321 research outputs found

    Managing the necessary cross-disciplinary approach to organic farming research programmes: example of an organic bread programme.

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    This programme was developed within a cross-disciplinary approach resulting from five project proposals focusing on the organic wheat, flour and bread sector. More than 30 researchers from nine academic research laboratories, five technical centres, three development agencies and four industrial firms were involved in the project, covering a large area of expertise (from genetics to sociology). The programme adopted a reverse engineering approach, starting from consumer expectations and travelling, link-by-link, up the food chain. A qualitative study of consumer perception and expectations showed that organic bread was perceived as a natural, nourishing and healthy product, and that although its organoleptic characteristics (volume, texture, etc.) were a determining factor, they in no way totally accounted for the quality of the product. Nutritional value and safety must also be taken into consideration, especially in the case of occasional consumers. Based on this study, work was undertaken to find processing conditions to turn grain into flour and flour into bread, which would meet those expectations. New roller milling diagrams were developed at the industrial scale in order to produce flour with higher fibre and micronutrient contents. Studies of the bread-making process have shown that higher levels of lactic acid bacterium production in millstone flour are probably linked to its mineral content. A more acidic environment, due to sourdough fermentation, increases phytasic activity (improving digestibility) and increases mineral bioavailability, including magnesium. Based on those findings, prototype breads were developed and assessed by two panels of 60 people in two different regions of France. The results showed that it was possible to produce bread that satisfied consumers’ sensory and nutritional expectations by adapting the fractionation processes during bread-making according to the characteristics of the wheat. Finally, this programme resulted in a large number of publications and created a dynamic process between participants. It served as the backbone for several complementary satellite programmes that enhanced the original research while being integrated and supported by the project management committee

    Agronomical techniques to improve technological and sanitary quality

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    In spite of variable grain protein contents, baking quality of organic wheat was found to be acceptable to good. Mycotoxin (DON) infestation was generally low on tested grain samples. Choice of wheat cultivar was the most efficient way to obtain higher grain quality. Fertilization with readily available nitrogen and, to a lower extent, association with legumes and green manures with mixtures containing fodder legumes also improved grain quality. Reduced tillage affected soil quality and wheat yield but had little effects on grain quality

    Techniques to improve technological and sanitary quality

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    Agronomical ways for better quality and safety Choice of cultivar is an efficient way to obtain higher grain quality. Intercropping legumes (grain or forage) improves weed competition and N availability for wheat crop or succeeding crop. Green manure can be an effective alternative to farmyard manure. Fertilization with readily available nitrogen improves yield and quality when water is available. Reduced tillage affects soil fertility and wheat yield but has little effects on grain quality. Technological ways for better quality and safety Milling process strongly influences flour characteristics. Stone milling improves nutritive value; characteristics remain very stable independent of the milling yield. Flour characteristics from roller milling appear very susceptible to the milling yield. Increasing the milling yield in the aim of enriching nutritional quality has a detrimental effect either on safety (DON) or on bread-making quality (bread volume)

    Technological quality of organic wheat in Europe

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    The demand for high quality organic bread wheat is increasing. The quality level of organic wheat harvested in EU is mainly dependant on variety, environmental conditions and agronomic practices. In some countries, protein content and composition, influencing technological value, are equivalent to those produced under conventional practices. Beside agronomical techniques, technological processes can help to maintain a good quality. Pre-treatments before milling such as debranning were found to be efficient in reducing DON contamination. The project highlighted the necessity to redefine the methods to assess the quality of organic wheat

    Bcl-2/Bax protein ratio predicts 5-fluorouracil sensitivity independently of p53 status

