536 research outputs found

    Comorbid personality disorders in subjects with panic disorder: which personality disorders increase clinical severity?

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    Personality disorders are common in subjects with panic disorder. Personality disorders have shown to affect the course of panic disorder. The purpose of this study was to examine which personality disorders effect clinical severity in subjects with panic disorder. This study included 122 adults (71 female, 41 male), who met DSM-IV criteria for panic disorder (with or without agoraphobia). Clinical assessment was conducted by using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I), the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Personality Disorders (SCID-II) and the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (PAS), Global Assessment Functioning Scale (GAF), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Patients who had a history of sexual abuse were assessed with Sexual Abuse Severity Scale. Logistic regressions were used to identify predictors of suicide attempts, suicidal ideation, agoraphobia, different panic attack symptoms, sexual abuse, and early onset of disorders. The rates of comorbid Axis I and Axis II psychiatric disorders were 80.3% and 33.9%, consecutively, in patients with panic disorder. Panic disorder patients with comorbid personality disorders had more severe anxiety, depression and agoraphobia symptoms, and had earlier ages of onset, and lower levels of functioning. The rates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts were 34.8% and 9.8%, consecutively, in subjects with panic disorder. The rate of patients with panic disorder had a history of childhood sexual abuse was 12.5%. The predictor of sexual abuse was more than one comorbid Axis II diagnosis. The predictors of suicide attempt were comorbid paranoid and borderline personality disorders, and the predictor of suicidal ideation was major depressive disorder in subjects with panic disorder. In conclusion, this study documents that comorbid personality disorders increase the clinical severity of panic disorder. Patients with more than one comorbid Axis II diagnosis had more severe clinical symptoms. Borderline, Cluster B and -with a lower effect- Cluster C personality disorders seem to increase the clinical severity of panic disorder

    Hubungan Fleksibilitas Bahu dan Pergelangan Tangan dengan Lob dalam Permainan Bulutangkis pada Siswa SMP Negeri 1 Peukan Bada Aceh Besar Tahun 2015

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    Penelitian yang berjudul “Hubungan Fleksibilitas Bahu dan Pergelangan Tangan dengan Lob dalam Permainan Bulutangkis pada Siswa SMP Negeri 1 Peukan Bada Aceh Besar Tahun 2015”. Untuk dapat melakukan pukulan lob dengan baik yang dapat menerbangkan shuttlecock setinggi mungkin yang mengarah jauh ke belakang garis lapangan membutuhkan fleksibilitas bahu dan pergelangan tangan dengan yang baik. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa di SMP Negeri 1 Peukan Bada Aceh Besar sebanyak 357 orang dan sampel di tetapkan 15 orang dimana pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yaitu siswa yang pernah mengikuti kejuaraan bulutangkis. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik statistik dalam bentuk perhitungan nilai rata-rata untuk standar deviasi (SD), dan uji korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan rata-rata atau nilai rata-rata fleksibilitas bahu dan pergelangan tangan untuk siswa putri adalah 10.75 dengan standar deviasi 1.67, sedangkan nilai rata-rata fleksibilitas bahu dan pergelangan tangan untuk siswa putra adalah 12,25 dengan standar deviasi 0,96 dan nilai rata-rata tes lob adalah 28.73, dengan nilai standar deviasi 4.38 dan nilai korelasi 0.80. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini maka dapat di simpulkann bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara fleksibilitas bahu dan pergelangan tangan dengan lob dalam bulutangkis pada siswa SMP Negeri 1 Peukan Bada Aceh Besar tahun 2015. Saran di dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagi pelatih atau guru pendidikan jasmani di dalam upaya peningkatan keterampilan Bulutangkis hendaknya memperhatikan kondisi fisik yang dominan yang sangat berperan dalam permainan Bulutangkis. Sedangkan bagi teman-teman dan peneliti lain, kiranya penelitian ini dapat menjadi masukan dan dilanjutkan dalam permasalahan yang lebih luas

