394 research outputs found

    Amalan perkongsian ilmu di institusi pendidikan teknikal mara

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    Setiap organisasi memerlukan pelbagai strategi pengurusan untuk terus berfungsi dan beroperasi dengan sempurna. Salah satu pengurusan yang perlu diberi perhatian adalah perkongsian ilmu dalam organisasi. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti amalan perkongsian ilmu di institusi pendidikan teknikal MARA. Kajian ini bermatlamat untuk mengenalpasti kepimpinan pengarah dan perlaksanaan perkongsian ilmu di institusi kemahiran pendidikan MARA. Selain itu, kajian juga turut bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perlaksanaan perkongsian ilmu serta langkah-langkah penambahbaikan terhadap perlaksanaan perkongsian ilmu. Data kuantitatif diperolehi dengan mengedarkan borang soal selidik kepada 212 responden pengajar. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa tahap pelaksanaan dan penerapan perkongsian ilmu di institusi kemahiran didapati amat positif dan pada tahap yang tinggi. Di samping itu, faktor sistem pengurusan dan faktor kepimpinan dikenalpasti sebagai dua faktor menyumbang kepada perlaksanaan perkongsian ilmu di institusi pendidikan teknikal MARA. Bagaimanapun, penglibatan secara menyeluruh, pertambahan kursus dalaman dan aktiviti tidak formal serta penggunaan kemudahan teknologi secara optimum dikenalpasti sebagai langkah penambahbaikan ke arah perlaksanaan pe rkongsian ilmu yang lebih berkesan

    Predictive Modelling of Creep Crack Initiation and Growth using Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM)

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    In this study, a numerical strategy for predictive modelling of creep in tension tests for the rectangular plate with a single crack and CT-specimen based on the extended finite element method (XFEM) will be described in detail. A model of creep fracture initiation and creep crack growth (CCG) is developed, while the XFEM is employed to spots located inside the finite element for the purpose of predicting crack potential and propagation. In order to characterize the creep fracture initiation, identification of C(t)-integral formula is conducted. In addition, XFEM and analytical solutions are also analyzed to look at the connection of C(t)-integral with time for a rectangular plate with a single crack under plane stress conditions. An illustration showing the se-quence of stress distribution and displacement contour plots are also being presented. The stresses and displacements spread throughout the crack path have also been determined using CT-specimens. In addition, the creep cracks growth length with normalized time and the creep crack growth rate with the C(t)-integral are predicted to be related, indicating that the numerical results are in good accord with the experimental results

    Review of Research on Vehicles Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Methods

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    Recent spikes in fuel prices and concern regarding greenhouse gas emissions, automotive design engineers are faced with the immediate task of introducing more efficient aerodynamic designs vehicles. The aerodynamic drags of a road vehicle is responsible for a large part of the vehicle’s fuel consumption and contribute up to 50% of the total vehicle fuel consumption at highway speeds. Review on the research performance of active and passive flow control on the vehicle aerodynamic drag reduction is reported in this paper. This review intends to provide information on the current approaches and their efficiency in reducing pressure drag of ground vehicles. The review mainly focuses on the methods employed to prevent or delay air flow separation at the rear end of vehicle. Researches carried out by a number of researchers with regard to active and passive flow controls method on vehicle and their effect on aerodynamic drag in terms of drag coefficient (CD) was highlighted. Passive methods i.e. Vortex Generator (VG), spoiler and splitter and active flow controls i.e. steady blowing, suction and air jet are among the methods had been reviewed. In addition several attempts to couple these flow control methods were also reviewed. Several aspects of aerodynamic drag that need for further investigation as to assist for vehicles aerodynamic design and for practical reasons were highlighted. Progressive research on active flow control was observed due to its flexibility for wide range of application without body shape modification

