7 research outputs found

    First results from an experiment excluding three sizes classes of herbivores from tundra vegetation in southern Yamal, Russia

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    Plant-herbivore relationships are important for the functioning of tundra ecosystems. Here, we report the first results from an exclosure experiment that, something very few studies have done, separated the impact of three sizes of herbivores (small, medium and large) on nine functional groups of plants in the low arctic tundra of the Yamal Peninsula (Russia). Herbivore faeces counts in the exclosures and pictures from automatic cameras proved that the experimental setup worked. The majority of plant groups did not respond to exclusion of herbivores, supporting our expectation that vegetation responses in tundra are generally too slow to be measured during one growing season. The plant groups with highest growth rates and palatability (forbs and grasses) increased their biomass in meadows associated to tall willow shrubs when reindeer were excluded. This result was expected based on studies from other arctic regions. Our results also suggested that willow meadows and forb tundra, which are focal habitat for herbivores, are resilient and have the capacity to increase their biomass over a short term. We expect this experiment to provide valuable information on how different plant functional types and habitats with different growing conditions and importance to herbivores respond to relaxed grazing pressure from a variety of tundra herbivores

    The High–Low Arctic boundary: How is it determined and where is it located?

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    Geobotanical subdivision of landcover is a baseline for many studies. The High–Low Arctic boundary is considered to be of fundamental natural importance. The wide application of different delimitation schemes in various ecological studies and climatic scenarios raises the following questions: (i) What are the common criteria to define the High and Low Arctic? (ii) Could human impact significantly change the distribution of the delimitation criteria? (iii) Is the widely accepted temperature criterion still relevant given ongoing climate change? and (iv) Could we locate the High–Low Arctic boundary by mapping these criteria derived from modern open remote sensing and climatic data? Researchers rely on common criteria for geobotanical delimitation of the Arctic. Unified circumpolar criteria are based on the structure of vegetation cover and climate, while regional specifics are reflected in the floral composition. However, the published delimitation schemes vary greatly. The disagreement in the location of geobotanical boundaries across the studies manifests in poorly comparable results. While maintaining the common principles of geobotanical subdivision, we derived the boundary between the High and Low Arctic using the most up‐to‐date field data and modern techniques: species distribution modeling, radar, thermal and optical satellite imagery processing, and climatic data analysis. The position of the High–Low Arctic boundary in Western Siberia was clarified and mapped. The new boundary is located 50–100 km further north compared to all the previously presented ones. Long‐term anthropogenic press contributes to a change in the vegetation structure but does not noticeably affect key species ranges. A previously specified climatic criterion for the High–Low Arctic boundary accepted in scientific literature has not coincided with the boundary in Western Siberia for over 70 years. The High–Low Arctic boundary is distinctly reflected in biodiversity distribution. The presented approach is appropriate for accurate mapping of the High–Low Arctic boundary in the circumpolar extent

    Location of studies and evidence of effects of herbivory on Arctic vegetation: a systematic map

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    Herbivores modify the structure and function of tundra ecosystems. Understanding their impacts is necessary to assess the responses of these ecosystems to ongoing environmental changes. However, the effects of herbivores on plants and ecosystem structure and function vary across the Arctic. Strong spatial variation in herbivore effects implies that the results of individual studies on herbivory depend on local conditions, i.e., their ecological context. An important first step in assessing whether generalizable conclusions can be produced is to identify the existing studies and assess how well they cover the underlying environmental conditions across the Arctic. This systematic map aims to identify the ecological contexts in which herbivore impacts on vegetation have been studied in the Arctic. Specifically, the primary question of the systematic map was: “What evidence exists on the effects of herbivores on Arctic vegetation?”

    Alpine Shrubification: Juniper Encroachment into Tundra in the Ural Mountains

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    Snow cover is one of the most important factors affecting the regeneration and growth of shrubs in cold arctic and alpine ecosystems. In many of these cold regions, climate change in the last century is manifested not only in a rapid rise of temperature, but also in an increase in winter precipitation. For instance, in the Ural Mountains, winter turned warmer and more humid during the past century, leading to higher snow accumulation. We investigated how the change trends in the cold season (November to March) climate conditions affected the recruitment of the shrub Juniperus sibirica Burgsd., the most widespread shrub conifer in mountains of this region where it is dominant in treeless areas. Specifically, we considered seven sites located in the Southern and Northern Urals that are subjected to lower and higher continentality, respectively. We assessed how juniper recruitment changed along altitudinal gradients going from the open forest to the alpine tundra and passing by the transition zone. We found that juniper shrubs recruited at higher elevations during the 20th century in most sites, with a rapid shrub encroachment into alpine tundra (shrubification) after the 1990s. This process was especially intensive in the last decades at the uppermost parts of convex slopes where the snowpack is shallow. We found positive associations between juniper recruitment and cold-season precipitation or temperature in the Northern and Southern Urals, respectively. Shrubification is following upward treeline shifts in the Southern Urals. Our findings indicate that juniper shrubs will tend to colonize sites with low snowpack depth if winter conditions keep warm and wet enough and the snowpack allows the effective protection of shrubs

    Alpine Shrubification: Juniper Encroachment into Tundra in the Ural Mountains

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    Snow cover is one of the most important factors affecting the regeneration and growth of shrubs in cold arctic and alpine ecosystems. In many of these cold regions, climate change in the last century is manifested not only in a rapid rise of temperature, but also in an increase in winter precipitation. For instance, in the Ural Mountains, winter turned warmer and more humid during the past century, leading to higher snow accumulation. We investigated how the change trends in the cold season (November to March) climate conditions affected the recruitment of the shrub Juniperus sibirica Burgsd., the most widespread shrub conifer in mountains of this region where it is dominant in treeless areas. Specifically, we considered seven sites located in the Southern and Northern Urals that are subjected to lower and higher continentality, respectively. We assessed how juniper recruitment changed along altitudinal gradients going from the open forest to the alpine tundra and passing by the transition zone. We found that juniper shrubs recruited at higher elevations during the 20th century in most sites, with a rapid shrub encroachment into alpine tundra (shrubification) after the 1990s. This process was especially intensive in the last decades at the uppermost parts of convex slopes where the snowpack is shallow. We found positive associations between juniper recruitment and cold-season precipitation or temperature in the Northern and Southern Urals, respectively. Shrubification is following upward treeline shifts in the Southern Urals. Our findings indicate that juniper shrubs will tend to colonize sites with low snowpack depth if winter conditions keep warm and wet enough and the snowpack allows the effective protection of shrubs