124 research outputs found

    Some Important Problems on Plan−Making for Development of Region

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    I was involved in drawing up the general plan of many regions and took part in the specified project for about forty years. Based on my various experiences, I try to consider some basic problems on the development of region and the industry policy. This will contribute to make an angle of view of promoting the development of region to straighten out the inferiority of economic level. The points to stress are as follows. (1) In these days when the mega−competition is so keen, the product innovation and the creation of new products has been important inoreasingly for the manufacturing industry to survive or develop. (2) The cration of new industry and its accumulation is earnestly desired so that the manufacturing industry can secure the continuous high growth. The definitive point is whether there is the nucleus to give impetus to it. (3) The rate of increase of working population is depend on overwhelmingly the degree of enlargement of service industry. (4) The accumulation pattern of knowledge intensive service function (or industry) is raising its importance as the factor to determine the power of city. (5) The core city of the prefectural area must accumulate the highest level of knowledge intensive service function (or industry) first of all. (6) The plan which does not make who carry out clear is insignificant.私が県レベルさらには中国地方レベルの「総合計画」に一介の経済学の研究者としてかかわり始めたのは,1962年に「全国総合計画」が提示されてからである。それ以後県内外多くの地域の「総合計画」に関与してきたが,特定プロジェクトの作業にも加わってきた。そのなかで「モデル定住圏整備 計画」(1979年),NIRA(総合研究開発機構)依託研究「中国・四国地方におけるサービス経済化時代における地域づくり」(1979~80年),「中国地域産業ビジョン」(1981年),「宇部地域テクノポリス 計画」(1982年),「コミュニィティ・マート構想」(1984年),1968年以来断続的に試みられてきた「山口県県史中核都市構想」などは,今日から見ても有意な要素を含んでいる半面少なからざる反省材料にもなっている。現在「地域格差」拡大がいわゆる「地方圏」における大きい問題となり,その是正が国の政策課題として大きいウエイトを占めようとしている。「地方圏」内においても格差が存在しているし,格差拡大も見られるが,今特に注目されているのは,東京(圏)の優位格差の上昇と「衰退」いちじるしい「地方圏」の都市の増加であろう。前者については,2001年に底を突いての景気(成長)回復過程における東京都の人口1人当たり所得の推移(平成16年度『県民経済年報』内閣府経済社会総合研究所)でよく表れている。所得指標よりも分かりやすいのが人口動態である。東京圏(東京,神奈川,埼玉,千葉),中部圏(愛知,岐阜,三重),関西圏(大阪,兵庫,京都,奈良,滋賀)を除く「地方圏」における「国勢調査」人口数は,1995~2000年の横這いから2000~05年の減少に転じているが,東京は2.5%から4.2%(東京圏をとると2.6%から3.1%)と増加率を高めている。国立社会保障・人口問題研究所の2007年 5月の推計によると,2000~25年において東京は47万7千人(3.8%),東京圏は10万5千人(0.3%)の増加,「地方圏」は671万3千人(10.8%)の減少となっている。人口数の増減におけるかかる不均等性については,「所得生産性が高い都市で人口が増えるのは当然すぎる程当然であり,東京に労働力,資本が集中して成長能力を高めるのはわが国にとってもプラスである」という見方も有力である。「地方圏」の多くの県は「地域振興策」をあらためて組み立てようとしているが,産業構造,産業 組織などが世界的なスケールにおいて激変しているなかでいかなる「振興策」であるべきなのか,が問われなくてはならなくなっている。私はこれまで関係してきた「総合計画」,特定のプロジェクトを評価しながら,山口県の実態に即しつつも「地方圏」における地域経済発展と地域産業政策の根本問題について若干考察してみることとする


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    内容の要旨 , 審査の要旨広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(保健学)Doctor of Philosophy in Health Sciencedoctora

    Proposal and Evaluation of Toilet Timing Suggestion Methods for the Elderly

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    Elderly people need to urinate frequently, and when they go on outings they often have a difficult time finding restrooms. Because of this, researching a body water management system is needed. Our proposed system calculates timing trips to the toilet in consideration with both their schedules and the amount of body water needing to be expelled, and recommends using the restroom with sufficient time before needing to urinate. In this paper, we describe the suggested methods of this system and show the experimental results for the toilet timing suggestion methods

    1997年岡山県下に発生した集団食中毒患者から分離された腸管出血性大腸菌EHEC O157 : H7のパルスフィールドゲル電気泳動法による遺伝子解析

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    Thirteen enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 : H7 (EHEC) isolates derived from the patients of an outbreak in the R-hospital in Okayama Japan and one isolated from the ingredients of Japanese noodles in June 1997 were analyzed by molecular typing using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The PFGE patterns of the patients were almost the same as the patterns of the Japanese noodle ingredients. Therefore, the EHEC O157 : H7 derived from the food was considered to have caused the outbreak in the R-hospital. The molecular typing of isolates from the patients and the Japanese noodle ingredients was almost the same as that of isolates from outbreaks in Hiroshima and Fukuoka prefectures classified as type Ia in 1996 by PFGE analysis. These results indicate that EHEC O157 : H7 strains with a similar PFGE type Ia pattern have already spread throughout western Japan since last year.1997年6月に岡山県下のR-病院で腸管出血性大腸菌EHEC O157 : H7による集団食中毒が発生した。その患者および食材である日本そばから分離されたEHEC O157 : H7の菌株をパルスフィールドゲル電気泳動法(PFGE)を使用して遺伝子解析を行った。13名の患者から分離された菌株の遺伝子型は日本 そばから分離された菌株と一致した。従って日本そばから分散されたEHEC O157 : H7が集団食中毒の原因であることが解った。さらにこれらの菌株の遺伝子型は1996年に広島県および福岡県の西日本に集団食中毒が発生した菌株のタイプIa型と類似していた。このことはこの遺伝子タイプの類似した菌株の感染が西日本で去年から広がっていることを示している

    How many times can patients tolerate reoperation?