    Rasionalitas Petani Atoin Pah Meto Tentang Pola Tanam

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    Cultural caracteristic specification of a farmer’s community lies on their rasionality about life which is expressed through their strategy on how they sustain their living. One of the most important strategy of Atoni Pah Meto (APM) tribe in developing dry land farming culture is through cropping pattern which is unique and differs from other tribes in Nusa Tenggara Timur Provinve. For the sake agricutural theory development, agricultural technology and the policies related to dry land agroecosystem management, the qualitative research was conducted to uncover cropping pattern rational type specification of APM tribe at Desa Nunmafo in terms of economy, ecology an social aspects. Spesifikasi corak budaya suatu komunitas petani terletak pada rasionalitas mereka tentang kehidupan, yang terungkap melalui strategi mereka dalam mempertahankan kelangsungan hidupnya. Salah satu sisi penting dari strategi komunitas petani dari etnis Atoni Pah Meto (APM) dalam mengembangkan budaya pertanian lahan kering, adalah pola tanam yang spesifik lokasi yang sangat berbeda dengan pola tanam yang dikenal dalam budaya pertanian lahan kering etnis-etnis lain mana pun. Untuk kepentingan pengembangan teori –teori ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi pertanian, dan kebijakan pembangunan di bidang Pengelolaan Agroekosistem Lahan Kering, penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif ini mengungkapkan spesifikasi tipe – tipe rasionalitas petani etnis APM di desa Nunmafo tentang pola tanam yang mereka miliki dari aspek teknis, ekonomis, ekologis, dan sosial

    Novel parameter estimation schemes in microsystems

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    This paper presents two novel estimation methods that are designed to enhance our ability of observing, positioning, and physically transforming the objects and/or biological structures in micromanipulation tasks. In order to effectively monitor and position the microobjects, an online calibration method with submicron precision via a recursive least square solution is presented. To provide the adequate information to manipulate the biological structures without damaging the cell or tissue during an injection, a nonlinear spring-mass-damper model is introduced and mechanical properties of a zebrafish embryo are obtained. These two methods are validated on a microassembly workstation and the results are evaluated quantitatively

    Formation and characterisation of nanoporous TiO2 layers on microroughened titanium surfaces by electrochemical anodisation

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    Nanoporous titanium dioxide (TiO2) layers were successfully formed by an electrochemical anodisation method on microroughened titanium (Ti) surfaces in fluoride containing aqueous electrolyte. Microroughened Ti surfaces were produced by sandblasting with Al2O3 particles of 50 ÎĽm in diameter and acid-etching in a blend of HCl/H2SO4 solution. The surface morphology, topography and chemical composition of the specimens were analysed by scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The surface roughness and the wettability of treated Ti surfaces were measured using profilometry and a contact angle measurement system, respectively. With anodising of sandblasted-/acid etched surfaces, micrometre- and nanometre-scale textures on titanium specimens were created. Results showed that these developed nanoporous-microroughened surfaces exhibited lower contact angle values than the other treated Ti surfaces. The sandblasted/acid-etched/anodised Ti specimen had a surface morphology with distinctively formed hills and valleys and higher surface roughness than the other anodised specimens. This study indicated that nanoporous TiO2 structures fabricated on microroughened Ti can be an effective way to modify the titanium surfaces for the future development of implant applications.BAP (Department of Scientific Research Projects) 2011.KB.FEN.029; EMUM (Center for Fabrication and Application of Electronic Materials) in Dokuz Eylul Universit

    Savojna svojstva lameliranog drva izrađenoga od topolovine i GFRP-a

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    In this study, 4 layers of 5 mm thick slats obtained by sawing method from poplar wood were used. Plain woven GRFP with low density and grammage of 100 g/m2 (Type 1) and plain woven GRFP with high density and grammage of 200 g/m2 (Type 2) were placed and glued between each layer. Polyvinyl acetate (PVAc-D4), Polyurethane (PU) and dual-component Epoxy (L285-resin and H285-hardener) adhesives were used for gluing the layers. Strength values (bending and modulus of elasticity) between the obtained layers were investigated. As a result of the study, it was determined that epoxy glue has higher strength than polyurethane and polyvinyl acetate glues; Type 2 plain woven fabric has higher strength than Type 1 plain woven fabric; and parallel load to the glue line results in higher performance than perpendicular load to the glue line.U radu se prikazuje istraživanje lameliranog drva izrađenoga od piljenjem proizvedenih topolovih platica debljine 5 mm složenih u četiri sloja. Između svakog sloja zalijepljena je plošno tkana GRFP tkanina male gustoće i površinske mase 100 g/m2 (tip 1) i plošno tkana GRFP tkanina velike gustoće i površinske mase 200 g/m2 (tip 2). Za lijepljenje drva i tkanine upotrijebljena su ova ljepila: polivinilacetatno (PVAc-D4), poliuretansko (PU) i dvokomponentno epoksidno (L285-mola i H285-otvrdnjivač). Istražene su vrijednosti čvrstoće (savijanje i modul elastičnosti) te je utvrđeno da epoksidno ljepilo ima veću čvrstoću nego poliuretansko i polivinilacetatno ljepilo. Nadalje, tkanina tipa 2 ima veću čvrstoću od tkanine tipa 1, a djelovanjem sile paralelno sa sljubnicom dobivena su bolja svojstva nego pri djelovanju sile okomito na sljubnicu


