33 research outputs found

    Monitoring the perfromance of safety barriers in daily operations by using QRA and risk influencing factors indicators

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    Master's thesis in Risk managementThe concept of safety barriers has become a main focus in the oil and gas industry in the last decade. Accordingly, many efforts are being spent from the risk decision makers to improve the understanding of the different aspects in that context. One of the main challenges is how to integrate the quantitative risk analysis (QRA) with safety barrier management (SBM). The integration of both concepts will result in better management of major accident hazards (MAH) on board the production facilities. However, the integration of QRA with SBM can take several forms when it comes to the operations phase. Condition monitoring of safety barriers’ performance can be a good solution for bridging the gap between both tools. The objective of the thesis is to introduce a methodology for monitoring the performance of safety barriers continuously in daily operations on offshore production platforms. The safety barriers are monitored through indicators. The indicators are representing the critical human, technical and organisational (MTO) factors that could influence the performance of safety barriers dramatically during operations. Further, the critical MTO factors are identified through independent uncertainty and sensitivity assessments of the performance of safety barriers as provided in the QRA results. Afterwards, the different indicators of each factors are linked with a risk barometer in order to indicate the status of the particular safety barrier. Such status, as indicated on the barometer, is providing the concerned parties with early warning signals about the performance degradation of the barrier of interest. Accordingly, the operation personnel and management can take the proper precautionary actions to maintain the performance of the safety barrier within the safe limit. In order to produce the proposed methodology, the thesis has covered different aspects of safety barriers and risk assessment on its context. At the beginning, a literature review of the concepts of risk, risk assessment, and safety barriers is introduced. In particular, this part has introduced the scientific foundation of these concepts, in addition to, their different types and methods of classification. Furthermore, the thesis has introduced a brief description of the relevant regulatory requirements and standards in the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). Subsequently, the thesis has also described the methodologies used for including the performance of safety barriers into QRA model. In this part, it has been recommended that the influence of MTO factors on safety barriers performance should be considered when performing QRA. Moreover, the methods of uncertainty and sensitivity analyses have been described and discussed to identify the most applicable approach for criticality assessment of MTO factors. Finally, the thesis has concluded with a case study and discussion to illustrate the possibility of implementing the proposed methodology for monitoring the safety barriers continuously in operations phase

    Mobile device-based authentic learning in educational environments systematic review

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    The rapid growth of mobile technology has opened new opportunities for learners to engage in authentic learning activities. The aim of this systematic review is to provide a synthesis of research on mobile device-based authentic learning in educational environments. This review has analyzed 72 studies published between 2010 and 2019 (until mid-November) in terms of major research purposes, methodologies, research outcomes, subject matter domains, educational levels, educational contexts and geographical distributions. Three research questions guided the review process. The findings showed the major research purpose of a majority of the studies was about investigating the effects of mobile device-based authentic learning on students. Researchers have mostly used mixed-methods research to examine the learning phenomena with a majority of the studies reporting positive learning outcomes. The analysis showed that science and literacy are the most represented content areas, while most of the studies were carried out at the elementary school level. More research was conducted in informal contexts than any other contexts, and the most predominantly used mobile device type was tablet computers. The findings revealed that there is a disproportionate distribution of studies in the literature in terms of geographical contributions as studies tend to concentrate on specific countries or regions

    Micronuclei Formation and 8-Hydroxy-2-Deoxyguanosine Enzyme Detection in Ovarian Tissues After Radiofrequency Exposure at 1800 MHz in Adult Sprague–Dawley Rats

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    Human fertility and its correlation to ovarian function and cytological changes are linked to ever-increasing use of mobile phones. Wireless communications have become a critical topic of concern because of an increasing number of studies in this field with controversial outcomes. The aim of this study was to assess the genotoxic effect of GSM frequency at 1800 MHz on ovarian function. Sixty female Sprague–Dawley rats were distributed over six groups (control group and the exposure groups with whole-body exposure for 2 h/day, 7 days/week for 15, 30 and 60 continuous days). The study investigated the oxidative stress, 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine enzyme, micronuclei formation and histopathological changes in ovarian tissue. The results showed an induced oxidative stress via an increase in lipid peroxidation and decreased antioxidant enzyme activity. There was also an elevation in the 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine enzyme and an increased rate of micronuclei formation in ovarian tissues of exposed animals with 60-day exposure compared with control animals. Cytological changes were recorded such as micronuclei formation, vacuolation, degeneration and impaired folliculogenesis. The study suggests that GSM frequency at 1800 MHz was negatively impacted on female reproductive performances mediated by oxidative stress induction and 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine formation leading to overall impaired ovarian function