    Islamic business coaching from the perspective of Indonesian coaches

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    In an increasingly competitive era of trade, training is insufficient to help solve business problems and challenges that often change daily. Meanwhile, business professionals realize that the coaching process used for the past dozen years by athletes, orators, and artists to improve their performance can also be used to help entrepreneurs to help accelerate business goals and personal success. Organizations that offer coaching have grown rapidly over the past decade. Even though in Indonesia, several coaching Islamic businesses have their communities, until now there is limited literature on Islamic business coaching. This study develops definitions for Islamic business coaching along with its characteristics for the Indonesian setting. This was achieved using qualitative research. Data were collected with interviewing 5 Islamic Indonesian master coaches. Recording of interviews was transcribed and coded. Then, those were analyzed with content analysis. The paper concludes that Islamic business coaching differs from conventional coaching due to being based on Islamic religiosity and principles. In Addition, the characteristics of Islamic business coaching include Islamic business coach’s role, Islamic business coaching session focus, and Islamic business coaching results

    Clay-Based Materials in Geopolymer Technology

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    The term “geopolymer” was introduced by Davidovits in the 1970s. The prefix “geo” was selected to symbolize the constitutive relationship of the binders to geological materials, natural stone and/or minerals. Geopolymer is mineral polymers of inorganic polymer glasses with structure resembling natural zeolitic materials. Previously, geopolymer formation used source materials such as clay (e.g. kaolin and calcined kaolin) or industrial by-product (e.g. slag and fly ash). The precursor material plays an important role in the formation of geopolymer. The source material provides silicon (Si) and aluminum (Al) for reaction by an alkali activator solution. The Si and Al contents in the source materials dissolve in the alkaline activator solution and then polymerize to form a polymeric Si-O-Al-O framework which becomes the binder. Geopolymeric materials are attractive because of their excellent mechanical properties; durability and thermal stability can also be achieved. Owing to their low calcium content, they are more resistant to acid attack than materials based on Portland cement. In addition, they are of great interest because of the reduced energy requirement for their manufacture and the higher sustainability. Recently the search for alternative low cost and easily available materials led among others to Clay. Clay generally consists of a mixture of different clay minerals and associated minerals, which are strongly affected by the nature of the parent rocks. These materials are extensively distributed over the surface of the world and may show certain reactivity after a thermal activation process shows a great potential to be utilized in geopolymer technology. This article presents the potential of different types of clay as the source materials for geopolymerization reaction in terms of morphological properties. Moreover, the mechanical and microstructural properties of geopolymer made with various kinds of clay and its potential application are also presented


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    Pandangan konseptual mengenai bisnis yang selama ini terkooptasi oleh pakem “Barat” menyebabkan manusia cenderung memisahkan aspek moral dalam perilaku bisnisnya. Hal tersebut menimbulkan kesadaran akan pentingnya menggali nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam ekonomi Islam yang lahir dari kearifan lokal suatu masyarakat tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali nilai-nilai siri’ na pacce yang terikat dengan nilai etika Islam yang secara sadar atau tidak telah tertanam dalam perilaku bisnis masyarakat Bugis Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian library research dengan pendekatan content analysis dan paradigma interpretif yang menekankan pada makna sebuah simbol ataupun teks untuk menemukan integrasi falsafah siri’ na pacce dan etika bisnis Islam dalam membangun bisnis berbasis kearifan lokal. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu terjadi perjumpaan secara filosofis-konseptual antara kearifan lokal Bugis Makassar yang tercermin dalam falsafah siri’ na pacce terhadap etika bisnis Islam yang secara operasional terwujud kedalam beberapa hal: menghadirkan Tuhan dalam setiap aktivitas ekonomi, memiliki etos kerja sebagai dampak kesamaan hak dalam mencari penghidupan di bumi, berpegang pada konsep pacce, saling memanusiakan satu sama lain (sipakatau), selalu berkata benar (ada’ tonging) dalam setiap aktivitas ekonomi, dan senantiasa menjaga kejujuran (lempu’)

    Emerging patterns and problems of higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) mathematical problem-solving in the Form-three assessment (PT3)