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    p53 tumour-suppressor gene is involved in cell growth control, arrest and apoptosis. Nevertheless cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induction can be observed in p53-defective cells after exposure to DNA-damaging agents such as 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) suggesting the importance of alternative pathways via p53-independent mechanisms. In order to establish relationship between p53 status, cell cycle arrest, Bcl-2/Bax regulation and 5-FU sensitivity, we examined p53 mRNA and protein expression and p53 protein functionality in wild-type (wt) and mutant (mt) p53 cell lines. p53 mRNA and p53 protein expression were determined before and after exposure to equitoxic 5-FU concentration in six human carcinoma cell lines differing in p53 status and displaying marked differences in 5-FU sensitivity, with IC 50 values ranging from 0.2–22.6 mM. 5-FU induced a rise in p53 mRNA expression in mt p53 cell lines and in human papilloma virus positive wt p53 cell line, whereas significant decrease in p53 mRNA expression was found in wt p53 cell line. Whatever p53 status, 5-FU altered p53 transcriptional and translational regulation leading to up-regulation of p53 protein. In relation with p53 functionality, but independently of p53 mutational status, after exposure to 5-FU equitoxic concentration, all cell lines were able to arrest in G1. No relationship was evidenced between G1 accumulation ability and 5-FU sensitivity. Moreover, after 5-FU exposure, Bax and Bcl-2 proteins regulation was under p53 protein control and a statistically significant relationship (r= 0.880,P= 0.0097) was observed between Bcl-2/Bax ratio and 5-FU sensitivity. In conclusion, whatever p53 status, Bcl-2 or Bax induction and Bcl-2/Bax protein ratio were correlated to 5-FU sensitivity. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Améliorer la qualité technologique, nutritionnelle et sanitaire du bléiologique. Principaux leviers agronomiques et technologiques

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    Communication lors du colloque "DinABio 2013", 13 et 14 novembre 2013 à Tours (Fance)The organic bread wheat market has been diversified over time through the emergence of different sale channels. Processors require organic bread wheat of higher quality and safety in order to meet the consumers’ demand. The overall objective of the AGTEC-Org project was to identify agronomical and technological ways to improve the performance of organic wheat and flour. The findings would contribute to enhanced baking quality and nutritional value of organic flour, as well as prevention of mycotoxin contamination. The project involved 9 research centers or universities from 5 European countries for a total budget of about 1.5 million €. More than 400 experimental treatments were analyzed from 23 agronomic trials and 4 lab-experiments on food technology. Choice of cultivar is an efficient way to obtain higher grain quality. Intercropping legumes (grain or forage) improves weed control and N availability for wheat crop or succeeding crop. Green manure can be an effective alternative to farmyard manure. Fertilization with organic fertilizers improves yield and quality when water is available. Reduced tillage affects soil fertility and wheat yield but has little effects on grain quality. Milling process strongly influences flour characteristics. Stone milling improves the nutritive value and flour characteristics remain very stable independently of the milling yield. However, stone milling slightly raises DON levels. Characteristics of flour produced by means of roller milling appear very dependent on milling yield, instead. Increasing milling yield with the aim of enriching nutritional quality has a detrimental effect on either safety (DON) or bread-making quality (bread volume). Debranning before milling has a very positive impact on flour safety by reducing its DON content by 50 %.Les acteurs de la filière blé biologique panifiable font face à divers enjeux complémentaires voire parfois contradictoires. Les agriculteurs et transformateurs souhaitent augmenter les niveaux de production tout en satisfaisant prioritairement les attentes des consommateurs pour une alimentation de meilleure qualité nutritionnelle et sanitaire, plus durable et plus respectueuse de l’environnement. Le projet européen AGTEC-Org a eu pour objectif d’identifier les leviers agronomiques et technologiques permettant d’améliorer conjointement la productivité et la qualité des blés et des farines biologiques. Il a réuni agronomes, technologues et économistes issus de 9 centres de recherche et universités européennes pour un budget total de 1,5 M€. Plus de 400 traitements expérimentaux ont été analysés à partir de 23 expérimentations agronomiques et 4 expérimentations technologiques. Le choix de la variété est un moyen efficace pour obtenir une qualité de grain supérieure. L’insertion de légumineuses (grain ou fourrage) dans le blé améliore la compétition avec les adventices et la nutrition azotée du blé et/ou de la culture de printemps suivante. L’utilisation régulière d’engrais vert peut être une alternative pour compenser l’absence de fumiers sur l’exploitation. La fertilisation organique améliore le rendement et la qualité des blés lorsque la nutrition hydrique est assurée. La suppression du labour peut affecter la fertilité du sol et le rendement du blé alors qu’elle n’intervient pas sur la qualité du grain. Le mode de broyage (meule de pierre vs cylindres) influence fortement les caractéristiques technologiques, la sécurité sanitaire et la valeur nutritionnelle de la farine. Le broyage sur meule améliore la composition nutritionnelle mais augmente aussi la présence de certains contaminants. Les caractéristiques de la farine broyée sur meule de pierre sont moins influencées par le rendement en mouture. Au contraire, les caractéristiques de la farine obtenue par cylindre apparaissent très dépendantes du rendement en mouture. Augmenter le rendement en farine dans l’objectif d’enrichir la qualité nutritionnelle réduit aussi bien la sécurité sanitaire (DON) que la qualité boulangère (volume du pain). Le décorticage des grains avant broyage diminue les risques sanitaires en réduisant le taux de mycotoxines (DON) de 50%