    بناء مقياس حب التعليم للبالغين = Developing the love of learning scale for adult students

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    The study aimed at developing the love of learning scale for adults. The scale consisted of 15 situations to measure three dimensions namely intimacy, passion, and commitment towards learning. The scale was standardized on a sample of 111 university male and female students from the 4th level of the Faculty of Education, Sana'a University, Yemen. The validity and reliability of the scale was (0.81) based on Cronbach' Alpha. The results of the study showed that the level of learning was of average level

    Artificial intelligence in sickle disease

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming an established arm in medical sciences and clinical practice in numerous medical fields. Its implications have been rising and are being widely used in research, diagnostics, and treatment options for many pathologies, including sickle cell disease (SCD). AI has started new ways to improve risk stratification and diagnosing SCD complications early, allowing rapid intervention and reallocation of resources to high-risk patients. We reviewed the literature for established and new AI applications that may enhance management of SCD through advancements in diagnosing SCD and its complications, risk stratification, and the effect of AI in establishing an individualized approach in managing SCD patients in the future. Aim: to review the benefits and drawbacks of resources utilizing AI in clinical practice for improving the management for SCD cases.Open Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library.Scopu

    مصادر ضغوط العمل لدى أخصائي التعلم بالمدارس الحكومية بولاية السيب Work pressure sources for the learning resources specialist at public schools in the state of Seeb

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    This quantitative study discusses the sources of work stress for the learning resources specialist in public schools at "wilayat Seeb". The problem is the increase in the volume of tasks and burdens of the learning resources specialist in the Sultanate's schools, which means increasing "work pressure". Therefore, the study aims at: Diagnosing the sources of work stress in the specialist learning resources in public schools. The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach, the study population consisted of (94) individuals, the sample was limited to (55) individuals. The questionnaire consists of (68) statements distributed in (7) axes sources of work pressure. The study findings: The learning resources specialist suffers from sources of great work pressures resulting from the nature of work and change, qualification and training, and the presence of four sources of work stresses are available on average. The results also showed that the source of work-related stress at work is low

    النفاذ الحر للمحتوى التعليمي ببرامج الجامعة العربية المفتوحة في ضوء اتجاهات الطلبة والتقنيات الحديثة والتوجيهان العالمية The open-access for the education contents at Arab open university according to student orientation modern technologies and the international attitudes.

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    This quantitative study aims to identify the open access and feasibility of methods for the education contents at Arab Open University, under the level of trends of methods at Arab Open University. The study sample of consisted of 30 students from the fourth Master Program batch. The study utilized two measurements for data collection. The study found that the digital repositories, directory of open access and electronic books are considered the usable resources for student. While the open access is the lowest source that student use. Moreover, the study found the legal and technical obstacles are one of the most obstacles are one of the most that face open access at Arab Open University. However, technological and moral obstacles that face open access in Arab Open University. Finally, researcher suggested the number of recommendation and proposals that support open access at the university

    Laser Densification of Prepared SiO2 Sol-Gel Thin Films

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    SiO2 nanostructure is synthesized by the Sol-Gel method and thin films are prepared using dip coating technique. The effect of laser densification is studied. X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR), and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) are used to analyze the samples. The results show that the silica nanoparticles are successfully synthesized by the sol-gel method after laser densification. XRD patterns show that cristobalite structure is observed from diode laser (410 nm) rather than diode laser (532 nm). FESEM images showed that the shape of nano silica is spherical and the particles size is in nano range (? 100 nm). It is concluded that the spherical nanocrystal structure of silica thin films is successfully densified by Doide laser (410 nm)

    تقصي مستهيات الكفاءة في النمذجة الرياضية لدى معلمي الرياضيات للصفوف (11 - 12) بسلطنة عمان / Investigating competency levels in mathematical modeling among mathematics teachers for grades (11-12) in the Sultanate of Oman