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    This study aims to determine: 1) Characteristics of sorghum farmers, 2) Perception of farmers on innovation in sorghum farming, 3) Level of adoption of farmers on innovation in sorghum farming, 4) The relationship between farmer perceptions and the level of farmer adoption of innovation in sorghum farming. This research was conducted by surveying all populations of 43 sorghum farmers. To find out the first objective, the data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively, the second and the third objective of the data were analyzed by means of statistical tests based on the mean (mean) and the fourth objective the data were tabulated using the Spearman rank correlation. The results showed that: 1) The characteristics of sorghum farmers in Kawalelo Village were planting sorghum on their own dry land with an average land area of 0.1 ha to 1 ha, with the production of sorghum in one planting season was 26,013 kg of  21 ha land area, 2) Farmers' perceptions of innovation in sorghum farming are in the good category with an average score of 28.83.  This shows that farmers in the research village accept sorghum farming innovation well, 3) The level of farmer adoption of sorghum farming innovation in Kawalelo Village is in the high category. This means that farmers in the research area have accepted and implemented sorghum innovations in their farms. 4) The relationship between perceptions and the level of farmer adoption of sorghum farming innovation in the research village is significant. This means that the better the farmers perception of innovation in sorghum farming, the higher the level of adoption of this innovation

    The Effects of cutting methods surface roughness of aluminum porous material produced via vacuum method

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    In this study, the surface roughness values of 3 aluminum porous materials, which were produced via vacuum method and have different porous structures, depending on the implemented cutting method after processing them were assessed comparatively. 3 different cutting methods have been implemented on each of samples, as Water Jet, Wire Erosion, and Band Saw. Setting the speed to 20 m/min, the methods were compared under same conditions. The smoothness measurement has been executed by taking the mean of 3 measurements in parallel with surface and 3 measurements in vertical to surface. By comparing the obtained results, it has been determined that the most advantageous method is the Wire Erosion method

    Examining Teacher Job Satisfaction and Principals’ Instructional Supervision Behaviours: A Comparative Study of Turkish Private and Public School Teachers

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    In spite of a strong body of research examining teacher job satisfaction and teachers’ assessment of their principals’ behaviours, most studies focus on the educational systems in the first world countries. This quantitative study focuses on a lesser-examined educational context by comparing school teachers’ job satisfaction levels and principals’ instructional supervision behaviours in Turkish private and public schools. The results suggest that for all examined demographical characteristics of participating teachers (e.g., gender, school level, subject matter, and years of teaching); private school teachers had higher levels of job satisfaction and assessed their principals’ instructional supervision behaviours higher than did public school teachers. These findings suggest there are more favourable working conditions in Turkish private schools than in public schools and support research trends on the topic of teacher job satisfaction from other countries. L’important corpus de recherche qui porte sur la satisfaction au travail des enseignants et leurs évaluations du comportement des directeurs a surtout étudié les systèmes d’éducation dans les pays du premier monde. Cette étude quantitative se situe dans un contexte éducatif moins étudié et compare les niveaux de satisfaction au travail des enseignants et le comportement des directeurs relatif à la supervision professionnelle dans des écoles privées et publiques en Turquie. Les résultats indiquent que pour toutes les caractéristiques démographiques étudiées (par ex. sexe, niveau scolaire, matière, nombre d’années d’enseignement), les enseignants dans les écoles privées ressentent plus de satisfaction au travail et estiment davantage le comportement de leurs directeurs relatif à la supervision professionnelle que les enseignants dans les écoles publiques. Ces résultats portent à croire qu’en Turquie, les conditions de travail dans les écoles privées sont plus favorables que celles dans les écoles publiques, ce qui s’inscrit dans les tendances en recherche portant sur la satisfaction au travail des enseignants dans d’autres pays
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