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    The frequency of resection for the recurrence of colorectal cancer has not been investigated in previous studies. Likewise, the related postoperative complications and the limit for indicating surgical resection has not been reported. Herein, we reported the complications of a highly frequent surgical approach for rectal cancer recurrence, i.e., exceeding three reoperations, based on our clinical experience. We included 15 cases exceeding two operations for the local recurrence of colorectal cancer from 2014 to 2019. We examined the postoperative complications classified as Clavien–Dindo IIIb. The positive rates of the complications were 0 (0.0%), 0 (0.0%), 2 (13.3%), 3 (37.5%), and 0 (0.0%) for the primary, 1st recurrent, 2nd recurrent, 3rd recurrent, and 4th recurrent operation group (p = 0.027), respectively. It is important to exercise caution in handling cases exceeding two reoperations (exceeding three reoperations including the primary operation)

    Solitary distant peritoneal metastasis of cecal cancer after laparoscopic colectomy : a case report

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    A 77-year-old Japanese female underwent laparoscopic ileocecal resection and lymph node dissection for cecal cancer by a previous doctor. Two years and 9 months after previous operation, contrast-enhanced computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging with gadolinium ethoxybenzyl-L-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid revealed an intraperitoneal tumor at the right subphrenic fossa. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose position emission tomography showed fluorodeoxyglucose accumulation in the tumor, and we suspected the tumor to be solitary distant peritoneal metastasis of the previous cecal cancer to the right diaphragm. We performed partial diaphragmectomy and direct closure, and pathological examination revealed moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma resembling the previous cecal cancer, which seemed to be disseminated metastasis in the pathological features. Based on the intraoperative findings, we assumed the tumor to be solitary distant peritoneal metastasis caused by procedures during the previous laparoscopic operation. The present report suggests the importance of paying close attention to procedures during laparoscopic colorectal resection to prevent peritoneal seeding

    Particle suspension reactors and materials for solar-driven water splitting

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    Reactors based on particle suspensions for the capture, conversion, storage, and use of solar energy as H_2 are projected to be cost-competitive with fossil fuels. In light of this, this review paper summarizes state-of-the-art particle light absorbers and cocatalysts as suspensions (photocatalysts) that demonstrate visible-light-driven water splitting on the laboratory scale. Also presented are reactor descriptions, theoretical considerations particular to particle suspension reactors, and efficiency and performance characterization metrics. Opportunities for targeted research, analysis, and development of reactor designs are highlighted

    Coincident Port-site and Functional End-to-end Anastomotic Recurrences after Laparoscopic Surgery for Colon Cancer : A case report and literature review

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    Herein, we report coincident recurrences at the port site and functional end-to-end anastomosis after laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for cancer of the ascending colon. The patient was an 83-year-old man who had undergone the aforementioned procedure (Stage IIA) in the referral hospital. At the 10-month follow-up, computed tomography showed two tumours around 3 cm in diameter : one on the right-flank abdominal wall-the surgical port-site-and the other at the functional end-to-end anastomosis. Likewise, a positron emission tomography scan was positive for two tumours. Endoscopic examination showed an ulcerated tumour with a clear margin, and a biopsy confirmed moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma. The patient was diagnosed with coincident recurrences at the port site and functional end-to-end anastomosis after laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for cancer of the ascending colon. We re-operated inMarch 2016. The tumours at the functional end-to-end anastomosisand functional end-to-end anastomosiswere resected. After 7 months, no recurrence was detected

    Peritoneal cecal cancer metastasis to a mesh-plug prosthesis : A case report

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    We report the case of a 77-year-old man who presented to our hospital with cecal cancer, lung metastasis, and liver metastasis in January 2013. After four courses of modified infusional intravenous fluorouracil and levofolinate with oxaliplatin (mFOLFOX 6) + bevacizumab, there was no new metastatic lesion and lung metastasis reduction was observed. Ileocecal resection was performed in May, left lower lung lobectomy in August, and extended right posterior segmentectomy + S8 partial liver resection was performed in December. The tumor marker declined initially ; thereafter, it gradually increased. Computed tomography (CT) performed in April 2014 revealed right inguinal mass around the mesh-plug prosthesis. A positron emission tomography-CT (PET-CT) also revealed a high 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) uptake at the same site. Right inguinal tumor resection was performed in July. Cancer tissues were confirmed by performing intraoperative rapid pathological diagnosis, and R0 resection could be achieved. Previous studies have reported malignant tumor metastases to the mesh-plug prosthesis, and this was believed to one of the sites that cancer cells can easily engraft. In particular, in patients with a history of advanced malignant tumors, if mass formation around the artifact insertion site is observed, the possibility of peritoneal metastasis should be considered

    Combined resection of re-recurrent lateral lymph nodes and external iliac vein : Case Report and Literature

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    Herein, we describe the operative procedure for combined resection of re-recurrent lateral lymph nodes and the external iliac vein. There is no consensus on the clinical implications of resection of locally re-recurrent colorectal tumors, as the operative procedure is extremely difficult. We present the case of a 52- year-old woman who underwent abdominoperineal resection. About one year later, we excised a recurrent lymph node in the left lateral obturator area through an extraperitoneal approach. About 18 months later, lymph node re-recurrence in the left external iliac area was observed. Re-recurrent lymph nodes directly invade the left external iliac vein.We removed the re-recurrent lymph node with combined, radical segmental resection of the left external iliac vein, left obturator artery and vein, and left obturator nerve