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    أحد األىداف الرئيسة لتدريس الرايضيات ىو تنمية وتطوير قدرات الطلبة على تطبيق ادلعرفة الرايضية وحل ادلشكالت اليت تنشأ يف واقع احلياة اليومية للمجتمع، وابلتايل يتطلب حتقيق ىذا اذلدف تقييم رلموعة من الكفاءات الرايضية ذات العالقة ابلتفكَت واالستدالل والربىنة والتواصل والنمذجة وحل ادلشكالت والتمثيل ابستخدام رموز ولغة الرايضيات، ومن بُت ىذه الكفاءات الكفاءة الذاتية يف النمذجة الرايضية، ونظرا ألعلية النمذجة الرايضية كمصطلح تعليمي برز يف اآلونة األخَتة يف األدب الًتبوي يف كثَت من دول العامل شلا أكسبو أعلية كبَتة يف العديد من الربامج الرايضية يف العديد من البلدان، وعليو فقد سعى ىذا البحث إىل الكشف عن مستوايت الكفاءة الذاتية يف النمذجة الرايضية دلعلمي الرايضيات ابلتعليم ما بعد األساسي -الصفُت )11- 12- ) بسلطنة عمان، ومدى توظيفهم ذلا يف أساليب واسًتاتيجيات التدريس لديهم، حيث مت تطوير مقياس يف الكفاءة الذاتية يف النمذجة الرايضية وتطبيقو على عينة الدراسة مكونة من 45 معلم ومعلمة من زلافظيت الشرقية، وقد مت استخدام ادلنهج الوصفي لتحليل النتائج اليت كشفت عن مستوايت جيدة للكفاءة الذاتية يف النمذجة الرايضية دلعلمي الرايضيات. / One of the main objectives of teaching mathematics is the development and development of students' abilities to apply mathematical knowledge and solve problems that arise in the realities of the daily life of society, and thus achieving this goal requires the evaluation of a group of mathematical competencies related to thinking, inference, proof, communication, modeling, problem solving and representation using mathematics symbols and language, Among these competencies is self-competence in mathematical modeling, and in view of the importance of mathematical modeling as an educational term that has recently emerged in educational literature in many countries of the world, which has earned it great importance in many sports programs in many countries. Self-efficacy in mathematical modeling for mathematics teachers in post-basic education - grades (11-12) - in the Sultanate of Oman, and the extent to which they employ it in their teaching methods and strategies, as a measure of self-efficacy in mathematical modeling was developed and applied to the study sample consisting of 45 teachers. From my eastern province, the descriptive approach was used to analyze the results, which revealed good levels of self-efficacy in Riyadh modeling. Math for teachers of mathematics

    تنمية معرفة معلمي الرياضيات بطبيعة النمذجة الرياضية في التعليم ما بعد الأساسي (١١ -١٢) بسلطنة عمان / Developing mathematics teachers' knowledge of the nature of mathematical modeling in post-basic education (11-12) in the Sultanate of Oman

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    هدف البحث الحالي إلى استكشاف عن مستويات المعرفة بطبيعة النمذجة الرياضية لدى معلمي الرياضيات بالتعليم ما بعد األساسي بسلطنة عمان، و التحقق من ال دل لة اإلحصائية للفروق الظاهرة في المعرفة بطبيعة النمذجة الرياضية عند مستوى)05.0=α )وفقا لبعض المتغيرات، وقد تكونت عينة البحث من 56 معلم ومعلمة من محافظتي شمال وجنوب الشرقية، وأظهرت النتائج مستويات مرتفعة في المعرفة بطبيعة النمذجة الرياضية لدى معلمي الرياضيات في التعليم ما بعد األساسي بشكل عام، كما كشفت النتائج عدم وجود تأثير لنوعي الجنس والمؤهل العلمي على مستويات المعرفة بطبيعة النمذجة الرياضية، وأيضا عدم وجود تأثير في تفاعل)الجنس*المؤهل العلمي( على مستوى معرفة معلمي الرياضيات بطبيعة النمذجة الرياضية. / The current research aimed to investigate the levels of knowledge of the nature of mathematical modeling among mathematics teachers in post-basic education in the Sultanate of Oman, and to validaite the statistical significance of the apparent differences in knowledge of the nature of mathematical modeling at the level (α = 0.05) according to some variables, and the research sample consisted of 56 male and female teachers from the governorates of North and South Eastern Province,and the results showed high levels of knowledge of the nature of Mathematical modeling for mathematics teachers in post-basic education in general, and the results showed high levels of knowledge of the nature of mathematical modeling among mathematics teachers in post-basic education in general, and the results revealed that there was no effect of gender and educational qualification on the levels of knowledge of the nature of mathematical modeling, and also that there was no effect in the interaction of (gender * qualification) on the level of knowledge of mathematics teachers about the nature of mathematical modeling