5 research outputs found

    Changing attitudes towards occupational medicine with blended learning methods is possible among medical students in spain: a longitudinal study

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    Medical students generally express a low interest in Occupational Medicine. We aimed to assess the attitudes and changes in attitudes of students towards this area after completing a course on Occupational Medicine in two Medical Universities in Spain (Zaragoza and Castilla-La Mancha). The teaching method included blended learning as a model that used online virtual patient platforms (CASUS) and/or EMUTOM, as well as traditional methods such as face-to-face teaching. A total of 526 students (98 of whom attended the University of Castilla-La Mancha) participated during three academic years (2015–2016, 2016–2017 and 2017–2018). The validation of the questionnaire was carried out using reliability, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. For the analysis of internal consistency and discrimination, Cronbach’s alpha was used. The adequacy of the factor analysis was measured by means of KMO, and a correlation matrix was examined by means of Bartlett’s test of sphericity. To identify differences between students before and after completing the course, the Mann–Whitney U-test for independent samples was used. Our results show that despite a negative or neutral attitude towards Occupational Medicine, the acquisition of competences and skills in this area and their training were recognized as fundamental for their future professional performance as doctors in any specialty

    Análisis del grado de satisfacción con la formación en modalidad blended learning y el uso de herramientas de innovación docente en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios

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    Este trabajo evalúa la satisfacción de una muestra de estudiantes con respecto al modelo blended learning de la docencia de la materia Medicina del Trabajo en la Facultad de Medicina de Zaragoza y las dos herramientas de innovación docente que se utilizan en ella. Se realizó un estudio de corte mixto, que evaluó diferentes variables relativas al cumplimiento de los objetivos mediante tres cuestionarios ad hoc y dos grupos de discusión. El resultado obtenido arrojó que la mayoría del alumnado está satisfecho con la formación recibida, con el uso de ambas herramientas y demostró una mejora significativa de la actitud de los estudiantes hacia la asignatura antes y después de cursarla, demostrando la excelente acogida de este modelo

    Attitudes toward School Violence against LGBTQIA+. A Qualitative Study

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    School climate is one of the main concerns in terms of research and intervention worldwide. Although it can be directed toward any student, some groups seem to be more vulnerable, as is the case of the LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex +) students, among others. Attitudes toward violence are a construct of particular importance for action plans focused on improving school coexistence. The aim of this study is to examine attitudes toward school violence against LGBTQIA+ students and their relationship with violent behaviors. For this purpose, 96 Spanish students of Spanish elementary education (PE) and compulsory secondary education (CSE) participated in this qualitative study through focus groups for its subsequent thematic analysis. The results identify four types of attitudes toward violence, such as the use of violence as a form of fun, to feel better, when it is perceived as legitimate, and as a way of relating to the LGBTQIA+ community. In addition, a greater number of negative attitudes and violent behaviors toward homosexual boys and transgender minors are observed