509 research outputs found

    Photohydrogen Production Using Tandem Cell

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    Today, hydrogen is primarily used as a chemical feedstock in the petrochemical, food, electronics, and metallurgical processing industries. It is also rapidly emerging as a major component in clean sustainable energy systems. Although hydrogen is considered clean energy, its most practiced production method, steam reforming of natural gas releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, promoting the greenhouse effect and global warming. Among the alternative methods of production that scientists are delving into are photocatalytic reactions. However, the efficiency and availability of photocatalysts which can be activated by the solar spectrum or reduced sunlight conditions is limited. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate and develop the process of photohydrogen production using tandem cell in order to allow improved absorption of the visible region of sunlight. Two types of photocatalysts, copper-doped and iron-doped titania are used in this experiment, each with three different weight loadings. The photocatalysts were prepared using precipitation method. After preparation, the photocatalysts are characterized using the Diffuse Reflectance UV-Vis (DRS), the X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD), the Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) and the Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) Spectra. The results of these analyses are included in the report. The tandem cell is constructed and reaction studies using the photocatalysts and the tandem cell are conducted. The reaction studies are done to observe the amount of hydrogen produced from distilled water and seawater, and to see the performance of each photocatalyst in comparison with the tandem cell setup. From the reaction studies, 5wt% Cu-Ti02 and 1.5wt% Fe-Ti02 are found to exhibit the best performance and are used in comparison with the tandem cell setup. Upon comparison, it is found that although the tandem cell falls short of the copper doped catalyst in terms of hydrogen production, it exceeds the performance of the ferum doped catalyst significantly. It can be concluded that the tandem cell is applicable in photohydrogen production, thus the project objective is achieved


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    This study aims to describe the implementation of environmental management and environmental cost uses to measure the environmental management performance in PT JOB Pertamina East Java. It is used as basis through comparing occured cost, categorized based classification, and identifying hidden cost. The analysis followed with other aspects to support the evaluation. The research use qualitative method emphasized in evaluative approach. The data are collected by observation and literature study, interview and survey, and company field survey. The result is the company implemented environmental management effort already develops policy and program, adopted the government regulation. The environmental cost interpreted stable grows in a small amount, smallest amount departments proportions, highest classification cost is the prevention, and hidden cost is only small amount paid by society. The proper is blue, management representative is 87% satisfied, surrounding societies is 67% stated good and satisfied, and fieldwork survey is good

    Indonesia-China Trade Performance in the RCEP Forum

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    This study aims to map out Indonesia's export performance, the competitiveness of its commodities, and the position of some of Indonesia's flagship commodities in China. The research method used in this study is the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and the Constant Market Share Analysis (CMSA). The data is from the Indonesia Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and UN Comtrade for 4-digit HS products. The finding from this study indicates that Indonesia's trade balance with China for the last three years (2018-2020) has widened the deficit. Intense negotiations with China are necessary to open up trade access to overcome the trade deficit. The Government is encouraged to launch the development of flagship products with high market values, such as chemicals, machinery, electricity, and textiles. In addition, the national downstream program for mineral and metal products is encouraged to do more robust plans, including considering attracting new industrial investment from China

    Conceptual framework of organizational knowledge management capabilities

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    Various efforts were attempted by companies to deploy knowledge management.The quest to move beyond information management and into the realm o undertaking involving the development of the structures of the firm.Therefore, the identification and assessment of precondition is necessary for the organization to have successful knowledge management initiatives.The paper provides a theoretical framework on assessing the capability of an organization towards successful knowledge management.The framework providestwo dimensions of organizational capabilities namely socio-technical and processes.Then, it leads to organizational effectiveness, and finally, leads to organizational performance

    Early intervention implementation preschool special education students in Malaysia