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    Higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) mathematical problem-solving was first introduced in the Form-3 assessment (PT3) in 2014. However, to date, there have been no studies of students’ ability to solve the mathematical problems in this assessment. Therefore, this study investigated the emerging patterns and problems of HOTS mathematical problem-solving in the PT3. This investigation was a case study and classified under a qualitative research approach. Oral reporting (i.e. thinking aloud protocol) was used to obtain the data. The participants were 10 Form-3 students who were candidates for PT3 in 2015. They were students in a secondary school in a district in Johor Bahru. The results show that students who successfully solved the HOTS mathematical problems produced the same process starting with understanding, followed by phases of planning, implementation, and ending with the final answer. The students who failed to answer the HOTS mathematics questions produced a solution pattern starting with understanding followed by planning and implementation. Based on the patterns, this study also identified the problems that emerged in every step of the HOTS mathematical problems-solving processes and discusses how they could be overcome and improved.Keywords: Form-three assessment (PT3); higher-order thinking skills (HOTS); mathematical problem-solving; Model of Poly

    Design, Analysis and Fabrication of Chassis Frame for UTeM Formula VarsityTM Race Car

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    Two chassis frames of race car have been designed and developed according to the specifications of UTeM Formula VarsityTM 2012 (FV2012). FV2012 is an event to test students’ analytical and technical skills in designing, analyzing and fabricating a race car. In this section of report, the design and development of the chassis frame of the race car are presented. Commercial computer aided design (CAD) software is used in design and analysis stages. Once the results of the analysis are desirable, actual chassis frame fabrication is performed using available materials. Standard processes of cuttings, fittings and welding are performed in chassis frame mock up and fabrication. The product is later assembled together with suspension systems, steering linkages, brake systems, engine system, and drive shaft systems. The accomplishment in final fittings and assembly of the race car and its reliability demonstrate an excellent design for manufacturing (DFM) practices of the chassis frame

    Mentoring practise during practicum: The perspectives of Malaysian pre-service English language teachers

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    This study investigates the issues in mentoring practise based on pre-service English language teachers’ perspectives about their mentoring experience. This study involved 56 pre-service teachers who had completed their practicum. The study used a quantitative data collection method whereby a questionnaire survey was distributed to the research participants. The data from the questionnaire was then analysed by using SPSS to generate descriptive statistics for item analysis. The findings were discussed based on five mentoring factors which are personal attributes, system requirements, pedagogical knowledge, modelling, and feedback. The findings show that modelling and pedagogical knowledge received among the lowest mean scores indicating the moderate satisfactory level of mentoring experience received by the pre-service teachers. The data also shows considerable issues in mentoring quality in terms of pedagogical knowledge. Based on the findings, one of the most crucial issues to be addressed was equipping mentor teachers with the knowledge and skill of mentoring. The mentor teachers need to be given a course and guidance on the key aspects of mentoring. A mentoring manual must be given to the mentors in order to guide them in providing quality and structured mentoring.

    The effect of using ‘Microb’ mobile application in science learning in primary school

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    The study investigated the relationship between the overall scientific performance of the pre-test and post-test and the impact of the application of “Microb” on scientific performance. The theme is “microorganisms and their effects”. The sample group consisted of 30. Year 5 pupils’ from a primary school in Johor Bahru. They were selected for this quantitative study through purposeful sampling. Investigation, pre-test and post-test are used to collect research data.The results show that based on the four science constructs, year 5 pupils’ acceptance of the “Microb” mobile application is very high. According to the survey results, although there is no relationship between the two overall performance tests and no impact was found in the research, it was found that the “Microb”mobile application has a positive impact on the scientific performance of year5 pupils’, based on the construct of scientific process skills, understanding,application and knowledge. The results of this research will make an important contribution to the field of education and provide new options for choosing the“Microb” mobile application as an educational tool to strengthen science education.In general, the “Microb” mobile application in technology can be a good educational tool for scientific learning, but educators must organize lesson plans well and not deviate from the focus of learning