-min online program. The participants completed surveys before and after program completion. The number of participants that completed each study phase was recorded to determine feasibility outcomes of acceptability, implementation, and demand. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test was employed to analyze survey results. Results: Ten participants completed all study phases. Of the participants recruited and consented to participate, 29% completed part of the program, 12% completed all phases, and 70% reported they would recommend the online program. The results of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test revealed that completion of the online program elicited a significant change in secondary traumatic stress-related outcomes. Conclusion: Findings provided preliminary evidence suggesting that the online program may be a feasible intervention to support informal caregiver mental health. Future efficacy testing of the online program is needed with specific consideration of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting social isolation impacting mental health

    Advantages of Using a Block Unstructured Grid in a Casting Scenario

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    Numerical modeling of heat transfer during solidification has become widespread in the foundry industry. This is because it is possible to investigate the effects of adjustment to the casting variables on final casting quality, without having to do costly trial-and-error experiments. After selecting a suitable mathematical model, one has to choose an appropriate discretization method. If the grid is very fine, each type of method yields the same solution. However, some methods are more suitable to some classes of problems than others. The main objective of this paper is to demonstrate the advantages of using a block unstructured grid in combination with a generalized curvilinear formulation in a casting scenario and compare the performance of two discretization methods, finite differences (FD) and finite volume (FV). The validation of the numerical procedure is done by comparison with measurements which experimental set up is also described. A very good agreement of both numerical methods were verified with a slightly advantage for the finite volume method. Block unstructured grids works well with both discretization methods, allows obtain any physical feature in specific positions of the domain and is suitable for parallel computation; in combination with a generalized curvilinear formulation allows avoid geometric complexities and the development of more efficient algorithms.

    Development and feasibility of a home-based education model for families of children with sickle cell disease

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    BACKGROUND: Children with sickle cell disease (SCD) commonly have cognitive deficits, even among toddlers. Much medical literature emphasizes disease-based factors to account for these deficits. However, the social environment plays a large role in child development. To address the specific needs of early childhood, a monthly hospital-based education program was initiated to educate parents about child development. Education sessions were poorly attended (20-25%) and deemed unsuccessful. This study describes the development and implementation of a home-based education service to teach parents about SCD, developmental milestones and positive parenting techniques. METHODS: This was a prospective, single-arm intervention to study the feasibility of a home-based caregiver education program for families with infants and toddlers with SCD. Parents of children aged 0-3 years with SCD from one Midwestern hospital were approached to participate in a home-based program. The program followed the Born to Learn™ curriculum provided through the Parents as Teachers™ National Center. Reminder calls or texts were provided the day before each visit. Results of the first twenty-six months of the program are presented. RESULTS: A total of 62% (56 of 91) of families approached agreed to participate; all were African American. The majority of caregivers were single mothers with a high school education or less and whose children had Medicaid for health coverage. The phenotypes of SCD represented in this sample were similar to those in the general SCD population. Over 26 months, 39 families received at least one home visit. Parents of infants (younger than 8 months) were more likely to participate in the home-based education program than parents of older children, (Fisher’s exact test, p < .001). CONCLUSIONS: For participating families, home-based visits were a feasible method for reinforcing clinic education. About 43% of eligible families participated in the education, a two-fold increase in the poor attendance (20%) for a previous hospital-based program. A home visitation program for parents of infants with SCD could offer an effective approach to helping these children overcome adverse environmental conditions that are compounded by the complexities of a chronic health condition


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    A exportação é caracterizada pela remessa para fora de um país de bens ou serviços nele produzidos, constituindo-se como uma alternativa estratégica de desenvolvimento, que requer conhecimentos específicos e um ganho de experiências que pode propiciar maior competitividade em mercados globais. Desta forma, este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar uma experiência de ensino aplicada no Curso de Administração-Comércio Exterior da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense – UNESC, por meio da disciplina de Práticas Gerenciais de Comércio Exterior. Metodologicamente, caracteriza-se, quanto aos fins, com uma pesquisa descritiva, e, quanto aos meios de investigação, como bibliográfica, documental e um estudo de caso. O estudo focou sua descrição na prática exportadora, por meio de dados secundários e com uma abordagem essencialmente qualitativa. Verificou-se que esta experiência de ensino proporciona aos acadêmicos uma aproximação com Pequenas e Médias Empresas - PME´s, por meio de reuniões e seminários, bem como o conhecimento para ambos, de todos os trâmites comerciais, documentais, aduaneiros e financeiros aplicados em um processo de exportação

    Biomassa combustível em campo sujo no entorno do Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brasil