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    Academic excellence of students with special needs depends on many factors such as the level of individual intelligence, slow development, the level of hearing loss, vision problems and age at diagnosis. Children who have been identified to undergo continued in the preschool early intervention such as the use of hearing aids, provide training in language and communication, socialization, teaching them how to read and write using Braille, improve motor skills, orientation and mobility to increase student confidence. The findings of previous studies have found the teachers lack the skills, knowledge, experience and the lack of disclosure of the technical conduct of early intervention. Therefore this study was conducted to explore the practice of implementation of early intervention preschool special education towards preparation for school. This study used a qualitative approach with case study design. Data were collected through structured interview techniques and document analysis. The study used purposive sampling involving three preschool special education teachers with learning disabilities, vision and hearing. Data was analyzed using ATLAS. ti 7.1.8.The findings show that there are seven themes identified practices affecting the implementation of early intervention teachers\u27 understanding of early intervention, early intervention program implementation practices, Preschool Special Education curriculum, teacher recruitment, infrastructure, collaboration and monitoring. The implications of these findings suggest that preschool teachers need specialized training in the implementation of early intervention in preschool special education. The Ministry of Education should devise strategies to improve pre-school teachers in order to help special education students toward school supplies

    The Effect of Age and Education Level as a Source of Information on Internet Use in Preoperative Patients

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    Most patients rely on the internet to access a medical information source. Patients undergoing surgery use the internet and social media to gain information about anesthesia and surgery. In our study, it has dealt with the use of the internet and social media for news in patients who will undergo surgery and the impact of age and education on this situation. Every patient who came to our clinic for surgery between August 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019 was asked to complete a survey preoperatively. This questionnaire includes questions about internet use. The rate of using the internet as the source of anesthesia information was 24.3% in young patients, this rate found to be 7% in the middle age patients, and none of the elderly patients used the internet as the source of anesthesia information. In terms of operation information, the rate of those using internet as a source of information in the young patients was 29.7%, whereas it was 14% in the middle age patients, and the rate was 5.3% in the elderly patients. Some of the patients (21%) who came to the clinic used internet and social media as a source of information. This study has been found useful in the sense that anesthesiologists and surgeons send information about themselves on the internet and be accessible via social media

    Narrative as a pedagogical method and quality of pre service moral education teachers

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    This paper explores how narrative can be used as a pedagogical method in improving quality of pre-service moral education teachers. It examines the use of stories to engage students’ experiences with moral behavior of people and the ethical basis for their behavior to achieve the learning outcomes. Further, it considers ways in which these experiences are used to influence their understanding of being a moral person with regards to being a Moral Education teacher. It suggests how sharing and discussing experiences help students develop deep learning about the teaching of Moral Education-what it is and how it should be taught. The main author’s experience as a teacher educator who used narrative in teaching a humanities course for pre-service teachers is explored. Data in the form of themes that emerged from the author’s reflections are presented to describe personal experiences of herself as a teacher educator in a pre-service teacher education programme on the use of narrative, its contributions and the difficulties faced in the context of developing quality pre-service teachers. Discussion considers the benefits and challenges of using narrative as a pedagogical method in pre service education of moral education teachers. Findings show that narrative can play a useful role in helping pre-service teachers understand themselves as future Moral Education teachers, and what it means to teach Moral Education and what is important in teaching and learning of Moral Education. In addition, it can be used to assist pre-service teachers to have a proper understanding of the implication of teaching Moral Education in a plural society

    Penggunaan ICT Dalam Kalangan Guru Pelatih Kemahiran Hidup Fakulti Pendidikan, UTM