    A Thin Skin Calorimeter (TSC) for Quantifying Irradiation During Large-scale Fire Testing

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    This paper details a novel method for quantifying irradiation (incident radiant heat flux) at the exposed surface of solid elements during large-scale fire testing. Within the scope of the work presented herein, a type of Thin Skin Calorimeter (TSC) was developed intending for a practical, low cost device enabling the cost-effective mass production required for characterising the thermal boundary conditions during multiple large-scale fire tests. The technical description of the TSC design and a formulation of the proposed calibration technique are presented. This methodology allows for the quantification of irradiation by means of an a posteriori analysis based on a temperature measurement from the TSC, a temperature measurement of the gas-phase in the vicinity of the TSC and a correction factor defined during a pre-test calibration process. The proposed calibration methodology is designed to account for uncertainties inherent to the simplicity of the irradiation measurement technique, therefore not requiring precise information regarding material thermal and optical properties. This methodology is designed and presented so as to enable adaption of the technique to meet the specific requirements of other experimental setups. This is conveyed by means of an example detailing the design and calibration of a device designed for a series of large-scale experiments as part of the ‘Real Fires for the Safe Design of Tall Buildings’ project

    The use of variable delay multipulse chemical exchange saturation transfer for separately assessing different CEST pools in the human brain at 7T

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    PURPOSE: Current challenges of in vivo CEST imaging include overlapping signals from different pools. The overlap arises from closely resonating pools and/or the broad magnetization transfer contrast (MTC) from macromolecules. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of variable delay multipulse (VDMP) CEST to separately assess solute pools with different chemical exchange rates in the human brain in vivo, while mitigating the MTC. METHODS: VDMP saturation buildup curves were simulated for amines, amides, and relayed nuclear Overhauser effect. VDMP data were acquired from glutamate and bovine serum albumin phantoms, and from six healthy volunteers at 7T. For the in vivo data, MTC removal was performed via a three-pool Lorentzian fitting. Different B1 amplitudes and mixing times were used to evaluate CEST pools with different exchange rates. RESULTS: The results show the importance of removing MTC when applying VDMP in vivo and the influence of B1 for distinguishing different pools. Finally, the optimal B1 and mixing times to effectively saturate slow- and fast-exchanging components are also reported. Slow-exchanging amides and rNOE components could be distinguished when using B1 = 1 μT and tmix = 10 ms and 40 ms, respectively. Fast-exchanging components reached the highest saturation when using a B1 = 2.8 μT and tmix = 0 ms. CONCLUSION: VDMP is a powerful CEST-editing tool, exploiting chemical exchange-rate differences. After MTC removal, it allows separate assessment of slow- and fast-exchanging solute pools in in vivo human brain
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