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    A Chapada Diamantina é uma região montanhosa de interesse especial para conservação, pois possui elevada biodiversidade e é sujeita a incêndios frequentes, cujos efeitos ainda não estão bem avaliados. O presente estudo objetivou quantificar a biomassa vegetal aérea em campo sujo, dois anos após um incêndio, e avaliar se esse período permite acúmulo suficiente de biomassa para a queima dessa vegetação, e em caso positivo, estimar a proporção de biomassa consumida pelo fogo. Visou também caracterizar a composição de famílias de plantas vasculares e a distribuição vertical do combustível. O campo sujo situa-se na Área de Proteção Ambiental Marimbus-Iraquara, circundante ao Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina, representando um encrave de fitofisionomias de cerrado sensu lato dentro do bioma Caatinga. A amostragem no campo sujo foi estratificada em áreas de campo sem arbustos e árvores (C), em manchas de arbustos e arvoretas (AA) e em áreas sem arbustos e árvores, mas com subarbustos (S), utilizando-se 20 parcelas de 1m x 1m, nas quais foram determinadas as porcentagens de cobertura e alturas das morfoespécies, discernidas em famílias de plantas. A biomassa vegetal aérea foi coletada em 10 parcelas, separando-se entre fina (até 0,3cm de diâmetro) e grossa (mais de 0,3cm de diâmetro). Após isso, foram realizadas duas queimadas experimentais, coletando-se a biomassa aérea restante nas outras 10 parcelas. Análises de variância foram utilizadas para as comparações. A biomassa em C foi 491,6g m-2, em S 530g m-2 e em AA 1.395,3g m-2. A biomassa fina é contínua e essencialmente constituída de plantas da família Poaceae, sendo em grande parte consumida pelas queimadas (95 a 97%), enquanto que a maior parte do combustível grosso não foi consumida, constituído principalmente de plantas da família Fabaceae nas manchas de arbustos e arvoretas, mais altas e heterogêneas. A alta inflamabilidade do campo sujo estudado e a curta distância deste ao Parque Nacional Chapada Diamantina demonstram a necessidade da inclusão das áreas campestres circundantes nas ações de combate e prevenção de incêndios nessa região. Palavras-chave: Cerrado; fogo; resíduo vegetal; vegetação campestre

    Imprescriptibilidad de la pena en delitos de violación sexual en menores de edad (ley 30838), y la vulneración del derecho de igualdad ante la ley, Piura - 2020

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    En la presente investigación, se tuvo como objetivo general determinar de qué manera la imprescriptibilidad en los delitos de violación en menores de edad establecidos en la Ley N° 30838 vulneraria el derecho de igualdad ante la ley, realizada en la ciudad de Piura-2020, teniendo un tipo de investigación básica y un diseño basado en la teoría fundamentada; para la recolección de la información se empleó el cuestionario de entrevista y la guía de análisis de documentos, los cuales fueron validados por el juicio de tres expertos en la materia Jueces, Abogados y Fiscales. La problemática a analizar no es pacífica en la doctrina, y encierra a su vez otros subtemas, que no van hacer evadidas en el desarrollo de nuestra investigación, sin descuidar nuestro tema de fondo, puesto que también hemos recurrido a la jurisprudencia nacional y comparada, que son de gran importancia para la comunidad jurídica, dado que el tema de la imprescriptibilidad de la pena no ha sido debidamente desarrollado por la dogmática especializada a raíz de la promulgación Ley N° 30838

    Understanding Physical Conditions in High Redshift Galaxies through C I Fine Structure Lines: Data and Methodology

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    We probe the physical conditions in high redshift galaxies, specifically, the Damped Lyman-alpha Systems (DLAs) using neutral carbon (CI) fine structure lines and molecular hydrogen (H2). We report five new detections of CI and analyze the CI in an additional 2 DLAs with previously published data. We also present one new detection of H2 in a DLA. We present a new method of analysis that simultaneously constrains \emph{both} the volume density and the temperature of the gas, as opposed to previous studies that a priori assumed a gas temperature. We use only the column density of CI measured in the fine structure states and the assumption of ionization equilibrium in order to constrain the physical conditions in the gas. We present a sample of 11 CI velocity components in 6 DLAs and compare their properties to those derived by the global CII* technique. The resulting median values for this sample are: = 69 cm^{-3}, = 50 K, and = 3.86 cm^{-3} K, with standard deviations, sigma_{n(HI)} = 134 cm^{-3}, sigma_T = 52 K, and sigma_{log(P/k)} = 3.68 cm^{-3} K. This can be compared with the integrated median values for the same DLAs : = 2.8 cm^{-3}, = 139 K, and = 2.57 cm^{-3} K, with standard deviations sigma_{n(HI)} = 3.0 cm^{-3}, sigma_T = 43 K, and sigma_{log(P/k)} = 0.22 cm^{-3} K. Interestingly, the pressures measured in these high redshift CI clouds are similar to those found in the Milky Way. We conclude that the CI gas is tracing a higher-density, higher-pressure region, possibly indicative of post-shock gas or a photodissociation region on the edge of a molecular cloud. We speculate that these clouds may be direct probes of the precursor sites of star formation in normal galaxies at high redshift.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Monitoreo de variables meteorológicas para la diferenciación del viñedo

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    Frente a la necesidad de diferenciar el viñedo, contar con varios puntos de monitoreo de variables meteorológicas resulta de gran utilidad. El bajo costo de utilizar tecnologías de hardware y software libre, tales como Arduino, se convierte en una alternativa para lograr una mayor densidad de puntos de medición, así como su desarrollo por no expertos en electrónica. El presente trabajo presenta la primera etapa de un proyecto de monitoreo de variables meteorológicas para la diferenciación del viñedo: el desarrollo del prototipo de módulo de medición.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