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    Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk melihat penggunaan ICT dalam kalangan guru-guru pelatih Kemahiran Hidup Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Skudai Johor. Kajian ini melibatkan seramai 151 orang guru pelatih Sarjana Muda Teknologi serta Pendidikan Kemahiran Hidup (SPH) yang telah menjalani latihan praktikum. Instrumen kajian yang telah digunakan ialah set soalan soal selidik yang dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian. Bahagian A digunakan untuk melihat latar belakang responden. Manakala untuk bahagian B pula untuk menjawab keempat-empat persoalan kajian yang dikemukakan. Data yang diperolehi telah diproses dengan menggunakan perisian “Statitiscal Package for Sosial Sciences” (SPSS) Version 15.0 untuk menilai peratusan dan min. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap kemahiran pada guru pelatih Kemahiran Hidup terhadap penggunaan ICT dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran berada pada tahap yang sederhana (min 3.31), manakala sikap guru pelatih Kemahiran Hidup terhadap penggunaan ICT menunjukkan pada tahap yang tinggi (min 4.06). Hasil kajian mendapati wujudnya beberapa masalah terhadap penggunaan penggunaan ICT dalam kalangan guru-guru pelatih semasa proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dan berada pada tahap yang sederhana (min 2.65). Hasil kajian juga mendapati bahawa tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan antara penggunaan ICT dengan faktor jantina dan faktor program dalam kalangan guru pelatih Kemahiran Hidup UTM semasa proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Di akhir kajian, penyelidik telah mengemukakan beberapa cadangan yang boleh diteliti oleh pihak-pihak tertentu untuk memaju dan meningkatkan lagi penggunaan ICT di kalangan guru pelatih. Kata kunci: ICT, Statitiscal Package for Sosial Sciences (SPSS), Kemahiran Hidu

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Berbasis Biopotensial Mata (Studi Kasus : Mengontrol Aplikasi Berbasis Android)

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    Perbedaan muatan antara dalam dan luar sel mengakibatkan perbedaan potensial pada sel yang disebut dengan biopotensial. Biopotensial yang dapat diukur salah satunya adalah biopotensial mata. Pada penelitian ini, biopotensial mata diterapkan pada sistem kontrol aplikasi smartphone berbasis Android. Sistem kontrol tersebut dapat membantu penyandang tunadaksa dalam mengoperasikan smartphone. Sistem dirancang dengan komponen perangkat keras yang terdiri dari elektroda Ag/AgCl, penguat instrumentasi, Driven Right Leg (DRL), high pass filter, low pass filter, penguat non-inverting dan penguat penjumlah yang selanjutnya diproses menggunakan Arduino Uno dan dikirim ke smartphone dengan koneksi Bluetooth. Aplikasi android dibuat menggunakan App Inventor 2 berupa aplikasi Surah Yaasiin. Selanjutnya diukur batas nilai pergerakan mata ke kanan dan ke kiri pada lima orang subjek dengan menginstruksikan menggerakan mata ke kiri, lurus dan kanan. Nilai yang diperoleh untuk pergerakan mata ke kanan sebesar ≤1,87V dan ke kiri sebesar ≥2,23V yang selanjutnya dimasukkan dalam program arduino. Sistem selanjutnya diuji pada lima orang subjek dengan menghubungkan aplikasi ke Bluetooth rangkaian dan diamati respon pada aplikasi untuk menentukan nilai akurasi dan error dari sistem. Pengujian dilakukan dengan pengulangan tiap gerakan ke kanan dan ke kiri sebanyak 20 kali tiap subjek. Diperoleh akurasi rata-rata pergerakan mata ke kanan sebesar 84% dan ke kiri sebesar 86%, sedangkan nilai rata-rata error untuk pergerakan mata ke kanan sebesar 16% dan ke kiri sebesar 14%

    Measuring the Impact of Knowledge Management, Leadership, Employee Commitment, and Employee Engagement on the HEIs Sustainability in Iraq

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    This paper aims to emphasize how the behavioural factors offered at Iraqi higher education institutions can influence sustainability performance. The conclusions are based on a pilot questionnaire conducted by the authors on the level of Iraqi academics in public universities. A sample of 100 respondents served as the basis for the results. Based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient test, the results show that all of the measures above the 0.70 benchmark and had high reliability coefficients that varied from 0.80 to 0.96 with no appreciable variation of skewness values from zero. The study's findings also showed that sustainability performance was highly influenced by knowledge management, leadership, employee commitment, and employee engagement. The study confirmed the effectiveness of the instrument used to analyze various particular predicators of HEI sustainability in Iraq. This model is promising since it demonstrates an increase in behavioral variance in an explanatory manner. Keywords: Sustainability Performance, Behavioural Factors, Higher Education, Academics, Iraq DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-16-07 Publication date:September 30th 202